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Blighted Land: Book two of the Northumbrian Western Series (Northumbrian Westerns 2)

Page 27

by Ian Chapman

  Another cart came down to the seafront. It was much bigger, pulled by four horses and it carried pieces of metal and burnt fragments. It was only as men picked at it that I realised it was the Eblis. Becky stared and put a hand to her face.

  We watched as they took the pieces off and drew them away to a warehouse. Bit by bit they removed sections of the tank and I wondered how long it would be before someone connected us to it. That we’d appeared shortly after it had been destroyed.

  Becky stared out across the loch and said nothing. I went to take her hand but she pushed it away.

  ‘Can we get some food?’ said Daniel.

  ‘All right,’ I said.

  The music bounced off the houses as I led us along the quayside to a pub. It was an old building with stained joists and ancient photos of the town on the wall. Becky sat at a table with Daniel and I went to the bar. There were a number of pumps but most of their handles were broken or missing. They only had one type of beer so I ordered three glasses of it: one pint and two halves. The barman was an old fella who jabbered on about the weather and the noise of the music.

  ‘It’s quite a town I said.’

  ‘Aye, it is. Is that. A real party place now.’

  ‘It hasn’t always been like this?’

  He laughed. ‘Only since the sub came. After the accident, you know.’


  ‘Aye, you know. You want food?’

  I didn’t know but wasn’t keen to pry. Attract more unwanted attention. The only food was soup so I asked for three bowls.

  When I went back to the table Daniel was describing everything he liked in the room. Becky didn’t reply. Gehenna was clearly visible in the loch outside. So it sounded something had happened to the sub’s base and it had moved here. Given the town a new lease of life. Brought its own madness.

  I drank my beer and listened to Daniel talk about the pictures on the wall. He finished and grinned, pleased with himself.

  ‘We need to get a boat,’ said Becky.

  ‘We do?’ I said.

  ‘If we can get a boat, I think I can blow it.’


  She flicked her head towards the window. ‘We need to sail out to it. Blow one of the hatches. It’s its weak point. Its Achilles’ heel.’

  ‘Yeah,’ I said. ‘I suppose.’

  She took a drink of beer. A young woman came over and dumped the soups in front of us.

  I spoke once she’d gone. ‘And that’s the plan?’

  ‘You got any better ideas?’

  ‘This is good soup,’ said Daniel.

  I tasted mine. It was salty but had big chunks of mutton. ‘Yeah, it is good soup.’ I didn’t have any better ideas so there was no point arguing. I’d work something out.

  We ate in silence then walked back towards the hotel. On the way Becky stopped at a fishing shop. There was a rack of clothes outside. Amongst the waterproofs and patched over-trousers there were some wetsuits. She picked one and held it against herself, then me. She did this a few times until she had a couple.

  ‘You got some cash?’ she said.

  I peeled off a few notes and gave them to her.

  Once she’d bought them we continued back. The music was as loud as ever but most people seemed to be busy with day-to-day stuff. Shifting carts laden with wood or vegetables. Picking up provisions at one of the stores. If it hadn’t been for Gehenna sitting in the loch it would have seemed like a reasonable place. Maybe it would be once the sub left.

  Back in the room Becky got me to try on the wetsuit while she slid into hers. She didn’t even notice me watch her as she stripped down to her underwear. Stood there half-naked. Hers was too big and had a few holes but she seemed happy enough with it. Mine fitted reasonably well but had a tear down one leg.

  ‘Great,’ she said.

  We took them off and stacked them on the floor with a bag holding the gun and grenades.

  ‘When are we going to do all this?’ I said.

  ‘All what?’

  ‘When are we going to grab a boat? Go out and blow the hatch.’

  ‘When it’s quiet. When they aren’t expecting it.’

  ‘When’s that?’

  ‘I don’t know.’ She took her seat at the window to watch Gehenna. With the plans of the sub laid out before her. It wasn’t surprising that she was edgy after seeing the bits of the Eblis brought in. I’d let her calm down and talk it through with her. Work out a proper plan.

  Me and Daniel played cards and talked about the pictures he’d seen in the pub. How nice the soup had been. Stuff to pass the time.

  Later on Becky went out on her own. She came back a little while later. The music was cranking up ready for the evening.

  She flopped back on her bed. ‘There’s some food there.’ She pointed to her bag.

  I opened it and found three meat pies. I ate one and handed another to Daniel.

  After we’d eaten we played cards some more. Becky lay on her bed and dozed. Daniel went to bed once it got dark.

  She didn’t wake before nightfall and I lay on the bed beside her. Fell asleep myself.

  Sometime later she woke me. ‘It’s moving,’ she said. ‘The submarine is on its way.’



  WE RAN OUT OF the hotel and down to the quayside. Just me and Becky sprinting down to the loch. There was no one else around. Not even any music. She had her bag with the gun and grenades over one shoulder and the wetsuits over the other.

  She stopped at the dock and pointed at a small sail boat. ‘That’ll do.’

  Gehenna was already a hundred metres on from where it had been. The water churned up behind it as it glided off. It moved steadily but not fast. There was only the sound of the waves that lapped at the boats; a swishing sound from the sub.

  Becky led off down the steps to the boat and leapt in.

  ‘Becky,’ I said. ‘This is crazy. Leave it.’

  ‘Are you kidding? This is our last chance.’

  ‘We had our last chance when Casper blew the tank.’

  ‘I knew you’d blame him.’

  ‘There’s no chance we’ll blow it.’

  ‘I knew you’d chicken out. You were all keen before…’

  For a moment we just stood there.

  ‘Look, Trent, I can do this alone but —’

  ‘All right, I’ll help.’ I’d come so far. Risked so much already. And I didn’t like the idea of chickening out. The boat rocked as I stepped into it and tilted towards the back when I sat down.

  Becky untied us. There were a couple of oars lying in the bottom so she took one and shoved us away from the dockside. The boat rocked some more, worsened by her moving around as she set the sail.

  ‘Wind’s not quite right,’ she said. ‘You know how to sail?’

  ‘Not really.’

  The sail flapped as the breeze caught it and she pushed me out of the way as she grabbed the rudder. The boat moved off across the loch but towards the far side, not after the sub. As it picked up speed it pitched and the water slapped at the front end. She adjusted the tiller and sail so that we were aimed towards Gehenna though still at an angle.

  She glanced over at me. ‘You want to slip your wetsuit on?’

  For a moment I didn’t move, uneasy in the undulating boat, then I twisted round and pulled my boots off and slid off my trousers. I eased the wetsuit up to my waist before I took off my shirt and slid it up. Slow movements.

  The boat was going quite fast and soon we cut through part of Gehenna’s wake so that we jerked and lurched in the rough water. I had one arm in the wetsuit and held onto the boat’s side. Once we’d cleared the rough patch she changed direction. We slowed but were now on the same course as the submarine.

  I pulled on the other sleeve and grabbed a lifejacket that was lying under the seat. I slid it on. There was a chance we were going to be flipped.

  ‘Take over,’ she said.

  I grabbed the rudder as s
he squeezed into her own wetsuit and we rocked and tossed around.

  For some time we rolled around in the boat as Gehenna ploughed on through the loch. There was a great trail of steam coming from the coning tower.

  Becky laughed. ‘It’s venting. Must be a problem with the reactor. That’s why it’s so slow.’

  ‘Great.’ I had my own problems. I’d never been one for boats. As a kid I’d gone out in them on holiday. Bigger boats in lakes or the sea to watch fish, or smaller ones on ponds. Never a small boat on a rough loch. I tightened my lifejacket. ‘How’s this going to work?’

  She adjusted the rudder. ‘What?’

  ‘Us with the sub.’

  ‘Get close, get on, blow the hatch…’


  She shrugged. ‘Get off.’

  Water sprayed in our faces as the submarine plugged on and we bounced behind it.

  Then I had an idea. ‘How about this?’


  ‘You stay on the boat and I climb onto the sub.’


  ‘You know how to sail. Keep the boat handy so I can get back.’

  ‘You sure?’


  ‘Great.’ She turned away from me and concentrated on Gehenna. She stared at it as we sailed behind it.

  It sounded easy enough in my head but the sub was this big slippery thing and we were in a little boat. Maybe we’d never get that close and it wouldn’t matter.

  But little by little we closed on it: until we were quite near, through the wake and just behind the bow wave. We were being pulled along by it and our boat pitched and rocked with water spilling over the side.

  Becky messed around in her bag, took out the two grenades, checked them over then put them back and pulled the bag’s top tight. ‘You take this,’ she said.

  I grabbed the rucksack, slid it over the lifejacket and looked over at the submarine. What the hell was I going to do now?

  ‘We need to get ahead,’ she said. As she adjusted the sail we picked up speed but the rocking became more pronounced. The boat lurched and waves slapped on its flank.

  Then the bow wave caught us and we tipped over.

  We flipped into the loch.


  In the water

  THE WATER CHURNED AROUND me cold and dark. It went into my mouth, over my head. Into eyes and ears. All my warmth was drawn from me as my wetsuit filled up. The current took me, dragged me down. Down into the turbulent loch. Into the darkness.

  Then I bobbed up to the surface with only my face clearing the water. The lifejacket had saved me. I took a great lungful of air and looked around. There was no sign of the boat or Becky. I tried to shout but swallowed water. Beside me was the sub, a great dark shape that churned onwards, only metres away. I flapped towards it, keen to be on anything solid. I splashed around in the water but made no progress. Then I flipped over onto my back. Above me stars shone through thin cloud. I tried to remember the swimming strokes I’d been taught in school all those years ago. I circled my legs and kicked hard. The water moved between my feet and I began to go backwards.

  I was caught by a current that swirled me around. I was tossed over in the water and flailed with my arms to try and straighten up. The turbulence worsened and I spun around, over and over, gasping for breath when my face was upwards but taking in water as well as air.

  I hit a hard surface. What little air was left in me was knocked out as I thudded into the submarine’s side. The rough metal scraped past and ground against me and I grabbed at it. If I slid all the way to the back I’d end up in the propeller where it would chop me into chunks.

  But the sub’s flank had nothing to hold, just flaws in the panels, not enough to grip. My nails clawed at its surface as it passed but there were no grips or handholds or anything. I was going to be sucked into the wake and smashed to bits. As a last effort I pawed at the hull to at least slow me down.

  Then I got hold of something. There was a small recess and my left hand stuck in it. It was at the wrong angle and bent my fingers so that they felt they were going to snap but it held me. My face was now pressed against the sub, barely above the water. I took in great gulps of air but I needed to find something else. Another hold. I stretched out as far as I could with my right hand to feel for anything on the surface, further up above the waterline but there was nothing. Just metal plates. So I put both hands in the one niche. I could only get the thumb and index finger of my right hand in, but it was better than nothing. I dangled from the hull like a piece of seaweed, bashed against the metal, my head sometimes underwater. The wake of the submarine dragged at me and threatened to wash me off and to the back, into the blades.

  For a second I thought about letting go. I’d drift off and in no time it would be over. I’d be sliced up and left in the sea. That would be it.

  I just hung there.

  Then I moved my legs around. Millimetre by millimetre I felt for a ridge on the plates. Apart from barnacles and weed it was even surfaced.

  At last I found something. Only a tiny lip but it was enough. I wiggled my foot onto it and tried to put weight on it. Only a little. I braced myself between my leg and the handhold and pushed down at the same time that I pulled up. With my left fingers as tight as they would go I let go with my right hand and reached up. As far as possible. There had to be something up there. Some ridge or handhold or unevenness in the hull. There had to be. I flicked myself up and felt around up above the waterline. It was smooth, featureless. Impossible to get hold of. I tried once more.

  Then I came loose.

  It happened so fast I didn’t realise what was going on. One second I was feeling around on the hull, the next I was off towards the rear of the sub, hands flailing and head underwater. I swirled around and tried to grab at anything, sliding towards the propeller.

  Until I hit something hard. It slammed into my waist and held me with the force of the water. There was a sound like rocks rolling down a hillside. The current pulled and dragged at me. As my lungs burned for air. I was pinioned by the flow.

  I was going to drown. I was underwater and couldn’t reach the surface. I reached out and grabbed part of the sub that I was stuck against. It was thick and flat like a great metal table. Some kind of fin or rudder or something. Holding on I hauled myself to the left, towards the main hull. Bit by bit I moved along it, as the loch churned around me.

  At last I came to the bulkhead. I touched it with my left hand and felt around. Smooth as the rest of it. But I needed air. I was desperate to take a breath. So I stretched up and tilted my head. With one leg raised on the fin I pushed up as far as I dared. My face came out of the water and I drew in a lungful of air, blew it out, then another. My body flapped around in the flow but it was worth it to have a breath. From where I was I could see the back end of the sub. The hull was lower here and I’d be able to get on it if I could just push myself up.

  But I needed to get closer and that meant going under again. Taking in one more gasp I ducked down and dragged myself as tight against the main section as I could get. Then I held on with my hands and brought my feet up onto the fin. I counted to three, let go and pushed hard with my legs and leapt.

  I landed in shallow water on the tail section just in front of another fin, this one upright. I clawed my hand around it and clung there, then pulled my feet up to wrap around it with my head forced up above the water. My body was still submerged but I could breathe at last. For a minute I hung there with my eyes closed and took great gulps of air.

  The waves crashed around the back of the submarine and the deck beneath me throbbed with the powerful engine that drove it. I pulled myself further round and sat on a drier section of the hull with the fin behind me. Ahead was the deck and conning tower. The water around me was black. There was a hint of light in the sky. Enough to see that there was no land; no sign of the boat or Becky. We were we at sea, out of the loch and into open water.

  Maybe she’d sw
um off and made it to dry land. Or hung onto the boat. Or been dragged through the submarine’s propeller. Chopped to bits.

  I pushed myself forward and made for the conning tower. When I stood up the bag dragged at my back with all the water in it. And the grenades.

  That was the reason I was here. To blow the sub. Crazy as Becky’s plan was, it was all I had left. I stretched up and staggered forward and waded through the water, slid on the metal as it sloped up from the tail section to the main body. It was steep so I went onto all fours and clawed my way up the wet metal. Despite being soaked it was warm to the touch. Like the Eblis, this was nuclear powered. The phrase nuclear submarine had once been common on the news. And here I was on one. About to blow it up. Or at least try.

  My feet squeaked and slid on the way up the sloping hull but I made it onto the main section. The surface was different here, ridged and easier to grip and I stood straight at last. For a moment I let the water run out of the bag then I continued forward towards the hatch.

  Even though the submarine was moving there was no sign of it on the deck. No rocking or pitching just a slight rumble. The hatch was in front of me and I staggered over to it. It was a massive steel construction with a circular handle. Maybe I could open it and drop in the grenades. Kill the men inside.

  That didn’t seem right. What I needed to do was damage it. Make sure the sub couldn’t be used as a weapon. I took the bag off and set it at my side. My hands were wrinkled with the water, lit now by the faint light of dawn. At some point the crew would spot me. Send someone up to stick a bullet into my head. I drew out the grenades and shifted them in my hands: cold and wet.

  Then I wedged them against the hatch’s handle and made sure their levers were free to release. For a minute I shifted them this way and that. Stalled doing anything. Once I pulled them, that was it. At present I still had the option to climb up the tower. Pretend to be a lost fisherman. Ask to be let on board and share their food and put on dry clothes. Sleep in a warm bed.

  Not that they’d believe that for a second.


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