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Unbroken Promises

Page 11

by Dianne Stevens

  Susan looked over at Jordon. He blew out a deep breath but nodded his head, even though this was a little bit more than he asked for. He wanted her to date, but having a boy come stay in their home with them was a little much.

  “That will be fine, Beth,” Susan said.

  Jesse got up and poured him and Jordon a drink.

  Beth always loved to tease and embarrass Susan because it was so fun and easy to do. “Sue, he is so-o-o good-lookin’, and his body is so-o-o fine. It is ripped with muscles. The Greek Adonis has nothing on him.”

  “Beth, please tell me you’re not sleeping with this young man,” Susan said aghast.

  “Not yet…,” Beth said in a sing-song voice, “but my friends tell me he’s hung like a mule.” Beth could just imagine the look on Susan’s face and was trying her best not to burst out laughing…that is until she heard Jordon and Jesse in the background. One was coughing and one was cussing; she didn’t know which was which. “Oh Susan, ple-ease tell me you don’t have the speaker phone on.” Beth said in anguish. Beth wished they had never invented such a device.

  “I’m afraid so, Beth.”

  “Hi, daddy, just joking. Gotta’ go; love ya’. Bye,” Beth nervously laughed and quickly hung up the phone.

  Clay really did like Beth. He found her funny, gorgeous and a loyal friend. She told him all about Jesse, and he told her about his many girlfriends. He thought they were good companions.

  She loved someone else and he didn’t want to get into a relationship that would lead to marriage.

  Beth and Clay, each driving their own cars, left before daylight. When they arrived at the ranch, everyone was still sitting at the breakfast table. On the weekend, everyone usually slept late. Jordon and Susan started to get up.

  “No, don’t get up. I just wanted to introduce y’all to Clay. Clay, this is my daddy slash brother-in-law, Jordon Bately, my sister, Susan Barrow Bately, my cousin, Cody Johnson, and Jordon’s brother, Jesse Bately. Everyone, this is one of my best friends, Clay Parish.” Jordon and Jesse stood up. Jordon shook his hand. “Nice to meet you.” Jesse held out his hand from across the table. Their handshake was a little longer and a little harder than necessary, both men sizing each other up and neither liking what they saw.

  Beth pulled on Clay’s arm. “Come on, I want to show you around and I want to see the new pool and Jacuzzi Daddy put in.”

  “Are you going wear that new bikini for me you just bought?” Clay asked with a seductive smile.

  Beth’s eyes were about to pop out of her head. She glanced from Jordon to Susan then back to Jordon. “Ah, Clay is always fooling around. Isn’t that right, Clay?” Beth said as she pinched his arm that she was holding.

  “No, Beth I was talking about this one right here.” Clay said as he reached in the bag she was carrying on her arm and pulled out a tiny red bathing suit.

  “The one you made us both pull over for when we stopped at the red light. The one you saw hanging on the clearance rack, in front of the store that had just opened. The one you had to have.”

  Beth nervously laughed. “Oh, yeah, that bathing suit. The bathing suit that I was only going to wear under a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.”

  “That better be the only way you’re going to wear that skimpy thing,” Jordon demanded.

  “Don’t worry, it will be. Uh, which room is Clay’s? The one down the hall from mine?”

  “No!” Susan and Jordon said at the same time. “He can stay in the one across from ours,” Susan finished.

  Jesse was sitting back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest. He was looking Clay up and down. He had to admit that Clay was a handsome man and in good shape. Jesse knew from the first moment he laid eyes on Clay that he was cocky and used to getting what he wanted. Jesse didn’t like him and wanted him gone already. He convinced himself it was protection he felt over Beth and not jealously. But he’d be damned if she didn’t look older and more beautiful everytime he saw her. What was she now, 19?

  “What were you trying to do in there? Get me killed?” Beth raged as soon as she got Clay out of earshot.

  “That man in there is the man you love, right?”

  “Yeah, but what does that have to do with you acting like a jerk?”

  “Well, I just thought you might want to give him a taste of what he’s been giving you all these years.”

  “In case you didn’t notice, Jesse was not the only one in the room for crying out loud!

  Besides, Jesse could probably care less.”

  Clay took her hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed it. “Beth, I assure you he cares. I know a jealous man when I see one. That man wants me gone and gone quickly.” Beth became excited over that little piece of information but insisted, “Don’t you ever do anything like that again in front of Susan or Jordon or you will be gone. Jordon is liable to throw you out on your head.”

  They both laughed. “But you told me everyone wants you to have a boyfriend your own age.”

  “I also told you that my sister and daddy are very old-fashioned and protective. A nice, respectable young man would never say he wanted to see me in a bikini in front of them at the breakfast table for goodness sake! Come on, I want to see the pool even though it’s too cold to swim.”

  “But the Jacuzzi isn’t,” grinned Clay.

  Clay didn’t like what he felt this morning either. He and Beth were just friends; so why did he feel the sudden surge of jealousy when he finally met the man of Beth’s dreams? It had to be because he thought he might lose one of his best friends. Yeah, that was it, but his mind was saying, “You’re fooling yourself, ol’ boy.”

  Beth and Clay spent a lot of time together laughing and cutting up. One day they were in the pool area. Clay was in the Jacuzzi and Beth was lying beside him on her stomach reading a book.

  Beth looked up when she heard the dull squeak of the pool gate opening. Jesse sauntered through and sat in the overstuffed lounge chair at the other end of the pool. Although it was November, it was a warm day. Jesse had a small, blue and white ice chest in one hand and a beer in the other.

  “Hey, Jess, what are you doing home? You take the day off?” Beth asked.

  Jesse just nodded one slow nod.

  Clay leaned toward Beth and splashed water on her. “Come in, Beth, it’s no fun being in here alone. The water is nice and warm.”

  “No, Clay. I don’t want to get wet and don’t splash me again. You’re getting my book wet.” Beth had on a pair of shorts over her bottoms but she had her bikini top on trying to take advantage of the unseasonably warm weather.

  “Beth, I’m your company and you’re supposed to be nice to your company. You need to try out this new hot tub Jordon put in for you.”

  “Clay, I’m telling you for the last time, ‘leave me alone.’ You know why I don’t want to get in. Stop pestering me,” she hissed between gritted teeth.

  “Good grief, Elizabeth, how much longer are you going to be on your period? It’s been almost a week. Why don’t you wear what the other girls wear? Then it wouldn’t matter.” Beth glanced over to see if Jesse was listening; his expression gave no indication he had heard the embarrassing comments. She knew her face was beet red. It was only because of Clay’s persisting nosiness and digging in her purse that he knew anything about her private matters. She would have never volunteered that personal information to him.

  “I’m going to break your neck,” Beth snapped. With that she stood up, grabbed her T-shirt, walked around the pool, and pushed open the gate, allowing it to slap back with a loud clanking snap.

  Clay shook his head, “Women.”

  Jesse was furious. How dare that little cocky bastard know such intimate private things about Beth. Clay wasn’t fooling Jesse one bit. He wanted him to overhear; he wanted Jesse to know just how friendly they had become. That’s why he said it. Why would she tell him? She had always been so embarrassed about such personal things. Hell, he was the one who ended up having to tell Beth about her
first period. Jesse thought back to the night that Beth had just turned 11.

  Jordon and Susan had gone out to eat and Cody was staying overnight at a friend’s house.

  Usually when he came home from college Jesse went out and partied with his friends, but this particular night he planned to stay home and give Beth some attention. Her favorite thing for them to do together was to kick back, watch a movie, and eat popcorn.

  As they sat watching the comedy Jesse noticed, something was wrong with Beth because she was quiet and looked as if she felt bad. “Beth, are you feeling okay? You sure are quiet tonight.”

  “Yeah, I’m okay. My stomach’s been hurtin’ a little the last few days. I’m sure it will go away.”

  Jesse had an idea what was wrong but he didn’t know if she did or not. He didn’t even know if Susan had talked to her yet about her menstrual cycle.

  After the movie was over and Beth stood up, sure enough there was a little blood on her skirt.

  Jesse didn’t know what he should do. Should he tell her right then and embarrass her or wait until she found out for herself?

  Jesse decided to wait until Beth went to get cleaned up for bed before he approached her about it. In the meantime, he went upstairs to Susan’s bathroom and found a box of pads. He walked into Beth’s room and knocked on her bathroom door.

  “Yes?” Beth said shakily.

  “Beth, honey, are you okay?”

  She didn’t answer. She just opened the door a crack and looked at him. Jesse could see the fear and confusion on her face. So he just handed her the box of pads and told her to place one in her underwear and come out and talk to him. Beth took the box and closed the door.

  A few minutes later, she came out wearing a pair of long shorts and, as always, one of his Tshirts. Beth would not look at him but sat on the bed beside him and looked down at her hands.

  Jesse scooted closer to Beth and placed his arm around her slim shoulders.

  “Beth, what just happened to you is perfectly normal. It’s what happens to all little girls when they start changing into a woman.”

  At hearing that, Beth darted a quick glance at Jesse.

  “It will now happen once a month and the bleeding will last from five to seven days.” Beth groaned, “Oh, dear Gussy. This is a nightmare.” Jesse couldn’t help but chuckle; “yeah, I bet it is. It’s tough growing up, isn’t it?” Jesse then stood up, pulled back the covers on her bed, and told her to climb in. He bent down, and kissed her forehead and ruffled her hair. “Goodnight, pumpkin,” he said softly, then turned out her light and shut the door.

  Jesse remembered being aggravated when Jordon and Susan came home that night. Jesse wanted to know why Susan had not told Beth about her cycle beginning. Susan’s eyes had widened in dismay. Her face turned red as she told him and Jordon that she thought she had at least another year because it did not happen to her until she was 13. It seemed to Jesse that Beth started maturing quickly after that.

  And, jerking back to the present, Jesse vividly saw the results of that maturity now! “Why wasn’t she wearing a T-shirt like she told Jordon she would, and when did she get such large breasts?” Jesse had to catch himself before he moaned out loud. He was miserable, and he had a premonition it was only going to get worse.

  Clay didn’t stay long after Beth left. He didn’t like being alone with Jesse. He knew things could very easily go downhill fast between them, and he would be the one leaving. Clay just wasn’t ready to go yet.

  Beth couldn’t stay mad at Clay very long because he could make her laugh too easily. They had practiced their songs for the wedding until they felt comfortable they knew them and sang them well. Beth knew that, no matter how much they practiced, they both got nervous the day of the wedding. This wedding was especially nerve-wracking because they knew everyone. They were both dressed and ready to go when Clay turned Beth to face him.

  “How about a hug for good luck?”

  Beth raised her arms and embraced him. They were hugging when Clay glimpsed Jesse approaching out of the corner of his eye. When Beth was pulling away, Clay kept his arms around her. When she looked up at his face to question him, Clay brought his lips to hers. Beth was so stunned, that it took a few seconds to realize what was happening. She jerked back and asked, “What are you doing?”

  “That was for very good luck.” Then he lightly punched her on the cheek. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

  “Okay, Clay, but don’t do that again.”

  “What didn’t you like about it?’

  “I was too stunned to know what IT was. Don’t ruin a good friendship by doing stupid stuff like that.”

  “Okay, Beth, you’re right.”

  When Jesse saw the kiss, he felt as if someone had punched him in the gut. He had to get out. What he needed right now was a cold beer and a willing woman. It had been too long, and he was going crazy watching those two, so he left. “Was he one of the idiots who wanted her to have a boyfriend?” Jesse asked himself. He must have lost his mind.

  Beth and Clay had a good time at the wedding visiting with their friends. Clay left her for a while and went off with a few guys Beth didn’t care for. When he came back to get her, there were only a few people left talking in the huge reception hall. Clay looked high to Beth, but she didn’t say anything to him.

  The next morning was beautiful. There were a few fluffy clouds scattered across the sky, but the heat radiating off the sun made the November day delightfully warm. When Beth walked outside, she inhaled deep the fresh air.

  She heard her horse neighing and looked toward the pasture. Beth saw her mare running around and acting frisky. Clumps of hard packed dirt were flinging off her hooves and flying high behind her. It was as if she was showing off just for Beth.

  It had been a while since Beth had time to go riding, so she walked back inside, knocked on Clay’s room, and ask if he wanted to go horse riding. He said he would but he’d have to ride behind her because he had never ridden before, which was a lie. He rode often at his grandparents, but he wanted to be close to Beth.

  Beth packed a quick picnic lunch for them. She tied the container of food and a blanket onto the saddle. Beth climbed on and told Clay what to do to get on behind her.

  Jesse drove up as they were heading in the direction of the back side of the pond. He got out of his truck and headed to the barn. One of their old ranch workers was coming out as he was going in. “How’s it goin’, Jess?”

  “Just fine, I believe I’m gonna ride out and check on the south fence line.”

  “Oka-ay, do you know somethin’ I don’t. It was standin’ tall yesterdee’.”

  “Nope.” Jesse volunteered no information; he just saddled up and rode off.

  After Clay and Beth had eaten, they sat on the blanket at the edge of the pond. Beth leaned back on her elbows and stared at the water while Clay leaned against a tall pine tree and plucked leaves off of a nearby plant, idly stripping them as they talked. Beth noticed Clay was acting weird and thought him to be high again. She didn’t smell alcohol on his breath so she figured he took something. She hardly knew anything about the different drugs, but she knew something was wrong. Clay kept talking a lot and fast—not his normal, laid-back self.

  All of a sudden Clay jumped up, “I think I’ll go swimming.”

  “You’ve got to be crazy! Even though it’s a warm day the water will be freezing.”

  “It will be invigorating.” Then Clay started taking off his clothes.

  When he took off his shirt, Beth looked at his chest. She saw him shirtless when he was in the Jacuzzi. She couldn’t help but admire his upper body. He was as muscular and as cut as Jesse was. She’d seen Jesse many times without his shirt, because he often worked without one.

  However, unlike Jesse, Clay’s chest was smooth and shiny. Jesse’s had soft looking dark brown hair that covered his pectoral area then tapered to a narrow line that ran down his belly.

  As Beth sat studying Clay’s chest, he
took off his pants. Again, Beth compared the two. She had seen Jesse wear shorts at the lake. Their legs were also similar in shape, strong and muscular, but Jesse’s were several inches longer.

  Beth thought Clay would stop there and swim in his boxers, but, to her astonishment, he didn’t. He shucked them, too. Then the comparison stopped because she had never seen Jesse or any man completely unclothed before. She was now looking at a naked man, a beautiful naked man. Instead of turning her head as she should have, she couldn’t take her eyes off him. His

  ‘thing’ was huge, just like the girls at school had said.

  Finally, Beth came to her senses when he knelt in front of her. “My Lord, Clay, put your clothes back on!”

  “Have you ever seen a naked man before, Elizabeth?”

  “NO! I most certainly have not, and I do not want to see one now! I’m leaving, Clay, you’ve gone too far!” Beth said crossly.

  Clay grabbed her hand before she could move. “Touch me, Beth.” Beth was afraid now. The image of Randy’s brutal assault came back to her. “No, Clay, stop it, let me go!” Beth said shakily as she tried to pull her arm away, but Clay had it in a grip of steel.

  Clay then wrapped her hand around his sex, and his other hand held firm to her forearm so she could not pull it away. He pulled her close and made up and down movements with her hand that was wrapped around him.

  Beth was crying for him to stop, but it was as if he had turned into a maniac. His fingernails were digging and cutting into her arm as she struggled to get out of his hold. His motions were getting faster, and then he bellowed and filled her hand with slime. Then he released her and collapsed on the ground.

  Beth wiped the repulsion off her hand the best she could. “Clay, you pack your stuff and get off this property. I don’t ever want to see you again,” Beth yelled before she jumped on her horse and left him where he lay.

  When Jesse finally found Beth and Clay, they were at the farthest end of the pond where the trees were. He stopped his horse to see what they were doing. He didn’t want them to see him watching so he hid behind some trees far enough away so they wouldn’t see him or hear the horse if he decided to neigh.


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