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Sweetest Torture (Sweetest Kill Book 2)

Page 11

by Alexander, S. B

  “You taste so good baby.” He moans

  He continues his movements, slow and steady, no rush. Nowhere to be. No one to save. When I am close I tell him I am almost there. He picks up the pace, thrusting inside a little faster but still trying to enjoy every movement.

  He comes, and comes hard. “fuck.” He all but screams. I am thankful that we are on this wing by ourselves, because anyone nearby would know what we were doing otherwise.

  When he’s done he pulls out of me slowly, then stands up and goes into the bathroom, bringing back a wet wash cloth and begins to gently clean me up.

  “Olivia.” He says

  “Yeah?” I whisper, allowing him to wipe between my still sensitive legs

  “I don’t need you to tell me that you love me right now, I know that you have been through a lot. But I just need you to know, that I really do love you.”

  I smile at him. He returns it. When he’s done, we crawl into bed and fall asleep.

  It’s the first time I have fallen asleep beside someone who wasn’t Dean.

  Chapter 35

  Max and I don’t leave the room for nearly a week. Seriously, it is never ending. We have food brought up and we stay in bed.

  I still don’t tell him that I love him, I’m not sure that I quite do. But I know that I feel safe with him, and I know that unlike others he doesn’t leave my side as soon as we are finished. He sticks around to tell me how much I mean to him I haven’t had much of that before, and it feels nice.

  When we finally leave the room, we spend our days watching movies, out at the shooting range or driving golf carts around the property.

  Max does have work to do for his father, but he doesn’t let it take up too much of his time. He always spends his free moments with me.

  Stella calls Michaels phone one day, asking to speak to me.

  I am shocked by her worried tone on the phone “he refuses to file for divorce.” She said as soon as I picked up the phone. But I don’t for a second thing it has anything to do with me, but rather selfish concerns.

  No one stays in the room with me, which I find to be really odd.

  It was as if Stella knew what I was thinking “that phone doesn’t dial out.” She laughs

  “I don’t care if it does.” I mutter “What do you mean he won’t file?”

  “Exactly what I said, Dean refuses to end your marriage.”

  “But he’s fucking you, so that pretty much seals the deal does it not?”

  “Listen, I don’t know what the fuck he is thinking all I know is I told him you asked for him to file and send out the papers and he lost his cool, nearly killed Ryan and the other dude when they tried to hold him off and he pulled the door off the fucking hinges like the Incredible Hulk. Then he got in my face and told me to tell you to go fuck yourself.”

  I stay silent for a moment before I say anything else

  “Are you two… still together?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “It does.” I reply although I wasn’t sure I truly wanted her to answer

  “He fucked my brains out right on your kitchen counter when Ryan and the other guy left.”

  “Adam you mean.”

  “Who?” she asks

  “Adam you said the other guy, his name is Adam.”

  “Yeah Adam, Angelo I don’t give a shit what his name is, point is you aren’t getting the divorce from him, I think he is worried you will take all his money. I can’t blame him. Clearly money keeps you quiet, you haven’t tried to leave the compound once.”

  “Max loves me.” I don’t know why I am telling her this “Dean wants you. I don’t really know why you care, you got what you wanted.”

  She says nothing for a moment “yeah I got everything I wanted.”

  I can’t help but hear the slight sarcasm in her voice

  “Is Landon with my mom?”

  “Nope.” She replies, popping the P

  “So you are raising my son with my husband, basically I shot you for nothing.”

  “Yup.” Another pop

  “Listen, I don’t want your snot nose kid. I only want Dean. I will convince him to do the divorce, but he isn’t going to leave his son, it’s the only reason that he married your ass in the first place. Obviously he wanted a kid.”

  “Why don’t you just give him one then?” I ask

  “Because I can’t have kids.” She snaps

  “You have a son.” I retort

  “Let’s just say his conception was a onetime thing.” She replies

  “Please stay away from my son Stella.” I ask

  “Oh now look who wants to play nice.”

  “If you do anything to harm him. I will get out of here, and I will aim correctly when I see you.” My voice is cold

  “You’ll never get out. Michael says Max is in love with you, has been since the start. My plan worked out perfectly. You will never be free of him.”

  “I don’t need to be free of Max to get my son back and to hurt you, if you hurt my son before I can.” I reply

  “Dean won’t let you take him.” The panic in her voice starts to rise again. What is she so worried about?

  “Listen, Dean is getting out of the shower, I just wanted to let you know.”

  She hangs up before I can respond.

  Max walks into the room, takes a seat. Pulling my legs up onto his lap.

  “I want you to get me a lawyer and I want to sign off on a divorce to Dean, but I don’t want a single thing from him, can you do that?”

  “Sure.” Max smiles “If that’s what you want.”

  It is, if that’s all that is holding him back, then fine. But I want custody of my son to go to my mother.

  I know that’s not going to go over well with Dean.

  Chapter 36

  The lawyer petitions for divorce on my behalf. He also asks for shared custody between Dean and my mom for split time. He said the courts wouldn’t need to know that I was being held against my will.

  Hearing those words made me sick. I forgot that I couldn’t just up and leave.

  It causes a fight between Max and me. One that he makes up for with a fancy dinner and a massage.

  Max asks me if I would marry him when the divorce comes through.

  I agree.

  I love him, not in the way I had loved Dean, but I was starting to think that I could make it work with Max if I really want to.

  He makes it a point to be there for me, to ask me questions about my day when I am not with him. I know that I was bought and sold to him. I know that I am not able to be with my son. Which is the most brutal part of it.

  But I can’t help but think, that I might be able to convince Max to move away from all of his father’s dealings and help me get my son. I would have to ask him about that. If he is in love with me, maybe he will be willing to start over.

  I am wondering constantly about whether or not Dean has been served the divorce papers denouncing all of my claim to his money. The lawyer said we could do a pre-nup but there was no way that Dean would act like we were never married. I knew that much about him. He’s a pride man. I just want to know if he knows I filed. I want to know if will accept to end things if he knows I don’t want his money, that it was never about that for me.

  But no word comes. Stella doesn’t call.

  Life I guess you could call it that, my new life. goes back to “normal” I cry for my son every time I am alone, and when I am with Max I put on my brave face and we have sex. It is hard to stop.

  Dean and I didn’t have sex a whole lot. We slept together those few times before and after Landon, so Max and I had outdone my sex score three times over.

  The man is never tired.

  It is becoming harder to get alone time. Michael has a new associate starting, so the man is charged with guarding me when Max isn’t around.

  The guy gives me the creeps. He is always watching me, I try to tell Max, but Max just laughs and tells me that, that is his job.

p; Still I don’t like him. His name is Mark, and I choose to stay in my room when Max has to go out.

  But then Mark will sometimes knock on the door to ask if I am okay, and then he will ask me if I am happy, and then he will ask me if I want to stay.

  I always answer his questions as briefly as possible…yes…as happy as I can be and I don’t know.

  And then he always gives me a small smile, pulls out his cell phone and leaves.

  Chapter 37

  One night, Max and I are lying in bed and I decide that now is the time to talk to him about what would happen in the future.

  “Max I have a question.”

  He’s rubbing my back in slow lazy circles, while I lay on his chest

  “Go for it.” He says

  “Do you think we could move away from all of this ever?”

  “What do you mean move away from it all?” he asks

  “I mean, do you think that we could move away and start a normal life, one where we don’t need guards, where we don’t have to live within gates, a happy normal life?”

  “This is my life Olivia.” He responds quickly “I am going to take over this life from my dad. You and I are going to get married and start a family and you are going to be my queen, Angel.”

  I move off of him and look at his face when I ask the next question

  “I want Landon with me.”

  His eye brows furrow together, and then he sits up quickly

  “That’s not possible.”

  “Why not?” I ask

  “Because for I will never raise another man’s child. I would never raise his child.” He’s getting angry

  “Why not? That is my baby too.”

  “Exactly, a baby you had with someone who is not me. It won’t ever happen Olivia, don’t ever ask me that again.”

  He stands up, throws on a pair of sweat pants and walks out the door, slamming it on his way out.

  And I cry again. I cry for my son, and I cry for the man that I loved with all of my heart, who might not have really loved me as much as I loved him, but one who would never make me choose a life with him over one with my son.

  Who am I kidding? I have no choice in this matter. I am never going to be Landon’s mom again.

  I’ll never get to be Dean’s wife or Landon’s mom. The two things that I wanted most in this world are no longer mine.

  How am I supposed to deal with that?

  Chapter 38

  For the first time since we started having sex 5 months ago, Max doesn’t come back to me before bed.

  He always comes in, and holds me while I sleep. Whispers stories into my hair. Tells me about his day.

  I don’t realize how safe that makes me feel until he doesn’t return.

  I knew that asking him to bring Landon to us might not go well, but I had no way of knowing that it would make him this upset.

  I fall asleep finally after I can no longer fight it. Thoughts of doom dance in my head. The anxiety of everything is starting to eat me up.

  Max promised me early on that I could have everything I could ever desire, with the exception of the people that I love. I knew his game at that moment, he didn’t want me to love anyone but him. He was a selfish man. One that I would be with for forever. One that wanted my every emotion spent on him and not on my past.

  The next day, I stay in my room. I watch movies, and lay in bed. Max doesn’t come in, he doesn’t call.

  Mark is outside of my door when I leave to grab something to eat each time. He smiles, nods but doesn’t ask me his usual questions:

  Are you okay?

  Are you happy?

  Do you want to stay here?

  I don’t realize until now, that I missed those questions. He always has a friendly smile, granted he always watches me with the same amount of interest and intent as always, but other than Max he is the only person who will talk to me.

  Never when Max is around though.

  When Max doesn’t come back the next night. I decide that I will have to be the one to go to him and apologize.

  I’m not sorry for wanting my son. I will never be sorry for loving him, just like I will never be sorry for loving Dean. I know that I can’t have Dean. I know that he has moved on and I am trying to do the same, but my son is a different story. If I can’t have him with me, I at least want to know how he is doing. I want to see his face, I want to hear his cries. I just need something of him.

  It’s fairly late, the clock on the side of my bed says it is 1am.

  I walk out of my room and turn down the stairs towards his office. Passing a smiling Max as I go. Does this man never go home?

  Michael’s office is down in the basement, it’s really nice down there, but I don’t enter unless I need to. He does things I would rather pretend to not know about.

  Max’s office is empty.

  I stop and think, it’s late so not many people are wandering the halls. I decide to go and check his bedroom.

  When we started sleeping together, he moved all of his stuff into the room that we now share. I thought though that if he was angry enough he might just crash into his room while he stews on his problems.

  His room is down the hall from mine at the very end. I knock gently on the door as to not wake him if he is asleep. When he doesn’t answer I open the door and walk in.

  His room is set up differently than mine, you have to walk in and turn the corner to see his bed, mine when you open the door the bed is a straight view shot.

  What I see though instantly makes me sick to my stomach.

  Max has a woman on all fours fucking her from behind. He’s grunting as he enters her each time.

  “Yes Olivia, shit that feels so good.”

  I think at first I thought he was talking to me, but then I realize he is talking to the girl he is screwing.

  The anger that bursts open in side of me makes me feel so sick to my stomach and so ready to do so many horrible things to both of these people. I don’t know how to handle it.

  Instead I leave the door open, and march back to my room. Max didn’t notice me standing there. He was too into my stand in.

  I grab a pile of his clothes, expensive suits off hangers and rip them from the stand. I see the photos that Max had framed of the two of us together around the room and rip them from the walls glass crashing against the floor as the fall.

  I grab the pile of clothing and storm back out of my room. Mark is no longer smiling this time when I exit.

  I walk straight to Max’s room and walk up to the side of the bed and throw everything onto the bed and onto the floor.

  Max notices immediately and stops what he is doing, pushing the girl onto the floor on the other side roughly. She cries out.

  His face is one of anger and regret. “Olivia.” He starts.

  I hold up my hand to stop him

  “I understand that I have no choice but to be here. I understand that you own me” I bite the words out to remind him, to hurt him “but as of this moment, I will never again look at you the same. Don’t fucking come to me again. You can stay in here and I will stay in there. Just stay the hell away from me Max.”

  The bimbo looks up over the side of the bed, she’s watching Max for what he will choose to do next in response to my actions

  He’s watching me with sad eyes, like he is waiting for me to open my mouth and said ‘gotcha, no really I’m okay with being your slave girlfriend please continue to fuck around on me.’

  I look down at my hand at the expensive and quite large ring that Max bought me a week before Christmas as an engagement ring. I remove the ring from my hand, which causes Max to let out a growl.

  “Put that fucking ring back on your finger Olivia.” He snaps

  Instead I toss it to the girl “here you go sweetheart, good luck keeping up with this one. I’m over it.”

  I turn around and walk back to my room. Mark is standing in the doorway

  “You asked me if I was happy? I am fucking miserable, I can’t
hold my son, and I don’t even know if he knows who I am. You asked me if I was okay, no I am not okay. You asked me if I wanted to stay here. No, I fucking hate this place, but I have no choice, this is my life now. I answered you stupid questions, now move the fuck out of my way and stop smiling at me every time you see me like a smile makes any of this okay. Go report back to your boss that I have finally lost it. You all win.

  Max is storming out of his room and towards mine.

  I cut off Mark from whatever he was about to stay and slam my door shit and lock it.

  Max allowed me to add deadbolts to my door. I told him that when Michael had his men over for parties, that I sometimes got scared when they would drift upstairs.

  From the pounding on the door, I think he is quickly regretting that choice.

  I’m regretting ever thinking that he was any different from the man who came before him.

  This is what men do Olivia. They make you love them and then they sleep with someone else.

  God I missed Alexis. She would know what to say to me…

  Chapter 39

  Max tried everything to get me to talk to him.

  He left dozens upon dozens of flowers at my door.

  He bought be expensive chocolates

  He left me cards.

  He would stand outside my door and talk to me. I would never utter a single word in his direction.

  ‘I fucked up’

  ‘I am sorry’

  ‘I love you’

  ‘I still want to marry you.’

  ‘I need you Angel.’

  ‘You’re my queen.’

  ‘I can’t live without you’

  ‘I won’t live without you’

  ‘I said you are my queen’

  And on it went.

  Chapter 40

  Max had to go away on business last minute.

  For the first time since I was brought to him, he was leaving me. Not that it should matter, I still refused to speak to him. He cried like physically cried each time he saw me.


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