Unbroken Promises

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Unbroken Promises Page 23

by Dianne Stevens

  “That’s true, but I also love to go shopping, so wrap my money in a pretty package.”

  “We’ll see,” Jordon replied with a chuckle.

  “Folks, as much as I’ve enjoyed everyone’s company, I think I’ll go back and lie down awhile,” Jesse said.

  Susan had already left to change Jesse’s sheets for him and to clean up his apartment some.


  True to his word, Jesse was well enough to take Beth out for her birthday. Before they left, they had a small birthday party at the house for her. Jordon gave her $500. Susan baked her coconut cake from scratch the way their mother used to make it for them, and Cody bought her some perfume.

  It was about 8 p.m. when they finally arrived at the restaurant. The reputation about the restaurant was correct. It wasn’t a very fancy place, but Beth didn’t care. She had wanted the fried crabs for a long time. Jesse pulled the chair out for her to sit down.

  “Why, thank you, sir.”

  “You’re more than welcome, ma’am.”

  Jesse was still very thin but he looked a lot better. He had shaved off his beard but said he might grow it back before it got cold. They ate and chatted about everyday things, neither one wanting to spoil the moment by dredging up what was really on their mind.

  The food was delicious and Beth was stuffed. She ate more than Jesse did. He was still under the affects of his drinking binge. After they finished eating, Jesse asked if Beth wanted to go to a show or do something else. Beth would love to be seen around town with Jesse as her date, but she knew he was still weak.

  “No, I don’t think so. This has been a wonderful night and I will always remember it. Thank you, Jesse.”

  “I enjoyed it tonight also, Elizabeth.”

  After they arrived at the house, Jesse pulled around to his apartment. “Would you like to come in for awhile? I’ll fix us a cup of coffee.”

  “Yeah, that sounds great.”

  Beth sat down at the little table and waited. When Jesse finished the coffee, he walked over, placed the cups on the table, and took a seat.

  “I’ve missed you, Jesse. I-I’ve missed talking to you,” Beth stammered.

  Jesse didn’t reply for a few seconds then finally said, “I’ve missed you too Beth,” He spoke softly, not looking at her but at his coffee cup.

  The silence was deafening. “Jesse, you’ve always been my closest friend and I felt I could talk to you about anything. I need to talk to you about something now. I know I acted as if I never wanted to speak to you again, but I was very hurt that night. Do you think we can be friends again?”

  Again, Jesse stalled before answering. “What is it you need to talk to me about, Beth? You know I’m here for you no matter what.”

  “I hoped you would feel that way. I think I have a big problem on my hands.” Then Beth said very quietly, “I think I’m pregnant, Jesse.”

  Jesse set his coffee cup down and rubbed his hands over his face. “I was afraid of that when I heard you had been nauseated,” He said slowly and softly.

  “I don’t know what to do. I am a little scared. I’m not positive, but I’m pretty sure that I am.

  All the symptoms are there. I made a doctor’s appointment but I can’t get in for a month.” Beth said all this in a very nervous voice. “I guess I need to tell the baby’s father to see if he wants to have anything to do with the baby. He mentioned once that he wanted to marry me, but I don’t know if he still does,” Beth said this while watching for Jesse’s reaction. He wasn’t giving much of one. After a few moments, he responded.

  “Are you in love with Clay, Beth?” He asked solemnly.

  “No Jesse, I have never been in love with Clay.”

  “Do you still love me, Elizabeth?” As Jesse said this, he raised his eyes to meet hers.

  “I have never stopped loving you, Jesse. I have no control over it. I will love you until the day I die. I will never love anyone as I love you.” D-do you love me, Jess?” Beth held her breath as she waited for his answer.

  Jesse set the coffee cups aside and took hold of Beth’s hands. Beth’s eyes were down.

  “Look at me, Elizabeth…”

  Beth slowly lifted her eyes to meet his.

  “I loved you when you were a beautiful little girl… I loved you when you became a rebellious teenager…and now I want to love you as a mature woman. If you will have me, I want you to become my wife. If you marry me, Beth, I will love you and be faithful to you the rest of my life. There will never be another woman in my life or in my bed but you. This I promise.” Beth couldn’t do anything but stare. Surely he didn’t just propose and promise to love and be faithful to her. She must be imagining things. As she stared wide-eyed at him, he pulled the most beautiful diamond ring that she had ever seen out of his pocket.

  “Will you marry me, Beth?”

  Beth was crying so hard she couldn’t speak. So she nodded her head yes. When she did that, Jesse slid the ring on her finger. Beth stared at the ring and couldn’t believe it was real. She was afraid she would wake up any moment. Jesse stood up and pulled her into his arms. He bent his head to hers and kissed her ever so softly. After a few moments, he deepened the kiss into one of fiery passion.

  “Oh, God, Jesse, I have dreamed of this moment for so long it doesn’t seem real.”

  “I know, baby. It has been a long time coming. I do love you, Beth. I always have.” Then Jesse paused and stared at Beth before he spoke again. “Beth, let’s not tell anyone about the baby yet, okay?”

  “Yes, I agree, I do not think that would be a very good idea.” Jesse became very serious. “Beth, I mean no one, especially Clay. I want you to promise me you will never tell Clay he is the father of this baby. I will be this baby’s father. From this point on he or she is mine. Is that understood?”

  “Perfectly. I promise I will never tell a living soul that Clay is the father of this baby.” Jesse held her close. His emotions were in turmoil. Just hearing Clay’s name mentioned along with his baby physically sickened him. Now was not the time to get into all that, but he would make damn sure before his child was born that Beth knew who the real father was. Jesse shook himself from the distressing thoughts. “Now, do you want the privilege of telling our family the news or do you want me to do it?”

  “You have got to be kidding! I have waited a lifetime to be able to tell this. Let’s go.”

  “Are you sure you want to leave right now? I kinda like having you all to myself,” Jesse said.

  “Ooow, tough decision. Two of my dreams offered at the same time,” Beth said as she went back into his arms. This time she reached up, pulled his head down to hers, and kissed him with all the pent-up passion she had. She could tell she was having an affect on him. His breathing was heavier and she could not mistake the feel of his desire that pressed between them. It was so-o obvious no one could mistake it; but, instead of backing off, she rubbed herself against him in a very provocative way. Finally, Jesse held her away.

  “Maybe we better go ahead and tell them and make some fast wedding plans. If Jordon walked in right now, he would have my hide.”

  Beth took him by the hand and pulled him toward the door that led into the house.

  “Daddy, Susan, Cody,” Beth called out when they got close to the living room where they all were. She and Jesse stood in front of them.

  “What is it, Beth? Did y’all have a good time?”

  “Yes ma’am. We had a wonderful time. We have some good news to tell you!” Beth said impatiently.

  “Well, tell us girl. We could use some good news,” Jordon said.

  “Jesse and I are getting married!” Beth said excitedly. Beth thought the news would take a few seconds to sink in and she wasn’t mistaken. Just when she thought she was going to have to repeat the news, everyone was talking and congratulating them at once.

  “Oh, baby, that is wonderful news!” Susan said as she jumped up and hugged both of them.

  Jordon slapped Jesse on the
back then drug him in for a quick hug. Then, when Susan was finished hugging Beth, Jordon picked Beth up and spun her around.

  “You have both made me one happy old man.”

  Cody wasn’t about to be left out with as much trouble as he had been put through because of these two. Both Beth and Jesse were hugging him.

  “I’ll never forget what all you’ve done for us, Cody,” Jesse said as he hugged him tight.

  “You are a good man.”

  “Okay, honey, now we have a wedding to plan. Do you have any idea of what you want?” Susan said energized.

  “Yes, I do. If it is okay with Jesse, I would like to have our wedding in the little country church we went to when we lived with momma. I have been around so many people lately that I only want a small wedding. I only want family and maybe a couple of friends,” Beth said to Susan and then looked at Jesse, “Is that okay with you?”

  “That sounds perfect.” Then Jesse bent down and kissed Beth on the mouth. When he raised his head, he saw everyone in the room was red-faced and embarrassed including him.

  “This is going to take a little getting used to,” Jordon said and coughed into his fist. And everyone started laughing.

  “Yes, I can see that it will,” Jesse agreed.

  Susan got in touch with the preacher to make sure it would be all right if they used the little old church. The preacher said he remembered both of them. He told Susan it would be fine to have Beth’s wedding there. He told her to let him know the exact date so his church family could plan events around the wedding. He seemed to Susan to be a very sweet man. He was the son of the preacher who had baptized them. His dad was now retired. Susan remembered the son although he was several years older than she was.

  Susan let Jesse call and tell his parents. When he told them, they were surprised but very happy by the news. They told him it was past time for him to settle down. His parents both adored Elizabeth and thought the world of her.

  They later called Susan to find out the date of the wedding. Susan told them that, since, this was a wedding that was long overdue, they were going to make it as soon as possible. Susan said that Beth and Jesse wanted to wait until they could make a home, though.


  The wind was slightly breezy but the sun was warm enough to wipe away the chill. The little white wooden church with the gorgeous stained glass windows was just as Beth remembered except it looked somewhat smaller. There was now concrete to park on where there was only gravel and dirt before; but other than that, it was the same. The inside of the church had a lingering smell of varnish on the newly waxed hard wood floors and pews. It was a beautiful day for a wedding as Jesse and Elizabeth stood before the altar. Jordon took his place beside Jesse after walking Beth down the isle and handing her over to his brother. Beaux stood next to Jordon on Jesse’s side. Susan and Cody stood on Beth’s side as they were united as husband and wife. The audience consisted of Jesse and Jordon’s parents, Donna, who was now seriously involved with Beaux, and Annette, Beth’s friend from high school. It was a perfect wedding. To Beth it couldn’t have been better. After the preacher announced them husband and wife and told Jesse he could kiss his bride, Beth thought she would die from being so happy.

  His kiss was soft and sweet. Beth wouldn’t have minded if he would have thrown her back and laid one on her, but she knew Jesse was still uncomfortable showing too much affection in front of Jordon. It didn’t bother her; she thought it was funny the way they got embarrassed every time Jesse would get caught kissing her. She didn’t ever remember seeing either of them blush.

  Susan also thought it was cute the way Jordon and Jesse were acting. She was really getting big now. The doctor did confirm she was having twins. Jordon was so happy when he found out he could hardly contain himself. For some reason they were unable to tell the babies’ sex or if they were identical yet, but the doctor did say the babies seemed to be very healthy and didn’t foresee any problems.

  Beth thought it was funny how, now that they were married, she and Jesse were going to be a double aunt and uncle.

  The one thing Jesse insisted upon was having a professional photographer. The man had already taken a number of pictures of the wedding, but he insisted they pose for a few more. As soon as they finished, they would return home. Beth wanted the cake and reception set up at the ranch, and it would take them about 40 minutes to get back there.

  Beth was so happy. She thought Jesse was extremely handsome in his tux. She hoped he found her pretty in the gown she had made. She felt pretty. She hadn’t cut her hair again and it was almost as long as it was before. She had it up in a beautiful style. The wedding dress she made in eleventh grade still fit, although she believed it was a little snugger across the bust than when she first tried it on.

  When Jesse saw Beth coming down the aisle on Jordon’s arm, as the pastor’s wife played the wedding march, he was in awe. He thought she looked like an angel. She had described the dress to him, but this was the first time he had actually seen it. It was very pretty and fit her curves to a “T”. Beth had her hair fixed in a way that framed her face beautifully. Her face was radiant and had very little make-up on it, the way he like it. “What a blessed man I am,” Jesse thought. He loved Beth with all his heart. He hoped he could make her as happy as she deserved.

  The wedding party made their way back to the ranch. Beth and Jesse had planned a cruise to the Caribbean for their honeymoon, but it didn’t begin for two days. Instead of going to stay at a hotel until they left, they decided to spend the honeymoon at the ranch in his little bungalow.

  Jesse’s mom and dad decided to try to live in Texas again. They agreed to move into the little bungalow after Jesse and Beth’s house was completed. They were both in their 70’s.

  Momma Bately’s health was the main reason their father had decided to retire early and travel all those years ago. He always felt it pitiful that most of the year his wife was a prisoner in her own home. But now, Momma Bately said, if she was never able to go outside again, it would be worth it to spend what few remaining years she had left with her family and grandbabies.

  The photographer followed them to the house to take pictures of them cutting the cake and drinking the punch. After he took a few more pictures of the family, he gathered his equipment and left. Several people had called and congratulated them.

  Donna hugged Beth and Jesse. “I am very happy for the two of you. You know I believed all along it was meant for you to be together.” Then she whispered, “You know, I just might have tamed that wild Cajun,” Donna said pointing to Beaux who was walking toward them.

  “And who knows? We might not be far behind you.”

  Then she laughed and hugged Beaux who walked up and asked what was so funny. Donna winked at them and pulled Beaux over to the refreshments.

  Annette came to the house also, but she didn’t stay long. She stayed until they cut the wedding cake and drank each other’s punch. She then kissed Beth on the cheek.

  “I’m so happy all of your dreams came true.”

  “Thank you, Annette. Is there anyone in your life yet?”

  “No, not yet, but keep me in mind if you see another good lookin’ hunk like Jesse running around.”

  “I sure will,” Beth said with a laugh.

  Beth couldn’t help but hope Annette and Cody would have hit it off. Cody had turned out to be such a good-looking man, but he didn’t seem to have any interest in girls. Beth guessed it was because he spent so much time with his studies. He wanted to be a veterinarian like Jesse.

  Cody had always hoped that one day he and Jesse would become partners. Beth didn’t believe Jesse had any desire to open his own practice. He seemed content to work here on the ranch.

  Whatever made him happy was what she wanted.

  Beth decided to take some time off from college to devote to her marriage. She had every intention of going back, but, right now, it was more important to her to spend all her time with Jesse. She wouldn�
��t be able to concentrate on what was going on at college anyway.

  It was getting late and people were beginning to leave. Beth had gone to her old room and changed out of her wedding dress. Jesse’s parents were the first to go to their bedroom. Susan left next. She had always been one of the first one’s to go to bed; but now, since her pregnancy, she went to bed even earlier. The only ones left awake were Beth, Jordon, Cody, and Jesse. The men were all having a drink while Beth decided to clean up the last few dishes so Susan wouldn’t have to do them in the morning.

  Beth was drying the last glass. “What’s daddy and Cody doing, Jesse?” Jesse spoke close to her ear, “Well, Ms. Eyes-In-The-Back Of-Your-Head, Jordon and Cody are still sitting in the living room drinking and celebrating our wedding.”

  “They are, are they? I can’t believe daddy is drinking with Cody. That seems so odd to me.

  And, for your information, I do not,” Beth said as the turned to face him.

  “Now you’ve lost me. Do not what?”

  “I do not have eyes in the back of my head.”

  “Is that right? Then, how did you know it was me behind you and not Cody or Jordon?” Jesse said as he pulled Beth into his arms and kissed her.

  Beth backed away from him slightly so she could look up at him. She stopped smiling and stared at him. She looked straight into his eyes when she spoke.

  “Jesse…I would never mistake you for another man,” She said softy but firmly.

  Jesse didn’t blink, didn’t move, and didn’t breathe. “Beth, don’t play with me. Tell me what you are trying to say.”

  “I am saying that I know your scent better than I know my own. I have slept in your Tshirts for 12 years. I know how you smell when you are sweaty and dirty. I know how you smell of leather and horses when you’ve been riding all day. I know how you smell when you’ve been out carousing, and I know how you smell when you’re fresh and clean as you are now.” Beth paused only for a second before continuing. “Jesse, I would never mistake you for another man, not even if it was pitch black, not even if I was sleepy, and not even if I were drunk or drugged would I mistake you for someone else.”


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