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The Dragon and the Vampire

Page 13

by A. K. Michaels

  Her words rang in his ears, as if on a loop. “Just who do you think you are? Telling me what to do? No, buster, I don’t freaking think so! I’ve been on my own for so long and managed to stay outta their grasp, I’m not about to do something stupid now. But I’m telling you, right here, right now...I’m going with you on Monday!”

  She had turned away, stomping to the walk-in closet, grabbing her dress and other items for the evening, throwing them down on the bed then going for a shower. The distinct click of the lock engaging on the bathroom door had been like a slap to his face. For a split second he had thought of going over and ripping the entire door from its hinges, then realized that probably wouldn’t help the situation. Sighing, he made his way to the spare bedroom for his own shower.

  So now he stood, his hair still dripping wet, trying to figure out how to fix things. The thought of her anger being directed at him had a profound effect, he felt as if his heart was actually aching. It felt heavy in his chest as he sighed and closed his eyes. So deep in thought was he, that he actually jerked when Starr’s hand was placed on his bare back.

  “I’m sorry.” His voice came out barely more than a whisper.

  Starr’s lips kissed him gently on his back, before her arms snaked around to hold him. “Me too, I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to shout and I do understand that you’re scared for me, but, Ronan, you need to understand that I’ve been running from these fuckers for over ten years, on my own. If they’re going down, then I need to be there.”

  Ronan turned around within her arms, placing his own around her and pulling her even closer. He didn’t speak for a few moments, not wanting the argument to flare up again. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head, noticing her hair was dry and smelling of the shampoo she had used. He’d been so deep in thought; he hadn’t even heard the hairdryer. He took a deep breath in, her scent calming his ire.

  “I can understand that too, mo chroi, we’ll sort something out, maybe I’ll take a few extra elite guards with me, just to make sure you’re safe. Humor me, my mate, please just humor me.” Ronan tilted her chin up, staring into those violet pools of liquid, before kissing her gently on her lips.

  “Okay,” she murmured against his mouth and his body visibly relaxed, six elites–that could be construed as a few...couldn’t it?

  Starr pulled away slightly, her eyes soft as she looked into his. “We need to get ready, it’s nearly seven.”

  Ronan released her, following as she walked back to their bedroom, her clothes now lay on the bed neat and tidy. A smile appeared on his face as he saw the dark purple lingerie and stockings that were now lying atop the dress. His cock twitched at the thought of undressing his mate later that night. It was a struggle for him to regain control of his manhood as he moved to the closet to retrieve his own clothes.

  The walk-in closet was large and Ronan decided to stay and dress there, knowing if he saw Starr pull those silk stockings up her long legs he would probably lose control. He pulled a pair of dress trousers from their hanger, pulling them on over his very long legs and up over his thighs. The material fitted perfectly, as they should, most of his clothes were custom made to accommodate his size and didn’t come cheap. Ronan fingered a few of his shirts, trying to decide which one to wear, when one near the back caught his eye. He had got it a while ago and never actually worn it. The reason was simple; it had been a present from Sam and definitely not a color he would usually wear.

  Ronan thought tonight was the perfect time to wear it, as he pulled it from the hanger and slipped his arms into the sleeves. The material was soft against his skin, the color an almost exact match for Starr’s eyes. He shrugged it on and buttoned it up, leaving the top open. It required cufflinks so he picked out a pair and added the simple silver squares with a Claddagh engraved on them. Finally, he pulled out a pair of dress shoes, plain black lace ups that had cost him a fortune. He hated dress shoes like the plague so if he was going to be forced to wear them then they had to be comfortable. So once again they were hand made for him and fit his feet like a glove.

  Straightening up, he ran his hands down his shirt, making sure it was sitting right, ran his hands through his unruly hair, then walked out. His feet stalled at the entrance to the bedroom, Starr rearranging her hair as he caught his first glimpse of her. ‘Holy shit’, he thought. ‘How are we gonna make it out of the apartment?’ All he wanted was to undress her slowly and make love to her all night long.

  Starr took that moment to turn around, catching him staring at her, a cheeky smile on her face as she shook her head. “Uh uh, no touching. I’m just ready and organized and if you touch me, you know for damn sure we won’t make the party!”

  Ronan chuckled. “Okay, but goddamn you are looking so hot I’m not sure how long we’ll be at this party. I guess we better get going though, or Sam will be up here dragging us down.”

  Starr blushed at his compliment and his manhood once again twitched in response. They were just leaving and he couldn’t wait until they were back home. He thought tonight was going to be a long night.

  As she walked in front of him down the hallway, he was worried about how he was going to react at the party. Starr was absolutely stunning, sexy as hell, and his. He wasn’t usually a jealous type, but then again, he had never felt for a woman what he felt for Starr. He was pretty darn sure if another male placed their hands on her, he would rip them apart.

  Ronan took a few steadying breaths, trying to calm his already fast beating heart. This was a social situation, a bonding party and that usually meant that males knew not to get to close to the female involved. Vampires and Wolves were very uptight at the beginning of a mating. Territorial and possessive, everyone knew that and acted accordingly. He hoped everyone behaved tonight because tonight he was Starr’s mate, not their boss. If anyone was stupid enough to do anything he perceived as a threat, he knew the consequences would be dire.

  As they neared the elevator Starr stopped, turning towards him he noticed the look of uncertainty on her face. He closed the gap between them and hugged her close, whispering into her hair, “Hey, it’s gonna be fun, everyone will love you and they’re all excited to meet an actual Dragon shifter. You don’t have to worry, mo chroi, if at any time you want to leave just say so, I promise I’ll get you out of there as fast as I can. Okay?”

  Starr moved out of his embrace, a small smile playing on her lips. “Oh I know that, Fang, you just want to get me back here so you can take my stockings off. Which, by the way, aren’t nearly as uncomfortable as I thought they would be. Have to say, I’m finding these heels a little difficult to walk in though. Make sure I don’t trip over and make an ass of myself, will ya?”

  He hissed at the mention of the stockings, then laughed at her comment about her shoes. “I’ll make sure, don’t you worry ‘bout that, Puff.”

  The elevator doors opened and they got in, he pressed for the lower floor to take them to where the rec hall was. Sam had warned him to stay away until seven and he wondered what his friend had planned. He hoped it wasn’t too over the top, but knowing Sam as he did, he guessed it may just be.

  Starr’s hand found his and she held on tightly as the doors opened, he could hear her heart rate speeding up as they walked out into the hallway. The music was loud and got even louder as they neared the end of the hall. The doors wide open and voices, laughter and more than a few raucous comments were heard as they neared the entrance.

  Ronan moved Starr’s hand to his opposite one, holding it across his body, as his other arm wound around her waist, holding her tightly against him as they entered. A mere second after they took their first step inside everything went quiet. The music was turned down and everyone stopped to watch them, for most it was their first sight of Ronan’s mate and a Dragon shifter. He felt Starr falter but he continued on, taking her with him.

  The area had been transformed, balloons and banners all over the place, with a very large banner hanging above the small stage area where the DJ was
set up. ‘Congratulations Ronan and Starr’ was on the top line in huge letters with ‘Welcome to our Home, Starr’ underneath.

  Ronan’s throat formed a lump at the welcome sign and he knew Starr saw it too, her body shaking underneath his touch. The smiles on everyone’s faces were large, even if a few had inquisitive looks too. Then they started clapping, each and every person in the room, clapping and then whooping and yelling, as they moved further inside.

  Sam almost ran to them, stopping a couple of feet in front before turning around and waving his arms around in a ‘shooshing’ motion. It was a minute or two before there was any semblance of quiet in the large room, but finally there was enough so he could be heard.

  Sam turned back around to face them, though staying in place, for which Ronan was grateful for. Sam may be his best friend but even he wasn’t going to touch his mate this night. He saw his friend take in Starr’s face, just for a second, giving her a smile, before turning to him, wearing the biggest smile Ronan ever saw on Sam’s face.

  “Congratulations, my friend! Now folks, let’s get this party staaaaarted!” Sam yelled at the end and the noise level rose dramatically as the music started once more and people started to talk, dance, laugh and generally have fun.

  Sam moved to Ronan’s side, taking his arm and ushering him towards a corner of the room where there were two pretty large tables pushed together. “Jeez, you may need a bigger apartment!” was his comment as Ronan saw the presents piled high, covering both tables and spilling over onto the floor.

  “What’s this?” Starr asked quietly, staring wide eyed at all the wrapped packages.

  Sam’s Vampire ears caught her soft question, even with all the noise that was going on around them. “These, Starr, are your bonding presents. Looks like everyone and their granny went batshit crazy this time. This is the most presents I’ve seen at a bonding, ever!”

  Ronan felt the emotions rolling off of Starr, she was overcome with them. He hugged her closer still as he stared at the piles of presents. Sam was right, looked as if folks had gone nuts.

  Sam moved them away, taking them to a large table set up near the middle of the room, covered in a crisp white table cloth, as all of them were. “Here’s the top table, you can sit ‘n relax and the table will be between Starr and anyone who comes to say hi.”

  Ronan was grateful for Sam’s foresight, putting a barrier between his mate and any other males in the room. As soon as they moved behind the table and sat down a queue of people formed, everyone wanting to congratulate the couple and welcome Starr.

  Sam ran off, appearing back quickly, with drinks in his hands for them, both he and Starr finishing the first one almost immediately. Sam laughed heartily as he went to get them more drinks, this time bringing a bottle of wine for Starr and a bottle of the best bourbon for Ronan.

  As he placed them on the table, he quipped, “Here, this should keep you going for a bit,” before he turned, grabbed a woman and pulled her onto the make-shift dance floor in the middle of the room.

  They stayed there for over an hour, as everyone present came to say hello, congratulations, or welcome. Ronan felt proud of his people and the greeting that they showed to his mate and he felt Starr eventually relax. Finally, they were on their own, Starr turning in her seat to smile happily up at him.

  “So, you okay?” he asked, knowing how nervous she had been.

  She nodded as she answered, “Yup, I sure am, Fang. I am pretty amazed at how friendly everyone’s been and I guess the bottle of wine I’ve just drank has helped too. So, wanna dance?”

  Ronan pushed his chair back quickly, not because he particularly wanted to dance, but he definitely wanted Starr in his arms. As they were surrounded by a horde of people, this was the next best thing. She took his offered hand and he helped her up, his arm hooking around her as they moved onto the middle of the floor.

  As if on cue the music slowed, as Ronan took his mate into his arms for their very first dance. Starr moved into his body, her arms around his neck, as they swayed to the love song being played over the speakers. A huge cheer went up as everyone watched, clapped, shouted, at the newly bonded couple.

  Starr’s head moved around as she took everything in, her eyes filling with tears. Ronan moved a hand, gently cupping the back of her head and turning her face towards his. He lowered his mouth and gently kissed her to even louder cheers from the crowd.

  Ronan dragged his lips from hers. “Why are you crying, grá mo chroí?”

  Starr gave him a lopsided grin. “‘Cause I’m happy, Fang. I’m happy.”

  He pressed his lips against hers again, as they continued to dance, oblivious to everything and everyone around them. Even after the music changed, as people danced with abandon around them, they carried on, swaying and kissing for a very long time.

  Ronan felt a tap on his shoulder and almost growled at the interruption, pulling his lips from Starr’s and turning his head slightly, to see Sam standing with a huge grin.

  “Think you two lovebirds should go on home.”

  Ronan half laughed, before bending to pick up Starr in his arms. She squealed as he turned and carried her from the room, cheers, clapping, and some very rude comments following their departure.

  At the elevator Starr squirmed and giggled. “Put me down.”

  “Nope, I’m carrying you to our bed, so just relax, Puff. Oh, and by the way, you’re not getting out of the bedroom until Monday morning!”

  Ronan laughed loudly at the shocked look on her face as the elevator doors opened and he carried her inside. “We’re spending the time from now ‘til then making love, having sex, fucking, whatever you want to call it, but that’s what we’re gonna be doing. Hope you’re up for it, Puff?”

  Starr snuggled closer, her lips finding the skin on his neck and placing small nibbles there before answering. “Oh I’m up for it. Now, Fang, think ya can keep up?”

  Ronan’s laughter echoed in the elevator as they continued up to their home.

  Chapter 14

  Ronan lay perfectly still, not wishing to disturb Starr, who was sound asleep in his arms. Sleep eluded him, this last night before they were rejoining the real world, no longer able to keep themselves locked up in their home. His fingertips gently caressed her arm as she snuggled on her side into his body. Skin on skin the entire length of them, as they always were in bed.

  His mind just wouldn’t close down, his thoughts jumbling around like no other time he could remember. Ronan was always a ‘take charge’ person, especially now in his role as Director of the SEB. The thought that he could be potentially allowing his mate to venture into danger didn’t sit right with him. His need to keep his mate safe burning through him like an inferno.

  He regretted saying he would allow her to accompany him on the hunt for the powerful Vampire and the Witch that the Vamp worked for. However, Ronan had told her he would let her go, or rather she hadn’t given him a choice, so now he lay worrying about ensuring her safety. How could she not just understand that it was his job to keep his love safe?

  A sigh escaped him as he tried to stay calm, he had to stay calm to carry out this mission to the best of his ability. The better he did his job, the safer she would be. Ronan ran through everyone who was joining them, Sam, of course, would be at his side, then there was Serge, who was one of the best trackers he knew together with Drake, who would also join them. Ronan’s thoughts turned to the elite guards, the very best that they had, his first choice to guard Starr was one scary mother called Creed.

  Creed was of unknown origin, his skin dark, his hair jet black, well that’s when he had any, mostly his head was shaved bare. He was only three inches smaller than Ronan and was one of the strongest, fastest, most lethal Vampires he had ever come across. Creed had a tattoo covering half his face but with his dark skin it was almost impossible to make out. His eyes were the most strange azure blue–bright, clear and as cold as ice. He had never told anyone where he came from, how he was turned, only showing u
p over fifty years ago asking to join the bureau.

  Although Ronan understood the need for privacy, it rankled him somewhat that he didn’t have a full history on this man. He was deadly, dangerous and Ronan would’ve felt far more comfortable knowing a little bit more about his background. The only thing that mattered right now was that Creed was on their side and he and his team were the ones Ronan was entrusting with Starr’s safety.

  Ronan knew that Creed wouldn’t be happy when he phoned him in a few hours, telling him he needed to pick two further elites to join him and his team of three. He was going to make damn sure there were enough elites around his mate to ensure her safety and he had already decided that six was the magical number. Creed had his own team but he would just have to shut the hell up and pick two more to join him and his men.

  Ronan’s checked the time, still a few hours until they had to get up, closing his eyes he tried his damnedest to get to sleep. He needed to get some rest before the day’s hunting began.

  Starr’s lips on his cheek woke him from his restless slumber, his body stiff with lying in the same position for so long. He opened his eyes and there she was, right next to him, placing small kisses along his jaw. “Morning, mo chroí, hope you slept well.”

  Starr placed a small kiss on his lips before jumping up and out of bed. “I did, but I’m pretty sure you didn’t and we’ve gotta haul ass, you’ve slept in, Fang!”

  Ronan sat up, checked the clock and jumped out of bed. “Damnú air!” he cursed as he ran for the shower.

  There was no time for any playing around as both of them rushed to get ready. Ronan in his combat gear while Starr pulled on a pair of new black jeans, t-shirt, leather jacket, boots and then finished it off with pulling her leather cuffs and choker out and fastening them on. Ronan winced as he saw her donning them. Starr looked up and only inclined her head as if to say ‘what?’ before she walked to the bedroom door.

  “Come on, hopefully I can grab a coffee or something before we have to leave.”


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