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Romancing the Guardians Series: Part One (Romancing the Guardians Box Set Book 1)

Page 8

by Lyn Horner

Turning her head, she encountered his laughing gaze and couldn’t stifle a giggle. “She certainly did.”

  Two hours later, the Garda had come and gone, hauling away the “feckin’ swine” in handcuffs. Before their arrival, the man had resisted Conn’s rough questioning. Lara doubted the police would have any better luck when they got him back to their station. He’d blustered that they didn’t scare him, his Cajun accent reminding her painfully of home. When he said he would rather rot in jail than be a dead man, she’d realized he was scared of the one who’d sent him and the other Hellhound after her. Who that shadowy figure might be, Lara had given up trying to guess.

  After telling Una to let the mess sit until morning and get some sleep, she wanted only to take her own advice, but when she wheeled into the study, intending to continue into the adjoining bedroom, Conn followed her. Closing and locking the study door behind him, he leaned against it, arms crossed, as she pivoted to face him.

  He leveled a hard glare at her. “The family heirloom those men were after must be all-fired important. First, they kill your uncle and nearly kill you in a staged accident. Then they kidnap your sister and come hunting you with guns. What are they really so determined to get their hands on, Lara?”

  She refused to flinch before his fierce gaze. “Conn, I told you it’s something I’ve been entrusted to guard, with my life if necessary.” Her statement was met with tense silence. Then he crossed the small space between them in two long strides, making her catch her breath.

  Leaning down, he gripped the arms of her chair and brought his face so close to hers that she jerked her head back in reaction. “You still don’t trust me with your precious secret. Even after I risked my neck to save you from those bastards?” he demanded, voice rough with anger.

  “No! I do trust you, Conn,” she insisted, “but the … object has been in my family’s keeping for many, many years, centuries in fact. I swore to my uncle I would never reveal its existence to anyone when he appointed me to guard it.” She bent her head. “I’ve already told you too much. Would you have me break my vow completely?”

  He expelled a heavy sigh, straightened and began to pace back and forth across the room, lips compressed in a frown as he rubbed his neck and stared at the faded oriental rug covering the floor. She gnawed her bottom lip, watching him and thinking. She couldn’t tell him about the scroll, but perhaps she could ask him to help her find the other Guardians.

  “There’s something I want to show you,” she said, mind made up. “Will you wait here while I get it? Please.”

  He raised his eyebrows, shrugged and crossed his arms. “All right.”

  With a nod, she pushed herself into the bedroom, closed the door and maneuvered to her hiding place. Pushing the loose board aside, she withdrew the code book she’d stuffed into the opening with the scroll. After securing the board in place, she rejoined Conn in the study, wheeled over to him and held up the small leather-bound book.

  “Take a look at this and see if you can make any sense of it.”

  Thankfully, his anger had dissipated. Giving her a quizzical look, he brushed her palm with his fingertips as she handed over the code book, setting her whole arm atingle. She drew in her breath sharply. His slow, knowing grin made her cheeks catch fire.

  “I like touching you, Lara,” he said. “Don’t be embarrassed because you like it too.”

  She smiled, conceding he was right. She had no cause for embarrassment. He was the first man to make her feel feminine and desirable since the accident. Why shouldn’t she enjoy his attentions?

  Focusing on the book, he examined the front and back carefully, his large hands making it appear even smaller. Then he opened the cover and lifted out the note from Gordon Jacobs. She’d forgotten it was there.

  “That’s from Uncle Malcolm’s attorney. He sent me the book.”

  “Mind if I read it?”

  “No. Go ahead.”

  He perused the short message, handed it to her and slowly turned the pages of the book, brow furrowed in concentration. She waited for him to comment, growing impatient with his silence.

  “It’s some kind of code, isn’t it?”

  “Looks like.”

  “Can you decipher it? I thought perhaps you learned how in the Army.”

  He shook his head, still studying the pages. “No. I’m not a code breaker.”

  Lara sagged in her chair, weighted down with defeat. It was hopeless; she’d never find the other Guardians.

  “But I know someone who was.”

  She straightened instantly, heart doing jumping jacks. “You do? Who is he? Where is he?”

  “His name is Dev Medina. We served together in Afghanistan and got to be friends. He’s a member of my crew now, or he was.” Frowning, Conn tapped the book against his thigh and avoided her eyes. “He got hurt on our last job and was sent home to recuperate. I expect he’s still there.”

  “Where’s home?” she asked, hearing sadness and something else, possibly regret, in his subdued tone.

  “He lives in Houston, same as me.” His gray eyes snapped to hers and he held up the little book. “Is this what the Hellhounds are after?”

  “No, I don’t think they know about it. At least I hope they don’t. If you counted, you know there are only six pages of letters in the book. I believe each page holds the location of a person I must find if I’m to … to carry out my uncle’s wishes.”

  “Why didn’t he just tell you where they are?”

  She’d expected this question and decided to reveal as much as she dared. “Each of those six people guards an object similar to the one in my keeping. The Hellhounds aren’t the first who’ve tried to steal our inheritance. Over the years there have been many attempts, forcing the group to disperse and hide their whereabouts from each other, except from their leader, who was my uncle.”

  “Now you’re the leader?”

  Nodding, she asked, “Do you think your friend would decode the pages for me? And can he be trusted to keep it confidential?”

  “Dev handled sensitive information in the Special Forces. He knows how to keep his mouth shut.”

  “Good. Will you take me to him so I can ask for his help?”

  Conn crossed his arms, still gripping the book, and strolled over to the table she used as a desk, leaving her in suspense while he considered her request. Finally, he turned to face her, cocking one hip on the table. “I don’t know whether Dev would agree to do it or not. He might not even talk to you if you’re with me.”

  Lara shook her head in confusion. “I don’t understand. You said you’re friends.”

  “We were, but he doesn’t consider me a friend anymore.” Rubbing his eyes with his thumb and index finger, he explained, “He blames me for the accident that laid him up, figures it wouldn’t have happened if I’d let him try to cap the fire when he wanted to.”

  “Is he right?”

  “Hell no! The damn fool would’ve gotten himself killed.” Jaw bunched in anger again, Conn glared at her for a moment then heaved a tired sigh. “Sorry. I’ve got no call to snarl at you.” Straightening from the desk, he crossed to her and handed back the book. “I need to grab a couple hours sleep. So should you. I’ll wake you at first light and we’ll get ready to leave.”

  Lara’s pulse leapt with hope. “You mean you’ll take me to him, to Mr. Medina?”

  “You’re no longer safe here, are you.” It wasn’t a question. “You persuaded me to be your bodyguard; maybe you can persuade Dev to decode the book. If he refuses, we can’t go to my place, but Houston’s a big city. We’ll find somewhere to lie low while we figure out what to do.”

  “Why can’t we go to your place?”

  Frowning, he said, “When the thugs searched my things, they took a letter with my name and address on it.”

  “Oh, no! They’ll come after you, Conn. I’m so sorry for dragging you into this.” Overcome by guilt, Lara buried her face in her hands.

  “Hey, you didn’t drag me into it
.” Coming to crouch before her, he gently eased her hands down, making her look at him. “I’m here with you because I want to be, and I’m not worried about the Hounds knowing my identity. All I care about is protecting you. Got that?”

  She nodded, giving him a wobbly smile.

  “Okay.” Rising, he caught her chin, tilted her face up and bent to kiss her. She parted her lips in welcome and for a brief moment forgot everything but him. All too soon, he drew away. “Now get some shuteye, darlin’. That’s an order.”


  Conn woke Lara shortly after daybreak as he’d promised, hating to disturb her. She’d been deeply asleep, exhausted from their long day and even longer night, but they had to get a move on. He wanted to be long gone before more unwelcome visitors showed up. Telling her to dress quickly, he next tapped on Una’s door, figuring Lara would need her help. Besides, he wasn’t about to go off and leave the old girl here by herself.

  After her fright yesterday, Una gave him no argument. At his urging, she called her son, Riley, who didn’t live far away, and told him to come get her and the rental car. He’d have to hike over but promised to make it within an hour. Meanwhile, Una insisted on rustling up a hasty breakfast, saying they had to eat before starting their journey. Conn gave her credit for not asking where they planned to go. What she didn’t know couldn’t hurt them, or her, he hoped.

  There was a difficult moment as they finished eating, when Penquin the cat yowled outside the back door. Lara gasped at the sound.

  “Oh! I’d forgotten about him. How could I?” she said in a distraught tone as Conn rose to let in the cat, who made a beeline for his food dish.

  “The poor dear was terrified o’ those two maggots yesterday,” Una said. “I let him out when they started bollixin’ up the house.”

  Lara turned to Conn. “I have to find him a home before we leave. I can’t go until I do.”

  Scowling, he laid his fork on his empty plate. “Lara, we have to go. Today. You can’t wait around for more trouble, all for the sake of a cat. I won’t let you.”

  She stiffened and glared at him. “Is that so? We’ll just see about –”

  “Don’t be gettin’ in a kerfluffle,” Una said, pushing back her chair and gathering up their dirty plates. “I’ll take the wee beggar with me to Riley’s.”

  Conn could have kissed her. Breathing a sigh of relief, he gave her a broad smile. “Thank you, Ms.Una. You saved the day.”

  “Are you sure, Una?” Lara asked. “Will Riley allow him in?”

  “Och, he won’t mind. He likes animals or he wouldn’t ha’ taken over the farm when his da passed on. Not to mention the place is still mine under the law until I turn up me heels, so I’ll be doin’ as I please.” She nodded firmly and carried the dishes to the sink.

  With Penguin’s future settled, they set about preparing to leave. By the time Riley arrived, out of breath from his hurried walk, Lara had packed a few clothes, personal items and her small notebook computer in a backpack. When she handed Conn the bag to stow in one of the Harley’s storage compartments, he found it unusually heavy and guessed she must have secreted her precious family heirloom among her belongings.

  For himself, he stuffed one change of clothes and his shaver in the small duffle bag he’d used for his trip to Ireland. His Glock was strapped to his ankle for now, but he’d have to pack it with his clothes later and check the duffle bag at the airport. With Riley’s assistance, he bundled the rest of his and Lara’s things into the back of her rented blue Toyota.

  “I’ll see it all go to those in need,” Una promised, “and Riley will return the auto to the agency in Killarney. Won’t ye, son.”

  “’Twill be my pleasure.” The fair-haired young man nodded with a gleam in his eyes.

  “Please drive carefully, Riley,” Lara admonished. “I wouldn’t want you or the car to be harmed.”

  “Not to worry, mum. I’ll deliver the blue beauty without a scratch on her, or on meself.” He grinned roguishly.

  Looking skeptical and refusing to let the matter drop, she asked, “But how will you get home? It’s a long walk.”

  “Simple, I’ll ask one o’ me mates to follow me into town and give me a lift back. Don’t be worryin’ your head about me.”

  “All right then. Thank you, Riley,” she said, finally satisfied. Giving him a quick buss on his cheek, she turned to his mother and pressed an envelope into her hand. “Give this to Mr. McCracken with my sincere apologies for the damage to his property. I hope it’s enough.”

  Una peeked into the envelope. “More than enough, I should think.”

  “And this is to thank you for taking such good care of me.”

  Waving away the second envelope, Una shook her head. “Nay, nay, ye’ve paid me well. I can’t take anything more.”

  “I couldn’t have lived here without you, Una. Beside, you’ll need it to feed Penquin. Take it, I insist.” When the older woman still hesitated, Lara added, “Please.”

  Una reluctantly accepted the envelope. “Thank ye, mum. ’Tis most kind of ye,” she said, voice uncharacteristically gruff.

  Conn wondered how Lara came by so much cash, though of course she couldn’t use a credit card or write a check while on the run from the Hellhounds. Smart girl for thinking of that. He’d also guessed Lara Spenser was an alias. Would she ever tell him her real name? Another secret she was keeping.

  His watch read ten past eight when they said goodbye to Una and Riley, with the two women sniffling and wiping their eyes. Lifting Lara from her chair, which would also have to stay behind, he deposited her on the motorcycle’s pillion seat, threw a leg over and settled in front of her. With a wink and a grin at Una, who he’d grown genuinely fond of, he ordered Lara to hold on, gave the bike some gas and rolled out, tires spitting gravel behind them.

  “I hope they’ll be all right,” she said, leaning close to make herself heard. “What if the Hellhounds somehow locate them?”

  “Riley can handle them,” he half shouted. “He’s a member of the Irish Reserve Defense Forces and he told me he keeps a gun at his place.”

  “No! Riley? I can’t believe it,” she cried.

  He chuckled. “Believe it. He’s not as airheaded as he puts on.”

  “You couldn’t prove it by his driving,” she said in a dry tone before changing the subject. “Are we going to Shannon Airport? You didn’t say.”

  “Yeah, it’s the closest. We’ll take the ferry across the river.”

  “I flew into Shannon from the States and hired a driver who brought me the long way around to Killarney. He overcharged me, I’m quite sure.”

  “That’s the route I took, too, but Riley told me the ferry’s quicker.”

  “And the quicker we get out of the country, the better.”

  “Exactly.” They reached the main road, he picked up speed and they spoke little after that. He stopped once to ask directions. Otherwise, they road straight through to Tarbert, where they boarded a ferry that carried them across the Shannon Estuary to Killimer in County Clair. From there, he drove to the agency where he’d rented the Harley. Seating Lara on a bench by the entrance, he left her to guard their belongings while he turned in the bike and had the agent call them a taxi to take them to the airport.

  On the way there, he stowed his handgun in his duffle bag. When he checked it, Lara also checked her backpack – with great reluctance – cueing Conn to the fact that the object she was hiding would be spotted by the security scanner if she tried to carry it on. Logically, he figured it must be made of metal but couldn’t guess what it was.

  The afternoon sun was dropping toward the western sea when they at last buckled into their seats on a plane bound for home. Within moments, Lara began yawning and Conn noticed how she struggled to keep her eyes open. She was wiped out and he wasn’t much better off.

  “Sleep,” he said, gently pressing her head to his shoulder.

  She mumbled a protest but didn’t move away. Within moments, she went o
ut like a snuffed candle. He managed to stay awake until the plane took off; then, finally able to relax, he let sleep overtake him. At first his dreams were peopled by dark figures pointing guns at him and by Lara’s face, her eyes wide with terror. Later came the familiar nightmare with his crewman Ray Douglas lying dead beneath a pile of twisted metal and Dev screaming in agony.



  The hot sun beat down on Dev Medina’s back as he stood on a tawny beach, looking for something. Where was it? When he swung his head to the right he froze, gaze caught by a figure in the distance. A woman, he thought, although she was only a shimmering golden blur, making him wonder for a moment if his squinting eyes had created a mirage.

  Transfixed, he watched her draw closer, realizing she was no figment of his imagination. She took her time, playfully dodging frothy waves breaking on the beach. Occasionally, she glanced out to sea or up at the gulls flitting here and there over the waves, hunting for an easy catch. Her skin matched her long honey-gold hair; the sarong draped around her tall form was splashed with a wild pattern also in shades of gold.

  As if sensing his gaze upon her, she turned her head and looked in his direction. His pulse rocketed skyward as she returned his stare and slowly walked toward him, bare feet sinking partway into the wet sand. She halted a few feet away and crossed her arms beneath nicely rounded breasts.

  “Do I know you, mister?” she asked, tawny brows arching over eyes the color of blue arctic ice.

  “Don’t reckon we’ve met before, little lady. I’d remember if we had,” he replied with a grin, exaggerating his Texas drawl.

  “Then why were you staring at me?” She pressed pretty pink lips together and glared at him with those chilly eyes.

  Dev dropped his good ole boy act. “Sorry, ma’am, no insult intended. You made such a pretty picture playing in the waves that I just couldn’t take my eyes off you.”

  After a brief hesitation, she nodded. “I accept your apology.”

  He smiled. “If you don’t mind me saying so, a beautiful woman like you should be used to admiring stares.”

  She blushed. “Thank you for the compliment, Mr… .”


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