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The Dragon and the Vampire

Page 15

by A. K. Michaels

  Serge let out a short, sharp, high-pitched whistle, which was duplicated by Drake and Nikos. Ronan nodded before continuing, “Now, Sam, you go with Nikos and take one of Creed’s guards with you. Creed, pick two more to go with Drake, the rest of us are going with Serge and that includes you, Jake.” Ronan pointed to the tall, thin Witch, standing to the side. “Team up guys and let’s get going.”

  Creed pointed to one man, then Nikos, then two more and then towards Drake, not a word spoken as the men formed up. The Wolves led as the three groups took off in different directions. Starr keeping pace at Ronan’s side, hard concentration on her face.

  “Stay close,” he whispered and she nodded, a slight frown on her face. She was obviously still not used to others looking out for her.

  They kept a steady pace for about fifteen minutes cross country, then into a large body of trees. Their pace slowing to ensure nobody’s feet got tangled in the broken branches and tree roots littering the ground. Starr was the most sure-footed out of all of them, even Creed, who stayed very close to her back. Jake tripped a couple of times and it was only the strong hold of one of the elite guards that stopped him tumbling to the ground. He was also the only one who seemed out of breath and twice Serge turned, pressing a finger to his lips in a shushing motion. About ten minutes later Serge put his arm up, fist closed, and they all came to a stop.

  Serge’s head swirled around, his voice barely a whisper. “Quiet from now folks. If you come here, you can see the building just through the trees. It looks like an abandoned warehouse of some sort but I can still scent the Vamp and dark magic.”

  Everyone moved forward silently, except Jake who nearly fell, tripping over a tree root, once again being saved by the strong arm of one of Creed’s men. The area just outside the treeline had an old building that was pretty large, but seemed to be only just staying upright. The roof sagged so badly that most of them wondered how it hadn’t already caved in. There were only a few windows, all of which were broken. A large double doorway was next to what had been a rolling door, that too was broken, hanging off to the side precariously, a hard push would probably bring it crashing down.

  Starr stood at Ronan’s side, her body taut and her face a mask of concentration. He could almost taste the tension rolling off her as she watched with keen eyes. He placed a hand gently on her shoulder and she jerked in surprise, turning to give him a questioning look. He guessed she wasn’t going to like what he said next.

  “Starr, I would really appreciate if you stayed back...” He was right, she interrupted him almost immediately.

  “Don’t start this again! I’ve run from these freaks for years and I’m not gonna stand back while you take them down. Listen, okay, I get it, you’re worried, so I’ll stay near the back but I’m not staying here in the trees. When you all move, so do I.” Starr’s face was just as hard as her voice, her violet eyes sparking in the sunlight, as if they were going to burst into flames.

  Ronan sighed, turning to Creed who only nodded his head. Creed understood his mission brief–keep Starr safe at all costs. Ronan was spared any further argument as Serge butted in and as he turned to look at him, he saw he was getting naked, Starr’s eyes going wide as more and more of the Wolf’s body came into view.

  Serge was in the process of getting his combat boots off, standing up to unbuckle his pants. “I’m saving you some money, boss, going Wolf now so it’ll save the clothes. Drake and Nikos will do the same, as soon as I give them the sign they’ll change and move in.”

  Ronan heard the sharp intake of breath from Starr, as Serge removed his remaining clothes, standing naked with absolutely no hint of self-consciousness. It was common place for them, Wolves either undressed or ripped their clothes for a transformation, but it was obvious Starr was a little shocked. He turned and caught sight of her face before she turned around so that her back was facing them, he saw the blush on her cheeks; however, he was sure her breathing had picked up a little too.

  Ronan’s head snapped around as Serge let out a sharp, short, whistle. The Wolf didn’t wait on the responses from the other two before he started his transformation. The familiar sounds of bones crunching, breaking, rearranging themselves sounded loud in his ears as Serge continued changing in front of them. Starr moved closer, now watching intently as fur covered the almost changed figure in front of them.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered, her eyes wide and fascination clear on her face.

  “What?” Ronan asked, surely she had seen a Wolf change before?

  “Doesn’t that hurt? Jeez, it looks as if it hurts.” Starr didn’t seem able to drag her eyes from Serge as he continued to alter before them.

  Ronan leaned down so his mouth was at her ear, whispering softly, “According to some, they say just the first few times, others say hundreds and still more say there is always an element of pain. I guess it’s different for each Wolf. Serge is pretty old though, so I’m sure it can’t be that bad, after all, he changes whenever he gets the chance and usually costs me a new set of combat gear in the process.”

  Starr was nodding as she watched the last few seconds of Serge’s change, her mouth open in a small ‘o’ as his very large Wolf now stood before them. “He’s magnificent,” she whispered and the Wolf took a step towards them, nudging her with his massive snout.

  Starr’s hand stroked the fur just behind the ears and was rewarded with the beast quivering beneath her touch. She stared into its eyes, Ronan knew she would see both a wild animal and intelligence gazing back at her. Creed’s voice interrupted the moment and Starr turned quickly. It was the first time the imposing Vampire had spoken in her presence.

  Creed’s voice was a barely restrained whisper, his eyes boring into Ronan’s. “Can we break up the Wolf appreciation society and get this show on the road?”

  Ronan nodded his head, shaking his body loose from any tension, as they prepared to go into a situation that, more than likely, would have him in a fight situation. He felt the fittest and strongest he had in a long time. In fact, he was feeling the best he ever had, different in some way. He processed that in less than a second, realizing he felt better ever since the bonding. Must be having a mate that was the culprit. He almost chuckled, only managing to stop himself at the last moment as he put in place an inscrutable look on his features...his game face.

  He turned to Jake, the young Witch standing a ways back. “I think you should get in touch with Esther and tell her we’ve found where they’re hiding out. You might need some help if their Witch is around.”

  Jake’s body language spoke volumes. He was scared, his voice betraying that fear. “I’ll do it now, if you want to wait?”

  Ronan heard the deep sigh coming from Creed and threw him a warning glare, before replying to the young man, “No, we need to go, the other teams will have heard Serge’s whistle and already be moving in. You stay here, do what ya gotta do, then join us.”

  Jake stood up a little taller, as if fighting his fear back. “Okay, I’ll only be a minute or two.”

  Ronan gave him a nod before turning around. “Okay, let’s go.”

  Serge took off first, his massive beast loping quickly over the ground towards the building. Ronan overtook him in seconds, using his speed to reach the double doors next to the broken rolling ones. His stride didn’t falter as he crashed through the wood, demolishing them as he flew onwards, the massive Wolf hot on his heels.


  Starr took off after Ronan, trying to catch up to him as he sped away from her. She was fast and sure-footed and knew she would catch him well before he entered the building. That’s what she thought, but that’s not what happened.

  Just as her speed picked up a hand locked onto her shoulder in a vice like grip. The strength in that one hand was enough to pull her to a full stop. She spun around, fury in her eyes, her mouth open and ready to give the owner of the offending hand a piece of her mind...mostly swear words. However, she came face to face with Creed and his men flanked him
, their eyes cold, hard and with absolutely no feeling in them whatsoever.

  Creed held her firmly as she struggled to get free, his face completely indecipherable. She wasn’t sure of his intentions and she almost changed there and then. One of his eyebrows raised and she wondered what was running through that head of his.

  The imposing Vampire whispered down at her, “My mission brief is not the same as Ronan or Serge’s, my only order is to keep you all costs. So, Dragon, you stay here, with my men and me here, I know nothing or no-one can get to you.”

  Starr was flabbergasted, this hadn’t been the plan, no way. She had agreed to ‘stay back’ not ‘stay out’! She almost growled up into that dark face. “No, let me go Vampire, now.”

  Creed’s look barely changed, apart from an imperceptible movement in his jaw. “No, you stay here. I apologize if I didn’t make myself don’t have a say in the matter.”

  Starr tried to shake off his hand but it was useless. She was strong but he was stronger, much stronger. The noises now erupting from the building had her heart rate rocketing. To her sensitive ears there were several fights going on, growls, snarls, she was sure she even heard the sound of teeth ripping through flesh.

  Above it all she heard her mate, shouting to God knew who, to give up and they would be treated fairly. His voice rising and then being cut off. Her heart literally stopped as her mind raced trying to figure out why his words had stopped. Her eyes flashed to Creed’s who only stood, immobile, holding her in place.

  Starr did the only thing open to her, “Move or be destroyed,” she spat out, a second before she transformed, her Dragon taking over the area, knocking Creed and his men flying backwards. She was elated to see the shock on the faces of the Vampires as they gained their footing and back-pedaled quickly to avoid the razor sharp claws on her feet.


  Jake watched as everyone took off, apart from Starr, Creed and his men. He knew that Creed was supposed to keep Starr safe and he guessed the dangerous Vampire would carry out his duties to the letter as he saw him clamp a hand onto Starr’s shoulder.

  As Jake started the spell that would put him in direct contact with Esther his attention wavered and completely lost track as Creed and his men were thrown through the air as Starr disappeared before his very eyes. In her place was the biggest beast he had ever laid eyes on. A Dragon now taking up space for just a second before it turned around, knocking the Vampires out of the way again with its vicious looking spiked tail.

  He stared at it open mouthed as it gained height, the downdraft from its wings blowing dust and leaves all over the place. As it gained height, he realized he hadn’t completed his spell. Jake took a step back, staying hidden in the trees as he started it once more. This time he managed to complete it without any more earth shattering interruptions.

  Esther’s voice was clear in his head. “Yes, Jake, what is it?”

  Jake focused more fully on what he was doing, desperate not to lose the connection. “We need you here, Esther. Can you come now?”

  Esther’s voice sounded loud in his ears as she said. “Yes, Jake.”

  He waited, in case she gave him any further instructions and it was a moment later he felt a soft hand on his arm. Jerking in fear his eyes flew open to find the powerful Witch standing in front of him.

  She gave him a small smile. “I think we’ll wait here in case we’re needed. I don’t want either of us getting caught up in the fisticuffs going on inside.”

  Jake nodded his head, not saying a word as Esther moved slowly towards the building. He noticed there was no sign of Creed or his men and he was alone. He fought down his fear and took a few steps out towards the building where he could clearly hear the sounds of battles inside. Although he was a little apprehensive he stood his ground and waited to see what would happen.


  As Starr’s Dragon materialised, she turned quickly, far quicker than anything of her size should be able to, swishing her tail behind her and knocking the Vampires off their feet...again. Creed’s cursing could be clearly heard, as she beat her wings and took off into the sky, circling the building and trying to figure out how to help.

  Her Dragon was far too large to gain entrance, so she landed near the obliterated doorway and changed. She was in the building and on her way to her mate before Creed or his men could even get close.

  Her speed kept her ahead of the elite squad as she moved with a lithe grace, heading towards her mate’s scent. It was in that split second that she realized she could tell his scent apart from all the others that assaulted her senses. Her Dragon imprinting him inside her so strongly that she could easily find her way to her mate.

  As she ran, she saw several fights going on, seeing Serge’s large Wolf leaping high and crashing into a Vamp that was running away. As the large beast made contact the two bodies crashed through a wall, plasterboard and rubble raining down on them. She didn’t even hesitate for a moment to see the outcome, only rushing onwards as her heart rate sped up with worry for Ronan.

  She accelerated her speed, flying past the numerous battles going on around her. She flew through a broken doorway and into a large, open area, just inside the precariously leaning roller door. Her eyes finding Ronan as he fought viciously with three Vampires. Her nose twitched as the unmistakable odor of fresh blood hit her, seeing all four in front of her had wounds of varying degrees.

  Ronan had his back to her as she moved forward and into the fight. Starr’s years of running and taking care of herself came to the fore as she ran, going straight for a Vamp on her mate’s right. The force of her body running at such speed as it contacted with the Vamp had them both tumbling to the ground. She was up and using her throwing knives before the Vamp even had time to shake his head.

  Her aim was true, the first knife embedding in his left eye, right up to the hilt. The roar of pain that erupted from him caused a large smile to appear on her face as she used another knife. Once again it hit its mark, his right eyeball now surrounding the blade. His hands flew to his face, pulling the offending weapons free, before he started to crawl away...blind. Starr leaped forward, a roundhouse kick connecting solidly with his face. The Vamp fell forward unconscious as she whirled around, looking for the next threat.

  Ronan was fighting ferociously with one of the Vampires and she was pretty sure it was the one that had attacked them the previous week. Her eyes looked for the third Vamp, seeing him trying to get in back of Ronan. She screamed loudly in warning at the same time as her feet moved. She was there at Ronan’s back in a split-second, barring the man’s access to her mate.

  Her mouth drew back in a totally feral snarl as her eyes locked with the Vamp’s. She found two more of the throwing knives and prepared to launch them when she was knocked flying by Ronan’s large body. Starr landed on the ground with a loud ‘oomph’, the rogue Vampire seized his chance and pounced on her back.

  His arm snaked around her throat, pulling back roughly, cutting off her air as his head lowered. A moment of panic hit at the thought of this awful being feeding from her, weakening her at best, killing her at worst. As his foul breath reeked against her cheek she brought her arm up, plunging a blade into his neck with such force that it didn’t stop until her fist met his skin.

  Starr took a long, deep, breath as the tight hold on her windpipe relinquished. She pushed with her knees and arms, thrusting her head backwards and was rewarded by the sound of bones breaking. As she garnered her strength to try and dislodge the Vamp from her back, she heard running footsteps, several pairs. Her heart sank at the thought of taking on even more of these bloodsuckers, when suddenly the weight on her was gone.

  Her head swiveled quickly, and she glimpsed the Vamp that had her pinned down, flying through the air to land in a broken heap many feet away. A hand appeared in front of her and she looked up to see Creed standing with a scowl on his face. She took his offer of help and he hauled her up quickly.

  “Ronan!” she screa
med as she turned to find her mate.

  He was still in a fight with the powerful Vampire, although he now seemed to have the upper hand, pummeling the face into a bloody pulp. She ran towards him, only getting one foot in front of the other, before being brought up short, as Creed grabbed hold of her. He pulled her back and into his rock hard body, one arm now around her waist as she struggled to get free.

  His breath touched her ear as he hissed against it, “You are not getting away from me again Dragon, so just settle down.”

  Starr swung her eyes to look into his, the pools of darkness watching her intently. “Help him!” her voice was loud and commanding as she continued to stare into his face.

  Creed raised an eyebrow before answering, “Don’t think he needs it.”

  Starr swung her head around, just in time to see Ronan landing a punch with such force, to the other’s face, that it picked him up and propelled him through the air, blood pouring from every part of his features.

  Chapter 16

  Ronan had never felt anger like this in his entire life, not in his more than four centuries walking this earth, had he felt complete and total wrath. His body had reacted the instant Starr entered the loading bay area, where he had chased the powerful Vampire that had attacked them previously. Using his speed and size to hunt him down, getting closer and closer until they ended up in a down ‘n dirty scrap...him against that Vamp and two of his underlings.

  His skin prickled as Starr drew closer, his senses alerting him to the fact that she was in the building. The fear he felt at that moment almost crippled him in its intensity. Then his anger erupted, directed solely at Creed for allowing her to put herself in danger. As the fight continued, with all of them having injuries to one extent or another, he prayed that Creed would be able to get his mate out of here.

  Ronan and his team had known as soon as they entered the building that they had misjudged things badly. Expecting one team of hunters to be in the ramshackle, derelict, structure; that team usually consisted of two or three Vampires and a dark magic wielding Witch. What they found was a veritable nest of Vamps, at least a dozen scattered in various rooms.


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