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UnKiss Me

Page 12

by Dawn Martens

  I walk in the front door after coming from Lilly’s. It was so nice seeing the twins. God, they’ve gotten so big. I’ve missed them more than words can express. After work, I told Jasper I was heading over to their place for a while and to Lilly’s to grab Glenna.

  In the car ride on the way over, Glenna asked, “Does Angel know, Edie?”

  I reach over and turn off the radio. “No, he doesn’t, which means you can’t say anything. Please?”

  I see her nod before answering. “You know, if he finds out, even if you do tell him, he’s going to be really mad, right? I’m even a little mad at you myself for not telling him before.” Glenna has known since day one about my secret; she just didn’t know about it involving Jasper until today.

  Hearing her say that sends pain through me. “I’m sorry, G-baby,” I say ashamed.

  “It’s okay, but you’re the one that has to tell Angel,” she says before sticking her tongue out at me. A few minutes pass before she speaks again. “Do you think that, when he finds out, he’ll still let me hang out with him?” she asks quietly.

  I meet her eyes in my rear view mirror. “I know he will. He wouldn’t hurt you because he’s angry at me.” That’s one thing I know for sure; Jasper would never hurt a child because he’s angry at me. It’s just not in him. “But, G-baby, can you please not say anything about this?” I ask her, almost begging.

  “Yeah, Edie, I won’t say anything, but I really think you should,” she says quietly. For just a kid, she really is smart about this grown up stuff sometimes.

  I let her in the house and tell her to get to the table and start her homework while I make something to eat.

  I walk to the kitchen and see Jasper there, by the stove. He turns around, giving me a huge grin. “Hey, Darlin’, you weren’t home yet, so I figured I would start supper.”

  I smile weakly, still shaken by my talk with my baby sister. “Thank you.” I go to him and give him a kiss that he instantly deepens. I let my hands travel down his backside, giving a slight squeeze on his tight cheeks. His beard tickles my neck as he nuzzles his face against me.

  “That’s gross!” I hear Glenna exclaim.

  I push away from Jasper, flushed.

  “What are you making?” I ask him.

  “Spaghetti; it’s about the only thing I can cook without ruining it. You still like it with just butter and cheese, right?” he asks.

  I smile. “Yeah.” Funny how after all of the time we spent apart he still knows me better than most. But will he feel the same when he learns all there is to know about the woman I am today?

  I wake up later in the night wrapped in Jasper’s strong loving arms. I can’t sleep, but Jasper is sleeping peacefully by the sound of his snoring. Guess the romp we had after dinner exhausted him. We’ve been having sex like a couple of horny teenagers, but I’m not complaining. There’s nothing better than sharing that connection with him. I try to get up from bed to get some water, but he tightens his hold on me. I love how much he wants to be with me, the way he shows me that love. My panties dampen at the thought of his tongue teasing at my clit. My fingers trail down to my panties. Thinking about Jasper has me hot all over. I begin playing with my pussy, and my movement must have woken Jasper. His mouth is against my neck, and his fingers have joined mine.

  “You trying to piss me off?” He pinches my clit. “You want to be played with, baby, you wake me up. I’m here and more than able to take care of my pussy.” God, when he talks like that I melt.

  He bites my neck roughly and goes straight to taking care of my needs. In no time, he has me naked and is inside of me. The headboard is knocking against the wall as he slams into me. I hope we don’t wake up G-baby. I fight the giggle building in my chest as his beard tickles my sensitive skin.

  I wake up wrapped around Eden. Softly, I start kissing her neck, moving my hands on her stomach. “Mmm, morning,” Eden says groggily. I notice she has some scarring on her pubic bone that reminds me of the marks women get from birthing children. I don’t want to bring it up; they are probably from something her father did to her. I don’t want to ruin the start to a good day by bringing that dead bastard up, but I can’t seem to keep the question in.

  “Where did you get this?” I ask her, my finger moving across the scar.

  Her body stiffens. “It was just something my father did. He tried to open me, and uh...” She trails off.

  “Fuck, Edie, I’m sorry. You don’t have to explain,” I say, kissing her softly. “We didn’t use protection again,” I tell her, feeling quite pleased with myself. I’ll never admit that I knew exactly what I was doing.

  “That’s okay. I’m safe,” she says.

  I frown. “You’re on birth control?” I ask, confused. I haven’t seen her take anything.

  She shakes her head. “No, I just can’t have children,” she says quietly.

  My body stiffens. I remember back to the days when Eden and I would talk about having children together; the names we would pick out if we had a girl or a boy, which happen to be the same names Hilary ended up stealing from us for her own children.

  “Baby, when did you find out?” I ask, pulling her soft body close to mine.

  “About eight years ago. I had to, uh, get some testing done, and the doctor told me, chances are, I would never be able to conceive,” she tells me with a far off look in her eyes.

  I sit up in bed and look down at her. “Is it something your father did?” I ask her, pissed.

  She shakes her head. “No, nothing like that. Just can’t have children is all. I could, I suppose. Doctors said it’s possible, but it would be an elective surgery and would cost a whack.”

  That gives me some hope. “That doesn’t mean you can’t, so that’s good, and money isn’t a problem with me,” I say grinning.

  Her face pales. “No, Jasper,” she says, shaking her head. “Why can’t we just be us? Just us.”

  I frown, narrowing my eyes at her. “You don’t want kids?” I ask disbelievingly. Growing up, we talked about having kids, what we wanted to name them, how I said I didn’t want boys, just girls. She fought with me, saying she wanted boys, not girls. Now she’s against the kid thing?

  She throws the blankets off her and gets out of bed in a huff. “I have to get Glenna ready for school,” she says under her breath.

  I feel like I’m missing something here. I don’t get to question her further, because she’s already out of the room, calling for her sister.

  I flop down onto the bed, wondering what the fuck is going on, when my cell rings from my pants pocket. I lean over, fishing it out. I really don’t want to leave the warm softness of her bed—it smells like my woman.


  “Fuck. Pres... Fuck. Bruce is dead, man. Found him outside this morning, behind the dumpster out back. Need you here.” Damn, Bruce was a good guy. Who in the fuck would do this shit?

  I hang the phone up and quickly get out of bed, nearly falling on my face tripping over a pair of Eden’s shoes. Someone is trying to fuck with my club. I’ll be damned if anyone gets in my way. Not gonna fucking happen again. I’ve worked too hard to lose it now.

  I peek in the back window, looking around to see if there are any guests. When I see nothing, I smash the window and crawl inside after knocking away the jagged shards. The last two times I tried to get in, the bitch always had some fuck around. Always was a dirty whore.

  “Who’s there?” asks a timid voice.

  “Well, if it isn’t Veronica Rager,” I drawl out menacingly.

  “W-w-who are you?” she stammers, backing away.

  “I’ll be your worst fuckin’ nightmare if you don’t listen to me,” I say, matter of factly, leaning against the wall.

  “What do you want? I have no money. Please don’t hurt me,” she cries. Stupid cunt. Look at the whore shaking in her booty shorts. Bitch does have a nice rack on her, though. Her tits jiggle, and I can see her nipples through the thin white material of her tank top.

nbsp; I take a step toward her, getting in her face and raising my fist. As it connects with her mouth, blood squirts out. “Shut up, you stupid bitch. Didn’t tell you to speak, did I?”

  She cries pathetically while holding her face.

  “You are gonna do exactly as I say, or you’ll die. Simple as that. Though, you were already supposed to be dead,” I tell her.

  She nods frantically. Her fear makes my cock twitch with excitement.

  I grin.

  “Clean off your mouth,” I order her before making her suck me off. I don’t plan on leaving empty handed.

  Lying to Jasper about not wanting kids almost killed me. What killed me even more was lying about how I got that scar. But I couldn’t tell him, not yet. I place the bowl of French Toast Crunch on the table in front of a still sleepy Glenna, and she digs in. Jasper comes in looking panicked.

  “Are you okay?” I ask him, worried. There is a big worried crease spreading above his knitted brows.

  He shakes his head no and motions toward Glenna before turning and walking out of the kitchen. “Be right back¸ G-baby,” I tell her and quickly follow him out.

  He’s pacing the living room, hands pulling at his beard. “Bruce is fuckin’ dead.” he tells me, his voice shaking in anger.

  “How?” I ask, shocked. I’ve only met Bruce a handful of times, and although he was never overly friendly, he seemed nice enough.

  “I don’t know. I gotta go, though. Someone is trying to hurt my fuckin’ club.” He comes to me and gives me a deep hard kiss before letting me go and walking out the front door.

  We go to the garage, and since the weather is starting to get even colder, we take the van. It’s lame, a 2006 white Uplander, but I got it cheap with Hilary’s help. It doesn’t exactly suit me, but it gets me where I need to go, all while looking like a soccer mom.

  “Okay, hop in,” I tell Glenna. Since she turned six, she doesn’t need her booster anymore. I would have liked to keep her in it longer, but, of course, once she found out that she only needed to be six to get out of it, she flat out refused. None of her friends were in baby seats, she would say.

  I get to school, park, and walk her inside to her class.

  “Lilly is picking you up after, okay?”

  “Yup, as usual,” she says, grinning.

  “Love you, G-baby,” I tell her.

  “Love you too, Edie.” She runs into her class, and I watch her sit at her desk.

  I smile and walk away, but before I turn around, I bump into someone.

  “I’m so sorry,” I say, helping to pick up papers that litter the floor.

  “You,” I hear sneered.

  I look up and see Monica. I knew she was Glenna’s teacher, but I’ve always found reasons not to be around. She looks just as I remember—her short brown hair cut in a bob, framing her cheeks. She is dressed in a grey sweater and black skirt, paired with loafers. She really has the school teacher look down pat.

  “I was hoping to never see you again. I guess I should have known this was coming sooner or later,” she says sighing.

  “Yeah, well, the feeling is mutual,” I tell her, standing up and passing her the papers I helped pick up.

  “Heard you were back together with Angel,” she says, her teeth clenched.

  “Um, yeah, we’re working things out,” I say quietly.

  She huffs. “Whatever.” She starts to walk around me, but I grab her arm. Maybe I shouldn’t, but I have something to say.

  “Just because you hate me, don’t take it out on my sister,” I say, looking at her eyes.

  She gives a disgusted look. “I would never do that. Glenna is an amazing kid. Just because her big sister is a cunt, I wouldn’t take that out on her. Not the kind of person I am.”

  “What did I do to make you hate me?” I ask her.

  She pauses a moment before answering, almost as if she’s trying to think of a good reason. “Why do you think? I lost a friend. I lost Jas, all because of you, all because you’re Eden. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a class to teach,” she says, pulling her arm out of my grasp.

  What did she mean by all that? Lost her friend? Lost Jas? Because I’m Eden? She has never liked me. She still has that chip on her shoulder, but I don’t know what I ever did to her. I know that her and Jasper were together before, because I saw it with my own eyes, but that doesn’t mean she lost him. Hearing her use a nickname for him hurts. She calls him Jas.

  I closed my locker and leaned against it, waiting for Lilly and Hilary to get out of their class, when I’m bumped into. “Hey!” I shouted.

  “Oh, it’s you. I’d say sorry, but, nah, ain’t worth it,” Monica sneered.

  Ever since Roni and the guys all graduated the year before, she’d stepped up her bitch routine.

  “What is your problem? Seriously?” I asked her.

  She shrugged. “Why don’t you think about that real hard, huh? You have the man I’ve always wanted, and you just think you are so fucking perfect.” She started to say more, but got cut off by Hilary.

  “Bitch, please, you best run along now,” she said, getting in Monica’s face.

  “Yeah, whatever,” she sneered back, giving me one last dirty look.

  I just don’t get it, never did. She never had Jasper back then. Her hatred for me now, though, I doubt I’ll ever understand.

  “Yo, Pres, you’re needed out here!” T-bags shouts outside my door at the clubhouse.

  I look at the clock on the table by the bed; too fuckin’ early to be up. The club had a bit of a party last night; a good old fashioned one, mostly for families. Eden couldn’t make it because she had no sitter. Normally, one of the ladies here would watch the kids, but Saturday nights are the one night we don’t ask them to do that shit.

  They need time off, too, time to let loose.

  Getting up, I throw my cut on over my black t-shirt.

  Making my way out to the compound gates, I see someone I wish would stay gone. “Fuck,” I mutter. “What you doin’ here, Roni?” Bitch has always been pretty, but she’s not for me; long legs, pert rack, megawatt smile.

  “I need help, Jasper,” she says with her head down. When she lifts her head up to look me in the eyes, I see the blue and purple bruises on her face. Even her big ass sunglasses can’t hide them. She also has a split lip, with dry blood caked onto it, and finger print marks on her neck.

  “What the fuck?” I whisper, inspecting her face.

  “They threatened to kill me. I knew if I came to you, you’d help me out.”

  Dad came into the club, anger radiating off of him. “Boy, you’re needed for a job,” he shouted when he saw me.

  I got off the couch and followed him into the office.

  “Veronica Rager,” he said, sneering. “Bitch fucked with this club for the last time. She needs to get taken care of. This will be your test. You do this, you’re in. No more prospecting,” he told me.

  “And by gone?”” I asked.

  “Dead,” he said, staring into my eyes. “You get her dead, you bring back something of proof, and make sure when you dump the body that it’ll never be found.”

  Fuck, I didn’t wanna kill no one, especially a woman. That was what the Untamed Angels were known for. I didn’t want to be like that. I looked at dad and nodded. I had to figure something else out.

  Shit, I never told Eden about the Roni shit. Plus, with her being Monica’s cousin, knowing how long Monica and I were together, if she still has this hate for Eden, she’ll fuckin’ spill everything. We’ve talked about everything, but this is one thing I was hoping would stay buried, considering I’m not proud of what I had to do.

  I pull out my keys, taking the ones to my apartment from the ring, and hand them to her. “Go to my apartment. You can stay there until I figure something out.” Normally, I would just send her inside to housing, but we don’t have any spare rooms right now. I look in the window of her car and see that it’s packed full of shit.

  “Will you be home toni
ght?” she asks me with a flirty smile.

  “No, I need to go see Eden. Need to figure out a way to tell her about this shit before she finds out from someone else,” I say, raking a hand through my hair. Roni needs to understand from the get go that there is no chance in hell of anything happening between us.

  “She’s back in town?” she asks, shock crossing her features.

  “Yeah, she is, and you know she is. Small fucking town; you had to have known since your fucking cousin is Glenna’s teacher. I don’t give a fuck why you’re back, or if you need my help, you leave her the hell alone. Got me?”

  “Yeah, of course. Um, does she know about Monica?” she asks quietly.

  “No, and you won’t fuckin’ tell her. Ya got me?”

  She nods immediately then walks to her car and drives off.

  I pulled up to Roni’s house; her parents left her the place in their will when they were murdered six months ago, and it had been a big thing in town. No one had seen shit like that before. I also knew who did it—Reaper, under my father’s orders. It was a way of trying to shut Roni up after she tried going to the cops about the club after being kicked out for spreading shit around like she was fuckin’ the Pres. She was why my mom left.

  Obviously, it didn’t work. She stopped trying to rat after the murders, but it didn’t stop her. She was going to go to Big Willy’s wife, let her know she was fucking with him and pregnant with his kid.

  I got out of my truck and knocked on her front door; she thought I was there to take her out. Fuck, I just prayed Eden was at home and didn’t see me out with her. I’d have to do some serious grovelling to win her back if she’d found out.

  “Well, hey there,” she said, smiling at me.

  Not wanting to let her think anything was up, I gave her my signature, panty melting grin—that was what Eden called it—and grabbed her hand, pulling her in close to me for a kiss.


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