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Ruby's Palace

Page 2


  Immediately, Dan grabbed his arm. “Sit down, boy! I’ve got heavies to sort them out. Don’t make a scene.”

  Sam was livid. He hated drugs and had every reason to. He had served three years for possession of a large stash of cocaine, courtesy of his girlfriend. He took the rap because she was pregnant with their daughter and because of their son, Jack, who was only a year old.

  Dan called over Jason and Johnnie Lee, two brothers born in the East End. They were built like brick shit houses and hard as nails but without a full brain between them. They had worked the clubs for the Vincents for years and were chuffed to be part of the new one.

  “See those ‘do as you likeys’ over there? Get fucking rid of ‘em, and make sure the boys don’t let them back in. I’m running a decent joint, not a two bob gaff!”

  “Do as you likeys?” Johnnie was dafter than his brother.

  “Pikeys, Johnnie. Fucking pikeys,” shouted Dan. The music blared out Shaggy’s ‘It wasn’t me’.

  “Oh yeah, got ya. The problem is, guv, the pikeys are getting themselves done up and it’s hard to tell them apart from everyone else!”

  Dan stood up and Johnnie stepped back. “Listen to me. I can smell a gypsy a mile away. Togged out or not, a pikey looks like a fucking pikey. Now, I don’t wanna see another one in my club.”

  Johnnie hated being shouted at but he had fucked up. “Shall I put Farley on the door?”

  Dan screwed his face up. “Who the fuck is Farley?”

  “He’s a gypsy, but he’s straight as a die.” Johnnie pointed to the fit-looking lad, no more than twenty, dressed in the black suit and red shirt. All security wore red shirts. He appeared smart. His hair was slicked back but Dan spotted the sovereign on his little finger and then looked at his dealer boots, the giveaway signs.

  “Johnnie, don’t tell me he is straight as a die. All pikeys are born bent!”

  “He really wants to do a good job and is eager to please. He might look small but he is fast with his fists. A fucker sometimes, but he tries hard, and he can spot a pikey, being as he is one.”

  Dan chewed the inside of his mouth. “All right, put him on the door, but you watch him. Make sure he talks to no one. The first sign of shenanigans, and you’re gonna personally beat the crap out of him.”

  Johnnie nodded furiously. He liked the boy, and had promised him a job, but he respected the Vincents.

  “Now, see those over there? Get rid of them. Any lip, take them out the back and fuck ‘em up!” Johnnie grinned, showing his new false gnashers. Being a hard case was the reason he was hired – and he was good at it.

  Sam and Joe listened to the conversation but didn’t interfere. Dan knew what he was doing – and had made a success of their businesses – so the others took his lead.

  Fred arrived at the club with Dominic. He was another one of Francesca’s men. She didn’t need protection but, since her husband and family were worth a fortune, they felt safer having her guarded.

  Immaculately dressed, Fred was the most handsome of the brothers with his long wavy hair and a smile which displayed gleaming white teeth. He moved very swiftly and was excitable at times, which often got him into trouble. His white shirt was open and his tie was still in the pocket of his new grey suit. His face and the tiny glimpse of chest showed off a golden-coloured tan. He looked like a celebrity.

  As he walked past the queue to the door, young Farley stopped him in his tracks and put his hands on his chest. “Oh no you don’t, sunshine. You have to wait like the rest. As you can see, Mister, everyone has the same ticket.” He thought he was being clever in front of Jason, the other bouncer. But Jason knew who Fred was. He grabbed Farley’s hand and before he could explain Fred had gripped him around the throat.

  Farley wasn’t quick enough and realised he had messed up as Jason stood rooted to the spot.

  “Listen, you little prick, don’t ever touch me like that again or I’ll take your head off your fucking shoulders. This is me brother’s club, and I don’t need a ticket. Your job is to keep order out here, not give any fucking lip. Got it, sunshine?”

  Farley nodded and shut his mouth. Dominic stood beside Fred, towering above all of them. “I’m with him,” he said, with his Italian accent.

  Jason turned to Farley when Fred was out of sight. “You knew he was a Vincent, you dipstick.”

  Farley grinned. “Yeah, of course I did. Just trying me luck.”

  “You are taking liberties, firstly with me brother’s good nature, offering to take you on, and secondly with the Vincents. Not a good idea, mate. Not if you know them like I do!”

  A cheeky grin spread across Farley’s face. “So, who is the one you really wouldn’t fuck with?”

  Jason shook his head. “I watched this programme once, David Attenborough, I think. Anyway, it was about wolves. You see, I like those wildlife documentaries…”

  “What’s this got to do with the Vincents?” asked Farley, impatiently.

  “Wolves work as a pack. Each one has a job to do, and you think that the one calling the shots is the alpha male. It ain’t, it’s the alpha female – and when one’s in trouble, the others appear from nowhere.”

  Farley rolled his eyes. “Yeah, so what has that got to do with anything?”

  “Figure it out yourself, clever bollocks,” replied Jason.

  John approached the men in the corner as Dan had ordered him to.

  “Right, lads, do you want to follow me.” Not a question, more of a statement.

  Levi sat back, held up his hands and said, “What have I done, boss?”

  Johnnie stood with his feet apart and his fists clasped together in front of him.

  “What’s up?” asked Levi with an exaggerated grin, showing his missing back teeth.

  “Just come with me. I want a quiet word in your lug hole.” His voice was deep. With a real rasp, he sounded menacing.

  Levi guessed he had been caught and tried to shove the remainder of the cocaine down the back of the seat.

  Johnnie leaned forward and whispered, “You can try to hide it, but I ain’t the fucking filth. I don’t need evidence. I can fuck you up any way! Now, move your arse.”

  Levi eyed the giant up and down and then noticed two other bouncers walking towards him. He stood up, looked over in Dan’s direction, and winked.

  Dan was livid. Piss-taking little shit, he now wanted to dish out the hiding himself.

  Levi followed Johnnie and the other bouncers out the back. Once outside, they were joined by Dan. Usually, he would let the men do their job – but not this time. It was the cocky smirk on Levi’s face which Dan took personally.

  “So, you must be Dan Vincent? You own this club, then?” asked the cocky gypsy.

  Dan hated scummy little small-time coke dealers. They had the audacity to swan into his Palace and deal like a gangster.

  “I ain’t come out here to socialise with you. I came to give you serious advice. If I wanted Charlie in me club then I’d ‘ave one of me own fucking mates shifting it, right? You see, I’m territorial, what’s mine is mine, and I call the fucking shots. I am highly offended when the likes of you think you can walk into my establishment and try to make money out of my business. Now, the advice is this: fuck off! Don’t ever come back, and tell your pikey mates. You can carry on using the boxing club and the gym, but you stay away from here, got it?” Dan lit up another cigarette.

  Levi, high on cocaine, was hopping. His eyes as wide as saucers, he flared his nostrils, or what was left of them. The cocaine gave him the confidence to get lippy.

  “Who are you to tell me that I can still use the boxing club and the fucking gym?” Before he could continue, Sam was there with his hand around Levi’s throat and his arm up the drug dealer’s back.

  “The fucking owner, you knob head!”

  Dan laughed. “All right, Sam, let the mackerel go!”

  Levi coughed and retched. The throat clench was too hard for a mere warning.

  “Go on, catch you
r breath. Any more questions, before you leave?” Dan didn’t want bloodshed on his first night.

  After looking them over, Levi walked away quietly with a smirk on his greasy, pit-holed face.

  Luckily, Fred missed the action. His fiery temper would no doubt have led to Levi dragging himself away or, worse, being scooped up on a shovel.

  Back inside the club, Francesca chatted to Joe, who was totally unperturbed by the fracas and was pleased to see Fred arrive. It was important for them all to be there for Dan’s big night.

  Joe watched Fred and Francesca together and giggled.

  “Ya know what, you two may look different, but you still act the same. I can’t get over the way you two drink the same drink, eat the same food, and even screw your faces up in the same way when you don’t like something.”

  Chapter Two

  The opening night was a huge success. The takings were far over and above what Dan had expected, and the customers left with smiles on their faces. The family stayed until the end, enjoying a celebratory drink.

  “’Ere, Dan, what do you think about that black beauty with the fucking great long pins, spinning round that pole? Cor, she must have made a fortune tonight in tips,” said Sam, entranced by the dancer.

  “Yeah, and I bet she had half your fucking money down her drawers,” said Fred, on form. He had only had a few drinks and enjoyed the banter with his brothers. They had more fun and laughs when relaxed in each other’s company than at any other time. Those outside the family were simply that, outsiders.

  “So, sis, how long are you here for?” asked Dan.

  “I’m here for a week, but I’ll be back for three weeks at Christmas. I take it you are all still coming for the holidays?” Her brothers, who were all sitting around the low table, nodded in unison.

  Christmas was a special time for them. Since Francesca had the biggest house, with plenty of bedrooms, it was at her home that they spent the holidays. She never celebrated it in the States and even her husband’s family would come over and enjoy the festivities.

  Joe rubbed his hands together like an excited child.

  “I can’t wait. I’ve gotta tell you something.” He beamed from ear to ear.

  “Fuck me, Joe, you’ve decided to come out of the closet,” laughed Fred.

  Joe pushed him off the stool. “No, my Belinda’s expecting again. It’s early days but, all going well, we will have another little ‘un come June.”

  The boys patted him on the back and Francesca kissed him. “That’s lovely news, Joe, and little Alfie will have someone to play with.” There was a silence for a minute as they now stared at their sister, thinking their own thoughts. She was born to a large family and yet had to grow up an only child. But the circumstances of her childhood brought them together, tightening their bond.

  “Yeah, I want a big family, but my Belinda hates being pregnant.” Joe nearly choked on his words. He had forgotten for a second that Francesca couldn’t have children and she would give anything to be expecting a baby.

  “Well, two’s plenty, Joe, and besides, remember you had the easy job of putting it there; getting the baby out is the hard bit.”

  Joe was relieved his sister was so kind. The boys giggled at their sister’s humour. She looked so sophisticated, any hint of a dirty joke was hilarious.

  As they finished up, Fred caught the eye of a young-looking woman who was dressed in a skimpy silver dress, wearing too much makeup and with wild hair. As she passed them Fred stared and she winked back but without a smile.

  “Who was that, Dan?” Fred nodded in her direction as she left the club.

  “That’s one of the strippers, Kizzy or Kezzy.” Dan gulped his Jack Daniels and stood to let the girls out of the side door, where the cabs waited.

  “Why do you ask, Freddie, fancy her or what?”

  “No, I thought she looked a bit young. You wanna be careful you don’t get nicked for having underage girls stripping.”

  “Don’t worry.” Dan ruffled Fred’s hair. “The girls give us a copy of their birth certificate and passport. I’m all above board here, boy. I can’t afford to fuck up or they will take away all my licences.”

  Fred smiled, but he still felt uncomfortable. That girl made him go cold.

  “Where does she come from?” he asked.

  “I don’t know, a local girl. Why? What’s the fascination?” Dan downed the last dregs of his drink.

  “None, but she kind of looks familiar.” Fred stared into space. He couldn’t get her face out of his head. There was something uncomfortable in the way she winked at him – as if she knew more about him than he did her.

  Francesca said her goodbyes and left with Dominic, her minder. Sam headed off with Joe whilst Fred stayed behind to help Dan to close up.

  They locked the doors, set the alarms and left via the back. The air was warm. November was not the chilly month it should be. Fred observed two bouncers, still hanging around the door.

  “Hey boys, it’s time to go home, or are you kipping here the night?”

  It was Farley, the new doorman, who spun around first, ready to give a mouthful back. He stopped in his tracks. He was already in the Vincents’ bad books, and he couldn’t afford to risk his little scam being discovered. He needed to get in with them, and stay tight.

  “Goodnight, Mr Vincent!” waved Farley. “Wanker,” he whispered under his breath.

  Fred stared for a second and then remembered the doorman from earlier that evening. He had tried to stop him coming in. He recalled the stripper. She looked familiar because she resembled Farley.

  Fred hurried to catch up with his brother, Dan, who was getting into his new Mercedes. He jumped into the passenger seat and was instantly taken by the new car smell.

  “Cor, mate, this is a tasty little number, fucking cream suede.” Fred stroked the roof and ran his hands along the seats. “Nice.”

  “Yeah, gave meself an early birthday present.”

  “Listen, Dan. I know I haven’t been around to help with the clubs but I want to give you some advice.” Fred waited to see his brother’s reaction.

  “Yeah, go on then, mate.”

  “I noticed you had a pikey on the door – and that stripper, Kizzy, or Kezzy. Well, I thought I’d seen her before. I’m sure she’s one of the O’Connells. You know, that fucking gypsy family. That Albi and Billy, right nasty bastards! You know who I mean? They used to do business with the McManners. They were right tight with that cunt Charlie McManners!”

  Dan frowned as he tried to remember.

  “Fucking hell, Dan, the brothers used to go down the gym!”

  Dan guessed then who he was talking about. “Oh yeah, I know who you mean now. They did a bit of digging when the McManners went missing. I recall that Albi asking a lot of questions and that fat fucker, Billy, throwing his weight around, but that was years ago.”

  “Well, all I’m saying is, watch those fuckers. No one wants to go to a club full of pikeys. It makes you kind of uneasy and, besides all that, they’ll have their hands in the tills, or worse.”

  Dan listened and agreed. He wanted celebrities, footballers, footballers’ wives, and the odd wealthy villain blowing their money.

  He employed a successful marketing company to advertise the club to the right people and attract the right crowd. It was money well spent.

  “I get what you're saying, Fred, but unless the doorman and the bar staff are pikey-trained, I don’t know what to do. Even John reckons they are hard to spot when they’re dressed up.”

  “You know how it works, Dan. If you clear them out from the beginning, they don’t come back. It’s when they feel it’s their turf and they get their feet under the table that we’ve got a problem.”

  Dan was still nodding. He hoped Fred would return to the manor and give him a hand as he had missed his little brother since he moved to the States.

  “Look, Dan, I can come home for a while. I only help run the casino, and they don’t really need me.”
br />   Dan would usually have said ‘not to worry’ but he wanted his brother back in the business.

  “Fred, I need you for a while, just to get the club up and running. You know me. I can’t trust anyone except me own family, and Joe and Sam are busy working the other two clubs.”

  Fred was pleased his brother had asked him. He loved the States and his easy way of life but, after spending the evening in the new club, he realised how much he missed working with his brothers.

  “Settled then. I’ll be on the door, Wednesday.”

  Dan grinned. It would be like the old times, when they had the first club.

  Chapter Three

  Francesca had brought presents for her niece and nephew over from New York. She was always spoiling them. As far as she was concerned, they could have anything they wanted.

  Not being able to have children herself, she treated them as the next best thing.

  Sam was resting on the sofa when Francesca arrived.

  “Hey, you, lazy bones. What’s all this, lying on the couch? It’s twelve o’clock. Where are the kids?”

  He looked shattered. He had left the club at the same time as her.

  “Well, sis, her fucking royal highness is still in bed and Jack is at the gym.”

  Francesca detected a disapproving tone.

  “What’s up, mate?” she asked, seating herself opposite her brother, waiting for him to spill the beans.

  “Sorry, sis, it’s nothing. Just kids being kids.” He jumped up. “Fancy a coffee?”

  Francesca followed him, taking due notice of the untidiness of the very attractive house.

  Whenever she visited the house, it was always spotless. Sam had bought the four-bedroom detached house in Kent not long after he was out of prison. His sister had given him the deposit and he earned enough from the club to pay a decent mortgage so he could give his kids a lovely, clean and respectable home, a far cry from their mother’s shit-hole. Jack had been four and Ruby only three years old when their mother, a drug addict, had gone to prison. They were handed to Francesca and her brother to take care of them.


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