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Zack (Armed and Dangerous Book 1)

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by Cheyenne McCray

  Table of Contents

  Book Title




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Excerpt...Hidden Prey

  Excerpt…Branded For You

  Excerpt…Silk and Spurs

  Also by Cheyenne McCray

  Cheyenne writing as Jaymie Holland

  Cheyenne writing as R.S.Collins

  About Cheyenne


  Zack: Armed and Dangerous

  Copyright © 2015

  Zack: Armed and Dangerous by Cheyenne McCray

  All rights reserved. No part of this e-Book may be reproduced in whole or in part, scanned, photocopied, recorded, distributed in any printed or electronic form, or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without express written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  E-book conversion by Bella Media Management.

  Cover by Scott Carpenter from

  Published by Cheyenne McCray LLC.

  13-Digit ISBN: 978-1-939778-65-9


  Zack: Armed and Dangerous was published in print only with St. Martin’s Griffin. Zack has its foundations in a novel titled Wildfire that I wrote years ago for Ellora’s Cave. If you read that short novel, you will find this endeavor different. Much longer and richer with more action, adventure, and mystery.

  Zack takes place in Sulfur Springs Valley in Cochise County, where I grew up. My parents’ ranch is twenty-five miles from the Mexican border.

  Along the lines of change, much has changed within the government since I originally wrote Wildfire, referred to above. Under the Department of Homeland Security, agencies and departments have been reorganized and restructured. I hope I have accurately reflected some of those changes in this novel.

  May you enjoy Zack Hunter and Sky MacKenna. And as I’ve been told many times:

  You’ll never look at cheesecake the same way again.


  At this time, according to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Public Affairs, southern Arizona is the number one corridor for the smuggling of persons, and probably close to that for narcotics, especially marijuana.

  Within Arizona, the west desert—between Nogales and Yuma—would be the number one corridor, with Cochise County the next highest area. In 2006, more than seven hundred thousand pounds of marijuana were seized along the Arizona border.

  ICE will investigate any crime with a nexus to the border, to include the virtual border, as the day of more and more computer-based crimes is upon us. ICE has some of the broadest investigative jurisdiction and authority of any law enforcement agency.

  ICE investigations include traditional customs fraud (such as the over- or undervaluation of goods/merchandise), child pornography, cross-border money laundering, and more.

  Any violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) falls within ICE jurisdiction. This extends beyond human smuggling/trafficking to include persons who overstay visas, gangs, and any other criminal activity where there is an international nexus.

  According to ICE, the list is very extensive. The list would include cattle rustling, if there is a nexus to the border.

  Chapter 1

  While Skylar MacKenna inhaled the familiar smells of dust, livestock, and testosterone, she couldn’t help but enjoy watching the men work. The flex of muscle, lean bodies in tight Wrangler jeans, leather chaps, tanned forearms... it was enough to leave any woman panting.

  Skylar shifted in her saddle as she watched her ranch hands count the cattle they’d rounded up over the weekend. Empress, Skylar’s Quarter Horse, pawed at the ground beneath them as the sorrel mare tossed her head and whickered.

  The sight of the hard, muscled bodies should have moved Skylar, but... no man had since him.

  She didn’t want to think about him. But sometimes memories of Zack Hunter came to her hard, fast, and unbidden.

  The busy hum of deep male voices and bawling cattle filled the otherwise still air. Saddle leather creaked as Skylar leaned down and rubbed the side of Empress’s neck.

  Skylar frowned and straightened in her saddle. Damnit, why couldn’t she let those memories go? It was such ancient history.

  As she pushed up the brim of her straw Resistol western hat, Skylar’s gaze followed Luke Rider, her new foreman, as he rode his dun, the Quarter Horse’s powerful haunches bunching as she flowed smoothly between Luke’s thighs. Now there was one fine-looking male—a bad boy with luscious chestnut brown hair, wicked blue eyes, and a body that was made for sweaty sheets and long nights.

  In the past month since Skylar had hired him, Luke had definitely given her the impression that he was more than interested in breaking her no-dating-employees rule. And considering how gorgeous he was, even she called herself a fool for not taking him up on his unspoken invitation. But she just wasn’t interested. Besides, why complicate a perfectly good business relationship?

  And then there was Wade Larson, who owned Coyote Pass Ranch, the spread neighboring hers. For years the man had made it clear he wanted her. She’d dated him a few times recently, and Wade was a handsome man, but she never felt that sizzle with him like she’d had with Zack. So despite Wade’s continued persistence, she had broken it off and intended to keep it that way.

  Damnit. She was over that idiot, Zack Hunter. Ten years was too long to allow that man to come into her mind and trample all over her heart and soul.

  Sweat trickled between her breasts and she unfastened another snap on her western shirt, hoping a light wind would kick up and cool her skin. As she shifted again, the small Smith & Wesson in the holster on her waistband felt comforting. She was a crack shot—her father had taught her to shoot from the time she could hold a firearm.

  Arizona was a “right to carry” state and for years she’d had a concealed-weapon permit. She kept the S&W on her most of the time in case she ran across a rattlesnake—but also because it made her feel safer as a woman who lived alone in a valley on the Mexican border. The Flying M Ranch rested at the foot of the Chiricahua Mountains that were like a railroad for drug and illegal immigrant smuggling from Mexico into the United States.

  September sunshine heated her face, the sky an achingly clear blue. Not even a breeze stirred the mesquite bushes or tumbleweeds on her ranch.

  September. A strange sensation came over her as her thoughts turned unwillingly to another September—almost exactly ten years ago, when she’d met the dark and dangerous Zack Hunter. Skylar closed her eyes. Apparently there was no stopping it. Her hand automatically moved to her throa
t and she finally allowed herself to remember. Memories came to her, sharp and vivid. The sound of his deep voice calling her Sky, rather than Skylar like everyone else did. His sinful grin, his muscled chest and athletic build. And the feel of him sliding inside her— “Skylar?”

  She snapped her eyes open, a rush of heat flushing up her face to the brim of her hat as she looked into Luke’s intense blue gaze. Her foreman was sitting astride his dun, and his face was coated with dirt and sweat. It just made him look even sexier.

  With his forefinger he pushed up the brim of his Stetson, his handsome face creased into a frown. “You all right, boss?”

  Skylar pulled her shirt away from her chest, trying to cool off, and pretended not to notice how his gaze drifted to her cleavage. “Where do we stand with the count?”

  Luke’s jaw tightened and his features hardened. “We’re down over fifty head.”

  “Fifty?” Skylar clutched Empress’s reins, unable to believe what Luke had just said. “How the hell did they steal so many without us being on to them?”

  Luke’s gaze had a predatory gleam before he tugged his mare’s reins and turned back toward the corral. “I don’t know,” he said over his shoulder, “but I aim to find out.”

  Skylar looked off toward the mountain range two miles away at the foot of her property. What the hell was going on? It was like the mountain was opening up and swallowing her cattle whole.

  With a groan of frustration, Skylar guided Empress across the rangeland to the barn. For a moment Skylar considered going on one of her usual long rides to clear her head, but it was already getting late in the afternoon.

  The livelihood of her ranch depended on her livestock. She raised the best Angus in the valley and she was working to develop a profitable breeding program. Satan, her prized yearling who had a pedigree a mile long, was her hope for building a championship breeding program that would put the ranch far into the green.

  If her herd continued to diminish, her ranch would gradually be destroyed before she had a chance to make it as profitable as she was working toward. She wouldn’t have the cash to pay for more championship breeding stock. Eventually she wouldn’t have enough income to pay her ranch hands.

  No way was she going to let that happen. One way or another she would see to it the bastards were stopped—the bastards who were stealing her ranch’s future.


  It was a road he hadn’t traveled for almost ten years, Zack Hunter realized as his black government-issued Ford Explorer hit a pothole, jarring his teeth along with his memories.

  Sunshine glinted off the windshield, endless acres of grass and barbwire fence scrolling by as he guided the SUV down the dirt road to the MacKenna Ranch. One of the largest ranches in the county, the Flying M was over a half-hour drive from Douglas, a dingy town along the Mexico border in southeastern Arizona.

  September. It had been September when he’d first met Skylar MacKenna.

  Zack’s SUV shimmied along the dirt road, but he barely noticed as his thoughts turned to Sky—her smile that had held all the innocence of youth and all the promise of a woman.

  He had loved looking into her seductive eyes that were an unusual color of green, the same shade as her August birthstone. Her copper hair had felt so soft and silky every time he slipped his fingers through it—he loved when she left her hair down.

  How often had he circled the tantalizing mole above her left breast with his tongue? And God, those legs. He could almost feel her long legs clamped around his hips and hear her sensual cries as he buried himself inside her.

  Damn. He’d grown hard just thinking about her.

  Zack’s jaw tensed as he thought about the girl—the woman— he’d walked away from all those years ago, six months after they’d met. She’d been nineteen, starting her first year of college, and he’d been twenty-three, a deputy with the county sheriff’s department.

  Sky had been the only woman to see past his hard exterior to his very soul.

  He shifted his grip on the steering wheel, the scenery a blur as it passed by. How he’d wanted to cherish her, protect her from what evil there was in the world.

  His thoughts crowded him as he remembered Sky’s teary face the night he’d been arrested. Her promises when she’d come to visit him that everything would be all right.

  But her eyes had been filled with horror and he’d been certain that it was because of what he’d done.

  Even though charges had never been pressed and he’d been able to return to his job with the county sheriff’s office, Zack had thought he wasn’t good enough for her.

  Sky had been so young, so vibrant. But she was also a straight arrow, no toe over the line, not under any circumstances. A man who skirted the law, no matter what his reasons, well, that wouldn’t work for Sky.

  Still, she’d acted like he’d nearly crushed her heart, leaving her like he did.

  At the time he thought he’d done the right thing when he’d told her good-bye. That she’d been too young.

  And his demons too dark to slay.

  Zack squinted in the bright sunlight as he glanced through his windshield up at the cloudless blue expanse before returning his gaze to the dusty road. The case that had him heading to the ranch was almost an excuse to see Sky—almost.

  Ever since the day he’d left her, he’d never been able to get her out of his mind, and he wasn’t sure he ever could.

  He knew he never would.

  As he’d faced each and every one of his demons over the last ten years, he’d come to the realization that he wasn’t the same person he’d been then. The same young man who’d been so immersed in rage that he’d thought he’d never find his way out.

  Except with Sky. She had made him feel different. Happy for the first time in his life, and not like the angry person he’d been deep down inside.

  But one violent night had changed everything.

  Zack ground his teeth.

  One night. One night with a fucking bastard whom Zack had almost killed.

  Sky’s image filled his mind. What if she wasn’t at the ranch? What if she was married now, with a couple of rugrats and living off in a city in some other state?

  The mere thought of Sky with another man had Zack gripping the steering wheel so tight he was bound to snap it.

  When he had made the decision to transfer to Douglas to be closer to his ailing mother, he had hoped Sky would still be here. That they could pick up where they’d left off.

  Hell, more than hoped.

  He didn’t know if Sky was still around, but he intended to find out.

  Zack slowed the SUV as he crossed over a cattle guard that rattled and thrummed under the wheels of the Explorer. Herds of sleek Black Angus lined each side of the road, lifting their heads to watch him pass by and then returning to graze.

  Apparently the rains had been good this summer, as the grass was still green in patches and plentiful. He noted the well-kept barbwire fences, stock tanks, and windmill. Ray MacKenna always did keep his place in fine shape, and he certainly had the money to do it.

  Zack didn’t expect his gut to clench the way it did when he drove up to the sprawling ranch house. A vivid memory of Sky came to him. Of her running from the front porch to greet him, her smile brilliant, then throwing her arms around his neck and treating him to her soft lips. Her husky voice telling him she missed him, and her firm body pressed tight to his.

  With a groan, he brought the SUV to a halt in front of the MacKenna Ranch house, dust swirling around his vehicle in a beige cloud. He took in the changes of the last ten years. The oak trees and weeping willows were taller and the porch that ran the length of the house was practically overflowing with houseplants—a woman’s touch.

  His heart rate kicked up a beat. Could Sky still be here?

  Or had Ray gone and remarried? After Nina MacKenna’s death, everyone was sure Ray would never tie the knot again.

  Zack’s gaze passed beyond the house, extensive barn, corrals, and ranch
buildings to the tawny Chiricahua Mountains rising behind. The old tire swing still hung from the lower branch of the oak in front of the barn. He remembered pushing Sky in that tire, spinning it around, and claiming a kiss when he caught her to him.

  Zack climbed out of the Ford Explorer, crammed his black Stetson on his head, and slammed the door a little too hard. Shoving the memories to the back of his mind, he headed up the steps, then through the maze of plants on the porch. Wind chimes hanging from the porch’s beams made a haunting sound as the slightest hint of a breeze stirred. Almost ghostly.

  But the only ghosts around were the memories of Sky. He knocked. No answer. Ray must be off working on horseback or in his truck.

  Was Sky around?

  Zack was turning from the door when he heard a shriek.


  Hair prickled at the base of his neck.

  He automatically drew his 9mm P226 SIG Sauer from the holster on his hip. The scream had come from the barn. Zack made sure everything was clear and hurried to the barn, his boots making no sound as he crossed the hard-packed earth.

  Everything was quiet. Too quiet.

  Pausing beside the open barn door, he listened, his heart beating a rapid rhythm.

  “You sonofa—,” a woman said, and then came a thump and another cry.

  He rounded the doorway in a crouch, his weapon raised. Sky MacKenna was sprawled on the barn floor with her back against a hay bale, her blouse gaping open. She was glaring into a horse stall.

  Zack clenched his jaw. He’d kill the man who’d dared to shove her down like that.

  “Come out with your hands up,” Zack said in a deadly tone, his eyes focused on the stall. He remained crouched and prepared for the slightest movement. “Don’t make me wait.”

  He heard a click and glanced at Sky to see she had a handgun trained on him. The moment she saw his face she slowly lowered the small Smith & Wesson, a stunned expression on her features.

  Zack kept his SIG in his hands, the barrel still in position as he glanced from her to the stall.

  “Go ahead. Arrest the bastard.” Sky waved toward the stall with her free hand while she stuffed the handgun into the holster at her side. “Cuff him while you’re at it. Once you’ve frisked the sonofabitch, that is. I’ll get a kick out of seeing you try.”


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