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EROTICA: The Biker's Girl (Biker Mystery Romance) (Erotic Bad Boy BBW BWWM Romance)

Page 10

by Jolie Day

  “I’m sorry, Amelia…I didn’t mean for this to happen, but I’m not sorry.” He smiled at her as he pulled away from her so that she could walk up the steps to her house. He noticed her flushed cheeks and tentative steps and smiled. She had felt it too. “I will be here at 6 on Friday.”

  What he needed was to get Amelia Carrington out of his system. He was getting too close, too connected. He wanted to make all of her hurts better and wanted to protect her. Things he did his best to not feel for any other woman that he wanted to sleep with. Friday would come and he would show her the truth about his life. He had a special plan for the night and hopefully it would go off smoothly. He wanted her and he knew she wanted it just as much. He slept fitfully that night thinking of long blonde hair.


  She went to great pains to dress for him. It had to be just right. Tonight he would finish what he started in the front yard. She heard the car before he knocked and when she opened the door, he took her breath away. He was dressed impeccably in a designer suit. His hair was slicked back and he had buzzed, but not completely shaved his face. She wasn’t sure what to do but stand there and look at him so she was happy when he took her hand in his and walked her outside. She could almost feel her mother’s eyes boring into her and she smiled. She glanced up at the car, it was a very expensive Mercedes and she looked up at him baffled. This entire evening must have cost him a fortune.

  “I’ve planned a special dinner for us, Amelia, I hope you like it.” He set off for home. Hoping to break the news to her gently.

  “You look so different. And this car…wow. I bet it cost a fortune for this thing.” She ran her hands down the smooth leather interior.

  He pulled up in front of a huge three-story mansion. It was gray and black and had a magnificent lawn that went on for what seemed like forever. He moved to the front door and opened it for her allowing her to come inside. The inside was gorgeous and impeccably done. She followed him to the dining room where a candlelight dinner for two was waiting. She looked up at him in awe and settled into her chair. Everything was so perfect and nice. She had to admit she missed his hat thought, it had grown on her. They dined and chatted about different things. He seemed nervous and she finally let him off the hook.

  “This place is beautiful, Luke. I have thought a lot about what you said the other day and you’re right, I want you, too.

  “Wait, Amelia, we should talk first.”

  She cut him off putting one finger on his lips.She stood and with one zip she let her dress drop to the floor leaving him speechless. She made her way over to him and he felt her tentatively put her mouth on his. This kind of forwardness was completely out of her comfort zone and he knew it. He should tell her now; the thought crossed his mind as he grabbed her head pulling her down onto him. He felt her legs wrap around his torso as the kisses deepened and became more animalistic. He quickly stood and carefully removed the rest of her clothing cupping her breasts in his hands and running first his fingers and then his mouth over them. He gently pushed her to the couch where she opened up to him, giving and loving him back in a fevered state. He left no skin untouched as he worked his mouth over her, enjoying her moans as he went along. He finally slid one finger into her wet heat and he felt her arch up off the couch. He gazed down at her.

  “How long has it been, Amelia?” Her eyes flew open to look at him.

  “Four years,” she whispered it to him and it almost pushed him over the edge. He worked her with his hands until her release came swift and hard. He moved between her milky thighs and moved to her opening.

  “Tell me you want me, Amelia, I need to hear it,” he gritted out the words he needed to hear.

  “I want it,” she whispered. Before she managed to get out the word it, he had pushed into her and she reveled in the feel of him there. He moved slowly at first and it quickly built to a fevered pace. He rode her harder and harder until her eyes met his and as she reached that ultimate peak it pushed him over and he exploded within her walls.

  They lay like that, tangled up with one another for a while, both feeling and accepting what had happened. He felt the guilt creep back in and exhaled sharply. He had to tell her. He rose up and looked down at the tangled mess of blonde hair that surrounded him. He pulled away from her and she looked up at him with sheepish eyes.

  “Amelia, we need to talk.”

  “Really? Already? Most guys at least wait until you get home,” she stomped over to her clothed and pulled the dress back up into place.

  “No, Amelia, you know better than that.” He stopped her and she looked up at him.

  “This is my house, that is my car and this…this is even my suit.” At her frown he went on. “I don’t drive my nicer car into town for meetings and I rarely wear a suit. The day of the accident, it just happened and you didn’t baby me or throw yourself at me and I wanted you to get to know the real me.” He watched the myriad of expressions on her face.

  “You lied to me, Luke? All that time when I was sharing about my life and my financial woes, which I thought we shared? You must have thought I was an idiot! You just let me ramble.” She grabbed up her shoes and made her way to the door.“We are done here. Just like you wanted it. Find poor girl, check. Lie to her until she is in love with you…check. Have sex…check. Dump the truth on her…check.” She walked out the door onto the front patio. He would have to let her go, she needed time to think. He had the driver come around to take her home and he watched her go.


  The days went by quickly for them both. His commissioned piece for D.C. kept him busy and she buried herself in her work. Her pain was very real and it hurt to even think about him. She’d had time to think and she understood why he did it, but it hurt that he had lied. She missed him, that was the hardest part.

  “Nothing happened mom, it just didn’t work, that’s all,” she told her mother this over and over but her mother was no fool. She could see that she was hurting.

  “Love you mom, see you tonight,” she waved as she set out for work.

  She methodically moved her car up in line at the on ramp and waited for her turn to proceed as she thought of him. He had sent her message after message and she had yet to respond to any of them. It was just as well and probably too late now anyway. As she inched her car slowly, she found herself lost in thought. Thoughts of him. She tought about his eyes, his tattoos, the night they made love. She merged onto the highway and then suddenly, everything went dark.


  Luke was frantic. His mother had tried to tell him to stay calm, but it wasn’t possible. He threw on a jacket and made his way downstairs to his car. He couldn’t count on anyone else to take him so he would drive himself. Why was she so damn stubborn? She had refused to respond to him and he had been losing his mind every day waiting for her. She had pulled him in and he tried to change it, but she was firmly planted in his mind.

  He barely pulled into a parking spot before jumping out of his car and running inside the hospital. He ran to the nurse at the reception desk and asked for her. Nobody wanted to give him any information. Finally, after ten minutes of yelling, he was allowed to see her. She was nestled into a bed, two times bigger than it needed to be. She didn’t have any tubes, but she was asleep and her arm and one of her legs were wrapped up. She looked so frail and he knew in that minute he was in love with her. What had been something fun, and then a sense of possession had really just been the start of something more. He moved into the room and saw her mother sitting there.

  “She is fine, a few broken bones and a concussion, but she will be fine honey,” she told him as he approached the bed.

  “Mom, damn my head hurts,” she rose up slightly and focused until she saw him there. “Luke,” she whispered it.

  “I'll head down for some coffee and give you two some time,” her mother said as she walked past Luke and patted his hand then gave it a reassuring squeeze on her way out.

  “Luke, what are you doing here?” sh
e managed to get the words out.

  “Dammit, Amelia, I call and text and hear nothing. I am sitting in my house just waiting for you to tell me you love me and want me so I can come bring you home and instead my mother, who is best buds all of a sudden with your mother, tells me you’re in an accident. If you’re trying to kill from a heart attack, you’re doing a good job. I won’t take no for an answer either, you are so damn stubborn and you think you don’t need anyone but you do. You need me just as much as I need you.” He ran a hand through his hair and moved closer to her.

  “Ok,” she whispered.

  “Ok? What do you mean ok, Amelia?”

  “Ok, I love you, too. Ok, I will be whatever else you said,” she smiled at him as he pulled her into his arms and he settled onto the bed.

  “What’s so funny, Amelia?”

  “I am so not paying you back for the repairs on my car you know that right?” she giggled at him and he leaned down to kiss her softly.


  Bonus Story 2

  The Billionaire’s Claim

  BBW Mystery Romance

  “Don’t forget your purse and a change of shoes after the dinner, Elise!”

  Elise grabbed the extra pair of flats resting beside the sofa. “Got them.”

  “Did you comb your hair?” her mother called from the kitchen.

  “Yes, it’s free of tangles.”

  “Did you curl the ends?”


  “Come in here, Elise. I want to make sure you’re wearing the outfit I picked out for you.”

  Elise trudged back to the kitchen and stopped in the entryway. She raised her arms up to show her mother the lacy cream dress that had been meticulously sewn and given to her.

  “I’m not a little girl anymore, you know. You don’t have to double-check everything I do. I’m twenty-four,” Elise uttered.

  Her mother walked to the start of the kitchen and circled her in a form of inspection. She ignored Elise’s comment. “I suppose this will all have to do. It’s not ‘knock ‘em dead,’ but you’re sure to get a couple heads turning your way.”

  Elise hated this. She lowered her arms and turned around, heading out of the kitchen for the front door. “I’m taking off. I’ll let you know how everything went when I come home tonight.”

  “Great, honey. Be safe.”

  Elise grabbed her purse and walked out, shutting the door firmly behind her. She inhaled the dry heat and then let it out in a heavy sigh, dropping her shoulders from their stiff position before making it to her car and getting in to start it up.

  She disliked having to play dress up for her mother and go to fancy dinners. Her mother craved money. Their family already hung by a fine thread financially, and Elise hadn’t had the best of luck finding any decent-paying jobs to help support them both. She had initially planned to go to college right out of high school, but was unfortunately set back to try and take care of her starving parent who didn’t have enough energy left in her to seek out a job on her own. Instead she sewed stuffed animals and sold them for decent prices. It wasn’t a lot, but with Elise’s medium wage job they both made just enough to cover house payments, a bit of groceries, and just enough left over to put into savings. Her mother would save up for five months just to have the funds to send Elise to a fancy dinner date where rich men and women from around the state gathered to brag about their career-related feats. It was her mother’s goal to get Elise married off to some fine businessman who was financially well off enough to share his profit with her family. The idea was fantastical, and Elise felt ridiculous dressing up for these things, but she was just as concerned about having money as her mother was. She didn’t even use the car very often because she didn’t want to have to use up the gas.

  Elise pulled out of the driveway and made it to the main road. She turned onto it and headed downtown.

  She had been to four of these dinner parties previously, and had only been noticed by one man since. Unfortunately, he hadn’t been close to her type, and had pestered her with phone calls, made vulgar comments about her to her face, and just hadn’t left her alone. Her mother had been so desperate for money that she had supported the man’s advances fully. Elise had to scare him off herself, and the only way she had managed was by meeting him in a public place and telling him a bunch of made up, disgusting secrets about herself.

  It was like trying to shake off a roach, she thought as she recollected the awful exchange. He just wouldn’t leave me alone.

  Since then she dreaded going to these parties, but she put up with them because it was her mother’s dream. Her mother claimed to be too old to do these things, so she forced them onto her daughter. Elise didn’t believe that the parties weren’t beneficial to finding a romantic interest...she longed to have that kind of “Prince Charming” relationship that many girls dreamed about, but every year she felt her hopes fading more and more.

  Elise made it downtown and pulled into a parking space beside a ritzy event center. She turned the car off and slung her purse over her shoulder before climbing out and brushing out her fancy dress. She wasn’t usually the type to dress so girly. Elise liked her baggy pants and t-shirts, but she knew that she wouldn’t catch the eye of a rich man dressed like a poor tomboy.

  With a small sigh, Elise walked across the pathway leading to the event center, vaguely listening to her heels clack against the decorative cobblestone. She pushed open the glass entrance door and strode inside. There was a long walkway and a sign pinned to the wall that read, The Thane Rusnak Annual Social Dinner--Event Room 6.

  She bit the inside of her lip and strode down the hall toward the room. Thane Rusnak was the organizer and host of the dinner parties. He was a middle-aged man with a powerful reputation in business. He wasn’t the most likeable person, at least in Elise’s opinion. He was rather pretentious and stubborn, but then again, a lot of his friends were the same way. She felt that the only reason Rusnak sent her an invitation to attend his party every year was because he liked the way she looked. Elise took a deep breath and then stepped into the event room.


  Rusnak had set up a long table that was already adorned in dishware. Several men and women sat around the table chatting and enjoying glasses of pre-dinner wine. Rusnak himself wasn’t visible yet. He didn’t usually show up until everyone was attending. Elise took her seat at the end beside a tall and thin woman with her hair up in a tight bun. Elise vaguely remembered her. She had attended Rusnak’s last party, and was a bit standoffish.

  The woman turned toward her. “Aren’t you Ms. Monet?”

  She nodded. “Yes, so very nice to meet you. Forgive me if I don’t remember your name.”

  “Alexandra Barta,” the woman answered. “I wouldn’t expect you to recall it. It’s a bit above the typical Janes and Joes you hear around this table.”

  “Ah… yes.” Elise wasn’t sure what else to say about it. Alexandra emitted a kind of air that made Elise want to stay away. Unfortunately, it appeared that the woman was in the mood to talk, as she continued.

  “I find you can learn a lot about a person just by looking at their name,” she commented. “What is your first name, Ms. Monet?”

  “It’s Elise,” she answered quietly.

  “Ah, very French,” said Alexandra. “Elise Monet…you’re obviously a quiet girl, hiding a lot from society. It’s no wonder you weren’t a big talker last year. Now don’t take offense to this, dear, but I get the honest feeling that you aren’t exactly the brightest girl. Chances are you have a very rich father. You seem much too young or not bright enough to own any companies.”

  More and more of her words started to sting. And they had also gained the attention of a blond haired man sitting across from her. He looked up from his phone at the two of them, and Elise watched his eyes rake up and down her figure. She felt naked and exposed in front of these two people. What Alexandra said was false of course. Elise was fairly well educated. She hadn’t been able to go to colle
ge, but she hadn’t let that stop her studies. Also, she hadn’t uncovered Elise’s biggest secret, which was that she wasn’t wealthy at all.

  The blond haired man sat up straight and set his phone face down on the table. He looked from Elise to Alexandra. “Ms. Barta, may I try my hand at this name game?” His voice was smooth and rich.

  Alexandra looked at him in slight surprise but then nodded. “I suppose I don’t mind your contribution, Mr. Jespersen.”

  The man cleared his throat and glanced at Elise once. Shoot, she thought. Now he’s going to tear into me, too. But he didn’t.

  “Alexandra Barta,” he said instead, turning his gaze back toward the woman beside Elise. “Obviously not a birth name. You gave yourself that name once you grasped a hold of your parents’ money. You were born into a rich family and pampered most of your life, up until you got into your early adulthood. You met a man who was only after your money and the way you looked, and unfortunately the situation stiffened you up so much that you now cannot treat a single person with consideration. You treat everyone horribly because you feel like you’ve come short of ever getting married to a genuine individual.”

  Alexandra looked horribly offended. Her lips here parted in astonishment, but she seemed to notice as she closed them for a moment, and then opened them again to speak.

  “You didn’t get that from my name, Jespersen. You’ve been talking to my ex-husband!” Alexandra abruptly stood from the table and tossed her napkin down on the surface, which had been in her lap. She pushed her chair back and whirled, walking out toward the exit.

  Elise raised her eyebrows and looked toward the man named Mr. Jespersen. “Forgive me for being blunt, but wasn’t that a little harsh?”

  He smirked faintly and shrugged one shoulder, picking his phone back up. “No, not for her. She should get used to me angering her by now. I do it every time I see her, and yet she still tries to remain civil to me. I just couldn’t stand seeing her pick on you like that.”


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