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To Be Victorious: The Maestro Chronicles Book 6

Page 29

by John Buttrick

  The patrol-boats and Pythons had finished off the warships and were the only vessels afloat. Tim announced his taskforce, E, succeeded in destroying Port Lerinron and the completion of his mission through the array. Saul Tarpon’s taskforce finished off Port Byron, and then Chas announced, “The kingdom of Ducaun has won control of the Taltin Sea.”

  The enemy fleets that had dominated the waves were gone but not those still in the oceans.

  “Captain Bencarson, take the Bellamy and fetch our men from the sea. Any of you captains who are of a mind to do so can help,” Daniel began the mental communication. “We proved today that our combined fleets are clearly capable of making a splash in the sea that the allies of the Serpent Guild cannot stand against. Captain Isly, your taskforce will patrol the Taltin and sink any enemy vessel that sets sail. Well done everybody, now let’s all get to our next set of chores.”

  With the attacks taking place in Cana and Ducanton, the many skirmishes being fought across the continent, and spies among Daniel’s own people, he knew the number of tasks requiring his attention had increased. Still, the Atlantan Guild and the Royal Ducaunan Navy ruled the sea.

  Chapter Twelve: Not What He Wanted To Hear

  After Daniel reported the success of the campeign to the Queen, spent time reassuring the royal entourage and ministers that the Atlantan Guild would help with whatever restorations needed to be done in the capitol, once the raid was over with, a development that Jeremiah promised would be soon, Daniel went to his office within the Mount Shantear complex. A team of Accomplisheds from the Health Department would soon begin healing the injured citizens, he reminded himself, knowing the team would be about half the size due to the healers being spread thin among the many casualties requiring immediate attention.

  Zera had given no promises concerning the attack on Tara and that was worrisome. Sherree was in a meeting with Leah and they were both busy allocating resources to counter the multiple raids that were springing up in retribution for vanquishing the allies of the Serpent Guild in the Taltin Sea. Carlos, Sero, David, and Silvia sat in front of him in chairs facing his desk.

  He allowed his gaze to fix on the Seer. “Has what we just accomplished brought us closer to catching Tarin Conn in the greater war effort?”

  The acrobat did not bite her lip, which meant she had an answer she was certain of. “I see no way for the kingdoms to regain supremacy on the Taltin Sea short of Tarin Conn and his Serpent Guild defeating you. Spells could be cast from the shoreline, but I do not see the Accomplisheds taking the risk of teleporting out onto a moving war-boat, and any of their vessels that touch the water would be destroyed in accordance with your orders,” she began with a statement that did not answer the question. Silvia glanced at her husband as if for reassurance. He nodded and she took a deep breath before continuing with the revelation, “The victory on the sea has made very little difference. I do not see you as being much farther along in the marathon than you were this time yesterday. The Lobenian and Ducaunan ports and ship builders are just as vulnerable to teleportation raids today as they were days ago.”

  “But we crushed our enemies this morning,” Carlos spoke as if he could not believe so little had been accomplished. Sero remained speechless, but there was nothing unusual about that.

  Daniel closed his eyes, frustration gnawing on his insides. The revelation had not been what he wanted to hear, but no doubt what he needed to hear.

  “I see that in destroying the fleets, shipwrights, and navy bases, you have ruined their plans for all future amphibious assaults, those specific threats have been eliminated. The fishermen of Ducaun can now put out to sea in safety. This means the victory was not fruitless,” Silvia was quick to add.

  Daniel opened his eyes. “Eliminating some of the threats and saving the lives of people living on the Ducaunan coast was well worth doing and I will take that as a positive outcome,” it was much better than thinking people had died for nothing, “I suppose it was the fact that the Serpent Guild was so involved with executing their own battle plans, that they did not reinforce the Accomplisheds aboard the ships or at the various installations.” Survival of the fittest, it was a difficult code to live by for anyone not at his or her strongest.

  Silvia nodded in agreement. “While the allies of the Serpents sustained some major losses, they lost not one cubit of ground, and the guild barely felt the loss. In fact, in the overall war-effort, your enemies won more than they lost, which is why you gained so little in comparison.”

  A five note chime indicated someone outside desired to be granted entrance. “Come in,” Daniel called out. Maybe whoever is there will have better news, it would not be difficult.

  Simon walked in and following him was Samuel, who began his report. “Maestro, we have abandoned the town that was once Cana; it is nothing but a scorched hole now. According to the animal scouts in the neighboring area, the Serpents have ceased to teleport into the region so it does not appear they intend to establish a base. It is clear to me that the destruction of the town was their goal, one meant to show us they know our weaknesses and how to exploit them. I have assigned some of my best agents the task of uncovering those responsible for leaking information about Cana being home to the relatives of the Chosen’s Sentinels. I interrogated a pair of Serpents that were caught during the raid and they knew exactly who lived in the town, but not where the information came from. My agents will also find out who revealed the limitations of the shield amulets.”

  Hoping for even a smidgen of positive news had been overly optimistic.

  Simon cast a spell and a pair of chairs made of solidified air appeared to the right of Sero. Daniel leaned forward. “We need to find the culprits quickly and also learn what information about us has been passed on,” he replied while the Chief Aid and the Conductor sat down.

  Samuel crossed his legs, making himself comfortable. “That much I have already determined.” He almost managed to leave the sarcasm out of his tone, almost.

  Daniel supposed he deserved that response after stating the obvious and so let it slide by without comment. “Simon, what have you accomplished overnight while all the battles were being fought?”

  The question was not a rebuke or an insinuation that he might have been derelict in his duties, merely a request for an update on his activities. He leaned forward, eyebrows raised in apparent eagerness to reveal what he had been up to. “I was at Starling Cove taking part in making modifications to the mantas. All of them are now capable of sustained flight. After that I went to Crescent Island and assisted Jerremy and his team in the creation of the base. Conductor Togan has finished making the new mantas and Wager-class patrol-boats that are at the freshly made facility. He is currently working on the Pondhoppers and I believe the new base should be fully functional by tomorrow morning. Those activities took up most of my time, but I also communicated with Senior Forester Galloway about the meeting in Bashierwood. You picked the time and place, which I agree was a good choice. However, I took the liberty of conveying to the town and informing Mayor Bess and Henry Polkat. By the way, they have agreed to host the meeting.”

  It was good Simon had thought of those details that had not occurred to his Maestro. Hough and the innkeeper would have been taken by surprise at the arrival of so many spell-casters in their community. Daniel knew they would not have refused to host the meeting and also knew they would have resented not being informed ahead of time. He really needed to work on following proper protocol. “I am grateful my Chief Aid has used his time productively,” he said and relaxed in his chair. “By the way, I need you to find me some quiet time so I can compose a spell to grow new limbs and other extremities. We have plenty of Accomplisheds who can take up the task while I work on the chores only I can do.”

  Samuel glanced at his new right hand. “I’ll take up one of your chores in order to make the time. This war has brought about the maiming of so many people, no one person could keep up with the need for restorations.”

  Daniel appreciated the sincere offer. “The responsibilities on you as the Conductor of the ISIG make for a truly chaotic schedule. It is good of you to volunteer, but we both know you could be called upon at any moment to respond to raids or other immediate threats. I need you doing what you do best.”

  The conversation continued with the security chief insisting he could manage his time well enough to temporarily take on the tasks.

  Simon had been looking back and forth between his Maestro and the Conductor, apparently waiting to get a word in edgewise. When the moment came, he spoke up. “I am glad you finally decided to delegate at least one of your self-imposed responsibilities. Sam, Daniel is right; your schedule must remain flexible. I will see where I can create time in his itinerary by consulting with the First Lady and the First Accomplished. If I arrange things correctly, he will have twice the time to work on composing a Symphonic.”

  “Your solution is acceptable,” Samuel replied, sounding a lot like Jennel Obenport. He frowned, shook his head, and his right eyebrow shot up as if he could not believe what he was about to say, “Daniel, you were right about keeping my schedule flexible. I have just been informed of an attack on Duke Cantor’s estate. Elias Starkas and his team need help in fending off the assault.”

  Daniel knew the Three-bolt Accomplished and his team to be highly competent and so also knew they would not have called on their Conductor to help unless a positive outcome of the engagement was in serious question. “Go help save the Queen’s brother,” Daniel prompted his friend.

  With permission to violate the newly established etiquette concerning the use of Conveyance in an occupied room, Samuel glowed with potential for the spell, and then vanished in a flash-bang.

  “This war is beginning to get on my nerves,” Carlos voiced his feelings.

  Simon chuckled. “Welcome to the society of people with irritated nerves.”

  Daniel focused on his Chief Aid. “You go ahead and work on the rescheduling and I’ll visit the Health Department. I might manage to squeeze in a mark of healing before the next crisis demands my attention.”

  Simon stood up and the chairs he had conjured vanished. “Actually, healings are what you are supposed to be doing, although I allowed some flexibility in your schedule because I did not know how much of your time would be taken up by the Taltin Sea campeign. A mark and a half from now you have a brief meeting with Accomplished Ginnie Cree, she has recruited the youngest Aakacarn we have discovered to date, and has discovered a second one, a young lady I am told you need to meet. Since the female has lost extremities, all three people are in the Health Department, and that gives you plenty of time to heal others and then meet with Ginnie. After that I will catch up with you and we will go take care of the next item on the agenda. I cannot say right now which item that will be until after I meet with Leah and Sherree.”

  “It will be as you say, Chief Aid,” Daniel replied as if acknowledging orders from a superior.

  Simon smiled. “Naturally, and while you are carrying out your chores, I will go and speak with the First Lady and Leah.”

  The sandy-haired Battencayan-born Accomplished walked out of the office while Daniel stood and came from behind his desk. “You are all welcome to join me in the Health Department or go see to your own private concerns.”

  Silvia looked at David, he looked at her, and they both said, “We are coming with you.”

  “I go where you go,” Carlos insisted without hesitation.

  Sero stood up. “How can I be of assistance if I am somewhere else when you need me?”

  Daniel headed to the Health Department with his entourage. He barely went a few steps when Jeremiah’s voice entered his head through the array. “Maestro, the raid on Ducanton is over, three quarters of the city has taken damage with the most occurring at the palace and some of the financial institutions. Major reconstruction is going to be needed, especially the royal residence. Eight hundred seventy-two Serpents paid the ultimate price and few of the rest departed without sustaining injuries. Our wounded Accomplisheds are in the Health Department and forty of them need new limbs. The capitol is secure, for now.”

  Even through the array Conductor Lassiter’s voice sounded weary. He must have used a huge amount of energy, draining much of his reservoir while defending the city. “You saved a lot of lives and now you need to save your own. Take a break and allow your rate of replenishing refill your vat.” Daniel knew full well the danger of pushing personal limits to the brink and did not want the dedicated Accomplished to make the mistake.

  “Maestro, Zera needs my help and possibly Samuel. This is no time for me to sit idly, waiting for my life-force energy to reach the level it was before,” Jeremiah sent back, along with a weak voice, and a stubborn streak that almost made up for the weakness.

  “I am sure your help is needed in many places at once, but Conductor, I am giving you two choices; allow your energy level to recover naturally or come to Shantear and I will give you the energy. You may die in the course of a battle, but dying because you refuse to take proper care of yourself would be an even greater tragedy,” Daniel sent in reply.

  “Expertly spoken, Maestro, you strike with the exact words I used on you not long ago. Very well, I will come to Shantear,” Jeremiah replied and then severed the connection.

  The need to compose that new Symphonic seemed to be growing by the minute, but presently, all Daniel could do about it was to press on. As they left the administrative offices behind and went deeper into the mountain complex, music could be heard echoing through the halls. Accomplisheds were natural born music makers and it was not uncommon to hear solos or duets or even quintets performing at any given moment, day or night. Often these were not spells, simply beautifully written works played for enjoyment.

  To get into the Health Department, it was necessary to pass through the area that had been allocated for guests, and the only way to avoid meeting people and thus speed up the journey was to convey, which could have been done, but Daniel needed the exercise. He missed his time slot for sparring. He could have made the time, but at the expense of fewer people being healed.

  Members of the guild in their blue silks greeted him and he responded in kind. As he and his four escorts progressed they encountered people wearing the colors of nobility, purple and violet, and folks in blue wool, greens, and even the browns of the financial class.

  Crossing the hall at the intersection was a tall man with stooped shoulders and a long white beard. His garments were red on black silks with a hooded cloak. On each sleeve was a golden lightning bolt. The medallion on his chest had a silver bird of prey and on the belt buckle was the letters SA, Scholar of Aakadon. “Bella, it is good to see you here and unharmed,” Daniel called out.

  The two hundred ninety-nine year-old man turned his head at hearing his name and a smile formed that seemed to light up his face. “Daniel, it is good to see you as well. We have had quite an exciting morning, coming under attack, being evacuated here, and learning of your success on the Taltin Sea. Just so you know, if you have not yet been informed, the Grand Maestro and his rather large entourage has departed from Aakadon and are on their way to Bashierwood. Unlike your guild and that of Tarin Conn, we of Aakadon cannot cast spells and be somewhere else in a blink of an eye. I very much liked the experience of being conveyed, it saves so much time and effort, and at my age saving either of those means a great deal.”

  The old man would not physically grow so much as a mark older, but he had cast Daniel’s spell at the age of two hundred ninety-eight, so his last point might not have been made in jest. “I am sure someone in the Atlantan Guild knows of the departure from Aakadon, but you are the first person to let me in on it,” he answered the man who had shown kindness back when he was travelling from Mount Kelgotha. “Not many men your age are able to get around as well as you. I noticed the brisk gait at which you move.”

  Bella’s eyes swept the surroundings, which was a habit every Senior Soarer developed. �
�Young man, there is nobody else on this planet who is my age, not even close by decades, but I do enjoy a vigorous pace. As for your information gatherers, I am certain they learned of the Grand Maestro’s exit shortly after he passed beyond the gate, if not before, but I wanted you to know the leaders of Aakadon were not trying to sneak out unnoticed, nor make any attempt to hide the numbers involved. Five flocks of Senior Soarers led by Vice Maestro Tobermin and five teams of Senior Cyclones led by Maestro Rondara Kapes are accompanying the Grand Maestro. Maestros Reese and Cransur will also be in attendance,” he paused, perhaps assessing the reaction to the idea of two hundred-five of the most powerful Accomplisheds of Aakadon ascending Mount Tannakonna for what was supposed to be a talk of alliance, and then nodded his head approvingly at whatever he saw in host’s eyes. “The home of the Atlantan Guild is impressive. From what I have seen of it, which has not been much, I doubt your people could be rooted out easily.” He had probably been assessing the defenses along with the reaction to his words. Eagles were excellent multi-taskers.

  Daniel glanced at the ceiling, imagining how many enemy Aakacarns had teleported into solid rock before their leaders realized what was happening to every team they sent. The directing Serpents eventually learned the teleportation points known to them had been filled-in or reformed, but the knowledge came at a high cost. “The Serpents have chosen to go after easier targets, but my people are vigilant and are on guard, never assuming we are safe.” He did not mention the assault perpetrated by Aakadon that never even reached the mountain. “Given the frequency of the teleportation raids taking place in Ducaun, Terroll is wise to travel with such a large and powerful company,” that should satisfy the Senior Soarer about how the delegation would be received. “It was nice crossing trails with you, yet I must see to healing the people who have been maimed. Are you willing to dine with me this evening?”


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