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Saved By The Glass Slipper

Page 14

by Markee Anderson

  They both laughed and I glanced at each of them. “I don’t get it.”

  “You might want to use a gun if you don’t like what happens,” Mark whispered into my ear.

  “Oh. Stupid male humor. That I understand.”

  “Stupid?” Andrew asked.

  “Understand I grew up with two brothers,” I whispered. “Take a good look at them and tell me I’m not justified.”

  I glanced toward Randy, who was using a fork to dig in his ear, while John was throwing his rice in the air, trying to catch it in his mouth. Yep, those men weren’t the brightest.

  Andrew watched my brothers and nodded. “I understand completely.”

  Someone knocked at the door and Andrew answered it with his hand on his gun. As soon as he opened the door, two men dressed in suits and dragging suitcases behind them entered the room.

  “Mr. Dallas?” the dark-haired one asked Andrew.

  “No, he’s over there.” Andrew pointed to Mark.

  The two men approached Mark who took a big drink then stood up. He shook their hands.

  The dark-haired one seemed to be in charge. “I’m Al, and this is Jeffrey. We’re from the FBI.” They both flashed their badges, giving Mark and Andrew enough time to read them. “We understand congratulations are in order for you and your new bride, Amy.”

  Mark, Andrew, and William smiled at each other.

  “Yes, thanks,” Mark said, grinning at me. “This is Amy. Can we have a brief conversation outside?”

  “Sure,” Al replied. Jeffrey had brown hair and just followed along. He was younger than Al and probably a rookie.

  The two remaining thugs from Madcap joined Mark and the FBI agents while the rest of us continued to eat. I’d only eaten half of my steak, but I was done. I knew I had to be on top of things later on, probably literally, for my wedding night. I was dreading it. Most people would be excited to consummate a marriage, but after fighting Connor off for so many years, it had become a real barrier in my mind. Even though I kind of hoped that Mark would be true to his word and we’d just watch television, I really wanted to explore the possibilities of what might have happened after the shower.

  Mark returned and sat down beside me. “You have an appointment at the hospital tomorrow.”

  “I do?”

  “They want to take out that tracking device. It won’t take long. Then the FBI is going to meet us in Pennsylvania to help protect us.”

  “Have you told them why we’re going?”

  He leaned closer. “We’re hunting for a family heirloom that might be the key to this. That’s all they know.”

  “I have a feeling that whatever’s in that storage building is the answer to at least the death in my apartment. Where are the key, the bat, and the combination?”

  “They’re on the plane. My guys took them there after they dropped your family off here. They’re under lock and key and the pilot and stewardesses are watching over all of it.”


  He leaned up to my ear. “Hurry up. I want to watch TV. My favorite program’s coming on soon.”

  I glanced at the smirk on his face as he stared at me. “I want more wine,” I said.


  “Meanie,” I whispered, then took a drink of water.

  “You betcha.” His laughter almost mocked me.

  Everyone ordered dessert except for Mark and me.

  “Done?” he asked.


  He stood and faced everyone else at the table. “Amy and I are going upstairs. It’s been a very long day for us, but feel free to take your time down here. You’ll all be protected by my men and the FBI. If you have any questions, ask Andrew.”

  “Good night,” John said, and winked at me with a grin.

  “You too.” I waved to everyone as Mark and I turned to leave the room.

  “Oh, John,” Mark said, turning back around. “Al and Jeffrey recommend that your daughters stay with us. It’s safer, unless you want to take them to a safe house in a different state.”

  “I think we’ll keep them with us,” he answered.

  Mark took my hand and walked out of the room with me. “Ready for…television?”

  “Sure.” I knew we wouldn’t be watching any television.

  Mark pushed the button for the elevator and pulled me close to him with his arm around my waist. “Just television. I promise.”

  “Yeah. I know how men think, too.”

  He turned toward me. “Have I ever lied to you?”

  “Not really, but you haven’t told me the complete truth. I’m not sure what to believe any more. I have to undergo the knife tomorrow, too.”

  “It’s an easy procedure. You won’t even be knocked out for it. The FBI guys are flying in a specialist tomorrow morning to do it, and you’ll be in and out in less than an hour, if they can find it.”

  “If? You mean they may not be able to find it?”

  “They need the tracking code. John and I will be going to his house tomorrow morning to get it.” The doors to the elevator opened and we both entered. The thing was empty, and Mark pressed the button for our floor. As soon as the door shut, he looked up at the numbers and ignored me. I couldn’t believe it. He wasn’t even going to try to get what he wanted. What kind of game was he playing with me, anyway?

  I crossed my arms and joined his gaze on the numbers while he kept his arm around my waist. I felt him glancing at me from the side, making me angrier. Two could play this game, and I intended to show him that I wasn’t going to take it lying down…literally.

  The elevator stopped on the fifth floor and we both stepped out. Mark let go of me while he fished the key card out of his pocket. We got to our door and he unlocked it, then pushed it open slowly. I looked inside. The room was filled tons of vases of red roses.

  “What? When? How?” I was speechless. He pulled me over the threshold and I took a deep breath of the beautiful aroma from the many vases of roses.

  “You must have spent—”

  “You’re worth every penny,” he whispered, pulling me to him. His kiss was sweet and sincere, taking my breath away.

  “I love you, Mark.” The words slipped from my mouth, but I meant every syllable. It almost sounded foreign to me because I hadn’t said it much.

  “I love you too,” he whispered.

  I touched my lips to his, feeling the warmth. “You’re more than I ever could have imagined, even without the business or your money.”

  “So you really didn’t marry me for my money?”

  “No. It’s your money—not mine—just like I said before.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and captured my lips with such force, I thought I’d pass out from the feeling. He backed away with a look like a child in a candy store. “Now about those grandchildren…”


  He backed off and let go of me. “Not tonight. I promised you and I meant it. Just television. I don’t want you to be scared of me, either.” He walked across the room to his suitcase.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Getting ready for bed, why?” He pulled off his shirt and I stared at his adorable chest. I watched as he took off his shoes, his socks and finally his jeans. He was a beautiful specimen and I didn’t want to tempt fate, so I walked to my suitcase as well. I chose a nice dark blue nightgown Joan had picked out for me, and undressed while Mark went into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

  After changing, I joined him as he washed his face. His face was dripping wet and his eyes were closed. Grabbing a hand towel, I dried it off for him. As his eyes opened, he watched me while I stopped wiping his face. He took my hand and kissed the palm of it, seducing me with those beautiful blue eyes of his. It was as if something suddenly dawned on him and I think it was a good thing. A tear glistened in his eye, and he lifted his hand and caressed my cheek with the back of it. Even though no words were spoken, it was a very intimate and touching moment.

  “Ready for be
d?” he asked.

  “I have to brush my teeth and I’ll be right there.” I smiled at him and felt such inner peace for some odd reason. I’d never felt such harmony with anyone like that before.

  He left the bathroom and I was alone. After I brushed my teeth and washed my face, I studied my reflection in the mirror. My cheeks were slightly red and even looked like I wanted to jump on Mark. Maybe that’s what he saw? I wasn’t sure.

  The television turned on and I heard the sound of the channels flipping. I finished up and walked around to the far side of the bed.

  “Will you look at that?” he said. “I’ve been waiting to see this flick for a long time.”

  After sliding between the sheets, Mark pulled me closer to him with his arm around me. Both of us were propped up on pillows, so I moved my head to his shoulder.

  “What movie is it?” I asked. The opening credits were running and the title was already over.

  “Nymphs on Maniac Island,” he said.

  I looked up at his face. “What kind of movie is that?”

  “Oh, a movie about these elves on a nutso island. It’s supposed to be funny. I think it’s a kid’s movie.” He looked over at me and smiled. “I think you’ll like it.”

  “Oh yeah? Nymphs?” I was sure it was a pay movie and definitely not G-rated.

  “You know—woodland creatures.”

  A naked woman was running through the forest. “Some woodland,” I whispered. “I’d hate to show this to my kids.”

  “I was sure…hmmm.”

  The naked woman on the screen ran past two people engaged in intercourse, licked her lips while she watched them, then ran on.

  “This isn’t the movie I thought it was,” he said.

  “Sure it’s not.” I couldn’t keep the sarcasm out of my voice.

  The woman was stopped by a big naked ogre. When she looked down, she started to smile and they began to kiss.

  “So, why aren’t you changing the channel?” I asked.

  “Oh, I’m interested now. He’s so much bigger than she is.” Mark looked down at me with a grin.

  “Let me guess. You’re watching this for the plot, right?”

  “Absolutely. I’m sure that in the end, it’ll be one of those happily ever after movies—a chick flick.”

  “An ogre and a nymph—a happily ever after movie—a chick flick?”

  “Otherwise, why bother making the film?” he said.

  “Ah, I see.” He was so full of it.


  We watched them move on from kissing to other things. I tilted my head to figure out how they were doing what they were doing.

  “Interested?” he asked.

  “Maybe. Why?”

  “Want to try it, just for research purposes?”

  “Maybe.” I looked up at him. “I want to see where the plot heads next.”

  “Right. The plot,” he said with a grin.

  We watched for a few minutes more and Mark leaned down to kiss me. That’s all it took, because I rolled over on top of him and we had a good wedding night after that. We didn’t get much sleep, but we laughed and enjoyed ourselves.

  When we took a break, at about two in the morning, I was laying up against Mark and felt wonderful. I could feel his heart beating and we were both very quiet and tired.

  “How do you feel?” he asked.

  “Better than I’ve ever felt. I feel so comfortable right now. I’m at peace.”

  He rubbed my back and started to chuckle. “Satiated?”

  I looked up at him and grinned. “I’m not sure. I think we’ll have to find out, actually.” I rolled on top of him, and kissed him, forcing him to laugh.

  “I can’t believe you’re the same one who was terrified,” he said. “I just want to mention that.”

  “Yep. You turned me bad with all of those positions.”

  “I was just trying them out from the movie. That’s all.”

  “Liar. You do it badly too.”

  He rolled me over then lay on top of me. There was no way either of us was going to get any sleep.


  I heard noises in our hotel room and knew we’d just gotten to sleep. Glancing at the clock on Mark’s side of the bed, I saw that it was almost four in the morning. Mark was fast asleep with his arm around me. He was so cute when he slept.

  Something fell from the desk across the room with a thud.

  “Mark!” I whispered, hitting his chest.


  “Someone’s in the room!”

  The door opened and the light poured in from the hallway. I saw a tall, dark figure run out of the room.

  Mark sat up and got out of bed.

  “We’re naked, remember?” I whispered.

  “Right.” He grabbed his pants from the floor and pulled them on, then headed out the door. I turned on the light on my side of the bed, yanked on some underwear and my nightgown, then went out into the hallway with Mark.

  Andrew and William were in shorts, running toward the elevator. Mark returned into the hotel room with me, pulled me inside and gave me a big hug.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I think so. I heard something over there.” I pointed to the other side of the room.

  We walked over to the desk where the lamp was laying on the floor.

  “Don’t touch anything,” Mark said.

  A knock at the door had us both turning. Al and Jeffrey entered the room and looked all around.

  “Someone was in here,” Mark said. “The door was locked and dead bolted, and someone got inside.”

  Al moved us both back from the scene. “Don’t touch anything. All of your personal effects may have been compromised. I’d suggest you buy new.”

  “I had the same thought,” Mark said with a sigh.

  Al looked at me. “Our surgeon is landing in about half an hour. Can you get dressed in something warmer and go to the hospital?”

  “Sure. Can I take a shower first?”

  “Yeah, but no shampoo, don’t use your toothbrush, and find other clothes.”

  “No shampoo?” I asked.

  “I’ll get you some, and a toothbrush and toothpaste and whatever else I can find,” Andrew said, walking into our room. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Clothes, too,” Mark yelled after Andrew.


  I plopped down on the bed and Mark sat beside me. There was nothing I could do.


  “You have no idea,” I said. “I’ve been living this same nightmare for a long time, and it follows me wherever I go.”

  “Hey, it could’ve been worse.”

  “Yeah, we could’ve been killed.”

  He leaned over and smiled. “No, they could have come in an hour earlier.”

  “Oh yeah. That would have been really funny. Thank you, by the way.”

  “For what?”

  “For making my wedding night memorable. I’ll never forget it, or…” and I looked all around the room. “All of these beautiful flowers. You’re incredible.”

  His arm was behind me as he leaned on the bed. “I never knew it was possible…” he looked at the FBI men who were taking inventory, then leaned toward my ear, “…to do what we did so many times in one night.”

  My face reddened and I could feel it. “That’s not normal?”

  He kissed me and I felt his eyes connect to mine. “For you it is. I bet you’re tired, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, but I’ll be okay. I’m sure they’ll give me something in the hospital to make me sleep.”

  “Not really. They want us out of here quickly. Since someone knows where we are, we’re sitting ducks.”

  Andrew returned a few minutes later and handed me a bag of things. Where he got them so early in the morning was beyond me.

  I went into the bathroom, joined by Mark. We both got into the shower and let the water bathe us. After an hour of lathering up, finishing our showers and getting dres
sed in new clothes, we left the bathroom and saw my whole family waiting for us.

  “Why are you all here?” I asked.

  “We’re waiting for you two,” Randy said. “What were you doing in there, anyway? And together?”

  John and Annemarie both laughed, rolling their eyes at me.

  “Randy, you and I need to have a chat,” John said. “Obviously, you have no libido gene, and I’m going to have to teach you a few things.”

  “Want some help?” Mark asked him.

  I slapped his arm. “No, he doesn’t want any help. He doesn’t need to hear stories about me, thank you very much.”

  Mark and John laughed aloud while Annemarie hid her smile. Brandy and Randy were clueless with blank looks on their faces. Even the FBI men laughed, but I didn’t see the humor.

  “So you had flowers in your room?” Brandy asked, looking all around.

  “Mark got those for me,” I answered. “It was our wedding night, remember?”

  “Oh, I get it now,” Randy said. I was ready to smack him over the head. He was worse than pathetic.

  “Breakfast?” Mark asked.

  “I have to pack first,” I answered.

  “No, my guys will take care of this. It’s a crime scene now.”

  “Can they at least keep some of the roses for me?”

  “We’ll see,” Mark said, wrapping his arm around my waist.

  We all went down to the restaurant, which was just opening for a free buffet. Everyone filled their plates while Mark and I spoke to Al.

  “Can I eat?” I asked Al.

  “Sure. They’re using a local anesthesia, so you can eat. It’ll be quick. Mark can even be there if you want. Jeffrey and I’ll be there to protect you, too.” He leaned up closer to me. “According to our contact for the NSA, you’re very valuable to them. Is that right?”

  I glanced at Mark and he nodded. “More than you’ll ever know,” he whispered back.

  Mark and I grabbed some plates and ate at a table for two. My family was spread out all over the dining area, and I was just glad to be alone with Mark. Just as we started to chuckle and play footsies under the table, Randy pulled up a chair.

  “I need help,” he said.

  “With what?” Mark asked, shoveling some cereal into his mouth.


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