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Tempt Me

Page 4

by Remmy Duchene

  THEIR NEXT date had to be canceled. It wasn’t because of Jason—Gabe called an hour prior to say he couldn’t make it because of work. Sure, they’d only known each other a short time, but it still had Jason feeling a bit paranoid. The thoughts that flowed through his mind as to the reason for the cancellation made him a little bit antsy. He went to Warrior to check in on payroll, then headed to the gym to blow off some steam. With that over, he debated stopping by the station—to secretly check on Gabe. He could bring Gabe and Malik some lunch.

  Then again, Gabe was probably out on assignment.

  He sighed. Strange, he’d never once thought of doing that with Patrick.

  Instead of making an ass out of himself, he busied himself going through the numbers for Empress. Business was going well for the joint. Empress was a lot less rustic than Warrior—it catered primarily to the ladies. It served more martini-esque drinks, less beer choices, and so far the change seemed to be working.

  It was well after dinner when his cell rang. He glanced down at the face and frowned. Against his better judgment, Jason answered it. “What do you want, Patrick?”

  “I made a mistake, Jason.”

  “I don’t care,” Jason growled. “What you do stopped being my issue the day I found out you were banging anything on two legs.”

  “Please! I mean, doing what I did to you.”

  “And what did you do, Patrick?”

  “I….” Patrick stopped, and the only reason Jason knew he was still there was from his breathing.

  Irritated, Jason hung up and blocked Patrick’s number. He didn’t need that crap at the moment. Maybe six months before, he would have even entertained forgiving Patrick enough to take him back. But he had moved on. Gabe was new, but it felt good—felt right. There were no hesitations when it came to making love with Gabe, or taking Gabe’s hand. Gabe never once pushed him away when Jason reached in to steal a kiss in a public place. With Patrick, it was always like Jason had been an embarrassment.

  With his head in the clouds, Jason grabbed his keys and cell and left the condo. He wandered away from the chaos of the downtown core and to his favorite park on the lake. But it seemed something was happening—a rally of sorts in the main area where the fountain was.

  He tried to go around to the other side, closer to the water, and that detour led him along a flower-lined path that emerged into an opening with park benches set up in a large circle. Though that didn’t mean he’d escape the noise of the crowd, but at least he wouldn’t have to push through the people. The place usually had retirees sitting around, talking, or just relaxing in the shade. Today it was strangely empty. For some reason, that caused Jason to think of how short life could be.


  Jason turned and smiled before dragging his fingers through his hair. He jogged over to meet Gabe in the middle of the seats. He wanted to kiss him, but Gabe was in uniform, gun on his right hip, walkie on the right shoulder. He had POLICE across the center of his bulletproof vest, FORD over his left breast, and DHPD against his right. Jason bit his bottom lip.

  “What’re you doing here?” Gabe asked, smiling.

  “I couldn’t think in the condo, so I thought I’d go for a walk,” Jason explained.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. Just—” Jason paused, wondering if he should tell Gabe about the call from Patrick. Then again, keeping things hidden at the start of a relationship was never a good thing. “My ex called.”

  “What’d he want?”


  “I see.” Gabe cleared his throat.

  Jason saw the hurt in Gabe’s gaze and immediately wanted to take it away. “I hung up on him and blocked his number. He had four years of my life to make something work between us. And I spent all that time trying to fix a relationship he didn’t even know was broken.”

  Gabe rubbed the back of his neck. “Want me to talk to him?”

  “That’s sweet.” Jason touched Gabe’s cheek but quickly let his hand fall. “But it’s okay. Hopefully he got the picture. I didn’t think the world was ending today.”


  Jason pointed in the direction of the crowd, and Gabe laughed.


  “You keeping the peace?” Jason asked.

  “Something like that,” Gabe replied. “Right now, I’m just wandering around to ensure there aren’t any stragglers doing anything they shouldn’t. You’d be surprised how many times that happens with gatherings like this.”

  “Seems legit.”

  Gabe licked his lips while shifting the weight from one foot to the next. “I’m really sorry I had to cancel our date. I didn’t want you to think I was running after we slept together.”

  Jason smiled. “Now, why would I think that?”

  “I don’t know.” Gabe shrugged. “It could happen.”

  “We’re cool. Do you work tomorrow?”

  “No—I had to give up a day off a while back to cover a short shift. The boss said I can take it tomorrow.”

  “Can you come over tonight?” Jason asked.

  “It might be a late one.”

  “I understand—doesn’t matter what time. I’ll wait.”

  Gabe smiled and nodded. “Okay. I’ll see you later.”

  They looked at each other for an eternity, Jason wanting to kiss Gabe and thinking Gabe probably wished the same thing. But was it the acceptable thing to do? Finally, Gabe broke the trance and walked away.

  “Gabe!” Jason called.

  Gabe stopped and turned. Jason took a couple of steps to close the distance between them. He gripped Gabe’s right shoulder and bowed to press a kiss to Gabe’s cheek while squeezing his arm. Jason allowed his lips to linger a little longer than was probably necessary, until Gabe reached up to touch Jason’s shoulder.

  “See you later.” Jason’s voice cracked.

  Gabe nodded and was off. That chaste little brush of his lips to Gabe’s skin hadn’t been enough, but it had been something. It would have to be enough to hold him over until whatever time Gabe made it to him that night. Though he knew he probably shouldn’t have done it, Jason had been unable to simply walk away.

  He watched Gabe’s back until Gabe met up with Malik, and the two of them disappeared behind a set of trees. Strange, he hadn’t even noticed Malik had appeared while speaking with Gabe. Jason supposed his complete focus was on the man standing before him—and who could blame him? Gabe was stunning.

  Exhaling long and hard and loud, Jason continued along the path until he emerged on the beach.

  It was hard not to contemplate one’s existence when standing on the shores of running water. The small waves danced about the sand, then rolled back into the deep. Jason wondered if he shouldn’t be married with children by thirty-five. How old was Gabe?

  Shit. I haven’t even asked that!

  Jason groaned. There was something about Gabe that made Jason lose his mind whenever he was around. It was one of the most beautiful things—something Jason’s father always taught him to look out for. He checked the time, since Osaka would be thirteen hours ahead of Dearhorn. That would make it just after eight in the evening where his father was staying. With a shrug, he called.

  George Tomlinson answered on the second ring, his voice boisterous as usual. “Tommy!”

  The only person on the face of the earth who called Jason that—the first part of his last name. “Hey, Dad. How are you?”

  “I’m okay. I was wondering when you were going to call me back,” George said. “You’re by the water—is everything okay?”

  Jason laughed. “Everything is good, Dad. Listen, the reason I’m calling is because I’ve met someone, and I need some fatherly love right now.”

  “Oh? Someone better than Patrick, I hope.”

  “Me too. He’s a cop.”

  “Okay—this I can be okay with.”

  Jason chewed on his bottom lip for a second. “We’ve only been on a couple of dates but so far so good. I jus
t want someone to tell me I’m not making a mistake.”

  “Son, putting your heart out there is never a mistake,” George advised. “Holding on to it until you forget how to use it is the error.”

  “I’m scared, Dad. I’m really….”

  “Not all men are like Patrick, Tommy. Yes, some of them are dogs, but you just have to kiss a few frogs until you find your prince—and I never saw myself saying that to my son.” George laughed heartily. “It’s still an adjustment.”

  “And I’m proud of you.”

  “I’m proud of you too,” George said. “I know I was a little disappointed when you changed to business, but you’ve done very well for yourself. You’re able to take care of yourself and your responsibilities, and that’s all a parent really wants for their kids. Happiness.”

  Jason smiled. “I love you, Dad.”

  “Oh, son. I love you too… so, when are you coming to visit the old man?”

  “Code for when you’ll get to meet Gabe.”

  “Huzzah! He has a name!” George cheered. “And I think I’m becoming predictable in my old age.”

  “I want to spend more time with him before that,” Jason admitted with a grin. A soft breeze blew around him. Jason inhaled deeply, enjoying the freshness of the breath. “To make sure this is going somewhere.”

  “Good call.”

  “And you’re sure you’re okay?” Jason asked, turning his eyes toward where the chants were coming from. “I know I’ve been a little scarce lately.”

  “I know you young folks require your space.”

  Jason groaned.

  “But, in all seriousness, I’m fine, happy, working.”

  “Okay, Pops, I gatta run. Have a good night, and I love you.”

  “Love you too, Tommy.”

  CROWD CONTROL was problematic at best, but Gabe got through the day. Back at the station, it was late when Malik pulled the cruiser into its designated spot and turned off the engine. They sat there, together, just breathing.

  “Got time for a beer?” Malik asked.

  “Maybe tomorrow. I was supposed to be on a date with Jason, but I canceled because of the kind of shift we had today.” Gabe rubbed his sore shoulder. “He suggested I come after I was done.”

  “This late?” Malik asked.

  “Yeah. Honestly, I just want his arms right now—God, did I just say too much?”

  Malik laughed and eased from the cruiser. Gabe hurried to follow him, and they entered the station through the back door. “No. I told you, I’m cool. I’m under no delusions about what two men in lust do to each other.”

  “Oh—cool.” Gabe stared at Malik and couldn’t help thinking about his friend. Malik had always been kind. He’d dated a few women, but none panned out. After a while, Malik had stopped and focused on work. Gabe made a mental note to try to get Malik out there again.

  On second thought, maybe he wouldn’t be the best wingman for Malik.

  No. Burn that. Malik is my friend. I’m the perfect wingman for him.

  “Besides, it’s been a long day for us. It’s great to have someone to go home to.”

  Gabe nodded while Malik checked in the keys to the cruiser. They continued up a few steps, along a corridor, then into the locker room. They chatted while changing, and soon they were saying goodbyes in the parking lot. Gabe didn’t leave until after Malik was gone—habit, it seemed—then turned in the opposite direction, heading north. He found one last spot in the visitor’s parking lot at Jason’s building and parked.

  This time when he entered the lobby, he didn’t have to text Jason. The guard was expecting him and gave Gabe access to the elevator. Soon he was knocking on Jason’s door. He waited, impatiently, for Jason to answer. When the door opened, Gabe snuggled into Jason’s chest and tangled his arms around Jason’s back.

  “Hey.” Jason’s voice was soft while he rubbed Gabe’s back with one hand and closed the door with the other. “Long day?”

  Gabe nodded.

  “Okay. How about I pour you a stiff drink, run you a bath, and then we get you something to eat?”

  “Did you fall from heaven?” Gabe whispered.

  “Are you calling me Satan?”

  Gabe laughed out loud, then lifted his head to kiss Jason. “No. I meant you’re an angel for these nice things you’re doing for me. I never expected them.”

  “Well, I do them with ulterior motives.”


  “The sooner I can get you rested, the sooner I can take advantage of your body.”

  Gabe chuckled as they walked into the kitchen. “I like those ulterior motives.”

  “You do?”

  “Hell, I don’t even have to be rested for them.”

  Jason dropped a couple ice cubes into a crystal glass, then poured some Jack Daniel’s over them. He handed it to Gabe who accepted it and took a healthy swig. Then, true to his words, Jason ran Gabe a bath with the lights dimmed and vanished for a few minutes. When he returned, it was to sit on a stool by the side of the tub, where he used a loofah to drag gently over Gabe’s skin. Gabe exhaled softly and relaxed against the tub. Soon, Jason discarded the loofah and merely used his fingers.

  “So, anything dangerous happen today?” Jason asked.

  “Not really,” Gabe replied. “It’s just crowd control is not my thing. Everything from the noise and the questions and the traffic—it gets a little unbearable at times. And being on my feet all day is a chore.”

  “I can agree with you there. I spend a lot of time at Warrior.”

  “Why do you do it? You’re the boss.”

  “Because people like seeing my face in the joint.”

  “And you have such a handsome face.” Gabe met Jason’s eyes. The spark in them caused him to sigh.

  Jason kissed him softly. “Thank you. I like to make sure everything is running smoothly. I visit Empress regularly too, but I have a pretty awesome manager there who runs a tight ship.”

  “That’s good. I’ve never had this before. I’m hungry, but I want to enjoy this moment.”

  “Well, we can do it again anytime you want,” Jason promised. “But you should eat. Did you have lunch?”

  “No. Didn’t have time. Malik and I have been at it all day.”

  “Okay.” Jason grabbed a towel. “Up you go.”

  Gabe enjoyed the pampering. He even went so far as to accept dinner sitting in the center of Jason’s massive bed. The two of them ate a meal of spaghetti and meatballs, red wine, and cheesecake for dessert.

  With their plates on the love seat by the window, Gabe snuggled into Jason’s chest, accepted soft kisses to his forehead and eyebrows, and enjoyed Jason’s arms around him.

  “I can’t remember a time,” Gabe said, “when I’ve been this pampered.”

  “Really? This feels like a normal thing to do.”

  “The men I’ve dated didn’t believe in this kind of thing,” Gabe said. “The last guy wouldn’t even kiss me before marriage.”

  “That’s like buying a car without test-driving it. Don’t get me wrong. I respect his religion and what he believes, but what if you’d gotten married and he had absolutely no clue how to please you, then what?”

  “I don’t think I would have married him.”


  “No. At some point I would have gotten frustrated with the lack of intimacy. He was a nice enough guy, but I needed more. I needed this.”

  “Well, if it makes you feel any better—” Jason shifted and dragged his lush lips down to Gabe’s nose. “—you’ll never have to worry about that with me. Whenever you want it—however you want it, wherever you want it….”

  “How about now—really hard?”

  “Your wish is my command,” Jason growled, rolling them over so Gabe was under his large frame.

  Chapter Seven

  “HANG ON,” Gabe said. He scooted off the bed and headed for the door.

  It drove him mad that Gabe was leaving, but the sight of his bare ass moving away
was enough to make Jason catch his breath. “Gabe! I thought we were….”

  But Gabe disappeared. Jason flopped to his back on the bed, groaning. He was hard and ready. All he could think about was how good it would be to plunge deep into Gabe. He sighed and pushed to his elbow. Gabe now stood at the door with a pair of handcuffs hanging off a finger, condoms, and lube.

  “No, you didn’t.” Jason laughed.

  Gabe didn’t speak, and Jason pushed to his knees to watch him. Before attending to Jason, Gabe set the lube, condoms, and the keys to the handcuffs on the bed beside Jason.

  “Is that for me?” Jason asked.


  Jason gave his control to Gabe. He allowed Gabe to restrain him against the headboard. For some reason he was more than a little excited about what was to come. Gabe got to work undoing Jason’s pants. He gripped the waist of the boxers and the pants and tugged. Jason lifted his hips so Gabe could get him naked. Gabe took no time at all wrapping his fingers around Jason’s cock and stroking.

  “I’m going to need you to put your mouth on it,” Jason said.

  “Need is such a strong word, Jason.”

  “You don’t understand. These feelings are burning me alive.” He tugged at the handcuffs. “I need your tongue. Spit on it.”

  With a smile, Gabe allowed a stream of saliva to fall against the head of Jason’s cock. The heat of the liquid burnt so good, Jason hissed and squirmed. It trailed down the side, burning a path along the shaft to grow cool between his asscheeks.

  The bliss of it all only heightened when Gabe leaned forward and pulled Jason’s cock into his mouth. Jason held his breath. When he exhaled, the fires spread through his veins. Holding his breath again did nothing to quell the desires raging through him. Gabe went down on him, taking Jason’s dick into the back of his throat. Jason grunted and writhed upward, pulling at his restraint. There was something infuriatingly sexy about not being able to touch Gabe—of knowing Gabe had all the control. In that moment Gabe was the holder of Jason’s orgasm.

  “Gabe….” In that instant, Jason was not afraid to let everyone know what was happening to him. He shouted his pleasures, growled his needs, and sighed his satisfaction. Gabe was bending him to his will, and Jason didn’t care. He fell, willingly.


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