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This Is Why I'm Hot

Page 2

by J. D. Light

  "I can ask him for you," Da said sweetly, and I cringed at his tone.

  Fuck! Now I had to be careful that Da never found Hinton, or the man would absolutely have us married within a year, and poor Hinton wouldn't even know what hit him.

  "Honey. He has to do this on his own." Dad paused to look at me, giving me a wink. "But, you know, soonish."

  Why was I so stupid? Now I'd have to produce Hinton one of these days or lie and say we broke up. Then what would happen if Da ran into Hinton by accident one day? Hinton wasn't a common name, and Salida wasn't all that big. It could happen at any time and then Da would say something… and I would be incredibly embarrassed.

  Da sighed, trying to get up again, but failing. "Push my ass up, Devon."

  Dad gave him a bit of a boost and Da finally managed to find his feet on the floor next to the recliner. I'll have to let Riley know that recliners were Da's worst enemy. I'm sure he'll be happy to know how to get away from the wedding planning if things get too heated. Which they always did.

  "My sweet, sweet boy," Da said, coming to stand in front of me. "You need someone in your life who craves cuddles as much as you do. Someone who will understand what a warm and amazing person you are. You're special, Boyd Foster. In all the good ways."

  He hugged me hard, and I sighed into it, always beyond happy to get a hug from the members of my family. As usual I held on longer than most, and Da chuckled, squeezing tighter before letting go.

  "Thanks, Da," I whispered, not really sure what to think of what all he'd said.

  Dad was right there too, pulling me in for a hug as soon as Da stepped away and I smiled at the rough embrace, loving it just as much. "And I hope this boyfriend is someone who will love you as much as I love your Da. You deserve to be treasured, son."

  My stupid throat was tight, and I was struggling to keep the tears out of my eyes as I held my breath to stave off any crying as Dad released me and stepped back, heading toward the front door his husband had just gone through.

  I hated lying to my parents. I hated lying in general because usually, I was absolutely terrible at it, but I especially hated lying to the two people in this world who deserved my loyalty and honesty the most.

  "Don't start, Mark!" Riley yelled, stomping through the front door with my Da hot on his heels. "It was one fucking day. One! I need a break. Cream is cream. There are only so many shades of the same fucking color I can look at. I don't care if you think Cream of Some Young Guy has more blue in it than Cum in My Latte!"

  I blinked, my eyes meeting Coles as he trudged in slowly, looking world weary. "Are those really colors?" I asked him as he came to stand next to me. "And should I ask what wedding sites they're looking at?"

  Cole snorted, choking off a laugh when his omega's head snapped around in his direction.

  "At this rate, Riley is never going to go through with this wedding," Cole whined when Riley turned back to smack a wedding magazine out of Da's hand when the man tried to shove it in his face.

  "You should elope," Grant said brightly, as he stepped up next to me.

  I cringed away, nearly running Wagoner over while Dad stepped in front of Grant, holding his hands out like he was blocking the big idiot when Da's head slowly swiveled in his direction.

  It was moments like this one when Da tended to look down-right murderish.

  Grant meeped, stepping closer to Dad, and actually latching on to the back of our alpha father's shirt, ducking down. We all learned a long time ago when not to make eye contact with Mark Foster.

  Riley smirked, crossing his arms and popping a hip. "Maybe we should."

  "Oh shit," Wagoner said, propping his elbows on the back of the couch and leaning forward, intently watching the two omegas. "Tell him you don't plan on having kids while you're at it."

  Da glared back at Riley, his face red with fury. Everyone seemed to move at once. Da reached for Riley, but Riley was ready, stepping back and smacking his hands out of the air as Cole and Dad raced forward, each grabbing their omegas and dragging them back. Grant was still attached to Dad's back which made Da's capture a little slower, and nearly allowed the older omega to get a hand full of Riley's hair, but thankfully, Cole had already spun his omega, protecting him with is body and taking a swipe to the shoulder instead.

  "Okay, okay, okay." Dad said, shaking his head and spinning Da in his arms to pull him close and rub his back as soothingly as he could, given the man was still trying to fight him. "Let's settle down. Riley is just tired and cranky. I'm sure he doesn't mean anything he just said, right Riley?"

  Riley huffed, rolling his eyes, but where Riley and Da tended to bump heads, he was no match for Dad when the man decided he wanted to convince you of something. After several moments of Dad watching Riley over his husband's head, using that disappointed look he always used on us when we were little, Riley curled his lip before letting his head fall back on his shoulder in exasperation.

  "Fine. I won't talk Cole into eloping, but I want a black tux with a coral tie. If he wants to someone to wear a cum colored suit, then he can."

  Da gasped, struggling against his husband. "I can't wear white to your wedding. That is so rude!"

  "Then have Cole wear the cum suit. He'd look better in cream than I would anyway."

  Da blinked, tilting his head to the side before smiling brightly up at his husband. "He's right. Cole's skin would look great in a warm cream color with a coral tie."

  He finally broke away from Dad and ran over to Cole and Riley, smacking his son's arm when Cole continued to try to keep Riley out of his reach. Finally, he wrapped his arms around both men, planting a noisy peck on Riley's cheek. "Such a smart young man. No wonder my genius child scooped you up."

  He skipped of toward the kitchen, as Lawton, Cashin and Dawes opened the front door, peeking inside.

  "Is it safe?" Dawes whispered, holding his son close to his body like he was prepared to run if necessary, looking around the room. "We heard yelling and thought we'd give you guys a moment."

  Dad smiled, reaching out to take Ricki out of Dawes's arms. The little boy smiled brightly before wrapping his arms around his alpha grandfather's neck, giving the man a giant hug.

  Wagoner smirked crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at our three late brothers. "You fucking chickens."

  "Cashin was nervous," Lawton said, shrugging. "I think he had flashbacks to that time he accidentally caught the kitchen on fire and Da yelled at him until he ran out of breath and passed out."

  Cashin blinked, frowning. "We recall that entire situation completely different. I'm pretty sure you were the one that spilled the oil out all over the lit stove and caught the French fries on fire and then tried to put it out by spraying it with the sprayer on the sink, which in turn, completely shot burning oil all over the kitchen."

  Lawton blinked over at him from where his arm was wrapped around his shoulder, pursing his lips. "No. I'm pretty sure it was you."

  My family was a complete mess, and I loved then ridiculously. Saturdays since I moved out of Dad and Da's house had always been my favorite, since I got to watch our entire family interact with one another, but even sitting around, laughing at the ridiculousness of all my brothers and my over the top parents, my mind kept wondering to later when I got home, and the omega who would be showing up not long after I got there.

  Butterflies danced in my stomach, and I smiled softly, forgetting for a moment that there was even anyone else in the room. Hinton had become the new reason Saturday was my favorite.

  "Dawes, where's Kent?" Wagoner asked, smirking when Dawes's eyes widened, and he cleared his throat.

  Da peeked his head around the corner of the kitchen entry, narrowing his eyes as he scanned the room. "You didn't bring Kent?"

  "Shit," Dad whispered, already heading in the direction of his omega.

  Kent was going to have a lot of explaining to do the next time he came to a dinner.


  I smiled down at the man lying ne
xt to me, as he chewed his lip. I wasn't sure if he was lost in thought, or actually watching the movie that was on.

  It was a really old movie set in even older times about a group of brothers kidnapping women and squirreling them away to their home in the mountains and keeping them all winter before somehow convincing them to marry them by the time snow thawed. I was stuck somewhere between thinking it was a cute little romantic movie and a bit horrified with myself for thinking Stockholm's was romantic.

  I was lying behind Hinton with my chest pressed tight to his back, my hips drawn back slightly, so I wasn't rubbing my erection all over his ass. His head was resting on my arm as I used the other to absently outline the mark on his face, smiling at how it kinda looked like a fat check mark with a too small hook at the end.

  We'd started taking our shirts off about the third time he'd come and moved on to getting down to our underwear about a month ago. He'd suggested it, since I'd still been too worried about making him uncomfortable to make a suggestion like that, though for some reason, it wasn't awkward to be mostly naked with him.

  I'd nearly drowned on my own drool that first time he'd stripped his shirt off. I'd been absolutely right to assume he'd be beautiful under his clothes. His wide, slightly muscled shoulders in proportion to his thin hips was stunning as was the rest of his lean, pale form.

  I'd shuddered… and probably not hidden it all that well when he slid his sexy body against mine, while getting into position and he smelled like sweetness and summertime.

  He always smelled like sweetness and summertime, and it was impossible for me not to take long, deep draws of his sent every single time I was around him.

  "Does it bother you?" he asked, softly, and for a moment I thought he was asking me if his sent bothered me.

  The answer was, nothing about him bothered me. He was perfection.

  "Does what bother me?"

  He turned his head slightly to look at me out of the corner of his eyes, his gaze curious as he watched my face. "My birthmark."

  "Oh," I said in surprise, pulling my hand back from where I'd been unconsciously running my finger back and forth over the lower edge of the mark. "No. Sorry. Did I make you uncomfortable?"

  "No, actually," he said smiling softly. "That felt nice. I was just curious. A lot of people seem a little uncomfortable with it sometimes. I think maybe because they don't know if I'm comfortable with it. I am… now. I was horribly self-conscious about it when I was younger, especially when meeting new people, and by the time I was in high school, I wore my hair a little longer and kept it pulled forward." He reached up and pulled the hair at his temple and right above his ear forward to show me what he meant. "Bieber haircuts were perfect. It didn't cover it completely, but it kinda took the bam factor away."

  "Bam factor?" I asked, reaching up and brushing the hair back, not liking that he'd been self-conscious about anything.

  He watched me for a moment, his mouth parting sweetly. He swallowed, licking his lips. "It can be a little shocking when people see the whole thing all at once, especially right here where it's a bit thicker." He reached up and ran his finger over the part closest to his hairline where the skin was slightly more raised than the rest and the darkest purple. "I think everyone's first reaction is to check on me and make sure I'm okay, and I have to admit, it does kinda look like a big bruise."

  I followed the line his finger had taken with mine, very, very lightly. "Does it hurt?"

  "Not at all. It gets dry sometimes. Especially in the winter, so I have to keep it moisturized, but it's not over my eye or nose, so I don't have to worry about it constricting my breathing or messing with my vision. So far, no signs of glaucoma, and only a little hypertrophy, so it doesn't really change the shape of my face much. Just restricts my smile a bit. It bleeds like a bitch if I catch it with the razor though."

  "You have a beautiful smile," I whispered, running my finger over the hook just above his lips on the right side, feeling the slight thickness in the skin there, which was why that side of his mouth didn't move as freely as the other. "I can tell you mean it when you smile at me." I paused for a moment, hoping I wasn't overstepping. "And I like your birthmark too. The colors are really pretty."

  And they were. Several different shades of pink and purple.

  He giggled, his cheek pinking above the mark. "Thank you."

  I hummed softly, feeling incredibly content as I sank lower in the bed, and he rolled over, pressing his chest to mine and tucking his chin up under my neck. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, sighing contentedly as my eyes started to get heavy.

  "You should do this for a living," he mumbled, sounding as sleepy as I did.

  I knew he'd set his alarm, because he always did, since more than once he'd fallen asleep here. The session was only supposed to be three hours long, but he'd gotten to where he set his alarm for the morning, and if he fell asleep, then he'd just end up staying over, since I didn't like the idea of him driving home tired

  "What? Cuddle?"

  "Mmhmm," he hummed softly against my neck. "You're like the best to cuddle with."

  I fell asleep with a happy smile on my face.

  Chapter Two


  M mm. Sunday mornings were amazing. Or at least, the last four had been. Lately, every Sunday morning meant waking up in bed plastered to Boyd, because I no longer even tried to stay awake so I could go home after our session was over because I secretly loved waking up in Boyd's arms.

  Boyd, who was just… everything. Ridiculously gorgeous and probably not even aware. Sweetly innocent and so incredibly kind. It was hard to believe the man was real. He was shy and apologetic when he shouldn't be, and Lord but his hands felt amazing on my skin. Calloused yet tender.

  I peeked open my eyes and could tell by the light in the sky that my alarm was about to go off so I could run home and get changed and ready for my other job, and I whimpered silently, wishing I could just stay here in his bed all day and not have to worry about the outside world.

  He shifted slightly in his sleep, stretching his legs and pushing his hips forward as he arched… just enough to press our lower bodies together, and I bit my lip as heat shot through me at the feel of his hard dick nudging mine.

  Morning wood was a thing for men. It just was. No, I didn't always have a raging hardon when my eyes blinked open every morning, but I knew that for some men, they absolutely did, and I was sure being an alpha was probably a major factor in that. Just because mine was for sure caused by the man whose body was wrapped around mine, and the delicious smell of his skin, didn't mean that his was for the same reason. Alphas… hormones.

  This has nothing to do with you, Hinton. Get a grip.

  Oh, I wanted a fucking grip alright.

  I tilted my hips back slightly, doing my best to be strong, even as I desperately wanted to press more firmly against him.

  I jumped when my alarm went off, and I stretched my arm out behind me, to grab my phone from the nightstand. I turned it off with… or possibly snoozed it, but my wiggling around must have alerted Boyd to something because he moved too, and at first I thought he might be waking up, but when I tilted my head to look up at him, his eyes were closed.

  He pulled me more tightly against him, and I groaned when that meant him pressing his dick to mine again as his hands started sliding restlessly over my back. His calloused hands snagged on my underwear as the skimmed over my ass, and I gasped as he clutched my cheeks hard, pressing our lower bodies even more closely together, and rolled his hips.

  My gut clenched with need, and I groaned as my hand clutched at his upper arm and I buried my face in his neck again.

  Fuck. It felt amazing, but I really, really needed to stop this. I knew Boyd well enough to know that he would feel horrible if he used my body to rub off on in his sleep. I would absolutely be fine with it myself, but he embarrassed so easily, and he was always so worried about doing something that would make me uncomfortable. I couldn't do that to him. He wa
s way too sweet to feel bad for this.

  "Boyd," I whispered, shaking his shoulder gently. I wanted to wake him up, not startle the man.

  "Hmm?" His eyes blinked open slowly, and just like every single time I'd seen the man since I'd first met him, the smile on his face when he looked at me, gave a man ideas he shouldn't be entertaining. "Hi."

  I smiled back, completely charmed by this man. "Hi."

  It took him a long, slightly torturous moment before he seemed to realize that his hands were on my ass and his dick was on my… well, dick, but as soon as he did, he gasped, his eyes going wide with shock as he quickly let go of my ass and tried to scramble backwards, slowing to drag his arm out from under me before climbing off the bed and staring down at me in shock.

  "Oh, my God, Hinton! I'm so sorry."

  I chuckled, climbing out of the bed on my side and walking around to where he was, fully and painfully aware that both of us were still hard in nothing more than our boxers, and I knew his eyes were on me just as much as mine were on him.

  Good Lord, but I wanted him naked.

  I wrapped my arms around him instead, squeezing him tightly. "Hug me back, so I know you aren't going to be sitting around freaking out about this," I grumbled after a moment when he didn't return the hug.

  Huffing out a laugh, he wrapped his arms around me completely, pulling me close and sighing against the top of my head. "I really am sorry," he whispered.

  I chuckled, leaning my head back to look at him with, giving him a little eyebrow wiggle. "If the worst problem in my life is a sexy alpha grabbing my ass while we're snuggling, I'd say I'm doing pretty good."

  He whimpered, shaking his head while reaching up to cup the side of my face, brushing over my birthmark gently. "Why are you such an amazing person?"

  "Good Lord, Boyd," nuzzling against his palm and humming happily. "How the hell are you not happily married with like forty kids?"

  He laughed, tucking my head back under his chin. "Because I'm awkward as hell around attractive omegas."

  What? He wasn't awkward around me… Oh. Oh. Well that hurt a little.


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