The Horror of Love

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The Horror of Love Page 30

by Lisa Hilton

  Giraud, Henri, 137–8

  Gladys (NM’s maid), 128

  Godebski, Cyprien, 71

  Godebski, Jean, 71

  Goering, Hermann, 96

  Gollancz, (Sir) Victor, 62

  Gondar, Ethiopia, 126

  Gordon, Idina, 154

  Gould, Anna, 251

  Gould, Florence, 251–2

  Gramont, Count Louis-René and Countess Antoinette de (née Rochechouart-Mortemart), 197

  Gramont, Marguerite de (Margot), 197–8, 255

  Grey, Lady Jane, 134

  Gronchi, Giovanni, 218

  Groult, Jean, 172

  Guggenheim, Peggy, 243

  Guinness, Alexander, 134

  Guinness, Bryan (later 2nd Baron Moyne) marriage to Diana, 39, and Bruno Hat hoax, 41, Diana leaves, 45, buys NM’s wedding dress, 54, allowance to Diana, 67

  Guinness, Jonathan The House of Mitford, 134

  Guitry, Sacha, 163

  Guy, Captain, 170

  Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, 126

  Hammersley, Violet (née Williams-Freeman), 90, 94, 98, 128, 215

  Hanfstaengl, Putzi, 59

  Harcourt, Charles Jean Mane, Duc d’, 251

  Harcourt, Thyra, Duchesse d’, 251

  Harker, Alan, 98

  Harrod, Henry, 82

  Harrod, (Sir) Roy, 85

  Harrod, Wilhelmina, Lady (‘Bilk’), 82, 154

  Hartington, Kathleen, Marchioness of (née Kennedy), 93

  Hartington, William Cavendish, Marquess of, 93

  Hat, Bruno (hoax), 41

  Hatherop Castle (school), 29

  Hayworth, Rita, 123

  Heller, Gerhard, 252

  Helleu, Paul-Cesar, 23, 130

  Hepburn, Audrey, 244

  Hill, Ann, 132

  Hill, (George) Heywood (bookshop), 132, 155–6

  Hitler, Adolf Unity’s attachment to, 49, 60, 88–9, dislikes make-up, 58–9, Diana meets, 59, 88, totalitarianism, 77, arranges transfer of Unity to Switzerland, 90, NM’s hatred of, 94–5, and occupation of Czechoslovakia, 97

  Hogg, Quintin (later Baron Hailsham), 85

  homosexuality among young men, 36–7

  Hope-Vere, Romie, 181

  Horizon (magazine), 252

  Howard, Brian, 30, 33–5

  Hozier, Lady Blanche, 203

  Hull, Cordell, 147

  Huxley, (Sir) Julian, 128

  Huxley, Juliette, 128

  In Which We Serve (film), 184

  Inch Kenneth (island), Hebrides, 89

  Institut Charles de Gaulle, 261

  Inter-Allied Club, Algiers, 139

  Ismay, General Hastings Lionel (later 1st Baron, ‘Pug’), 103

  Italy GP’s view on democracy in, 232, trade interests in North Africa, 232–3, de Gaulle’s state vitit to (1959), 233, see also Rome

  Jackson, Derek marriage to Pamela, 88

  Jackson, Hugh, 246

  Jackson, Pamela see Mitford, Pamela

  James, Henry, 40

  Jan, Armand, 31

  Jay family, 200

  Jay, Peter, 200

  Jebb, Gladwyn (later 1st Baron Gladwyn), 94, 98

  Jews Fascist hostility to, 65

  John XXIII, Pope (Monseigneur Roncalli), 231–2

  Johnson, Paul, 120, 189, 207

  Josephine, Empress of Napoleon I, 177

  Jouvenal, Mme Henri de, 217

  Joxe, Louis, 215

  Junger, Ernst, 251–2

  Karnow, Stanley, 171

  Kennedy, Joseph, 93

  Keppel, Alice, 198

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 239

  King, Admiral Ernest, 147

  Kipling, Rudyard, 223

  Koenig, General Marie Pierre, 146

  Koenig, Rhoda, 226

  Kraus, Alfred, 163

  Kraus, Jacqueline, 163

  Lady, The (magazine) NM writes weekly column for, 36

  Lafayette, Madame de La Princesse de Cleve, 192

  La Guardia, Fiorello, 147–8

  Lancaster, (Sir) Osbert, 136

  Laroche, Baroness, 59

  La Rochefoucauld, Aimery de, 70

  Laurent, Jean, 107

  Laval, Pierre, 72, 76, 217

  Lawton, Frederick, 96–7

  League of Nations, 73

  Leahy, Admiral William D, 147

  Lebrun, Albert, 105, 160

  Leclerc de Hautecloque, Général Philippe, 116, 149, 150

  Lees-Milne, Alvilde, 254

  Lees-Milne, James, 21, 36–7, 84, 88, 131, 199, 221

  Left Review, 62

  Legentilhomme, Général Paul, 127

  LeLuc, Amiral, 112–13

  Lequercia, Jose Felix de, 106

  Levy, Daniel, 66

  Lloyd, George Ambrose, 1st Baron, 69

  Lopez, Arturo, 190

  Lovelace, Richard, 19, 208

  Lubbock, Adelaide, 131, 156

  Luchaire, François, 240

  Ludres, Marquise de, 123

  Luizet, Charles, 149

  Lyautey, Maréchal Hubert, 48–50, 68, 72, death, 73, 75

  Macmillan, Harold (later 1st Earl of Stockton), 63, 122

  Maginot Line, 77

  Maheu, Renée, 242

  Malraux, André, 153, 171, 173, 217, 240, 257

  Mandel, Georges, 104, 107

  Marais, Le (château), 251, 253

  Margene, Roland de, 217

  Marie (NM’s Paris maid), 157–8, 189, 254

  Marriott, Momo, 189, 194, 201

  Marshall, General George, 147

  Marshall Plan, 172–3

  Martin, Yvan, 113

  Mass Observation, 119–20

  Massigli, Odette, 183

  Mattel, Enrico, 233

  Maugham, W Somerset, 79

  Maunac, Claude, 252

  Maunac, François, 177

  Maxwell, Sir Alexander, 98

  Mayer, René, 212

  Mendès-France, Pierre, 213

  Mers el-Kebir French fleet attacked by British at, 112–14

  Messel, Oliver, 34, 41

  Metcalf, Lady Alexandra (née Curzon, ‘Baba’), 59, 123, 206

  Metcalfe, Major Edward (‘Fruity’), 123

  Miribel, Elisabeth de, 172

  Missoffe, François, 246

  Mitford, Jessica dislikes country life, 25–7, on family life with Nancy, 29, at Swinbrook House, 34–5, plans to run away, 35, on homosexuality, 37, political extremism, 49, hostility to Fascism, 63, accompanies NM on holiday to Brittany, 80, commitment to Communism, 80, elopement and mariage with Romilly, 80–2, meets working class members, 87, and NM’s work in French officers’ club, 130, visits NM during final illness, 255, 259, Hons and Rebels, 25

  Mitford, Nancy meets GP, 1, 133–4, relations with Waugh, 3, 34, 40, on U and non-U, 3, 193, passion for GP, 4–5, family background, 20–1, birth and upbringing, 23–4, as countrywoman, 26–8, 229, reading, 27, private family languages (Boudledidge and Honnish), 28, terrorizes siblings, 28, attends Hatherop Castle (school), 29, on cultural tour of Paris and Italy, 29–30, as debutante, 32–4, attends Slade as art student, 35, social restrictions as young woman, 35, writing ambitions and journalism, 35–6, falls for Hamish St Clair Erskine, 36–9, 43–4, innocence about male homosexuality, 37–8, marriage prospects, 38, in Paris with Waugh and Guinnesses, 39–40, suicide attempt, 39, 42, self-portrayal in novel, 42, breaks with Hamish, 45–6, engagement and marriage to Peter Rodd, 46, 51–4, 255, political convictions, 49, 85, 94, honeymoon in Rome, 54–7, sexual experience, 56, interior decorating, 57, view of Fascism, 60–2, 64–7, collecting, 72, need for beauty, 77, marriage difficulties, 79, moves to Blomfield Road, Maida Vale, 79, attempts to dissuade Jessica from marriage to Romilly, 81, condemns Fascism and Hitler, 81, 87, 94–5, hopes for children, 82–3, pregnancies and miscarriages, 83, 85, 131–2, hysterectomy, 84, stoicism, 84–5, follows Rodd to France to aid Spanish refugees, 86–7, at outbreak of war, 89, anti-Americanism, 92–3, 117, 202, 225–7, 229–30, 241, 244, denounces Diana in war,
94–5, 98–9, writes to Diana in prison, 99, supports Free French, 122, endures London Blitz, 128, works at White City canteen for French soldiers, 128–9, marriage to Peter collapses, 130–1, affair with Desplats-Pilter, 131, works at Heywood Hill bookshop, 132, attitude to sex, 134–6, intimacies with GP, 135–7, fondness for food, 136, and GP’s return from Algiers, 143, visits and settles in Paris after war, 153, 155–6, portrayal of characters in fiction, 154, acquires partnership in Heywood Hill, 155, wealth from writings, 156, PG fails to marry, 157, settles into Rue-Monsieur flat, 157–8, dedicates Pursuit of Love to GP, 159, enjoys black market privileges in France, 166, on French elections (October 1945), 166–7, coolness towards Louise de Vilmonn, 181, dress and style, 186–7, relations with GP in Pans, 188–92, social life and entertaining in Paris, 189–91, literary output, 192, translations from French, 192–3, visit to USSR, 194, and GP’s infidelities, 196–200, 207–9, friendship with SusanMary Alsop, 201, attitude to adultery, 204, 207–8, and GP’s appointment to Rome, 215–16, loses GP’s affections, 218–19, meets GP at Orly, 218, visits GP in Rome, 220, divorce from Rodd, 221 on civilized values, 224–30, 243, and birth of GP’s son, 236, 243, accepts no happy ending with GP, 237, rumour of prospective marriage, 237, supports Save Venice campaign, 241, and Waugh’s death, 244–5, and French student riots (1968), 245–8, moves to Versailles, 245–6, and GP’s marriage to Violette, 250, 253–5, cancel, 255, longs for death, 258–9, awarded Legion d’Honneur, 259, death, 260, cremation and grave, 261, The Blessing, 2, 4, 18, 55, 70, 72, 136, 154, 179, 182, 186, 193, 198, 202–3, 2–07, 224, 226, 248, ‘Chic – English, French and American’ (essay), 187–8, Christmas Pudding, 25, 43–4, 56, 187, 204, 260, Don’t Tell Alfred, 4, 166, 175, 182, 201–2, 217, 224, 228, 241, Frederick the Great, 255–6, Highland Fling, 40–2, 56, 229, Love in a Cold Climate, 4, 82, 188, 192–3, 204, Pigeon Pie, 55, 91–5, 181, The Pursuit of Love, 1, 13, 15, 25, 28, 33, 82, 133, 143, 153, 154, 156, 158, 186, 192, 208, 226, 230, The Stanleys of Alderley (ed ), 52, 226, 228, 248, The Sun King, 29, 259, The Two Old Ladies of Eaton Square, 93, Wigs on the Green, 58, 60–2, 64–7. 79 91. 94. 248

  Mitford, Pamela (NM’s sister, “Woman’) birth, 23, country life, 28, dislikes Mosley, 45, objects to Mosley’s behaviour, 66, attempts to have children, 82, marriage to Jackson, 88, pro-Fascist views, 88, visits NM during final illness, 255

  Mitford, Tom (NM’s brother) birth, 23, piano-playing, 27, education, 29, NM writes to from Pans, 29–30, homosexual experiences, 36, and Bruno Hat hoax, 41, death in war, 85, 244, pro-German views, 88, NM discusses reading with, 224

  Mitford, Unity (NM’s sister) schooling, 29, and Diana’s attachment to Mosley, 45, infatuation with Nazism and Hitler, 49, 59–60, 63, 88–9, uses make-up, 59, condemns Wigs on the Green, 62, and Jessica’s elopement with Romilly, 80–1, failed suicide attempt, 89–90, survival and death, 90, life wrecked, 95, attends NM’s wartime party, 132

  Mitford, William (NM’s grandfather), 21

  Monnet, Jean, 105, 108

  Montespan, Athenais de, 252

  Morocco GP in, 49, Italian interests in, 232–3

  Mortimer, Raymond, 79, 133, 183

  Mosley, Alexander, 57

  Mosley, Cynthia, Lady (née Curzon), 44–5, 205

  Mosley, Diana, Lady (née Mitford, NM’s sister) birth, 23, portrait by Helleu, 23, marriage to Bryan Guinness, 39, and Bruno Hat hoax, 41, affair with Mosley, 44–5, political extremism, 49, sexual passion, 56, interior decorating, 57, meets Hitler, 59, 88, 95, commitment to Fascism, 63, 64, 66, estrangement from NM, 67, marriage to Mosley, 67, 95, 206, and NM’s Wigs on the Green, 6j, NM denounces in war, 94–5, 98, raises money in Germany for commercial radio station, 96, imprisoned in war, 98–9, and NM’s dedication of book to GP, 159, and husband’s adultery, 204–6,

  Mosley, Diana, Lady–contd on GP’s marriage to Violette, 253–5, and NM’s cancer, 255, visits NM during final illness, 255, 259, NM dedicates Frederick the Greatto, 256, and GP’s calling on NM during illness, 258, declines invitations to Le Marais, 259

  Mosley, Max,

  Mosley, Sir Oswald Diana’s affair with, 44–5, 49, 56, affair with BabaCurzon, 59, Fascism, 61, 64–5, anti-Semmsm, 65, marriage to Diana, 67, 95, meets Hitler, 95, on BUF wartime policy, 96–7, and Cable Street march and riots, 96, imprisoned in war, 97, masculinity, 134–5, philandering, 197, 204–6, GP’s liking for, 257–8

  Mountbatten, Lady Edwina (later Countess), 32

  Moyne, Walter Guinness, 1st Baron, 98

  Muggendge, Malcolm, 152, 164

  Mugmer, Abbè, 70

  Muhlstem, Anatole, 194–5

  Muhlstein, Anka, 2, 195

  Munich Agreement (1938), 77, 85

  Mussolini, Benito, 76, 96, 102, 217

  National Committee of French Liberation (CFLN), 138

  National Liberation Front of Algeria (FNL), 214

  Nazi-Soviet pact (1939), 77

  New Look, the, 187–8

  New York Free World (newspaper), 173

  Nicolson, (Sir) Harold, 64, 123, 135, 183, 205, 236

  Noailles, Anna de, 69

  Noailles, Vicomtesse Marie-Laure de, 177–8, 200, 257

  Nogues, General Auguste, III

  North Africa French administration, 137–8, Italian trade interests in, 232–3, see also Algeria, Morocco

  Norwich, John Julius Cooper, 2nd Viscount, 79, 176, 179, 183, 196, 205, 207 nuclear tests (French), 239

  Oberle, Jean, 178

  Ogilvie-Grant, Mark friendship with NM, 34, and NM’s attitude to homosexuals, 37–8, and NM’s relations with St John Erskme, 39, and publication of Highland Fling, 42, and NM’s marriage to Peter Rodd, 53–4, financial limitations, 57, helps NM acquire furnishings, 57, portrayed in Pigeon Pie, 93, and imprisonment of Oswald Mosley, 97, death, 257

  Olivier, Laurence, Baron, 183

  O’Neill, Mary (later Gascoigne, ‘Middy’), 175

  Ordre de la Libération, 116

  Orwell, George, 87, 120, 223

  Out of Bounds (magazine), 80

  Oxford Worcester College, 16, 19

  Palewski, Dominique (GP’s nephew), 13, 50

  Palewski, Gaston in Addis Ababa, 1, 125–7, appearance, 1–2, 181, 196, 235, NM meets, 1, 133–4, portrayed as Sauveterre in The Pursuit of Love, 1, 3, 134, 154, 195, sex appeal, 2, 235, family background, 9–12, birth, 12, social ambitions and snobbery, 13, 18, 19, 69, 71, 178, 235, transfers to North Africa, 13–14, 107, in, education, 14–16, fluency in English, 14, interest in art, 16, studies at Worcester College, Oxford, 16–19, glves Helleu painting to NM, 23, temporary military service (1923–4), 47–8, posted to Rabat as attache to Lyautey, 48–50, political commitment, 49, spiritual dimension, 50, relations with Proust, 69, converts to Christian faith, 70–1, family pride, 70, joins publishing house Boivin, 71, works as secretary for Democratic Alliance and Paul Reynaud, 71–3, 77–8, apartment in Rue Bonaparte, 72, 76, collecting, 72, meets de Gaulle, 73, 75–6, and war threat, 76–8, need for beauty, 77, and NM’s childlessness, 83, serves in air force in war, 100–1, prescience, 105–6, joins de Gaulle in war, 106, arrives in London (1940), 114, promotes de Gaulle’s cause in Britain, 115, de Gaulle appoints director of political affairs, 116, view of USA, 117–18, attempts to control de Gaulle, 121, social life in Britain in war, 122–3, appointed to command Free French forces in East Africa, 125–7, stripped of French citizenship in war, 126, as de Gaulle’s director of Cabinet, 127–8, 160, NM’s intimacies with, 135–7, travels to Algiers with de Gaulle, 137, friendship with Lady Diana Cooper, 138–9, 176, 184, returns to London from Algiers, 143, accompanies de Gaulle on visit to USA, 146–8, returns to France with de Gaulle, 146, enters liberated Pans, 150, 152, NM visits in Pans after war, 153, 155, furnishings of Paris flat, 155, fails to marry NM, 157, life with NM in Paris, 158–9, NM dedicates Pursuit of Love, 159, office in Paris, 160, arranges residence for de Gaulles in France, 161, Mme de Gaulle dislikes, 161–2, and conditions in France after liberation, 166, seen as eminence gris, 168, 170–1, and el
ections (1945), 169–70, falls ill, 169, made officer of Leégion d’Honneur, 171, use of cologne, 171, and de Gaulle’s resignation, 172, doubts on Marshall Plan, 172–3, drafts manifesto for RPF, 173, journalistic commissions, 173, attitude to collaborationists, 177–80, NM resumes familiarity with in Pans, 188–92, weeps at Coopers’ departure from Pans, 190, negotiates in Moscow, 194, 211, womanizing and affairs, 196–9, 201, 207–9, 235 electioneering tours in France, 210–11, wins seat as RPF member for Seine, 211, political appointments and career, 212–13, advocates nuclear power, 213, appointed ambassador to Rome, 215–19, 235, supports European Community, 218, NM loses, 219–21, NM visits in Rome, 220–1, relations with Pope John XXIII (Roncalh), 231–2, and Italian trade interests in North Africa, 232–3, paper on Italian democracy, 232, entertaining at Rome embassy, 233, restores Farnese Palace, 234, birth of son, 236, 243, as minister for scientific research, atomic energy and space, 238–9, meets Khrushchev, 239, as president of Constitutional Council, 240–1, 256–7, resigns from government (1965), 240, and Save Venice campaign, 241–2, supports European cultural federalism, 242–3, tribute to Waugh, 244, and student riots of 1968 249, marriage to Violette, 250, 253–4, visits NM in Versailles, 250, and de Gaulle’s 1969 resignation, 256–7, visits NM during final illness, 258–9, gives Légion d’Honneur to NM, 259, visits Mosleys, 259, cultural activities in later years, 260, death (1984), 260–1, marriage relations, 260–1, The Atom, Our Destiny, 214, Mémoires d’Action, 105

  Palewski, Jean-Paul (GP’s brother) family background, 9–10, 70, visits museums as boy, 12, brilliance as student, 14, criticises GP’s need for affection, 15, visits Poland, visits GP at work in publisher’s office, mobilized in World War 11, 100, captured and interned in war, 113, and French wartime actions against GP, 126, childhood, 251, not told of GP’s marriage, 253

  Palewski, Maurice (Moise, GP’s father), 9–14, 68

  Palewski, Peisach Abramovich (GP’s grandfather), 10

  Palewski, Rachel (née Notkowa, GP’s grandmother), 10

  Palewski, Rose (née Diamant-Berger, GP’s mother) marriage, 11–12, on GP’s adolescent laziness, 14, affectionate nature, 15–16, and GP’s career, 68, 71, GP seeks to safeguard against Germans, 106, concern for GP’s health, 169

  Palewski, Violette (GPs wife) see Pourtales, Violette de

  Paley, Babe, 244

  Palffy Erdody, Count Paul, 179, 181

  Panafieu, François de, 114


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