Book Read Free

Tempt Me

Page 1

by Remmy Duchene

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  More from Remmy Duchene

  About the Author

  By Remmy Duchene

  Visit Dreamspinner Press


  Tempt Me

  By Remmy Duchene

  Officer Gabe Ford knows finding love could be a tad problematic—especially since he hasn’t come out to his partner of six years yet. But what’s a guy to do when his body wants what his brain is saying he can’t have?

  A year and a half after a breakup, Jason Tomlinson isn’t actively looking for a relationship. Hell, he can do bad all by himself. But Gabe Ford is just too damn yummy to resist. Just as things are beginning to pick up, one bullet may end it all before it even begins.

  For Shar

  Chapter One

  JASON BRUSHED the strands of wavy, shoulder-length, dirty-blond hair into a tight ponytail as per the rule of the bar. He even went so far as to pull the ends into the abhorred man bun. That way the strands would stay in, and there’d be less of a chance he’d accidentally shed some in someone’s martini. Standing before the mirror, he twisted one way, then the next.

  Satisfied with the way he looked, Jason inhaled deeply, counted to ten, exhaled, then made his way into the main area.

  Warrior wouldn’t be open for another couple of hours. He would use the time before the other workers arrived to make sure everything was ready to go for the night. Thursday nights weren’t that busy—a few firefighters here, a paramedic or two there, a handful of cops here. Friday nights and Saturday nights were the major hauls—and of late, Wednesday nights. It was probably something to do with hump day or the fact that it was the middle of the week and people needed something to keep them going.

  After checking all the glasses for spots and lipstick that hadn’t been washed off in the machine, he grabbed his clipboard, climbed onto the ladder, and took a look at all the bottles of liquor. He was about to switch his focus to lemons when someone knocked on the glass entrance. A couple of times, the offenders would be teenage girls Jason later found out thought he was hot. They would knock, become shy, and run away in a fit of giggles.

  It took Molly to explain that to him.

  But usually it was a customer who couldn’t wait until opening time. Jason looked up. Instead of teenage girls, two men peered back at him from the other side of the door. He quirked a brow, set the clipboard and pen down, then headed to the entrance.

  “We don’t open for another—” He checked his watch. “—fifty minutes.”

  “I know.” The tall African-American one grinned. “And we know you can’t serve alcohol until then, but we just came off shift and we’re starving.”

  Jason looked to the other man who had contemplative brown eyes and dark hair styled back away from his forehead. “You two cops?”

  “Yeah,” the dark-skinned man replied. “Help us out, here?”

  “Just food for now,” Jason said.

  Both men nodded, and Jason stepped out of the way so they could enter. Once they did, he locked the door and flicked on the house lights, so they wouldn’t trip over anything.

  “Let me bring you a menu.” Jason turned to walk back to the bar.

  “We—um—know what we want.”

  Jason turned to see the dark-skinned man staring at his friend, a smirk tracing his dark lips. “Um—I’m Officer Malik Clemons—this here is my partner, Gabe Ford.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Jason shook both their hands. Gabe’s shake was hard with work-roughened fingers. “Jason Tomlinson. So—what do you want?”

  Gabe licked his lips and tilted his head. “The greasiest burger you have with french fries, mayo, and ketchup on the side.”

  “So, you want a Big Daddy.” Jason ensured he kept his focus on Gabe’s face to see his reaction. “I can get you that.”

  Gabe caught his bottom lip between his teeth, and that told Jason all he needed to know. With a smile he turned his attention to Malik.

  “I’d like mine with onion rings,” Malik said.

  Jason cleared his throat and nodded. “And to drink?”

  “Coke,” Gabe said.

  “Water for me.” Malik patted what no doubt was a six-pack. “I’m on a diet.”

  Jason laughed and shook his head while walking away. He entered the kitchen and asked Molly—who was still prepping—to do him a solid and make the food early. Molly smiled at him before reaching across to pinch his cheeks.

  “You’re so lucky you’re cute,” Molly said. “Even if you don’t swing my way.”

  Jason winked at her, then hurried back to prepare the men’s drinks. He carried the soda, an empty glass, and a tall glass bottle filled with purified water back to the table and set it all down.

  “I’ve had to call in a favor with my chef to make your food before she was finished prepping.” Jason leaned his back against a nearby column. “That was a little like playing with a shark.”

  Gabe laughed. “She can’t be that bad.”

  “Oh yeah? You wanna go in there and ask to change your order?” Jason asked with a wink.

  Gabe laughed, and Jason found that made his spirits rise.

  “I’ll bring out your meals once Molly has them finished.”

  “Thanks,” Malik said.

  Jason made his way back to the bar and started in on the lemons. A few minutes later, his head bartender, Fitz, showed up and dove into helping him finish, check the bathrooms, and clean out the coatroom. Malik’s and Gabe’s food arrived, and Jason walked the meals to the table.

  All throughout the time they were there, Jason kept his eyes on Gabe, wondering if he’d read too much into what happened between them in those fleeting moments. Was Gabe flirting back? Or was it a case that Gabe was showing interest without even realizing he was doing it?

  Either way, it was great to be flirted with. When it came time for Malik and Gabe to pay their bill, Jason wrote his number on the receipt and handed it to Gabe. Gabe read it, then quickly shoved it into his pocket.

  “Thanks for doing this,” Malik said. “We really appreciate it.”

  “No worries.” Jason kept his gaze on Gabe. “Maybe next time you come in, you can get a drink?”

  “On you?” Gabe asked.

  Jason smirked at him. “Sure—if that’s how you like it.”

  Malik laughed out loud, but Gabe merely shook his head.

  “In all seriousness,” Jason said, feeling he’d crossed a line with Gabe. “Drink’s on me.”

  “I’m definitely going to take you up on that.” Malik extended a hand.

  Jason shook it, but Gabe headed silently for the door. Fitz let the officers out, then turned the sign so the place was officially open for business. Jason went back to work for another few hours, then drifted into the kitchen where Molly was getting ready to take a break. Once she did, he accepted a burger and fries from her, and the two ventured into the back to eat.

  “So, you hit on a cop,” Molly said. “It’s an everyday thing. Especially the ones in uniform—oh lawd!”

  “Yeah, but I don’t think this one is gay. I gave him my number—omigawd! What was I thinking?”

  “You’re thinking he was beautiful and you’d like to get to know him?”

  Jason groaned.

  “Okay, let me ask you this.” Molly chewed, then swallowed. “Did he complain
when you flirted with him?”


  “Did he seem uncomfortable?”

  “A little.”

  “Did he—”

  “Maybe he didn’t want to hurt my feelings,” Jason said. “He’s probably just a nice guy and is flattered, and all, but he doesn’t like the cock.”

  Molly laughed. “You’re just too dramatic for me, man.”

  With his mind on Gabe and the possible mistake he’d made, Jason finished his night early and left Warrior. He stopped at an all-night grocery store and picked up some food. Molly was always telling him that he lived like a starving man. There was no way he would be getting any sleep that night. He figured he wouldn’t waste time in bed trying—he’d use the night to pack out groceries, maybe do some dusting, pay a few bills, and if there was time left over, figure out the musical lineup for Warrior for the rest of the year.

  Chapter Two

  “SO.” MALIK shifted on the bed, while dropping the remote between them. “Did you call him?”

  The pitcher threw a high fast ball. The catcher barely managed to corral. It was only then that Gabe shifted to look at his best friend and partner lying beside him. “Call who?”

  Malik sighed dramatically. “The bartender at Warrior. Dude, come on.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Gabe turned back to the baseball game.

  “How long have I been your partner?” Malik asked, sitting up.

  “Six years.”

  “Six years and you still don’t trust me.”

  Gabe frowned. “What’re you on about?”

  “Ford, I know you’re gay.”

  Gabe swallowed the lump in his throat. “How do you know that?”

  “I’m not blind,” Malik said. “Aside from the fact that I saw you kissing someone a couple of years back, I—”

  “And you haven’t said anything?”

  “I figured it wasn’t my place—that you’d tell me when you were ready. I don’t get why you felt you had to keep that from me.”

  Gabe sat up and curled his legs under him. “It’s not a matter of trust—not really. I didn’t want our friendship to get weird. I know how Jamaican men are with the whole homosexual thing. I didn’t want to add anything that would make it different between us.”

  “So, what was your plan? Spend the rest of your life without dating—alone?”

  Gabe shrugged. “I didn’t really think that far ahead.”

  “You weren’t going to tell me?”

  “Honestly?” Gabe climbed off the bed to grab the remote from where it had fallen. He dropped it beside Malik. “No.”

  Malik sighed. “Look, I’m not one of those dudes who gets all pissed off over who another guy sleeps with. It’s none of my business unless that guy is my friend and the other is a tool. You’ve had my back since day one on this job….”

  “I’m supposed to.”

  “Yeah, but it’s more than that.” Malik muted the television as the other team scored on the home team. “It’s way more than that. We’re supposed to do a lot of things we don’t. But with you, protecting me is like second nature. I’ve never had to look behind me on a bust because I know, instinctively, that you’re there. I know how you feel about me, and believe me, brother, the feeling is mutual.”

  “Still? I mean, here you are lying in this bed with me and you know about— What does that mean?”

  “Don’t read too much into that.”

  “But I’m curious,” Gabe pushed. “I’m not saying you’re into—you’re gay or anything. I just want to know what makes you comfortable enough to do that when most other guys would have taken the chair in the farthest corner of this room. Hell, they wouldn’t have even entered the bedroom with me.”

  “It means I trust you, Gabe.” Malik rubbed the back of his neck. “And I know even if you find me sexy as hell, you’d never cross that line. Besides, even if I did swing that way, it would be weird. You’re like my brother.”

  Gabe crinkled his nose. “Even now?”

  “Why, because you like dudes?” Malik laughed. “You forget? I’ve known. So, can we please stop talking about this bit of it and get to the point where you tell me if you’re going to call Jason or not?”

  Gabe crinkled his nose again. “Are you sure? I mean, I know it can get weird talking about gay sex when you’re straight.”

  “I’m very comfortable with my sexuality. And besides, if a guy hits on me, it’s flattering. It only means I’m that much more irresistible.”

  “Oh gawd, the ego on this one.”

  Malik laughed. “Stop changing the subject.”

  “I don’t know,” Gabe admitted. “I mean, if I’m going to be putting my career on the line, it’d better be for a man who wants to settle down, who doesn’t go out flirting with other guys.”


  “Bartenders are notorious for that kind of thing.”

  “Speaking from experience, are we?” Malik asked.

  Gabe shook his head. “I’ve never dated a bartender. But I’ve seen it happen. I want a man I can trust—one who if we’re going to be lying down together, I’m the only one he’s taking it from and giving it to.”

  “Taking it from and giving it to?” Malik asked, then chuckled. “So, you like it both ways? Hmm. Good to know.”

  Gabe’s cheeks heated. “Could we focus for a second?”

  “I am focused. I’m learning new things about my fellow brother in blue.”

  “You’re an ass.”

  “I’ve been told.” Malik winked. “Okay—but Jason could be different. You won’t know unless you try. And remember, we carry guns for a living. If he doesn’t behave, we have ways of making him hurt.”

  “No need for that.” Gabe rubbed his palms against his thighs, then walked over to the window to peer out at the darkening outside.

  “What did you mean before when you said you would be putting your career at risk? You think the force doesn’t understand they have LGBT working for and with them?”

  Gabe shrugged.

  “Ford, listen to me.” The bed creaked, telling Gabe Malik had climbed off. “You’re a great cop. Most people twice your age wish they were as good as you. We’re not going to trade that for what you do in the privacy of your home, and if anyone says otherwise….”

  “I get it. Thanks, Malik.”

  “Any time, brother. Now, I’m going to wander out into the kitchen for some snacks. But I’m going to take a really, really long time. I might even stop to use the washroom on my way….”

  Gabe turned to look at Malik and arched a brow.

  “That should give you enough time, so it won’t be weird.”

  “Enough time for what?”

  “Oh shit. Please tell me you’re not this clueless.”

  Gabe bowed his head as realization dawned on him. “Sorry. Okay, sure.”

  “Good man.” Malik patted his shoulder and left the room.

  The moment he was alone, Gabe’s heart raced. It’d been three years since he’d even looked at a man twice. So why was Jason different? Was it because he was so open, so blatantly interested? It could have something to do with the green of Jason’s eyes, the length of his hair, the size of his body—damn.

  Jason stood at least six foot five, massive pecs that bulged through the soft material of his graphic T-shirt each time he reached for a plate or set down a glass.

  Swallowing the lump in his throat, Gabe hurried over to his underwear drawer. He dug underneath the folded bunch to find the receipt with Jason’s number. It had been almost a week, and he was pretty sure Jason might have forgotten him by then.

  But he would call—if only to prove a point to Malik.

  He dialed the number and held the phone to his ear while it rang.

  One ring.

  Two rings.

  Three rings.

  Damn it!

  Gabe hung up. He paced one way, then the next while biting on his thumb. Finally, he gathered enough courage
to try again. This time on the second ring, Jason’s voice floated over the receiver like a well-tuned symphony of masculine perfection.


  “Jason—it’s Gabe.”

  “Officer Ford,” Jason drawled. “Aren’t you a sound for sore ears?”

  “No one ever says that.”

  Jason laughed. “But with all the technology these days, they should. I didn’t think I’d hear from you.”

  “Isn’t there a time frame for these things?”

  “Yeah—three days, tops.” Then Jason’s voice dipped lower, huskier. “Were you trying to make me wait—maybe, earn it? I mean, did you think I’ve been a bad boy?”

  Gabe’s cheeks heated as flames exploded across his face. “Are you always this insufferable?”

  “I don’t know—hang around long enough and you might find out.”

  “I see.” Gabe cleared his throat. “Listen, um—could I interest you in a drink?”

  “Are you asking me out, Officer Ford? Or will your partner be included?”


  Jason chuckled. “You’re blushing.”

  “I don’t blush.”

  “Why? Because you carry a gun for a living?”

  “No—I just don’t.”

  “Well, then. Challenge accepted!”

  “Jason?” Gabe warned. “That wasn’t a—”

  “I accept your invite for a drink, Gabe Ford. Just you and me.” He cleared his throat. “Then I will get to work trying to see if all your cheeks grow rosy red when I do make you blush.”

  Son of a bitch!

  “I’m free tomorrow night,” Jason continued. “You can pick me up at eight at my place.”

  “Pick you up?”

  “This is a date, Gabe,” Jason said. “I expect to be treated like a gentleman. I’ll text you my address.”


  But Jason was gone. Gabe grunted and pressed his forehead to the window. Quickly after that, his phone vibrated, and he checked it to see that Jason had been true to his words.

  “Trouble?” Malik asked.

  Gabe whirled around and pushed a puff of air out his mouth. “Tell me one of those beers is mine.”


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