Book Read Free

Owned by the Club

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

“Many women have used their bodies to get what they want. I simply make sure I take a piece of the pie they offer me.”

  “I’m not working for you.” She pulled away from him. “I’ve still got time to find the money, and I have a plan.”

  Storming up the steps, she opened the door, and slammed it closed. There were a couple of customers who nodded in her direction. She frowned.

  She’d closed the shop to go and see the Old Boyz.

  There, behind the counter, she saw Joe, her best friend in the whole wide world. He was painting his nails, and his hair was in roll ups. She didn’t have a clue what he was doing there seeing as she’d had no choice but to let him go. Firing him was the last thing she ever wanted to do, but she’d done it with her best friend.

  “Joe, what are you doing here?” she asked.

  “I saw the place was closed, and there’s no way you’re going to get ahead on this loan unless you open up and sell books. Don’t they teach you that in college?” he asked, rolling his eyes.

  “I can’t pay you.”

  “Babe, no one can afford me. As it is, I’m working for free, and you can tell me why your hot little ass was at a certain bar with five hunky men with a good reputation?”

  She removed her jacket, and went into the back, firing up the kettle. “Good reputation?”

  “Anyone with a bad reputation is the best kind if you ask me.”

  “Did you even hear me? I can’t pay you?”

  “So? I don’t need the money. I’m not strapped for cash, and I’m going to help my girl.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t even know if I can be helped.”

  “And why can’t you be helped?” he asked.

  She released a sigh, handing him the card.

  “You went to Pops and his clan?” Joe asked.



  She looked around the shop, seeing no one was paying either of them any attention. “And the deal is they’ll pay my debt, providing I get in bed with them.”

  “In bed?”


  “With Pops?”

  “No, with all five of them.”

  Joe stared at her for a second, and she wondered if he was judging her, thinking she was nothing but a slut, or a potential slut. Could she do it? She wanted to. That was the worst—she wanted to, more than anything craved the feel of all five men surrounding her. Did that make her a slut? She’d gladly take the title. Each of the Old Boyz had a charm about them, and she wanted to explore each and every one of them.

  “Oh, you lucky girl,” Joe said, surprising her.

  “Lucky? How am I lucky?”

  Joe waved a hand in front of her face. “Hello, Rosie, wake up. Five hot men all wanting you? Tell me how that is not lucky?”

  Put like that, there was no way for her to argue with his assessment.

  “I can’t do it. It’s wrong.”

  “What is wrong about it?”

  “I’ll be screwing them for money.”

  “What are you going to do? Let Peter get this place? He’ll tear it apart. You don’t really have much of a choice. Do you really want to give up on your dream?”

  “You know I don’t.”

  “Then take a chance. I know you’ve got a thing for Pops and his men. Don’t even try to deny it.”

  She fanned her face, rolling her eyes at the same time.

  “Exactly. Take a chance, you never know what is going to happen.”


  That night Pops was standing with his friends serving behind the bar. The rowdy customers were going wild for the live band. Pops didn’t care for the band, so he was more focused on the constant revolving door. The guys were all tense, waiting for Rosie to enter their place once again.

  It had only been a few hours since they last saw her, but they had all hoped she’d have taken a chance with them.

  “She’s not going to come,” Gavin said.

  “You going to be miserable, you can fuck off out of here. I don’t want anything to do with your attitude.” Pops had taken a chance, and he hated how tense he was, waiting for her to come and give them a shot.

  They could blow her entire world. As it was, none of them could do anything unless she came to them.

  Gavin left the bar, to go and gather up glasses.

  “He’s a joy tonight, don’t you think?” Billy asked.

  “I’m going to kick his ass if he keeps up. I don’t have time for him to throw a paddy.” Pops wiped down the counter and watched as Peter entered the bar. He’d called through to make sure the bastard would come to the bar so they could deal with him. None of them was afraid of Peter.

  “I’ll be in my office. Send Marshall as backup,” he said.


  Of course Peter had a couple of his own men.

  “I was surprised to get your call.”

  “I don’t know why,” Pops said. “We’ve got something in common.”

  Peter frowned.

  “Let’s take this into my office,” he said, opening the door. Marshall rushed forward, and Pops nodded in his direction.

  Marshall closed the door, and Pops grabbed the envelope of cash. “There’s your money.”

  “Not that I don’t appreciate the sight of a thick envelope, but the last time I checked, you don’t owe me money.”

  “This is Rosie’s debt. Take it, and leave her alone.”

  The smile on Peter’s face disappeared. “This is what this is about? Rosie?”

  “Yes. You don’t need her money, nor do you care about her.”

  “You can’t tell me what I want.”

  “Actually, I can. You’ve put Rosie in a bad spot with regards to her loan. Those men who stole from her, they certainly made your life a little easier.”

  “I saw an opportunity, and please, books are outdated. I’ve got another plan, and Rosie doesn’t have the money to deal with me.”

  “This isn’t about money,” Pops said.

  In the past few hours he’d done his research, and knew without a doubt what Peter had planned for Rosie’s shop. It wasn’t going to happen, not on his watch.

  “You’re not getting Rosie’s shop,” he said.

  Peter made to stand. “This is useless. I won’t be taking that, and I will be getting her shop. It’s mine.”

  “Sit down.” Pops spoke so that he knew not to fuck with him.

  “I don’t have to listen to this shit!”

  Marshall slammed his fist into one guard, and the other, he rammed him against the wall. Both men passed out, leaving them alone with Peter.

  Pops stayed seated as his friend gripped Peter’s shoulder.

  “I’d sit if I was you.”

  Once Peter was shoved back in his chair, Pops stared at him. “You want to walk out of here, you’re going to take that money, and you’re going to back off Rosie. You’ve not got a chance of getting her building.”

  “If I don’t?”

  “I’ve got a nice patch of earth outside. Three holes nicely dug, and no one will miss your ass, Peter. In case you didn’t know, you’re not exactly well liked.”

  Peter went pale. “You’d never get away with it.”

  “I’d like to think that I can take my chances. I’m good with the law, what about you? Last I heard you were not even on good terms. What are you going to do?”

  Marshall’s hold on his shoulder tightened. “What do you want me to do, boss?”

  “It’s up to him.” He stared at Peter, waiting.

  There was no real choice here. They both knew it.

  Tick tock.

  Tick tock.

  Pops would never allow anyone to hurt his woman. Rosie was their woman, even if she wasn’t ready to accept them. It didn’t stop them all loving her.

  He knew what he felt, and had been open with the rest of the men. Billy, Marshall, and Ethan wanted the same as he did. Gavin, he was fighting it, but it was only because he was afraid of getting hurt.

sie wasn’t like any other woman.

  She was different.

  They all saw it.

  Even today when they’d told her what they wanted, she’d had every right to run away, but she hadn’t. She’d taken his card, and left.

  He’d seen the curiosity in her eyes.

  The girl next door wanted them.

  Now he just needed to wait for that want to turn into a craving that stopped her from hesitating.

  “What’s it going to be?” Pops asked.

  Peter was a coward. He hid from everyone and everything.

  Seconds passed, and finally Peter picked up the envelope. “All of it here?”

  “Yes. I expect those loan papers, and anything else you have to do with Rosie’s building.”

  “I’ll mail them.”

  “Nice try. Marshall is going to go with you.”

  “What about my men?”

  “I’ll babysit them. Once they wake, I’ll send them over to you, and you have my word.”

  “I’m supposed to believe your word?”

  “Yeah, you are. Unlike you, I keep my word. If you hurt, or continue to bug Rosie, you’ll answer to me. Have I made myself clear?”


  “I will know if you think you can fool me. Don’t even try it.”

  Seconds later, Peter and Marshall were gone.

  Pops sat back, staring at the two men who were in a crumpled up in a heap on the floor. Even if Rosie didn’t agree to be with them, he’d still have taken the loan away from Peter. That bastard would only hurt her, and he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if something was to happen to her.

  Marshall called ahead to let him know he had the loan details, and he was on his way home. Just after the phone call, Peter’s two men woke, and Pops sent them on their way.

  Everything was in place.

  All he had to do was wait for Rosie.

  Patience was never one of his virtues.

  He was going to have to wait.

  There was nothing to be done, and providing Peter took his threat seriously, he wouldn’t be a problem.

  Chapter Three

  The next day, Rosie drove back toward the Old Boyz’s place. She’d had all night to think about what her answer could be, and no matter which way she looked at it, she really didn’t want to pass this opportunity to be with the men. If it made her a slut, she didn’t care. In all of her thirty years she’d been with one man. That was all, one.

  The memory of that one man wasn’t exactly great.

  She didn’t even experience an orgasm at his hands. He’d climb on top, groan and rut around a little bit, and then he’d get that weird look that all men seemed to be cursed with when they came.

  After she broke up with him, she’d not been in a rush to repeat the experience. A dildo was all she needed, and so far, she’d been more than happy. Last night she’d tossed and turned, and the orgasm she got at her own hands hadn’t been exactly thrilling.

  Five men.

  Five very hot, sexy men, and she just knew they were going to be awesome.

  The rumors about them were perfect.

  The women were always happy.

  In fact, they were all miserable when none of the men wanted them for another turn. Even if Pops, Billy, Marshall, Gavin, and Ethan didn’t want her again, she’d be happy with just one.

  Parking the car, she stared up at the bar. She didn’t know if they lived there or not, but they always seemed to be there.

  “Okay, Rosie, you can do this. It’s this or nothing.”

  Opening her door, she jumped when she saw Gavin was standing beside her car.

  “Hello, beautiful. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “No problem. It’s just me. I was distracted.”

  He leaned against her door, and she saw the shirt he wore had been torn around his arms. His jeans were slung low on his hips, and everything seemed to enhance how large he actually was.

  Licking her lips, she had no choice but to press her thighs together.

  “You’re thinking some dirty thoughts.”


  “I like it.”

  Her cheeks were now on fire.

  “Is it just you here?”


  “The guys are inside. It was a busy night, and we’ve had to handle deliveries. Carrying out crates of beer.”

  She couldn’t look away from his thick arms. They were huge, but then every single one of them had large arms. They were a walking, talking advertisement for weight lifting, and she was not the kind of person to go to the gym.

  Climbing out of her car, she fanned her face, wishing she didn’t have this reaction. It was kind of mortifying to deal with.

  “I need to talk to you, and to Pops, and to everyone.”

  “That look on your face tells me it’s going to be an interesting conversation.”

  “It is. I hope.” She frowned.

  This was awkward. She didn’t know what to do, or what to say.

  “Come on. Everyone else is inside probably watching, and wondering if I’m going to screw this up.”

  “Why are you going to screw this up?” she asked.

  “I’m the negative one in the group. Didn’t you hear?”


  “Everything tends to fuck up when I touch it.”

  “And you think that’s going to happen now?” she asked.

  “Isn’t it?” he asked.

  “Gavin, leave the woman alone,” Ethan said. “Give her a break.” He had the door open and winked at her. “It’s always a pleasure to see you again.”

  “You’re so sweet, thank you.” She entered the bar, and saw there was a lot of trash still strewn around. “Wow, you really weren’t kidding.”

  “We had a band last night. It was pretty badass. You should have come and checked it out.”

  “I’m not really a partier.” She’d never been to a party before, nor had she been invited.

  No wonder everyone thought she was some kind of stick in the mud. The more she looked over her life, the more she realized how dull she’d been.

  Pops came out of the backroom rubbing his hands on a cloth. “Rosie.”

  Everyone turned toward her. The other men had been concentrating on their own work.

  Holding up her hand, she smiled. “Hey.”

  “Have you come with an answer?” he asked.

  She looked around at the men, wondering what to say. Instead of saying anything, she nodded.

  “We’re going to need a lot more than that, babe. What exactly are you thinking?”

  Rosie took a deep breath. “Yes, I agree to your terms, and I really need your help.” She blew out a breath. There, she’d told him the truth.

  “We’ve already paid Peter,” Pops said. “You will never have to worry about him again. I promise.”

  “Oh, thank you. I don’t know what to say,” she said.

  “You can tell us your answer.”

  “Did you know I was going to say yes? Is that why you took care of Peter?”

  “No. Didn’t have a clue what you were going to say. We handled Peter because we didn’t agree with what he was doing. We wanted to protect you either way, Rosie.”

  “Oh. I don’t understand.”

  “We were all hoping,” Billy said, rounding the bar.

  All men moved closer, and Gavin stood behind her. “We all wanted you to come to us.”

  “You’re wanting to do this right now?” she asked.

  “Why not?” Ethan asked. He moved in close, stroking a finger down her cheek.

  She wasn’t afraid.

  Rosie was turned on, and she wanted him.

  Staring into his eyes, she found his blue eyes hypnotizing. They were lighter than her own. She had dark blue eyes.

  All of the men had different shades. Pops had a hard brown, darker than Marshall’s. Billy had beautiful hazel eyes, and Gavin had green. How lame was she that she knew their eye color, and loved it?
  “Are you okay, babe? Pops asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just, I don’t know. I’m just a little nervous.” This was going way out of her comfort zone.

  “We heard that you’ve made an arrangement to see a realtor,” Pops said.

  “Yeah, I have. There’s no way I can even do what I want with it. Book Dreams is going to have to go.”

  “What exactly do you need to do?” Marshall asked.

  Out of all of the men, Marshall was the most muscular. He looked like a bodyguard more than a barman. He probably handled all the problems the club faced.

  “Half the shop is a mess. You’ve seen it,” she said, pointing at Billy. “You were there the other day.”

  “You stripped the walls down.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I was told to do. Strip the walls down, and toss everything out, and then they’d come and do the café area. Half of my shop is covered with a large sheet. It’s a mess, and there’s no way for me to get the work done.”

  “Cancel your appointment with the realtor,” Pops said.


  “We’re going to handle the shop for you.”

  “I can’t let you do that.”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  “You’ve already done enough.”

  “Babe, when I said you were going to belong to us, what did you think that meant?”

  “You want to have sex with me. I’m not very good at it so I’m thinking just once.”

  Marshall chuckled, along with Billy, Ethan, and Gavin.

  Pops didn’t chuckle.

  He stepped toward her, cupping her cheek, and tilting her head back. “You think one time is going to be enough?”

  “You don’t know me. I’m not very good. I’m lame.”

  He frowned, and she tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t let her. He ran his thumb across her bottom lip, and she couldn’t resist opening up and licking him.

  His other hand cupped her waist and pulled her close.

  She gasped as her body pressed against his, feeling the rock hard length of his dick. Even with the clothes between them, she felt that he wasn’t a small man.

  “Do you really think this makes you lame?” he asked. The hand on her hip moved toward her ass, and he squeezed a cheek. Suddenly, she spun around in his arms, and he held her back to him, and made her look at the men. “Look at them. Look in their faces, and tell me you can’t see how much we all want you.”


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