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Blood and Guts - Left for Dead: A Romantic Suspense

Page 5

by Gabi Moore

  The forces of destruction are such that they tend to maintain their own inertia until they wear themselves out. Eventually, a fire must exhaust itself. When this fire was finished, I hoped that there would be nothing left. In truth, the magnificent stone-crafted fireplace would still be there. The rest of my bullshit would have to burn.

  I looked at her and gave my final explanation.

  “Each of those men that I killed was the equivalent of a financial asset. Whoever is in charge of this operation is financially equipped, and these bodies right here…”

  I pointed toward the bundle of now dead operatives who were sitting, backs facing one another on the floor near my hearth.

  “These people are not just humans. They are weapons. Moving, thinking, weapons. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  “I get it.”

  “Do you know how much this sort of thing costs in total?”

  She shook her head, and looked down at the ground.


  I had been in the game myself before I retired, and the cost could have only gone up since then. You had to factor in wages, as well as the equipment necessary for the job. Sometimes the workers were freelance, but usually that sort of thing was for targets that were both high value, and high danger. I might expect to have to deal with some freelancers in the future. If I could get far enough away from this conflict before it got any worse, they might give up and chalk me up to some kind of unknown variable.

  As far as I knew, I didn’t have any reason to believe that I had fucked over anyone. This woman was bad news, and what’s worse is she wasn’t being transparent about it. That meant the longer that I spent time with her, the more of a liability her company was.

  “You don’t send millions of dollars worth of assets to recover a woman who isn’t worth at least twice that in recovery leverage.”

  With that, I exhaled and set about finalizing for my departure. My transition away from our conversation was seamless. I didn’t care to be caught up in debating facts that were self-evident to me. I also didn’t have the patience to sit around and explain things to someone who wasn’t quick enough on the uptake not to put these sorts of observations together herself.

  Though that might not be fair, I thought to myself.

  Already, I was analyzing the possibilities that she wasn’t being truthful with me. I shook my head, and tried to focus on the task at hand.

  Dealing with people was distracting as hell.

  I was willing to bet anything that she wasn’t as dumb as she was presenting herself to be. The idea that she might be frightened was a real possibility. I wasn’t sure at which point that fear was being used as a justification for presented ignorance and vulnerability. If I was an attractive woman who just saw a man murder five trained soldiers, I'd be careful. I imagine I would be revert to sub-conscious emotional manipulation as a matter of course. The movement toward deception was a baseline level of evolutionary operation. To some extent, she couldn’t even be blamed.

  That didn’t mean I had to go in blind.

  “Get out,” I said. “It’s time to go.”

  “I can’t go to the police!” she blurted out, “I can’t explain right now, but there are complications that I don’t think you would understand.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  This sort of shit would continue all day if I let it.

  “I’m not interested. I picked you up in the forest because I had a conscience. You are alive now, and my conscience has been satisfied. I didn’t untie you from a tree so I could fix all of the problems in your life. Especially not the ones that you have been busy creating for yourself.”

  “How do you know what I’ve been doing?”

  “I don’t, and I don’t care. You used your good looks to fuck the wrong guy, or you lied to a powerful man. Now he’s doing everything he can to cut whatever liability you’ve created in his life. Hell, maybe it’s a woman. Some heartless draconic type who is jealous because you got something she wanted, or made her life terrible.”

  I got right up in her face.

  “What you people don’t understand is that you are not special. I’ve seen it all. I know what it is that you do, and I know it’s not worth whatever fleeting emotional satisfaction I might get from trying to help you out. I saved your life because I’m a decent human. That doesn’t mean I have to be your knight in shining armor.”

  She was floored.

  “Don’t just stand there like nobody’s ever told you the fucking truth before.”

  “It's not an issue of the truth. The problem is I’m not sure I’ve ever met a more embittered asshole.”

  I look at her, frowning, unsure of how to respond. My instincts are to fight her, to beat her into submission with my words. Then I realize that any actions on my part that are aggressive will result in nothing more than an affirmation of her last statement. I don’t have anything that I need to prove to her. It is clear to me that if I give her anything at this point beyond a chaperone through the forest, I will be wasting valuable resources. I will need everything in my power during my trip into the northern country.

  With my rationale set in place, I gain a stoic edge to my expression.

  She’s attractive. For a moment, and just a moment, I want her, but I chalk that up to hormones and years of isolation.

  “You’re not worth the effort,” I tell her, and then move on with the plans I have to evacuate the building and burn it to the ground.

  “Effort!” she replied, her response now inflamed.

  She got right up into my face and completely abandoned whatever pretense of vulnerability she had been hiding behind.

  “What kind of effort must it take to completely section yourself off from the rest of society?”

  Her accusation and condemnation echoed the nagging voice which I had been hearing in my own head ever since I moved out into the forest. She must have sensed she had grabbed onto some vital sub-conscious insecurity.

  She smiled, and closed the space between the two of us.

  “What’s the matter, you learned how to kill, but couldn’t quite figure out how to co-exist with the rest of the population?”

  I wanted to attack her, but held myself back. There was no reason why she should get under my skin. To attack her at this point would only further remove myself from my original intention to be a good person. I smiled, having found my moral high ground once more, when she closed the final distance between the two of us, and pressed her body up against mine.

  “That’s what humanity feels like,” she told me, wrapping her hands around my body and staring up at my face.

  She was so close that I could feel the heat on her breath.

  Getting that close to a man who hasn’t had sex in years isn’t a good idea unless you’re trying to get nailed.

  The room smelled like blood, gasoline and cooked meat. I knew that getting any closer to this woman was a terrible idea because fucking her would create attachments that I didn’t want to create. I held out long enough for her hands to run down my sides, and grab my hips. She pressed my body into hers, and I could feel my body begin to overheat with desire.

  Fucking has always been a feral activity for me.

  There is a tipping point where I stop thinking like a rational person and just allow something else to take over. As her lips pressed against my chest, and her body began to sink down along the front of my torso, I could feel that pressure rising within myself.

  I looked down at her while she was unbuttoning my pants, and realized that this was exactly what she wanted. Whether she knew it on a conscious level or not. She wanted to be fucked and she wanted all of the emotional and psychological attachment that came along with it. She was offering herself to me. It could have been a conscious treaty, or it could have been entirely motivated by lust and impulse. People have done crazier things while navigating through dangerous situations.

  I took a deep breath right before she made contact, and as soon as her mout
h touched the head of my cock, all of my worries began to melt away from my body. I reached my hand out to stroke her hair, and stopped thinking about anything else.

  The moment had never been more pressing.

  Chapter 9 - Aden

  The warmth of the cabin changed once her head was around the head of my cock.

  She moved her lips along the sides of my shaft with a slick grace. It was clear to me that she was savoring the moment. She was with my cock more than she was with me, but I understood her predicament.

  With sex, it has always been difficult for me to remain in the same state of mind as the rest of my life.

  My hands gripped into the back of her skull, pulling hair tighter with the passing of each moment. The urgency from my grip passed through her body. The tension I felt between my fingers could only be released through pushing into her more. I wrapped my hand around the back of her skull, and pushed my cock into the side of her mouth.

  The sound was sloppy, and it sounded like she was meditating.

  I reached out with both hands on either side of the back of her head and pushed. She would meditate all right. I would be the sole focus of her meditation from now until we left the cabin.

  “You wanted it,” I told her, shoving her head further down the shaft of my cock. “Here it is. You got it.”

  She made wet, sucking sounds, and saliva fell down toward the blood stained floor of the cabin. I lost control, and grabbed the back of her head even harder with my closed fist. Leaning forward, I pushed the two of us against a rear wall of the cabin. Her head hit the wall hard, and I drove my cock down the back of her throat. I held our position there long enough for her to feel the fullness of my body.

  I wanted her to feel the throb of my blood between her lips.

  I pulled out and she gasped for air. Saliva poured down the edge of her bottom lip, and tears came down from her eyes. She didn’t pause. As soon as our bodies were separated, she pushed herself back toward my cock. I sighed as she took me into her mouth once more.

  When I felt myself building toward an orgasm, I lifted her up to my face and gave her a kiss. Her lips were wet, and she had such passion and hunger in her mouth that I found it difficult to stop our kiss. I bit her lower lip, and she winced. A moan came out from her mouth, and her fingers involuntarily reached down to grab a hold of my cock.

  I squatted down, and grabbed her by the pussy, with both hands.

  My hands spread outward toward her inner thighs, letting my fingers rest on the underside of her ass. I lifted her up into the air, and pushed her body against the wall of the cabin. With her legs spread in front of me, I pushed my face into her crotch.

  Her musk drove me wild.

  I reached my tongue out to lick inside of her. The taste of sweat, and pheromones filled my mouth and nose. Coarse pubic hair brushed up against my nose. The slightest abrasive feeling of her hair was intoxicating for me. My muscles strained as I supported her entire weight. The burn, however, only contributed to the physicality of the moment.

  To feel her hands on my hair, or clawing at my upper back only drove me further into her. I parted my lips to suck at her clit, eliciting deep moans of pleasure. As I continued, her moans transitioned into higher pitched panting sounds.

  The poor thing was starved of pleasure and compassion. I could tell that she wouldn’t last long with this intense focus on her body. She was already starting to shake from the pleasure. My teeth found her inner thigh, and I sank them down into her flesh with satisfaction. Just after the pain caused her to let out a sharp inhale, I shifted my hands so my thumb slid into her wet cunt. My index finger pushed up against her tight asshole.

  The pressure of penetration caused her body to squirm. Her movement only deepened both fingers inside of her body. I could feel her heartbeat in the palm of my hand.

  While I sucked contentedly at her clit, vibrations coursed throughout her body. A gush of her arousal filled my mouth and spilled over my lips. Her first orgasm left her gasping, and clawing into my shoulders. I smiled, and held my lips over her clit until she was pulling at my hair. Only when she couldn’t stand the direct stimulation any longer, did I pull my lips off from her body.

  Her mouth was still open as wide, when I lowered her down to kiss me on the lips. Tasting herself on my lips was an aphrodisiac for her. Her musk would be on my beard, and the taste of her filled up my entire mouth. Our tongues traded positions with one another as we felt the inside of each other’s mouths. The sensations were wet, smooth, hot, and sweet. Eyes were closed, but that didn’t matter.

  A fuck like this wasn’t about emotional connection as much as it was about release. It was clear that neither of us had felt loved like this in a long time. Even if the love was mostly physical at that point, it was something. I didn’t even touch my own cock anymore — masturbation lost its appeal long ago. To be able to completely direct those desires in one direction was a relief.

  Based on her expressions, I knew that the feeling was mutual.

  I felt relaxed, and increasingly confident. I knew she would do whatever I asked of her, and so I didn’t bother asking at that point. My body would lead, and if she didn’t like how things were going, she was free to respond negatively — I knew she wouldn’t, though.

  Nothing would come out from her mouth except the sound of a woman losing herself to pleasure.

  I grabbed her by the neck, and pushed her head toward the ground. Her face wasn’t far from the bodies on the floor, but she didn’t even notice. She was in another world. With her ass up in the air, I took her with my cock. She was so wet and relaxed that I slid in easily. A groan came out from my throat. I felt the warm, comfort of her body envelop me.

  Working my body into a steady rhythm, and grabbing a hold of her hips, I began to push. My strokes were long and steady. I wanted her to feel every inch of me, and more. The pressure when the two of us were fully connected was tight around the base of my cock. While I was inside of her, I felt the sweet envelopment of her body.

  Her eyes widened when I was completely inside. I listened to her breath quicken, as well as the wet sounds of her vagina pulling at my body. Pressure began to build up within me.

  I relieved that pressure by biting at her body, and thrusting into her more violently. Each push tore her open and made her gasp. The pace of my hips increased. Soon the repeated wet slapping of my body connecting with hers was the loudest sound in the room.

  Filthy words poured out of her mouth, and her hand was busy rubbing out her next climax on the surface of her clit.

  I grabbed both hands and held them above her head with one arm. With my other hand free, I held both sides of her cheeks. Then I slipped two fingers into her mouth.

  My fingertips glided along the surface of her tongue, and pushed toward the back of her throat. When she came, she bit down hard, locking onto my eyes with her own. Her teeth were soon replaced by an urgent sucking motion. If there was any blood on my fingers, she was going to drink it down.

  Her body milked my cock, trying to draw seed from with me, but I wouldn’t surrender.

  Yet another climax for her, and I had yet to lose my power.

  She was delirious from pleasure, when I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her out the front door into the snow. She struggled to catch up. I grunted as she panted. Her own juices dripped down her leg as I threw her down onto the snowbank.

  I tore into her ass with a wild abandon, fucking her body into the icy snowbank. She moaned and cried out into the wilderness as she convulsed and squirted her third, sloppy orgasm onto the snow beneath her body. When I was done, I had her laid out on the snow, grabbing at her ass, and quivering with spasms of ecstasy.

  “Fucking cum already!” she pleaded.

  The words indicated exhaustion, and rightfully so. I had given her a fucking worth writing home about. What she wasn’t going to get was single drop of my cum — not now, maybe not ever. I needed to save every last bit of my potency for the days to come.

bsp; With my hard-on still raging, I left her to pant in the snow.

  I grabbed the items she had collected from inside of the cabin in my arms. When I had a handful, I threw them out to her.

  “Get dressed and pull yourself together,” I told her. “We have to go.”

  Next, I grabbed a hold of my own clothes and gear. Everything that I needed was soon on my body once more. I knew how to pack light and get out quick when I needed to do so. We weren’t in any immediate hurry, but there was no need to stick around longer than necessary.

  I lit a match, and dropped it on a fuel soaked torch. Another couple of bottles of alcohol thrown onto the floor, and the whole thing was up in flames. The heat worked up toward my cheeks and I looked at the world I was leaving behind.

  If this girl wanted to fuck me, then she was going to get all of me. I felt no need to exclude the part of my temperament that had no use for people who were capable of supporting themselves, but chose not to.

  “Let’s go,” I said, walking out of the building, fully clothed.

  She stared at me with a dazed look in her eyes.

  I didn’t bother shrugging, or saying another word. I wasn’t going to wait. If she knew what was good for her, she would catch up. Otherwise, she would be left behind in the snow, and this time — it would be her own damn fault.

  Chapter 10 - Lorin

  I had been fucked by a lot of people in my life, but never with such wild intensity.

  I was still coming to my senses while the flames grew from the center of the house. My ass was frozen on the ground now that I had rolled over and tried to catch my breath. I was glad that I was sitting on snow. My ass had taken a beating and the cool temperature felt reassuring on my skin.

  I stared at him, admiring how his cock was still hard as he put on his clothes. I was salivating, in spite of my slight, euphoric disorientation.

  Three orgasms for me, and not a single one for him. My mind was completely blown. I had never been with a man who had that much health and stamina.


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