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The Trial

Page 12

by James Hunt

  With night came the rest of the troop. Soldiers arrived in groups and reported no findings to the large, loud mouthed, Rider. He seemed disappointed with each peaceful report. They almost seemed to be looking for something.

  "Come," The woman's voice said behind her. Niyana glanced over her shoulder to find the Zecairin woman cutting the bonds at her hands free. "We will speak." She led Niyana away from the cookfire the soldiers had just started and the camp altogether. They walked through trees and up a hillside. This woman knew where she was going, but it escaped Niyana. Halfway up the hillside, a cropping of large boulders sheltered a large natural pond from sight. The water was fed from a stream coming down the hill, collected by the boulders, and then released as it overflowed and cascaded over one of the rocks in a tiny waterfall.

  "I need a bath," The woman sighed. "There are so many stinking males, phagh.' She spat to the ground and started to unbuckle her belt. "Join me, and we'll talk." Niyana had to hide a sly smile. She recognized another Zecairin attempt at interrogation through seduction. She pulled off her cloak and cowl, and started to unbutton her vest. A bath sounded nice to her actually, she needed to wash the feeling of blood off her conscience. The boots came off, and then the knives strapped to her calves. As she tossed the vest to the ground, the clink of the hidden small blades on the inside made her glance up to her hostess.

  The Zecairin lady shook her head and sighed in annoyance that her "captive" was still armed. Her dark fingers finished untying the leather laces that ran diagonally across her jerkin. The heavy leather shirt quickly fell off her shoulders. Her dark grey skin was now bare to the chill evening air. Niyana drank in her captor's form. Her body was exceptionally fit, toned, and lean. Her hair was naturally silver and cut short to the scalp. This woman wasn't given to the excesses of most Zecairin women -- she was a soldier at heart, and her body reflected that spirit. With practiced grace, she stood on one leg as she pulled the other free of the black leather leggings and boot. She entered the pool and went straight to the opposite side. The cool water came up to her waist, and as she sat down on the rock it came up to right under her arms. Resting her arms out onto the back of the rock, she fixed Niyana with a scrutinizing eye as she watched her pull free of her own pants and toss them aside. There was no fear or inhibition, they were both soldiers that weren't bothered by nudity or exposing themselves to their enemy.

  "Why are you here?" The Zecairin asked bluntly.

  "The Killer sent me to find a human settlement, a monastery not far from here." Niyana replied frankly. She stepped into the water, but found it too cool for her liking. "May I?" She asked and placed her hand over the water. Her captor gave her an unsure look before nodding slightly.

  A warm red glow flowed from her palm into the water, and the temperature rose dramatically. Steam floated from the water's surface in little wisps. With a profound sigh, she sank into its soothing depths and let the burden of yesterday wash away. She knew the game her captor was playing, it had been tried many times before - comfort first, then seduction, then domination. Niyana would play her own hand at this.

  The elven princess sank under the water. She let the warmth of the spring soak into her being before she slowly rose to the surface. With her head tilted back, and her long blond hair coming up behind her, she let the water run off her in streaks and dribbles off her face, shoulders, arms and breasts. She ran her hands slowly over her face to push the rest of the water away. The evening air was getting colder, and it made her nipples suddenly contract to stiff, erect buds. She made no notice of it, but she was sure her captor could see them as she sank back against the rock opposite her.

  "I remember you now," She started off slowly. "You were one of the slaves at the trial."

  "Yes," Niyana said firmly and rested her arms up on the ground outside of the spring, giving her hostess a clear view of her upper body. "That was a different time."

  "I see you've come far." The lady said and made no secret of admiring Niyana's body.

  "I have farther to go," She stared intensely at the woman across from her, and didn't hide her glances as she drank in the lithe dark skinned woman.

  "There are many Lunarian patrols in the area," she said offhanded. "Are they after someone?"

  "Me," Niyana said. "I have no loyalties to them now. The Killer has plans for me. And so long as I serve him well, he gives me all I could desire."

  "What is at this Monastery?" She pried as she lifted a leg to her chest and started to rub the wear from her legs in long sensual strokes.

  "That is what I am to find out," Niyana stated. She tilted her head back, exposing the curves of her neck and shoulders as she stretched them from side to side.

  "What about the girl?"

  "She was part of a patrol I slaughtered. I left her alive to pry for information," It was a twisted truth, but it suited her needs. "She thinks I rescued her."

  "We found them," The lady confirmed her story. She was staring long at Niyana as if trying to make up her mind. "Drink with me then - To fallen foes." She reached over to her pile of leather clothes and fished out thin black container. "Be careful it is potent." She said as she handed her the flask.

  "What are you called?" Niyana said as she accepted the gift. The cap unscrewed easily enough, but when she pulled it free, the pungent smell of grain alcohol assaulted her nose.

  "I am nameless," The woman almost growled. "They men here call me The Cat, but I haven't earned a true name yet. I haven't found one I could take. Even The Cat isn't really mine." Niyana took a sip, letting the liquid touch her lips and no more, before passing the flask back. It did little for her but numb her lips instantly. The Cat however, seemed to take to it like a good wine.

  "What is he like? Your master?" The Cat asked as she scratched at her other leg. "The humans we cross paths with are nothing to be desired - weak, feebleminded, or worse... brutal, lustful savages." Niyana closed her eyes and let loose a long content purr. "That good?" The Cat said and raised an eyebrow. Niyana only smiled and leaned her head back as she let the memories of their many joinings come to the front.

  She could almost feel his lips as they traversed the curve of her ears. Her own slender fingers carefully played with those same curves, trying to recreate the memory. With each slow sensual stroke of the elongated skin and cartilage a sigh came to accompany it. Ever so slightly her lips parted to let the deep heavy breaths of her growing excitement come and go. Those loving fingers traversed her neck and she pretended they were his lips. Her back arched up into them, wanting more, and exposing her chest in invitation. Soon enough they followed her invitation and circled her ample breasts until they came to the bright pink areola. There they played for some time, giving soft strokes of the skin and ignoring the nipple. She moaned and purred deeply. This was no act or show; she was in the moment reliving the pleasure in her mind. Both hands cupped her breasts and massaged them in her palms. Her fingertips gently stroked over each hard nipple eliciting a shiver of delight in the pale elf. From there they parted, one set of fingers disappearing under the water and another returning to the sensitive skin under her jaw. The moment she touched the tuft of blond hair between her legs and the warm mound underneath the water her eyes opened slowly.

  The Cat had watched every inch of her display, and it had its desired effect of awakening her repressed cravings. When their eyes met, Niyana pulled herself up and forward, floating towards her captor through the water. She straddled her dark legs under the water and let her fingers run over the short silver hair to the back of The Cat's head.

  "He did something no one else ever had," Niyana breathed into her ear before letting her lips take it slightly into her mouth. The Cat fought back the sudden urges that rushed to her cheeks; she wouldn't be the one to give in, not yet. Even as a cascade of cold tingles ran from her head to her feet she sat perfectly still. Niyana let her lips migrate to the other side of her head and up the left ear. "Would you like me to share it with you? I know the spell to share memories
. I can let you feel him inside you too."

  The Cat let loose a deep guttural groan. It was a dirty ploy that she hadn't expected. She knew Lunarians soldiers were all magic users, but she didn't expect this one to weld such power and yet still be so servile. This human must have an incredible power to have tamed such a creature.

  "Do you want to see?" She breathed into The Cat's ear. "Do you want to... feel it?"

  "Yess!" she groaned and grabbed a handful of blond hair as she let loose a long sigh of anticipation. Niyana placed both palms on the sides of The Cat's temples, and pressed her forehead to hers. The Cat could feel something pressing into her, but it wasn't from any one place on her body.

  "Relax." Niyana cooed at her. "Calm your mind, and let me in." The Cat fought back the carnal urges plaguing her here and now. It was a hard thing to do after getting so worked up from the Elth's display earlier. Her own wet lips below were aching for some attention, but she wanted this special gift. She wanted to know this legendary creature that could defeat the feared Unkillable and tame such a succulent sorceress as this Lunarian. The Cat felt something pressing into her again. This time she relaxed against it and let it push her. It entered her, in a way she couldn't describe. Her sight started to fade; the forest and the pool disappeared into blackness. Even the sounds of the woods and the warmth of the pool disappeared. There was nothing but blackness.

  Then suddenly there was cold hard stone. Followed by a sensation between her thighs. Her pussy was being licked. At first it was startling and disorientating as the sensations seemed too real to be real. But she ignored the panic feeling and focused on what was going on.

  The Cat was in a cell, naked, on her back, and there was someone between her legs holding them apart. He was firm but gentle, and his tongue was lavishing her burning wet pussy with the most electrifying of touches. She couldn't believe how intense it felt. Each slow deliberate flick of that wet muscle on her labia was a quenching wave of pleasure that causing ripples of cold shivers down her spine. Not even her best lovers had felt like this. It was all the Lunarian bragged it would be.

  She ran her fingers through the man's curly brown hair and tried to look at his face, but the light was too dim to make out the features of his face. His tongue entered her, and started to thrust in and out of her burning pussy as she thrusted up to meet it.

  "yess! Moreee!" She screamed in passion. "Give me your cock! I want it!" she screamed. The man between her legs obliged and crawled on top of her. His hard member was thicker than anything she had taken before, and suddenly fear and panic gripped her. But it felt too good pressing against her throbbing lips to ignore. Even as it slowly stretched her to the brink, she screamed for more. Inch by inch he entered her slowly. Her breath caught in her throat, waiting for it all. But it didn't stop until it reached the back of her womb, and she was filled completely. There she writhed in place with this hard thick man meat inside her. It took some getting used to, but soon enough she found herself bucking her hips up for more. He was all too eager to serve and started to slowly pull out until just the bulbous head of his cock pushed her wet lips apart. Then he pushed back inside and filled her completely.

  The Cat was laying on her back in the grass, writhing in pleasure. Her screams were loud enough to wake the whole woods, and no doubt would soon bring males from below wondering what kind of screams they were. Niyana had to work fast. The memory she implanted in the Zecairin's mind would end and the spell would break, returning her to the present. She had managed to slowly cloth herself, but her own breath was hard and labored as her body experienced the same memories as The Cat. It took an incredible amount of focus to keep her mind compartmentalized into two realities. Even as she pulled the boots over her feet, she could feel The Killer's cock inside her, and it felt almost too good to ignore. Somehow she managed to push it aside and finished dressing and arming herself. She laid a knife on the ground next to The Cat; she was ready for the next step in her plan.

  She sat on her legs next to The Cat's moaning head. Just like before she placed her hands on the woman's temples and touched her forehead. Her next feat would impress even the Master Sorcerers from her home, and she had The Alluring to thank for showing her how.

  With her hostess preoccupied reliving Niyana's first encounter with Kreth, she dove into the Zecairin's own memories. They shared consciousness again, and luckily The Cat was too awash with euphoric pleasure to notice the subtle change. Niyana had relived this memory a few times herself to know how much time she had left -- not long at all. The Cat's consciousness came at her like a fast flowing river, and she had only partial seconds to glimpse everything as it sped by for anything of importance. When she started seeing bits of her training she turned around and went with the flow to the present. There was something she saw that she wanted to revisit.

  A scout was reporting Lunarian movement. There was a large force -- larger than the one hunting her -- that was camped not far from a human settlement. There were dug in well and had built fortifications. This troop wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon, and it was waiting for something...

  Then she was seeing the camp itself from the distance. They left quickly not to be discovered. And then she saw it - The Monastery. The Lunarians had an interest in that place. Niyana memorized the ride back to the Zecairin camp and recognized the mountain range in the distance. She had an idea where the Monastery was, and it was quite a ways away. The Zecairins were spying on the humans and the Lunarians, wondering what actions either small army would take.

  Niyana suddenly felt a tingle in the back of her head. Time was up.

  She quickly and effortlessly pulled her mind out of The Cat. The climax was already building in her body from that small tingle and flowing down her spine exciting all the nerves along the way. When it reached between her legs, the spell would be over.

  She fought back the chain reaction of pleasure and pressed her palms to the lady's head and touched foreheads one last time. This time it was their joining in the slave chamber she shared. Once it had overlapped the last one, she pulled her consciousness out of The Cat. This would buy her more time.

  She flew back down the hillside. Her legs moved as quickly as possible despite their trembling. She stopped suddenly when she saw movement in the shadows below and immediately swung up into the trees above. One tactic that always seemed to work on Zecairin foot soldiers -- they never checked the trees for some reason.

  High up in its branches she hugged the trunk tightly as the waves of pleasure started to erupt from between her legs. She bit her lip to keep from moaning, and watched as best she could as a lonely scout hurried up the hillside following the trail The Cat and Niyana had made earlier. Once he was out of earshot she made it the rest of the way to the camp through the trees. Her coordination was off slightly and she made a lot of noise in the beginning jumping from branch to branch. Her leg muscles were still spasming from her partially suppressed orgasm and interfering with her movements. But once she was close enough to the camp she took her time to move more quietly.

  She found Kelria sitting on a log with her hands tied. The soldiers weren't giving her much regard other than the occasional glance. Her plan changed; there was an opportunity here for more than an escape. But once again she'd have to play a part. Kelria would be a problem, the Yvarna made it impossible for her to lie.

  Niyana approached the area casually. The soldiers gave her an unsure regard when they saw her walking around free. It wasn't until she started undoing the bonds on Kelria's hands that they stood up and put their hands on their weapons.

  "I think you boys need some relaxation," Niyana said to them.

  "I'm sorry you'll have to play along." She whispered in Kelria's ear. "If you can suffer through this, we'll be alright."

  "My pet here needs something I just can't give her. But I think you boys can." She said with an impish grin their way. Niyana slid a hand under the girl's shirt and started caressing one her breasts. The exhibition didn't go unrewarded,
they let go of their weapons and looked to each other. She upped the ante by running her tongue slowly up Kelria's ear. It gave the girl shivers and brought that innocent blush to her cheeks and ears. Niyana let go of her and approached the closest male.

  "I have some business with the windbag," she sighed. "Cat's orders." She wrinkled her nose in disgust, but placed her hands on the male's chest. "I'd much rather be here, giving you a hand with her. Or with other things..." she grabbed his crotch firmly and squeezed. The male groaned in pain and went limp. Niyana caught him and held him up as he tried to put on a strong face. Two of the others in this mob of five males gripped their weapons. "But should you harm her in any way. ANY way. I won't kill you... I'll cut off your cocks and feed them to you. After I smash your balls between a pair of rocks." She released her grip on the poor male. "Enjoy her, but be nice and gentle boys. Maybe once I'm done with the windbag I'll come back to play." She sank her teeth into his ear hungrily. It wasn't enough to break the skin, but it definitely gave him a confusing sensation of pain and pleasure.


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