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Page 27

by A. S. Fenichel

  Gabriel’s shoulders rose and fell. “If she is still the girl he fell in love with, I imagine he will.”

  Belinda sat up. A myriad of emotions coursed through her mind. What she had to say caused a tight pain in her heart. “Gabriel, Serena will never be the same.”

  He opened his mouth, and she placed her fingers over his lips staying any argument he might make.

  “Listen to me. You and I have made a start together, which by your command has included honesty. I will not lie to you now, and lying to yourself or Serena, will not do her any good. She will be forever changed if she can recover at all. I think she is strong and will find a way to live with what she has experienced. We will help her as much as we can. Ultimately, it will be up to her to face the reality of what her mind and society will tell her is impossible. It will not be easy for her. If Thaddeus no longer wants her, then he does not deserve her. It will be a lot for him to accept as well.”

  “I accepted it.”

  She smiled and rested her head against his shoulder. His hair was loose, and she combed her fingers through the soft tresses. “You are exceptional. Most people need more time to adjust.”

  He tightened his hold around her waist. “I would have lost you if I’d taken my time.”

  His embrace gave her reassurance and sent a spiral of warmth coursing through her. “Perhaps. But it is irrelevant now. I am your wife and we shall make our way together.”

  His lips pressed to the top of her head. She let the calm silence of the sick room and his even breathing sooth her frayed nerves.

  “Do you think I should have taken her to the hospital?” Fear trembled his words.

  “I think Serena will be better off to wake up in her own room with her family by her side. Your mother will be a problem. She is going to have to adjust.”

  “Dr. Barns indicated that Serena should have round-the-clock supervision. She wanted to take her back to the hospital.”

  Serena flinched and made a noise more like a wounded cat rather than a young lady debutant.

  Perhaps the girl could hear them.

  “We can give her a few days here and see how she is doing. Then we can go to the country for a while. It will be safer and give all of us a chance to recuperate. I, for one, am tired, Gabriel. Every square inch of skin aches and I need to rest. You must be tired too. You’ve barely eaten and slept less, in the past week. I’m sure that Tubbs and Faust can help to keep any demons away. Besides, I have a feeling that tonight was a great expenditure of the Master’s resources and he will not bother us for a while.”

  Gabriel sat up and put her at arm’s length. “Why do you say that?”

  “Not here.” If Serena could hear them through her drug-induced sleep, Belinda held her tongue.

  Honestly, she would have liked to put the entire conversation off for a long time. She’d known since her rescue that she would have to tell Gabriel everything that had happened in Fatum, but she had hoped for more time.

  Gabriel pulled the cord to call for Serena’s maid. Once the woman arrived, he escorted his wife down the hallway and into his apartments.

  She expected him to start interrogating her for information immediately, but he went to the washbasin, cupped some water in his hands and splashed it on his face. The droplets made their way down his jaw and neck before he could capture them with the cloth his valet had left beside the basin. Before he turned back, he said, “In the office you held back information. Is that what you want to talk about, Bella?”

  She wasn’t really surprised he had noticed, but she was curious. “How do you know I held back?”

  There was a tear in sleeve of his blouse and he pulled it off.

  His back rippled with muscle that she admired him openly.

  He smiled at her. “I know you, Bella. I’m sure that Cullum did not know as it was not an outright lie, which you are not very good at carrying off, but I could tell that it was not the entire truth.”

  Belinda’s stomach tightened painfully. Running into a den of demons did not scare her, but telling the man she loved about the master’s ascent petrified her. She walked to the table where a tray sat with a decanter of brandy and two crystal glasses. She poured the amber liquid into both glasses, took one and sat in the overstuffed chair. The fireplace was dark and she stared into the sooty stone. “I always planned to tell you.”

  He stepped into his dressing room and came out wearing a clean blouse, though he didn’t bother with the laces. Taking the other glass, he sat across from her. “I never doubted that, Bella.”

  “Did you not?”

  He sipped the brandy. “I did not wish to pressure you. I know it is sometimes easier to allow a traumatic experience some time to breathe, before recounting it. In answer to your question, I always expected that when you were ready, you would tell me about your experience in Fatum. I have my own suspicions about what you endured. Lillian and I went down into that cave they had dug out for you. That must have been unbearable.”

  “It was…” She tried to find the words for how it felt to be trapped underground, but none came to her.

  Gabriel knelt in front of her. His hands rested on her thighs and he looked up at her with those clear blue eyes. “Tell me, Bella.”

  “Within every moment that I was in that cell, was the notion that the space would crumble around me and you would never find my body. I was not afraid to die. I have expected to die for the past three years, but the idea that you would not be able to mourn me…” A tear bubbled over her bottom lid. “You would have never known if I was alive or dead.”

  “I’m so sorry I let them take you.”

  “It was not your fault.”

  His head rested low on her lap. “I lost my temper and allowed a killing madness to take over my good sense. I did not see that you were the goal on that road. If I had stayed with you…”

  She took his head in her hands and forced him to look up at her. “It was not your fault, Gabriel. You would have died for me. I know that. And I hope when I finish telling you about the ballroom, you will still want me.”

  More tears made their way down her cheeks.

  Even Gabriel’s eyes were shiny with unshed emotion. “You are going to tell me that the master wanted you sexually.”

  The wind rushed out of her lungs. She felt as if he’d kicked her in the stomach. “How do you know that? Are you reading my mind now too?”

  A soft, crooked smile pulled at his lips. “It is only logical. He is male, of a sort. How could he not want you?”

  She gripped his hands. “Gabriel, I…”

  “You do not owe me an explanation for the actions of that monster, Bella. You should only tell me because we have pledged to cherish each other, and I want to help you through this. And if you choose to keep your own counsel for now, I will respect that as well.”

  His words were a balm that allowed her to speak about the unspeakable. “I do not pretend to understand how the master’s coming to our world was supposed to occur. I saw him in the swirling clouds. I think he should have risen and fled that space. My life would have been forfeit when he rose. He told me so himself. But he wanted me. And in his arrogance, he thought to have me before he fully climbed to Earth.”

  “Did he touch you, Bella? You can tell me. It will not affect my love for you.”

  She stared again into the empty hearth. What he said sounded impossible to her. The darkness offered her no comfort, but in his shining eyes she found trust and so much more. He would love her no matter what she had done or endured. Her heart swelled and more tears made their way down her face. “He never got the chance. I had closed off my mind, accepted that I would be violated and then I would be thankful for death. The priests were pouring energy into the gateway to keep the master alive during the transition. Then you were there. Once the energy from the durgot failed the master, he began to fade in health. Then you cut me down and his rage pushed him up as we left the ballroom. He is badly inj
ured due to his arrogance.”

  His eyes widened with understanding. “He would have come through no matter what we did.”

  “Yes. You saved me and likely bought the hunters some time. The master will need time to heal. I just do not know how much time.”

  Gabriel’s head rested on her lap once more.

  She ran her fingers through his hair. “I really would like to go to the country when Serena is able to travel.”

  “It is a wonderful idea, Bella. My mother will come as well. She needs time to accept what has happened too. Her hysteria will not help Serena, but they both have to learn to cope.”

  Belinda stood up and tugged on Gabriel’s hands until he rose from his knees. Together they climbed onto the high curtained bed. She reveled in the feel of his arms as they wrapped around her. Her bottom fitted in the bend of his thighs.

  He was hard and ready, but exhaustion won over passion and sleep claimed her a moment later.

  * * * *

  It had been three months since the Earl of Tullering and his family had retired to the country.

  Gabriel began to feel at ease in his home.

  Serena had come to accept what had happened to her in London.

  He was proud of his sister’s resilience.

  Even the Scot had come to call a few times and Gabriel had agreed to the engagement under the condition that it be a long one.

  His library served as a perfect retreat from his mother. Belinda sat on a soft couch with her feet tucked under her skirts. Her trousers peeked out an inch, but he’d grown used to her propensity toward battle-readiness. The book in her hand might have been mistaken for a novel, but he knew it was some tome detailing demon rituals.

  Normally they enjoyed the afternoon alone to do as they wished in the library. Gabriel had just decided to leave the mound of papers on his desk and convince his wife that lovemaking would be a fine way to spend the remainder of the afternoon.

  When the knock sounded, his disappointment left a bitter taste in his mouth.

  Belinda sat up and pulled her skirts around her legs. He waited for her to ready herself before saying, “Come.”

  Tubbs opened the door. “Mr. Cullum has arrived, my lord.”

  Belinda shrugged. She had not known the leader of the Demon-Hunting Company was paying them a visit.

  “Show him in, Tubbs.”

  Drake Cullum stepped through the threshold. He was formidable, but Gabriel wouldn’t cower as Belinda’s father often did in the presence of Cullum.

  Gabriel waited behind his desk and allowed the other man to come to him and shake hands.

  Belinda stood and made a pretty curtsy.

  “This is an unexpected pleasure, sir,” Belinda said.

  “There is indication that the demons are on the move again.”

  “I see.” Gabriel kept his tone even, but his heart pounded. “What are our orders?”

  “I need you in Scotland. We believe a new cell may be forming near Inverness.”

  “Have demons been spotted that far north?” Belinda asked.

  Cullum paused. “No, but there are other indications, missing people and livestock.”

  Drake didn’t like his soldiers questioning his orders. He expected them to do as they were told.

  Gabriel, for one, had had enough of that in the army. He was about to say as much.

  Belinda sat down. “I’m afraid, my husband and I will be unable to join the fight this time, Mr. Cullum. We shall be unavailable for several months.”

  Gabriel sat in his chair.

  His wife was up to something. She straightened her skirts and brushed away an imaginary piece of lint. Her cheeks were rosy and a small grin played across her lips.

  “Shall we not?”

  “That is correct, my lord.”

  “What is this about? There might be demons on top of your father’s castle not to mention the main training ground for the Company, and you are telling me you will not fight?” Cullum’s face reddened.

  Gabriel’s first thought was that his wife must be ill. She would never say no to a fight against demons. He wanted to toss Drake Cullum from the house and find out what was wrong with Belinda. “Bella?”

  “I am with child. We will not be fighting until I have given birth and recovered sufficiently.” She said it without any embarrassment. It was not usually the kind of thing one announced in mixed company.

  Gabriel’s heart jumped directly into his throat. A child, could that be possible? It must be. Belinda wasn’t lying.

  Her color was high and her skin glowed. Why hadn’t he noticed it before?

  “Mr. Cullum, as my wife says, we are not available at this time. If we can help the fight in some other capacity, we are happy to do so. We are both fine strategists and a base of operations could be set up here if it would be of help.”

  Without missing a beat, Cullum nodded. “We will certainly find a less dangerous use for your extensive talents. I will send you data as soon as I can and new orders will be forthcoming. Is that acceptable?”

  “Yes, sir,” they both said.

  “I wish you both congratulations on your happy news.”

  “You are welcome to sup with us and spend the night, Mr. Cullum.” Belinda slipped into the role of Countess of Tullering as easily as some might slip on a glove.

  Shaking his head, Cullum walked toward the doorway. “I thank you for the gracious invitation, Countess. Unfortunately I must decline.”

  He bowed and started toward the door, stopped and turned back. “Tullering, did you know that your sister’s fiancé has applied at the school for training?”

  Gabriel wasn’t surprised. Thaddeus Douglass was a man of honor and he’d seen too much to go back to his normal life. “He has not informed me of his plans, but I cannot say that I’m surprised. He will make a fine hunter.”

  Cullum nodded. “The reports are favorable thus far.”

  As soon as Cullum was gone, Gabriel crossed to his wife.

  “Why did you not tell me?” He sat down and placed his hand on her stomach.

  She covered his hand with both of hers. “I was going to surprise you in a couple of days. I had a plan to have the house to ourselves for a night. Mr. Cullum’s orders upset my surprise.”

  She said it with a sulking tone, but her lips fought a smile and she was radiant with happiness.

  “Bella, I do not know what to say. I never dreamed you would give me a child so soon.”

  “You are happy though, are you not, Gabriel?”

  He had to force himself not to dance around the room. “Happy?” He lost the battle, lifted Belinda off the couch and whirled her around and around. “Happy does a poor job of describing how I feel.”

  She laughed and so did he. In fact, the Earl and Countess of Tullering laughed and danced around the library of their country estate until the noise of it drew a crowd of family and servants to the doorway.

  Neither one cared. They danced to a waltz only they heard.

  A.S. Fenichel

  A.S. Fenichel gave up a successful IT career in New York City to follow her husband to Texas and pursue her lifelong dream of being a professional writer. She’s never looked back.

  A.S. adores writing stories filled with love, passion, desire, magic and maybe a little mayhem tossed in for good measure. Books have always been her perfect escape and she still relishes diving into one and staying up all night to finish a good story.

  Multi-published in erotic paranormal, erotic contemporary, Regency historical romance and of course historical paranormal romance, A.S. will be bringing you her brand of romance for many years to come.

  Originally from New York, she grew up in New Jersey, and now lives in East Texas with her real life hero, her wonderful husband. When not reading or writing she enjoys cooking, travel, history, and puttering in her garden.

  Lyrical Press books are published by

  Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018

  Copyright © 2014 A.S.Fenichel

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

  Lyrical Press and the L logo are trademarks of Kensington Publishing Corp.

  First Electronic Edition: October 2014

  ISBN-13: 978-1-61650-559-2




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