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Ruby's Palace

Page 32


  With that, he got up and left.

  Ruby was numb with shock. Her face stung and her world crumbled.

  As she went to her bedroom, thoughts of Ocean came flooding back and she smiled. Everything was going to be all right. She would move out and live with him. Besides, their marriage was only around the corner – well, it was if she had it her way.


  Fred had driven Ruby’s new car back to her house to get her out of the picture. She packed a small suitcase and threw it in the back of the boot as Jack pulled up in a taxi. He had been to Amsterdam with a few of his mates.

  “Hiya, sis, where are you off to?” He looked more handsome than ever. The sun had coloured his cheeks and made his blue eyes stand out.

  “I’m getting as far away from here as possible. Dad has told me I’m not welcome anymore, and he wants me out of his life.” She wanted a good excuse to leave and move in with Ocean and her father had just given it to her. Sam, however, had the bedroom window wide open, heard his daughter and rushed down the stairs to confront the lying mare.

  The door was nearly ripped from its hinges.

  “Will you ever change, Ruby… I never said that and you damn well know it. I said I’ve washed my hands of you… I didn’t throw you out!”

  Ruby shrugged her shoulders and continued loading her car.

  It was Jack who grabbed her wrist. “What’s wrong with you, sis? Stop all this nonsense and come inside.” Jack’s voice was soothing but Ruby was determined to go. She wanted to be with Ocean.

  “I’m not staying here another day, so let go of me, and I will see you at the Palace on Friday night.” She looked at her dad, who stood in the driveway. “That’s if I still have a club!”

  Sam, in a fit of fury, slammed the door shut. He headed for the drinks cabinet to pour himself a stiff brandy before he strangled his daughter.

  He was dumbfounded. It was as if she was on drugs. How she could be so nasty towards her family was beyond him. What was the hold this gypsy had on her? He pondered over it for a short while until Jack came in.

  “It’s all right, Dad, you know our Rubes. She will be back with her tail between her legs.” He swung his large holdall onto the sofa.

  Sam turned and faced his son, who greeted his father with a huge smile and a twinkle in his eye. Sam’s heart melted. If only Ruby was as sweet as her brother. He hugged him. “Jack, I hate to say it, but she is not like us. She is more like her mother, and that really breaks my heart.”

  Jack gasped. “No way, Dad, she is a Vincent all right, tough as old boots!”

  Sam shook his head. “She has no care for the people that love her… no family values, and the one thing you need, to be part of this family, is honour.”

  Jack laughed. “Dad, shut up. You sound like Uncle Roberto.”

  “Yeah, well, he is right. If you don’t respect your family, then you respect no one.”

  He tried to laugh it off, but he could see the serious look on his father’s face.

  “What’s this really about?” asked Jack as he plonked himself on the couch.

  Sam took a deep breath and began to tell him the whole story regarding the night’s events. To Jack’s surprise, Sam seemed more concerned Ruby had run off with a gypsy than with all the mess she had left behind at the club.

  Jack was wide-eyed. He was shocked to hear his sister had been an inch away from death and that the club nearly burned to the ground. He couldn’t understand why his father wasn’t worried about her. She must have been traumatised.

  “Dad, shouldn’t she have gone to the hospital or something?”

  Sam frowned. “Your sister ain’t five anymore. She’s a grown woman, and the way she carried on last night and this morning, well… like you said, she is as tough as old boots.”

  He poured himself another brandy. He was ready to go to bed, even though it was only ten o’clock in the morning. He didn’t have the energy to listen to Jack defending his precious sister.

  “Dad, you can’t wash your hands of her just because she has pissed you off. She is still your daughter.”

  Sam slammed his brandy glass on the mantelpiece. “Now, you fucking listen to me, son. One thing you must remember is that family look after each other. The only people who really care are your own flesh and blood. When you and Ruby were little, your aunt and uncles did everything in their power to protect you. They put their liberty on the line.” His voice was deep and cracking and he tried to calm his temper.

  Jack looked at the floor.

  “I know, Dad, I remember it. All the snow, Ruby being snatched, Nan’s head gashed open, and I won’t forget the mark on Ruby’s face when Joe brought her back.” He paused to look at his father’s shocked expression.

  “Dad, I know what they did for us and that’s why I will do anything for them, but there were those first few years of just me and Ruby, and I had to protect her then. I was all she had, and that feeling still has a hold over me.”

  Sam’s face softened. He knew his son would never turn his back on Ruby as they had been through too much together.

  “Well, son, all I know right now is your sister is seeing a gypsy called Ocean – what a fucking name, eh?”


  Ruby drove to Levi’s flat. She remembered where it was and eagerly she parked her car and headed for the door. There was no answer. She banged for a third time and guessed he had gone to work just as he had said.

  As she turned to leave, with her shoulders slumped, she jumped out of her skin. A man with a hole for a nose was standing there.

  “Did you want something?” he asked. Ruby shuddered. It churned her stomach, looking at his deformed face.

  “Err, no. I mean, yes. I was hoping Ocean, my boyfriend, would be home.”

  Levi wanted to laugh out loud. He instantly realised who she was. Ocean had dropped his car back at the site and quietly left after thanking him for the use of it. Levi had tried to delve into the goings on in the flat, any juicy sexy bits, but Ocean had made it clear he wasn’t going to talk about it. What Levi didn’t realise was that Ocean was very ashamed by his deception and betrayal to the woman he loved and so under no circumstances would he divulge what was going on between Ruby and himself.

  Ruby could tell from his accent he was a traveller. His clothes were smart yet he still looked dirty. He chewed a toothpick and as he grinned she could see his red gums and remaining, crumbling teeth. His hair was slicked back and he wore the gypsy giveaway – the gold earring.

  “Well, I am Ocean’s friend and…” He stopped for a moment, not sure what he was supposed to say. “I am the decorator. Ocean gave me a key to look the flat over for a repaint job,” said Levi, trying his best to sound like a gorger and not the traveller he was.

  Ruby nodded, her face full of disappointment.

  Without thinking, he opened his big, fat gob. “You must be Ruby. He has told us about you.”

  She inclined her head and smiled. “Really?”

  Levi nodded. “Reckons you are a real nice girl.”

  She hoped he would have said something a little more specific, although at least Ocean had mentioned her. She felt uncomfortable with how he eyed her up and down, grinning as if he was undressing her.

  “If you see him would you ask him to give me a call?” She was aware of her voice echoing in the corridor.

  Levi was still leering and that was enough for Ruby to say her goodbyes.

  “Why don’t you wait here and I’ll give him a ring?” he urged, still ogling.

  Ruby debated this for a moment but then agreed. She had decided that remaining here and waiting for Ocean to arrive, even in the presence of the leering eyes of the lecherous Levi, might still be the best option, so agreed.

  So she waited uneasily in the living room whilst Levi went into the kitchen to make the call.

  As soon as Ocean had left Levi at the site, he headed in his old banger down to Kent to see his true love. Just as he was settling down for an afternoon of romance t
he phone rang, much to the annoyance of Kizzy, who was enjoying the attention.

  “Osh, boy, you need to come to the flat. Ruby is here waiting for you,” burst out Levi, almost out of breath.

  He looked at Kizzy, hoping to God she didn’t hear that. She smiled sweetly.

  Unable to ask any questions in front of her, he made an excuse to get to London.

  “I’m sorry, my babe, I’ve got to go. Levi’s in a spot of bother, but I promise I’ll be back!” apologised Ocean, genuinely gutted.

  He drove like a madman. He wanted to punch a bigger hole through Levi’s nose. What the hell was Ruby playing at? He was beginning to resent her for taking him away from his Kizzy and that wasn’t a good thing at all.

  He parked the old Ford Fiesta out of sight and headed up the stairs, jumping two at a time.

  Levi had made Ruby as comfortable as possible with a cup of tea. He didn’t speak too much because he didn’t know what to say.

  When Ocean arrived, he smiled at Ruby and marched Levi into the kitchen.

  “What the fuck is going on, mate?” he whispered through gritted teeth.

  “She was here when I came home, bruv. What should I ‘ave done? Look, Osh, do what you have to, but get us in that fucking club, and less of the cocky lip.”

  With that, he handed Ocean the keys and left.

  Ocean poured himself a large glass of water to cool off. He wanted to go in and batter Ruby but it wasn’t going to happen. He had to remain calm and keep up the pretence.

  “So, my little Ruby Palace, what’s all this about?” he said, easing himself next to her on the sofa.

  Ruby felt awkward. She wasn’t expecting her boyfriend to go off whispering to the man without a nose.

  She explained the situation at home, exaggerating the fact her father had thrown her out and she had nowhere to go.

  Ocean was now out of his depth. How the hell was he going to continue this game? The flat wasn’t his, the car wasn’t his, and suddenly he was faced with an obsessed bunny boiler.

  “Look, Ruby, you need to go back home and talk with your dad. I’m sure he didn’t mean to throw you out.”

  Ruby’s stomach was in knots. This wasn’t meant to happen. He was supposed to take her in his arms and tell her everything would be all right. She began to snivel.

  “Ocean, you don’t understand. My family have disowned me. They want nothing to do with me, and when they say something like that it’s no joke… they would kill me if I returned.” She was lying through her back teeth, yet the only thing that shot through Ocean’s head was the club. If they had really fucked her off, did she still have the rights to the Palace?

  “There, there, don’t worry about it. We will get it sorted out,” he said, with a soft, caring voice.

  Ruby relaxed. She had misjudged him. He did care after all.

  “Does that mean they have taken the Palace off you, too?”

  She frowned. “No, I own the club, I don’t just run it.”

  Ocean smiled, even better.

  “Now then, my little palace, if you are to stay with me, the best thing we can do is get married as soon as possible. Ya see, as a gypsy, I am not allowed to live in sin.” He held his breath as he waited for a response.

  Ruby turned and flung her arms around his neck. “I knew you would look after me. I know it’s only been a short time, but I really feel I love you!”

  Ocean cringed. She was so overbearing and the act was getting harder. He tried hard to be kind but she was making him feel sick.

  “Right, you stay here, make yourself comfortable, and I will tie up my day’s business and be back later.” He stood up to leave.

  “Shall I come too?” smiled Ruby.

  “No!” he almost snapped. “No, let me get sorted out and I can spend time with you tonight.”

  Ruby kissed him goodbye.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Billy, Farley and Levi sat around a blazing fire. It was like the old times. Not cold, not dark, just tradition. Some of the other lads were there too and seemed eager to be involved in the conversation. Ocean thought back to being a youngster, when he had wanted to be in on the action. He had looked up to the O’Connells as if they were gods – rulers of the land. They had a reputation on a par with some of the older gypsies from other sites. Their chat was exciting: full of dodgy dealings, scams and robberies, whilst the older men talked about gun crimes and murders. Ocean smiled to himself as he realised now that most of the shit which came out of their mouths was lies or extreme exaggeration. However, he did recognise that some of the stories were true and that’s how they managed to drive their 4x4s and own half of Kent.

  He strolled over, warmly greeted by the boys.

  “How’s lover boy then?” laughed Levi.

  Ocean shook his head. “She’s fucking driving me mad,” he replied, taking a can from Farley and sitting on a pile of tyres.

  “Worn your cock out, ‘as she?” Levi still wanted the grubby details.

  “Look, Levi, shut ya mush about Ruby,” spat Ocean, still angry and exasperated by Levi’s freaky questions.

  Farley looked at Billy and frowned. “I guess our Oshi’s a bit of a gay boy.”

  “You lot set this whole fucking plan up. Well, now she wants to get fucking married.” He shook his head.

  Billy nearly fell off his chair trying to get to his feet. He was so excited, his asthma came on suddenly and he struggled to breathe.

  “That’s pucker. Wed the malt and you will own half the fucking club!”

  There was a silence for a minute as it dawned on the men what Billy had said.

  “I can’t marry her. I don’t even like her,” said Ocean.

  They laughed at him. Farley jumped in first. “Listen, bruv, you marry the Vincent and that club will be yours. Once you are legally wed, boy, you own half of everything.”

  They clinked cans as if it was a done deal.

  Ocean pondered for a while. In the back of his mind was Kizzy, the love of his life, and right now he was prepared to give up the whole idea to keep her.

  He needed to be straight and tell them the truth. “I ain’t gonna wed her ‘cos I’m marrying my Kizzy.”

  Billy was now on his feet and larger than ever. “Listen, boy, you can wed Kizzy. Marry that Vincent malt first, get the club, then fuck her off. Imagine the look on her old man’s face.” He struggled to breathe again. “Cor, boy, this is cushty. I thought you knocking her off would soften her up to let us do our bit of business in the clubs, but fuck me, this is just what we need!”

  Ocean took a large gulp of beer and smiled. He could walk away with half: flash cars, his own pad and status. He could have it all. “No one tells my Kizzy then!”

  Farley looked at Ocean with a newfound respect. “Osh, I get this is a serious deal for you, and maybe it’s best you let Kizzy girl know what you are up to. Tell her you are doing it for you and her.” He paused, took another swig of his drink, and then continued. “Besides that, you owe them grief for what they put us through. Even tried to cut off poor Kizzy girl’s fingers, they did. So I reckon she will understand. Ya never know, she might even get in on it.”

  Ocean shook his head. “Nah, she has changed, my gal. Respectable she is, and she breeds horses.”

  Levi laughed out loud. “She’s still one of us, an O’Connell. On the outside she might look hoity, but inside she’s a traveller, same as us, and that means, boy, she will have to do as she is told. Don’t let ya malt get too big for her boots!”

  He was still shaking his head. He knew in his heart Kizzy wasn’t like them and it would break her heart if she knew about Ruby.

  Farley could see this ending the wrong way. He needed to get his hands on that club. It was an obsession. “Okay, Osh, what we are gonna do is keep Kizzy out of the picture.”

  Ocean felt relieved and some of the bricks lifted from his shoulders.

  “I suppose you need my flat and car for a while,” said Levi.

  “I need a fucking p
riest and a church, if I’m gonna get wed.” Ocean laughed for the first time.

  The night drew near, the fire was topped up, and the beers flowed.


  Ruby sat alone in the flat. She had unpacked her clothes and placed her toiletries in the bathroom. She wanted to cook a nice meal for when Ocean returned but she had never been taught how. She could bake a cake but that was about it. She went through the channels, watched all the chat shows, and then started on the DVDs. That was, until she discovered a pile of pornographic films. She recoiled and flicked through her magazines.

  Ocean came back later in the evening. He had no doubt whatsoever she would be there.

  He handed her a bottle of wine and a bag of chips. “Here we go. This is better than a night out.”

  Ruby sensed he had been drinking and wasn’t sure how to handle it.

  “Did you get everything sorted?” she asked coyly.

  “Yes, babes, I had a stag night. Hopefully, within the next few weeks, we will be married.”

  Ruby hung on to every word. The doubts she’d had whilst waiting for his return went out of the window.

  “Well, let’s celebrate!” she squealed.

  They clinked the overflowing glasses and downed the wine. But Ruby pulled a look of disgust as the bitter taste hit the back of her throat. She knew cheap plonk and this was utter trash.

  Ocean was already too pissed to notice her expression and, more to the point, he didn’t like looking at her face anyway. He poured another large glass and eagerly downed it. He knew she would be wanting sex and the only way he could manage it would be if he was half cut. The fact that Ruby was so obsessive, whilst he was so in love with Kizzy, made this situation even more intolerable. Ruby, however, was oblivious to his fake words and insincere actions. She was too eager to believe he really loved her.

  It didn’t take too long for the O’Connells to organise a wedding. Father O’Leary agreed to carry out the ceremony in three weeks’ time, spurred on by a few fifty-pound notes shoved in his back pocket. Well known as a piss head, he had let his church go to rack and ruin. It was only the locals, holding jumble sales and cake competitions, who kept the church roof leak free.


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