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This Is Why I'm Hot

Page 7

by J. D. Light

  "I'm pretty sure he's head-over-heels in love with your son," she said, making me gasp and look around, glad the room was nearly empty.

  I blushed again, my eyes going wide. "Hey."

  Wasn’t there some kind of bro code or something? I didn't think it had anything to do with keeping secrets from someone's future in-laws, but surely a level of secrecy was covered in it.

  Da chuckled waving a hand in the air. "Say no more, Dani, my dear. Say no more."

  The door jingled in a way that spoke of someone coming in hard for a sandwich and I turned to find Boyd barely patient enough to get the door fully open before slipping through it, his eyes scanning the room and immediately landing on me before he strided over, a bright happy smile already blooming on his face.

  "That is fucking spooky," I grumbled under my breath, turning to raise an eyebrow at Dani across the room just as she smiled.

  "Hey," I said happily, wrapping my arms around Boyd's middle and leaning my head back to happily receive the kiss hi pressed against my lips. "What are you doing here? I was just about to go on my lunch break, and bring you a sandwich.

  Chapter Six



  es!" I blurted excitedly, when he pulled back to look up at me.

  "Yes, what?" he asked, his eyes bright and happy. The way they always looked when he looked at me.

  "Yes, I want…" I trailed off when I saw the handsome black omega sitting at the table behind Hinton, his head propped in his hand as he watched us with a sweet smile on his face. "Oh. Hey, Da."

  I pulled Hinton over to him, leaning down to kiss my Da on the cheek before pulling my omega securely back against my body.

  "You were saying?" Da prompted, and I blinked for a moment before returning my gaze to Hinton.

  "Oh. Yes. I would love it if you moved in with me." I was practically giddy with happiness, and I could see the affect it had on Hinton as his smile seemed to be getting more and more radiant with every moment that passed.

  It had been one of the many, many things I'd realized about my sweet omega since we'd started spending nearly every available moment together over the last month. His happiness was almost always directly linked to mine. The happier I was, the happier he seemed to get.

  It was both humbling and invigorating.

  "What?" his bright, happy smile turning slightly confused, but still brilliant.

  "I was actually going to suggest it when your lease was up, but I wasn't sure how to ask when that would be." I reached into the front pocket of my jeans, pulling out a keychain with a single key on it and a little tag that said, Hinton with a heart on it. "See. I even had a key made for you, so even if you weren't ready to move in, you could still come over whenever you wanted, even if it was in the middle of the night when I was sleeping.

  "Oh," He whispered in awe, reaching out with a shaking hand to take the key, turning the tag over to read it. "That's… that's amazing. Are you sure about this?" he whispered, confusing me slightly since he'd been the one to text me moving in with me in the first place, but he kept talking. "There is a lot we still haven't covered." He lowered his voice pressing closer so Da couldn’t hear. "Hell, we aren't even officially boyfriends."

  "We're getting married in November."

  He giggled, nodding. "True. But doesn't this all seem really, really out of order?"

  I nodded, glancing over his shoulder at my omega father, who was clearly taking our picture and probably sending it to Dad right then. "It usually is when Da is involved."

  "Hey," Da said, drawing our attention. "Riley is planning on putting together a game for your wedding shower, and one of the questions on there is who was the first person to say I love you. Which of you was it?"

  "Wedding shower?" I asked, blinking in confusion. "We aren't getting married until November."

  "I love you?" Hinton asked, blinking in confusion.

  Da looked up from his phone, studying us with a tilted head. "I have to admit, you are both a little shy, so it's hard to decide. Riley says Hinton, but I have faith that on this one thing, my son wouldn't be able to keep it inside him for long."

  I smiled. He was right about that. I'd actually said it to Hinton so many times when I knew he was asleep at night, and I just desperately needed to get it off my chest, I'd nearly slipped several times. "It was me, Da. I was just so excited about our future, and all the exciting things happening in our life, I couldn't contain it anymore. I looked him directly in the eyes and said I love you, Hinton. So damn much it feels like my chest is going to explode sometimes. And I have for a while. I think I fell for you even before you swooped in and saved me, and I've only fallen more and more in love with you every single moment that I've gotten to spend with you."

  And I meant every single word. I hoped he could see the truth on my face, and maybe he did since tears sparkled along the rim of his lower lid, threatening to spill over.

  He let out a small little sob, throwing his arms around me, and I blinked in surprise, letting him pull me close before leaning up to press a kiss to my lips before speaking against my mouth. "I love you too, Boyd. So damn much. I knew you were special the first time I met you, and I've been falling for you from the very beginning. I've never met a man like you, but I've told you that before. You are absolutely perfect for me."

  His voice was strained and choked with emotion and I felt a knot forming in my own throat.

  "Damn. I wish we were both off for the rest of the day, so we could start moving you in now," I whispered, swallowing hard. "I'm so ready to know that getting off work definitely means coming home to you."

  Up until then, he'd wait until I was already home before he came over after work, even though he'd been staying ever single night, but now my home would be his as well, and he had a key to let himself in.

  "Mmm," he hummed rolling his head to lay the side of my face against my chest. "Home sounds nice."

  After a long moment of just standing there, holding each other and completely enjoying the beauty of knowing that he was going to be living in my home with me from now on, his things invading mine, and everything slowly becoming ours, He decided to take his lunch break and we ate lunch with Da, my omega father looking surprisingly… Damn, was he smug? What the hell did that mean.

  "You knew, didn't you?" Hinton said, surprising me into looking over at him, as he watched Da with a smile on his face.

  Da shrugged, giving him a smirk. "My son is a terrible liar. I knew from the day he said he had a boyfriend that he was lying, but the way his face changed when he said your name, I knew you had to be real. I think he was already falling for you then."

  I gasped, looking at my Da in shock and then down at my omega who was smiling at the older man in that mischievous way that I saw glimpses of sometimes.

  Da had known? From the first lie, he'd known? Had Dad? Stupid question. Of course he'd known. Those two were not only happily married, they were best friends and actually had fun together. I could only hope that my relationship with Hinton looked like theirs. It was definitely something to aspire to.

  "I knew I was going to like you," Hinton said with a giggle as he watched Da.

  "I thought I liked him too," Riley said, stopping next to our table and crossing his arms over his chest. "Then we started planning my wedding."

  "He won't be such a cry baby about things," Da said, giving Hinton a wink. "That's why he's going to be my favorite."

  "He can have your fucking favoritism. I wish you liked me less," Riley said, curling his lip at the man. "Maybe then I wouldn't have to run all over the fucking country with you." He pressed into the booth beside my Da, nudging the man until he sighed. "Scoot over." Dani came rushing over, and Riley smiled at her softly throwing a thumb in Da's direction. "Hi. He's buying me a sandwich."

  "Where's Kent?" Da asked, glancing toward the door.

  "He's still sitting in the car like you told him. He's afraid you will do something insane if he moves a muscle. We'll order him a sandwi
ch too."

  "Poor boy. I don't why he is so afraid of me," Da said, chuckling softly and I rolled my eyes.

  "Hmm. I wonder," Riley said sarcastically before telling Dani what he wanted and ordering a sandwich for poor Kent too.

  "Did you stay in the car too?" I asked, realizing that they had to have been sitting out there for over forty-five minutes.

  Riley shrugged. "Mmhmm. I was exhausted, so I took a nap."

  The corner of Da's mouth tipped up at the corner. "You sleep all the time now."

  Riley looked over at the man out of the corner of his eyes, watching him closely. "It takes a lot of energy to be a part of this family, and it's not like mine is any better. Basically, everyone I hold dear, wears me the fuck out."

  Da smiled brightly, reaching out to throw an arm around Riley's shoulders. "Aw. Did you just tell me you love me Riley?"

  Riley blinked, looking up toward the ceiling like he was looking for an answer. "No."

  I sighed happily, enjoying, like always, the antics of my family.

  I'd thought the same thing nearly a thousand times over the last month, but I really didn't know how my life could possibly get any better. I had the omega of my dreams happily moving in with me soon, and he loved me. He really, truly loved me, and I could easily read it in his expression just in case I ever forgot.

  Now that wedding date in November is looking better and better. Da was a crafty man, that was for damn sure.



  I slipped into the room that had been designated as the alpha groom's room to get ready in and gasped when I saw my gorgeous husband-to-be standing in front of the mirror in his gray suit with the dark purple tie.

  He blinked for a moment before turning and opening his arms to me, and I happily moved into them, pressing the side of my face to his chest like I always did, enjoying the steady beat of his heart and the delicious way he smelled.

  "Hey, baby," he said softly, rubbing my back. "What are you doing in here? We're not supposed to see each other before the wedding."

  I pulled back, swallowing hard as my chin quivered pitifully. "Your Da just told me… I was going to get fat like a fucking whale," the last part came out as a choked whisper.

  "What?" Boyd asks, sounding both angry and completely shocked.

  Yeah, welcome to my world. I would have never thought Da would say something like that to me, but there I was nearly crying to my alpha.

  "I was just trying to enjoy my second can of black olives, you know like I always do, putting them on my fingers and wiggling them around like this––" I fanned my fingers quickly to demonstrate, making Boyd smile softly. "––and he told me if I didn't stop eating olives, he was going to have to roll me down the aisle."

  My chin wobbled again, and Boyd soothed me, pulling me back into his body and rocking me softly. "I don't know why the hell he would say something like that to you, but you are the most perfect man in the world, and when we get to the Key West, I'll buy you all the damn olives you can eat."

  I swallowed hard, holding my breath until the urge to sob cleared out, wishing I could just stay with him until time for the wedding to start. It was a cute tradition that made anticipating seeing your soon-to-be spouse exciting, but I'd already seen how gorgeous he was, and I was feeling incredibly emotional. I just wanted to be in his arms for the rest of the night.

  The door opened and I squeezed Boyd tighter, knowing someone was probably about to run me out of his room and scold me for not following the wedding rules, but I just didn't care. I was staying right there in his arms until I couldn't anymore.

  "Is Hinton…" Da's voice trailed off, probably when he saw me, and I could feel the force of his irritation behind me. "What the hell are you doing? You guys can't see each other before the wedding."

  "Did you tell Hinton he was going to get fat?" Boyd demanded, rubbing my back. I couldn't see his expression because I was too busy sniffing at his neck, but I was willing to bet he was glaring at his omega father.

  The fact that they were about to get into an argument, made me even more emotional, since I really didn’t want Boyd to feel bad later when he ran over everything in his head.

  "What?" Da asked, his voice sounding shocked as he moved further into the room, coming up beside me and reaching out to stroke my hair. "No. Not my sweet, beautiful boy. What are you talking about?"

  I lifted my head, my chin wobbling at the sad look on Da's face. I didn't want him to say things about my eating and possible, eventual weight problem, but I didn't want him to be sad either, and he looked so sad.

  "You said my olives were going to make me fat."

  He shook his head, tugging on the arm of my jacket until I released Boyd, and he released me, and I was pulled into Da's arms. "No, I said they were going to make you swell. You'll be more susceptible to swelling and bloating now."

  I blinked into his face in confusion, canting my head to the side. What do you mean I'll be more susceptible to swelling and bloating now?"

  I didn’t think that was a marriage thing, but to be fair, I knew next to nothing about marriage.

  "Now that you're pregnant."

  I froze, my mouth falling open as I looked at him for a long time before turning to look at Boyd, thoroughly confused.

  "You're pregnant?" Boyd asked, his voice rising in pitch.

  I shook my head vigorously. "No." I blinked as I watched Da again, frowning hard. "Am I?"

  "You normally polish off two cans of olives and a bag of cookies?" he asked, giving me a soft smile.

  "No. But I’m nervous today."

  Boyd reached out, pulling me away from his Da and back into his arms. "You're nervous?"

  Da was an excellent hugger, and he probably could have made a pretty penny working for the agency, but I was pretty partial to being wrapped in Boyd's strong arms.

  "A little," I admitted quietly. "Not because I doubt us, but because there are like three billion people out there in the church. I whispered, pulling my head back to breath and adjust my collar just thinking about all the eyes that would be on me today. "They're all going to be watching me."

  I reached up without thought, brushing my hair forward as much as I could, trying to cover the birthmark.

  Boyd gently swatted my hand away, and Da reached out, brushing the hair back into place.

  "Oh, sweet boy," Da said leaning in to press a kiss to the side of my face. "Everyone here is going to think you are absolutely stunning."

  I swallowed more emotion, shaking my head. "Thank you, Da. I don't know why I'm being like this."

  "Because you're pregnant, sweetheart." He ran his fingers through my hair one more time before stepping back and toward the door. "Now, no more olives until after the wedding. You don't want to look like you'd pop if I poked you with a pin."

  I wasn't really sure why he would ever feel the need to poke me with a pin, but I felt like getting the explanation might be far too time-consuming.

  "You really think I'm pregnant?" I asked, dropping one of my hands from around Boyd's neck to rest it against the lower part of my belly.

  "Take a test to be sure," Da said, smiling at the door. "But I'm pretty sure you're pregnant. Of course, I only did it once, so I might not really know much of anything." He pursed his lips, giving Boyd as sad look.

  "It's still not my fault that you didn't get to have me as a baby," Boyd said on a sigh, and I smiled.

  "Uh, who's supposed to be watching Ricki and Casey?" Riley asked, poking his head in the door before stepping in slightly rounded belly leading him.

  Da glanced over at Riley, frowning slightly. "Devon. Why?"

  Suddenly music started playing really loud throughout the church, and I blinked in surprise as a truly graphic song I wasn't sure had any business in a church started booming loudly over the sound system.

  Boyd and I looked at each other as Da sighed, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes.

  I tried to hold back my l
aughter but feeling Boyd's body vibrate against mine as he laughed silently, made it nearly impossible.

  "They locked themselves in the sound room," Riley said, not looking any less amused than I felt.

  What is so damn hard about watching two little toddlers?" Da grumbled, moving through the door.

  "Mark!" Dad yelled over the music that only seemed to be getting louder and louder… and dirtier and dirtier as someone talked about fucking on every surface in the house. "Have you seen the boys?"

  Da raised both eyebrows like he couldn't believe the man actually asked that question and then looked down at his disheveled appearance.

  "Uh, what happened to you?"

  Dad sighed. "So, after Cole and Riley's wedding with the cake and the fountain thing, Frost, Casey's dad and Dawes decided it would be a good idea if we leashed them, so we did, and I walked them around the church. I didn't notice what was happening at first, but after a minute I realized Casey was just going around my legs while I was talking to one of Riley's aunts. I think he did it on purpose. He basically tied me up, unhooked his strap from his harness and then Ricki's and ran away with my grandson while I stumbled around and nearly fell down the stairs into the lower level. Now I can't find them." He paused, possibly just noticing the overly loud rap music playing over the sound system as he looked at the ceiling in confusion. "And I thought the DJ wasn't supposed to set up until the reception."

  "Well DJ Case and his assistant R-Mix are locked in the sound room," Da said dryly, reaching out and grabbing his alpha by the front of the shirt, dragging him in to kiss him hard on the mouth and then dragging him away.

  Riley followed after, his laughter slowly fading as they disappeared down the hall.

  "Do you think we're actually going to have a baby?" I asked, turning back to stare up at my gorgeous alpha.

  "I sure hope so," he whispered in awe, his hand falling to cover mine on my stomach.

  Butterflies took flight in my belly. I'd never dreamed I'd end up with so much in my life. I'd always expected to have to settle for something that sounded like contentment instead of really getting the full happy life I was currently staring down the barrel at. It was enough to make me worry it wasn't real.


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