Graham, Just One Shade

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Graham, Just One Shade Page 16

by Guy Lilburne

  We went to bed and had a long session of foreplay before we made love. It was sensational and then, as we lay there naked and still wrapped around each other, Louise said,

  “Every time we make love you are like an excited child with a new toy.”

  “Oh! You already told me that before….I’m sorry, it‘s just how I am.” I didn’t know what else to say.

  “Don’t be sorry. It’s wonderful. You make me feel really special. But I’m just an ordinary girl. I’m really no one special, I don’t deserve all this.”

  I didn’t say anything. I wanted to say ‘I love you’, but I knew I couldn’t. I felt that I was in a position here that whatever I said would have been the wrong thing to say. So I said nothing. The silence went on as if she was waiting for me to say something, but I didn’t. She kissed me and snuggled up closer to me. She squeezed me as tight as she could. I smiled to myself. I had done the right thing by saying nothing. I was getting the hang of this ‘cool and aloof’ stuff, but being mean, moody and magnificent would be a lot easier if I wasn’t so crazy about her.

  The next day Louise came round during the daytime. Her husband was due back home around 5.00 pm. We had a lovely day together doing nothing in particular, except for just being together. We went to Asda in the afternoon to get a bit of shopping in. I was surprised, but secretly delighted, when Louise held my hand around the shop. We even stopped and kissed a couple of times, not something I would usually make a habit of.

  “You’re being very brave aren’t you?” I said.

  “I just don’t care anymore.”

  Louise could be really quite loving when she wanted to be. She went home just before 5.00 pm. It was a sad parting. She didn’t want to leave and I didn’t want her to go. She said that she would ring me over the weekend, whenever she could. She had been very close to me today. The evening seemed quite dull after she left; an anti-climax. It dragged by. Saturday dragged too. I tried to busy myself doing things that I needed to do around the house, but I couldn’t fool myself. I was waiting all day for her to ring. She didn’t. The day slowly turned into evening, and then into night. Louise rang me at 11.15 pm, she was sobbing.

  “Graham, it’s me.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Oh Graham, it’s been terrible. He’s gone now. He has actually left me, but it’s been really, really bad here.”

  “Are you alright?”

  “Yes.” She was sobbing even more as she spoke to me.

  “Do you want to tell me about it?”

  “Yes. It’s been awful. It started yesterday as soon as I got home. He was really nasty and aggressive to me, saying he wasn’t going to leave the house and he was going to give me nothing. I tried to talk sense into him, but he wouldn’t calm down. He scared me. I phoned his best friend to see if he could talk to him, but he was really off with me and just said ‘I’ve heard you’ve been sleeping around’ and he said that he didn’t want to speak to me every again. Nick was shouting and screaming at me in front of the boys, calling me a slag and a whore. He said to the boys ‘you know your mum is sleeping with another man’. I thought he was going to hit me. He was snarling and spitting through his teeth. He stormed out of the house at 9 o’clock last night, but came back in at 10 o’clock this morning. He went and had a shower and I saw that he had left his mobile phone turned on, which he never usually does. I can never turn it on because I don’t know his PIN number. I checked his text messages and there were lots of them from different mobiles. Some of them were disgusting. One of them said ‘can’t wait to have your cock inside me again’. Graham, it really upset me. I know I have told you that I always suspected him of having other women, but when I saw it in black and white it really hurt me. This marriage has never been anything other than a joke. We had an almighty row and he told me that he’s been shagging all over the place for years and that it was none of my fucking business. He said that I was just a fucking bitch who had no room to talk because I was sleeping with you. I just had to get out of the house so I went round to Angela’s and told her all about it. He rang me at 7.30 pm and just said that he had packed his things and left and that I had better get home because the kids were on their own. I dashed home. He had already gone and the boys were crying hysterically in the lounge. He’s such a bastard, Graham. How can he be so nasty? I just don’t know him anymore. I don’t think I ever did. He said that he is going to come back during the week and empty the house. How can he be so horrible to me?”

  “Louise, it’s all just raw emotions. He’s hurting as much as you are. He’s just blowing off steam. He’ll calm down. Are you OK now?”

  “Yes. I’m just upset.”

  The conversation went on for over an hour but all in the same vein, at the end of it Louise said,

  “I just need some time on my own for a day or two, but I wanted to ring you tonight so that you knew what was happening. Is that OK?”

  “Of course it is. Take as much time as you want. You know where I am if you need me.”

  “Thanks Graham.” She sounded calmer now.

  “It’s not a bother. I’ll wait for you to call.”

  “Bye sweetheart.”


  And with that I put the phone down. I was a bit upset that Louise was so upset. She already told me that she thought he was seeing other women, so why had it upset her so much? And especially now that she had also been unfaithful to him with me. They hadn’t bothered with each other for years anyway. I couldn’t understand her depth of emotion. His either for that matter. I guess that’s easy to say when you are not directly involved. No break up is without emotions and crushed feelings. Except for my own divorce of course. But then again, I hated my ex-wife and I’ll swear until the day I die that she had ’Mad Cow’s Disease’. She fucking invented it! I drank some brandy and went to bed.

  Sunday dragged by painfully slowly and the night time even more so. I seemed to be thinking about Louise constantly. I wished I could just know how she was feeling; if she was alright, was she thinking about me? Monday and Tuesday were much the same, but each day it all felt worse. I couldn’t concentrate at work and I couldn’t relax at home. I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t bother to eat. I just drank a lot more brandy than I should have done. I worried about Louise and felt sorry for myself.

  I started to resent Louise not ringing me. She must have realised how concerned I would be and she would also know that one phone call would put my mind at rest. Surely one phone call wouldn’t disturb her from having all this time to herself, even a note, anything…… something. It was all this nothing that was driving me crazy. She had said that she needed a day or two. It had now been three. Tomorrow had arrived already, and after trying not to, for most of the morning, I just had to ring her.

  “Hello?” Louise answered the phone.

  “Hi! It’s me. I’m sorry to ring you. I know I said I wouldn’t, but it’s driving me crazy. I just want to know what’s happening.”

  “That’s OK. I’m sorry I haven’t rung you. I was going to ring you today anyway. I just needed some time to myself, that’s all.”

  “Are you still my friend then?”

  “Of course I am. You’ve just made me smile. That’s the first time I’ve smiled in a few days.”

  “Well I haven’t been sitting here chuckling to myself either.”

  “I’m sorry. Can I meet you for a coffee or something? Would you be able to get out of work for ten minutes?”

  “Yes, I would think so. When?”

  “What time is it now? 10.45 am. What about 11.30 am?”

  “OK. Outside ‘Stephanie’s’. We can go in there for a coffee.”

  “I’ll get ready and see you then.”

  I felt quite relieved as I put the phone down, and excited about seeing her again. I sat outside Stephanie’s Bistro and wait
ed for Louise. The sun was shining. It was a beautiful day. Louise turned up at 11.30 am exactly. She looked great. She saw me and broke into a huge smile, but we didn’t hug or kiss.

  “Are you OK?” I asked.

  “I am now I’ve seen you.”

  We went inside and chatted politely over coffee. She told me that her husband had rung her a few times and that he had calmed down. In fact he had been as nice as pie, and even promised that he wouldn’t leave her and the children short of money. He had told her that he had moved in with his sister and that he would come and stay with the kids for the weekend if she wanted the weekend away for a break. I couldn’t bring myself to ask her if she wanted to go away for the weekend, so I just listened. After coffee we walked around the town and drifted into the park. The sunshine made everything look beautiful. As soon as we had walked out of Stephanie’s, Louise slipped her hand into mine and the anxiety of the last few days just melted away.

  In the park Louise stopped and pulled on my hand. I turned to her and she kissed me. Gently at first, in little pecks. Our arms wrapped around each other and the kiss became a long passionate one.

  “I don’t know what you just did” she whispered. “But I am tingling all over now.”

  “Louise, its wonderful being able to kiss you again, I’ve really missed you. I wanted to kiss you as soon as I saw you, but I didn’t know whether you wanted me too.”

  “I knew that. That’s why I just kissed you.”

  “I didn’t even know if you wanted to carry on seeing me or not.”

  “Oh Graham, you are silly.”

  Suddenly the tension was gone. We were both relaxed and happy to be together again. We walked around the park laughing and smiling in the sunshine. What a perfect day! I had to get back to work, but Louise said that she would come to my house that night.

  She arrived on my doorstep at about 8.30 pm and she was delightful. She was happy and excited. She said that her husband was going to stay at their house for the weekend. He would be arriving at about 4.00 pm on Saturday and she asked if she could stay with me on Saturday night. She said that she would drop some clothes off at my place on the Friday and I could pick her up on Saturday evening from Angela’s house.

  “He might even stay with the kids on Sunday night, so you might have to put up with me for the whole weekend.” She grinned a cheeky grin and kissed me again.

  I was delighted. I couldn’t think of anything else that would have made me happier at that moment than the thought of actually spending the whole night with Louise.

  Actually sleeping together.

  We were sitting in the conservatory and the sexual chemistry between us was electric and growing by the minute.

  “Have you got any knickers on?” I asked.

  She shook her head and smiled a naughty smile. She pulled the front of her skirt up, slowly an inch at a time, until I had a full view of her black bush.

  “Oh Louise, I want to fuck you until my cock is sore.”

  “Well do it then.”

  We went up to the bedroom and undressed each other. We made love. It really was great sex, hard and passionate. We seemed to fuck for a long time. It was just different that night. We were on another level. I knew that she was in love with me that night. I wanted the night to last forever and so did Louise. She stayed later than she should have done by an hour and a half until her babysitter rang to see where she was. She went home then.

  Louise dropped her clothes off as planned during the daytime on Friday. She didn’t stay long, but she was very upbeat and excited about the weekend. We decided we would go for a Chinese meal on Saturday night. Louise asked me if I would go round to her house later that night after 9.00 pm. Of course I would. I arrived at her house just after 10.00 pm. “They are still awake” she whispered. “They just won’t settle.” She grabbed my hand and led me through the small modern semi into the lounge. As usual, she looked fantastic. She was wearing a tight Lycra top with no bra. I could see her nipples, dark and erect underneath. She had a light green wrap over skirt, a thin cotton material which I could see through, her legs silhouetted against the light of the lamps in the lounge. We kissed and I ran my hands over her breasts, her back, her bottom and then inside the wrap of her skirt. I felt her bare legs, her bare bum. I cupped my hand over her pubic mound. She was stroking my neck, shoulders and chest. She cupped my growing penis in her hand and then her youngest child started crying upstairs. It sounded loud over the listening device placed on the lounge table.

  “I’m sorry” she said and went upstairs to return about ten minutes later. The rest of the night continued in the same way. Both kids kept waking up and crying at different times, but at such regular intervals that I’d swear the little bastards had planned it. It put Louise and me on edge. It wasn’t a relaxed atmosphere, and even when the kids weren’t crying, Louise just couldn’t settle. Even when we could have settled down together on the settee, we didn’t. Louise busied herself cleaning around, making coffee and anything else she could think of. She ended up getting out a load of old photographs and we sat on the floor looking through them.

  It was another night when I just couldn’t get close to her, either emotionally or physically. Once again, as the night went on, I could feel her pushing me further and further away. I didn’t think she really wanted me there. At one point she started kissing me and slid her hand down the front of my jeans. I started to respond in kind and then she pushed me away.

  “I’m sorry Graham. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m just not myself tonight.”

  Suddenly I felt terrible.

  “No. I’m sorry. I really should go. It’s not your fault. It’s the kids. Don’t worry about it. Sorry Louise.” She held my face and kissed me.

  “You are such a lovely man. Do you want another coffee or something?”

  I actually wanted a blow job, but now didn’t seem like a good time to mention it.

  The night felt awkward, and I knew that Louise wouldn’t be enjoying this anymore than me. I offered a few times to leave her to it and go home, but each time she grabbed me and said “No, please don’t go.”

  I just didn’t know what she wanted now. She said she wanted me to stay, but acted like she wanted me to go. I was getting really pissed off. The night dragged on until 1.20 am when one of the kids started crying again. Louise went up to him. I could hear her soft voice over the listening device and after a few minutes the child settled and all was quiet again. Five minutes later it was still quiet but Louise hadn’t come back down. I thought about standing at the bottom of the stairs and blarting, so that I could have some attention, but I didn’t. I wrote her a note.

  ‘I think you have fallen asleep, see you tomorrow xxx’. I went home.

  I knew that she hadn’t fallen asleep. I had just outstayed my welcome. It had been a pretty bad night, and it wasn’t just that the kids hadn’t settled. Louise had once again put a big emotional gulf between us. I hated the way she seemed to be able to spin me around like a top. Her head was messed up and she was messing up mine. As I left her house an amazing electrical storm started, which lit up the sky. I got home and watched the dancing lights punching down into the earth until 4.00 am. My thoughts were wrapped around Louise. I had to admit to myself that I was totally confused by her. It’s as if Louise was drowning in her own emotional sea and I couldn’t save her because she didn’t want to be saved.

  On the Saturday I did all my housework and bought some things for the weekend. I was excited about Louise being able to stay for the whole night, but I wasn’t entirely sure as to whether or not she would still come after the way she had behaved last night. I was quite relieved that she rang me at about 5.00 pm to tell me that she was at Angela’s house and would I be able to collect her at 5.45 pm, which I did. She looked the most beautiful that I had ever seen her. I had never seen her with
make-up on before and she looked exotic and stunning.

  “I’ve had a shower and put my ‘going out eyes’ on” she smiled.

  We went back to my house as the rain lashed down in a fierce downpour that managed to soak us both in the short distance to the car. We had a couple of glasses of wine back at my house, laughed and chatted and kissed a lot. Louise was happy and relaxed and seemed to get very tipsy and giggly on just one glass of wine. She flashed her eyes at me over the top of her wine glass as she drank.

  “You look beautiful” I said.

  “Oh Graham, you treat me like a princess and I’m just not used to it. I feel as if you are putting me on a pedestal and I don’t know if I can live up to your expectations.”

  I laughed out loud.

  “There’s no pedestal, and I’ve no expectations. I just thought that you looked great, so I told you. Don’t worry, there is no pressure.” I wish I hadn’t said anything! At 8.00 pm I went and had a shower and then went to get dressed in the bedroom. I was still naked except for the towel that was wrapped around my waist when Louise came into the room to get changed. I watched her lay her clean underwear out on the bed; black bra, knickers, suspender belt and stockings. She took her little black dress out of the wardrobe and hung it on the door. She stripped naked. I dropped my towel and we hugged and kissed. She felt warm against my damp body. Her breasts, soft and warm pressed against my chest. She pulled the stool out from under the dressing table and sat on it. She put her hands on my buttocks and pulled me towards her and then gently held my cock in her hand. She looked up at me and smiled.

  “Do you want me to suck it?”

  God she was so sexy! I smiled and nodded. I laid my hands on her head as she slid her wet warm mouth over my cock, taking me in her mouth and sucking me until I came. We got dressed and went out. We went into a couple of bars and then for a Chinese meal. We walked along hand in hand. She looked stunning and turned heads everywhere we went. She clung onto my arm and wrapped herself around me at every opportunity. Maybe she did love me after all!


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