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Psychic Undercover [With The Undead]

Page 16

by Amie Gibbons

  I looked at him as he pulled me to the side. I opened my mouth and he lay a finger on my lips.

  “I just wanted to say you did wonderfully tonight,” he said. “We wouldn’t even have this much if not for your vision.”

  I nodded and he walked back to Len and Grant.

  Len finished his presentation and we got it downloaded.

  “We’ll need to meet up with your nest and question them,” Grant said.

  “I’ll set up something casual, say it’s a party to meet our new partners, and then Ariana can see if she can pick anything up,” Quil said.

  Grant nodded. “We’ll run these down in the morning. You guys should stick together, but I think you’ll be safe tonight.”

  “He has a connection with the demon. He’ll know it’s dead,” Len said. “It takes a while to summon a new one so he won’t get around to it till tomorrow night hopefully, but we’ll take your advice.”

  “Do any of you live together?” Quil asked and we all shook our heads. “I just mean, if the summoner knows you’re working the case, which he probably does, he could go after you. And you are not safe until you’re inside.” He looked at me. “None of you.”

  “He’s only ever gone after women,” Jet said, looking at me too.

  “But that was just the demon’s preference,” Quil said. “The summoner could go after anyone associated with us. All of you have to be accompanied home.”

  “Oh man, that’s a good one.” Dan barked a laugh. “I’ll have to remember that.”

  “This isn’t a trick,” Quil said. “If you want to go alone, it’s no skin off my nose, but Ariana will have an escort to her door and that escort will have vampire strength. Len?”

  “I got her.” He took my hand and bowed over it. “My lady.”

  “Oh jeez.” I sighed, but gave him a smile.

  Carla tossed the keys to her car to Len and he caught them. “I was planning on hanging at the nest tonight anyway.”

  “I live near Ariana, if you want to get me home,” Jet said to Len.

  “Absolutely.” Len grinned, letting his eyes rove over Jet, “tall, dark, and handsome.”

  “He’s straight,” I said.

  Len’s face fell, full on hammin’ it up.

  “And I’d be willing to escort either of these,” Carla said, pointing to Dan and Grant. “Or both. I can catch a cab back to the nest.”

  Grant scowled, but swallowed it back. “We live close and thank you for the consideration. I have to drop the van off at the office first.”

  “And while we’re in the van, maybe you could show me some of the computer stuff?” Carla asked.

  Dan nodded, caught Grant’s eye, and straightened his face to one of perfect professionalism.

  We departed, stopped at the office to get our cars, and drove one after the other.

  The boys walked me to my door and called Jet fifteen minutes later to make sure he got home safe. He did. Grant called me before I could check on him to let me know he was safe and to stay in til morning.

  Yeah, like I didn’t already know that.

  “What is wrong with Quil?” I asked Pyro, petting his soft back. He nuzzled my head and pointed at the window.

  “Yeah, go ahead, I’ll be fine.”

  He straightened out, wavin’ for me to get on.

  “Not tonight, baby. Got to stay in.”

  He nodded and flew out.

  I grabbed my Kindle and pulled up the romance I was in the middle of.

  “At least someone has a sex life,” I said.

  A knock on the door a few minutes later made me jump and I walked to it as quietly as I could.

  What if the summoner decided to go after us himself?

  I stood on tiptoe to see through the peep hole.

  My stomach dropped out as I unlocked and opened the door.


  Chapter THIRTEEN

  “Hi.” Quil smiled, waiting.

  “If you’re really you, then you don’t need an invite cuz I already invited you. And if you’re a demon, I’m not inviting you in,” I said, and stood back.

  “Good,” Quil said, stepping over the threshold. “I should’ve thought of that. If you’d invited me in without thinking, I would have had to lecture you or something, and that would really ruin the mood.”

  He walked past me and I turned with him, closin’ the door behind me and lockin’ it.

  I rested my back against the door. “What, did you go half the way home, change your mind, and turn around?” I asked, hating how weak my voice sounded.

  “Actually, I went all the way home, turned around, came half way here, turned around, was almost home, then turned around and came here.”

  He reached forward, putting his hands on my hips slowly, like he was waitin’ for me to say no or something.

  “Carla called me after she dropped your teammates off and told me I was being an idiot, that I should take you while I have the chance. That anything could happen any day, not necessarily even murder or a hazard of your job, but just an accident, and that I should get as much of you as I can, and I realized I haven’t even kissed you yet.”

  He was babbling as bad as me. He was nervous?

  “No, you haven’t.”

  It was all I could think to say as his hands inched under my top.

  I rested mine on his arms, starin’ up at him.

  “I am a stupid, stupid man.”

  He lowered his head and my heart sped up.

  I hadn’t been kissed in months, hadn’t had sex in years.

  Our mouths met, soft at first, then he pressed me against the door, kissing harder.

  Oh. My. God.

  I wrapped my arms around his middle and pulled him as close against me as I could get with the height difference.

  Were we really going to do this? In the middle of an investigation we were working together?

  We kissed forever and I couldn’t catch my breath.

  “Mmmmmmm,” I said.

  “Unhuh,” he said.

  He slid his hands down and lifted me up. My legs wrapped around his middle and I pressed into the kiss, the better leverage making it deeper.

  He carried me up the stairs and into the bedroom and kicked the door closed behind us.

  He dropped me on the bed and shrugged off his suit jacket, hanging it on the bed post and crawlin’ on the bed with me.

  We kissed until I was sufficiently breathless again.

  He pulled and undid the first button on my shirt. “You were such a tease tonight. All I wanted to do was rip this off you.”

  “I don’t like this shirt anyway,” I said, voice breathy and high.

  He grinned, meetin’ my eyes as he grabbed either side of the buttons and pulled.

  Pop, pop, pop.

  The threads snapped and I laughed.

  Quil pulled the top off my shoulders and tossed it aside. He pulled me against his chest and buried his face in my neck, suckin’ on the sensitive hollow.

  “And the braid,” he said, grabbin’ it and pulling my head back to look him in the eye. “I know you said you weren’t trying to press any buttons, but the braid was begging for me to undo it.”

  He got on his knees and I turned. He undid my bra first. I swore next time I’d be wearing a prettier bra as I shook it off.

  He undid the braid and my scalp tingled as he pushed his fingers in to shake the last vestiges of the braid at the top out.

  “There, that’s better.” Quil ran his fingers around to my exposed middle and kissed my neck, breathin’ deeply.

  I gasped as every tiny brush of his lips sent sensation straight down my body. He drew back and settled in front of me again.

  “Undress me,” he said.

  My fingers shook as I tried to get the first button and he chuckled.

  “Calm down, sweets.” He pulled me in to kiss me again and my fingers stopped shaking and moved over the buttons smoother and pushed the shirt off before tugging the undershirt over his head.

  I lay back on the pillows and he grinned, grabbin’ my skirt and panties and tuggin’ them off in one motion.

  And just like that, I was naked as the day I was born.

  “What made you change your mind?” I asked as he stared at me. “I thought you had a rule?”

  “I do. I’m breaking it.”

  He kicked off his shoes and undid his pants, pulling them off easier than I could have, leavin’ him in black boxer briefs and socks. He took off the socks and covered my body with his, kissin’ me as he rubbed against me, so hard I was surprised he was stayin’ in his shorts.

  I reached down and rubbed him through the cloth and he moaned, pullin’ back to take the underwear off, movin’ so fast I almost didn’t see the motion.

  He was ripe, rearing, and ready to go.

  He trailed his hands up my legs and I parted my knees. He stayed on his and grabbed my breasts, massaging them and making me moan now.

  He leaned over me and sucked on my breast, pulling in as much as he could. The sensation shot straight down to my groin and I humped up, body beggin’ him to be inside.

  He pulled back. “It’s like you feel every tiny touch down to the bone.”

  He put his weight on me, but stayed too low for me, suckin’ on my neck.

  “Quil, I’m ready to go. Trust me. I want you inside me.”

  He kissed me and grabbed my thigh, pullin’ my leg up and to the side and pressed against my opening.

  He pushed and I whimpered as he forced the closeness more open.

  “You sure you’re not a virgin,” he whispered, pushin’ a bit harder.

  “Positive, just small… and it’s been a while since anything besides a gyno’s been down there.

  Oh stupid Ariana, like that was something you said during sex!

  He shoved in and I grabbed onto his hips as he moved on top of me.

  I may as well have been a virgin for all the room my body had for him. But it felt so good, just havin’ him in me, our bodies melded as close as two people could possibly be.

  He went slow and my mouth found the cool, smooth skin of his chest, body knowin’ what to do even as my brain went out for a coffee break.

  I squeezed him and he barked something in another language, bendin’ so he could kiss me.

  He pulled back and I opened my eyes as he planted his hand on the side of me.

  “You ready, sweets?”

  I nodded.

  “Grab your legs, pull them up.”

  I did and he rose higher, changing the angle.

  I barely had a chance to catch my breath before he started poundin’, moving fast and hard enough to make me cry out.

  I squeezed, curlin’ up to build the pressure below as I held my legs harder.

  Pleases fell from my lips as as it built.

  I didn’t even know what I was begging for.

  The heat and pressure crested and I tossed my head back, holding on hard to ride the orgasm out.

  I relaxed against the bed and he lay on me, moving slow again.

  “Good start,” he said. “I’m going to make you come more times than you ever dreamed in one night.”

  I chuckled. “Pretty big words. How do you know how many times I’ve dreamed of comin’, because I can do like ten on a good night with a vibrator in real life.”

  He met my eyes but kept going even as the surprise made his rhythm change. “That is awesome! Do you know how many girls would kill for that?”

  I grinned. “Most I’ve come with a guy is four. We’ll see if you can beat that.”

  He went faster again and I bit his chest.

  Quil grunted and I let him go.

  “Do that again,” he said, voice ragged.

  I bit him harder, keeping my teeth dug in for a moment longer, only lettin’ go so he could keep moving.

  I licked and teased his nipples as he moved faster, nippin’ him randomly.

  He groaned from deep in his throat and thrust, losin’ rhythm as he grabbed my bedpost.

  The post splintered and the brass bed knob crashed to the floor as he convulsed inside me.

  He moaned and collapsed on me.

  He slid out and inched down to lay his face next to mine. He stroked my hair and cupped my face to kiss me. I felt warm inside as I kissed him back and slid my leg over his body.

  “I can’t go again that fast, sweets.”

  “Mmmmmm.” I nuzzled his neck, nippin’ at it.

  “Well, if you insist.” He eased open my legs and lowered his face in as I grabbed the bars on the headboard.


  “You are very loud,” Quil said, lying next to me in the pillow, restin’ his forehead against mine.

  I giggled. “I hope there’s no one wandering around outside.”

  “Shower?” I loved his eyebrows as they jumped over his beautiful eyes and made the question all the more wonderful.

  “I don’t think I can walk,” I said.

  He got up, swooped me up in his arms and carried me to the bathroom. I curled up into his chest like a contented kitten.

  Huh, my bite marks were already gone.

  “How do you not have a heart attack with this thing?” He set me down (I was a little shocked my legs held me) and tapped my chest.

  “I don’t know,” I said as he stepped in and turned on the water. “Doctors have checked it, but as far as they know, I’m perfectly healthy. I don’t even have high blood pressure. We have required physicals every year and I passed.”

  He started the shower and put me under the water, grabbing the loofah and rubbing it down with my lotion soap. He scrubbed me down. It was soothing and sweet. There is nothing like showering with someone you just had incredible sex with.


  He bent down to scrub my legs and kissed my knees, making me giggle.

  Quil stood and got behind me, scrubbed my back down, pausing to kiss my shoulders. He reached around with soaped up hands and massaged my breasts.

  “I guess I know what your favorite body part is.”

  “What’s your favorite?”

  “Your voice,” I said without havin’ to think about it.

  “That’s not a body part.”

  I giggled. “Whatever. Still my favorite.”

  He picked up the loofah and handed it to me.

  “Oh, so it’s your turn now?” I asked.

  “It’s only fair.” He kissed my hand.

  I scrubbed him down, takin’ my dear sweet time about it.

  After he was completely clean, I pushed him down to his knees and grabbed the shampoo.

  “Best part for last,” he said.

  “Huh?” I leaned over to look in his face, my wet hair swinging down like a thick whip.

  “Your hair’s another favorite of mine.” He tugged on the end and I slapped his hand with a smile, straightening back up.

  “I’ll do you first. Then you can do me,” I said.

  “No complaints here.”

  I rubbed the shampoo into his soft, thick curls and he sighed.

  After I was done with him, he stood and slid his wet body against mine as he moved behind me, and went to work on my hair, massaging like a pro stylist, and rinsed me off.

  He kissed my neck and pulled my head to the side by the neck.

  “May I?” he asked.

  I didn’t think. I didn’t want to.


  He clamped an arm around my waist and pulled me into him so tight I thought my skin would start crumbling in.

  I reached behind me and grabbed him by the base, pumpin’ him against my bottom.

  He bit in.

  Pain shot through me, dissolving into pleasure as he sucked.

  Magic. Had to be.

  He didn’t make a noise, but I felt him come as he spilled against my skin.

  My knees gave and he held me up, supporting my body like I weighed no more than a piece of cardboard.

  He kept suckin’ as he lowered a hand under me. He slid a fin
ger inside and moved it, pressing forward. I gasped and pulsated on those fingers as he grabbed my breast, squeezing almost too hard. He stretched his hand up and flicked my front as his finger moved faster.

  “Yes. Please.” I closed my eyes and my mouth went slack.

  My back arched and I bent my head back as intense pleasure took me and I rode harder into his hand as I gasped.

  He withdrew his fingers and teeth, and licked the wound clean. He washed my juices off his hand and his own off my leg.

  “How are you still standing?” I asked.


  I turned off the water and found my legs enough to step out of the shower. I grabbed one of my big, fluffy red towels and rubbed him down with it. He did the same to me. After we were both as dry as we were gonna get, I grabbed his hand and led him back to my bed.

  He snuggled up next to me, pulling me into his body with one strong arm. I rested my head on his chest.

  “It smells like us now.” He yawned.

  “You’re tired?” I asked.

  “I was up all day planning, organizing, comforting, being strong...” He trailed off with another yawn. “You are comforting, your smell, your fast heartbeat.”

  “Sleep sweet.” I shifted to kiss his chest, then settled down next to him.


  A tickling on my face drew me from the depths of sleep and I was just conscious enough to bat it away before the heavy darkness took me again.

  The soft thing slapped my face enough to get through the fog and I groaned, wavin’ it away.

  But I was awake enough to realize what it was.

  “Pyro, baby, leave me alone.”

  He responded by smackin’ me with a tassel again.

  I felt Quil’s heavy arm over my waist and his body pressed up next to mine.

  I hadn’t been so close to another person, breathing or not, for over two years, and I did not want to end it just cuz my magic carpet was feeling pissy.

  I finally forced my eyes open to see Pyro over us. He crossed his tassels and landed next to me.

  The door was open and evil, bright light streamed from the hall.

  “Pyro, what the hell is your problem?”

  He flew to the wall, bracin’ himself under the light switch and flickin’ it on.

  “Ughhhh!” Quil said. “I’m going to kill your Pyro, sweets.” He pulled the covers over his head.


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