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Page 16

by A M Raulerson

  One’s head drops to my chest for a moment. He’s breathing hard, but moaning at the same time. Leaning my head toward One’s, I kiss his hair, murmuring softly to him and trying to comfort him. I know One is feeling good. There’s no doubt in me. I’d given my trust to Master, and watching One do the same sends a small jolt through me.

  “Head up, One. Let him see your eyes.” Master tells One firmly, not about to be disobeyed.

  Slowly, One raises his head. His breathing has settled down, but not for long.

  I watch Master pull out of One. Leaving just the head pulling slightly at his rim, holding still for a moment before pushing back in hard. One’s eyes open as far as they can, glassy and no longer seeing anything. He’s totally focused on the cock in his ass. Master slowly pulls back out, shoving back in hard, he starts a rhythm. In and out, slow and torturous. One’s eyes are rolling, huffing his breath out every time Master shoves back in. Jerking One’s cock in rhythm with Master’s stride, I pull down on One’s balls when he’s getting too close.

  “Shit, shit, shit, shit!” One’s there again, and I realize just how sensitive One’s balls are. Rolling them around in my hand, I watch the pleasure splash over his face in waves. He’s close again and I need to help him. Firmly holding his balls, not wanting to hurt him, I squeeze his cock hard.


  “That’s right, Two. Don’t let him cum. Make him fly, baby. You can do it.” Listening to Master, I run my fingers over One’s balls, gently running my fingernail over the crease, the firm line of flesh that leads from his taint, over his balls and up his cock. One moans and squirms, huffing and humping along with Master’s thrusts, One is no longer in this world. He’s flying like Master said.

  I realize all of a sudden that I’m in control for the moment. Master has given me permission to love on One, he told me to make him feel good. I hope I can do it, I need to do it, for Master and One. Looking up at Master I see the pleasure on his face, the love.

  “Shit, Shit...Please,...I want... Oh fuck..” One is moaning and muttering almost constantly now. I’m getting close again too, and I realize I’ve been humping up into One. My cock is hard, rubbing back and forth over One’s. I’m so used to ignoring that part of myself that I almost don’t recognize what it is until I feel a sudden pleasure rush through me. It’s like a wave, washing over me, over and over. Making me moan along with One. It feels so good. No one’s even touched me, but my cock doesn’t care, I feel so good, rubbing and thrusting against One.

  Raising my head, I latch onto One’s lips, kissing him for all I’m worth. One tries to keep up, but he’s overcome by the force of my kiss, just letting me do as I please. Whimpering now as I run my fingers over his balls, my hand pumping and squeezing his cock, I feel myself rushing towards that edge again. Thrusting against One I feel that pressure in my balls, that tingling thrill rushing through my dick. It won’t be long now for either of us, looking up at Master for direction, wondering if I’ll be allowed to cum yet, not knowing if I can stop it even if I tried, pleading with my eyes, afraid I won’t be able to stop it now.

  “Please, Master? Please, can we cum? Please?” My voice is soft as I follow Master’s directions to beg.

  “Yes, Two. Get there. I want you to cum! One, Now!” As if Master has pushed a button inside of me, I feel my orgasm crash through me. It hits me so hard I almost close my eyes, but Master told me to keep them open. Staring at One’s face, I feel his cum jet over my hand, all over my stomach. Watching the shock and pleasure pull One’s face into a contorted combination of pain and pleasure. Crying out he clutches at me, humping my hand and gasping for breath.

  Looking up at Master, I realize that Master has cum too. He continues to thrust into One hard, making One’s orgasm last as long as he can. He’s shuddering and never looks away from my face. Not only have I cum twice, I helped both of them feel good. One had flown like Master had told me, and I had done that with Master.

  “You did so good, baby. Master is so proud of you. You did so good, Two. You made One fly just like Master told you.”

  Feeling joy flood my body, I just lay there smiling, knowing I pleased Master. Master is rubbing One’s back gently as he pulls out of him. One collapses on me when his orgasm finally releases him. His lips are kissing my neck, nose running up and down behind my ear. One slides his weight to my side instead of directly on me, not wanting to squish me, but never letting me go.

  Master lay beside me looking in my eyes as he slowly strokes my face.

  “Tell me you're okay, Two. I need to know you're all right. I never want to push you too far, baby.” I smile, trying to get the tumbling feelings inside me to slow down enough for me to speak. I want to tell Master how I feel, but I can’t find the right words. Master watches the frustration on my face. I’m trying to do as Master says, but I’m just not ready to talk yet.

  “It’s okay, take your time, baby. You tell me when you can, no hurry. Just nod to let me know you're okay for now.” Master turns me on my side and presses my face gently onto his chest, the comfort floods my body and mind as One clings to my back now. I’m safe, loved, with none of the pain and anger I usually feel. Even thinking on it now, the pain I carried in my heart no longer hurt as much anymore. Those thoughts and feelings left me, at least for now.

  One presses up against my back, cocooning my body in flesh and love, just laying behind me, no pressure, just loving me. The tears continue to fall, but I’m not upset, I’m not mad or scared, I have no reason for the tears. They just continue to fall as I feel a peace I’ve never felt before.

  ************** David I know when Justin is ready, he’ll talk. The tears trailing down his face are tears he’s never let fall, never allowed himself to cry at all till now. These are the tears that have built up over the years. And now that Justin has let go, they won’t be stopped. The tears represent his acceptance of the love and trust he’s given me. Laying his heart and soul open, and the relief of no longer carrying his burdens by himself have left him floating above all his fears.

  He’ll crash again. This peace is only temporary. Because he’s been through so much, it’s like shrapnel and he’ll have to dig out those fears. But one of the major obstacles has been conquered, and it’ll stay with him for a while yet.

  I rub Jus tin’s back gently, and look at the smile on Charlie’s face. The three of us are curled up together and it calms a place in my heart I hadn’t known was aching. Until Justin had came into our lives, the idea of a third had been an abstract, something to think about later. Now that he’s here I know Charlie was right all along. Now our family’s complete, with Justin filling in that empty spot perfectly.

  As I’m lying there thinking about how much I love them both, Justin’s stomach growls loudly. Laughing and pulling back, I look into Justin’s embarrassed face. “It seems that someone’s hungry. Well, maybe more than just you, huh? My stomach may not be broadcasting it, but I’m starving! I hope Simon has the meatloaf done, it’ll definitely hit the spot. How’s that sound to you Justin? You like meatloaf?”

  Justin ducked his head down, blushing bright red, but nodding. We all need food, and a bit of a cooling off period before bed. The scene had been powerful for all of us, but Justin has never done anything like this, and naturally some of his shields will come back up. He needs love and reassurance that things won’t change. We won’t go back on what we said. In or out of a scene we will love him and This being new to him, only time will show him we mean what we say.

  “Alrighty, up and at ‘em boys.” I reach over and slap Charlie’s brightly glowing ass, causing him to hiss and throw me a dirty look.

  “He’s gonna feel that punished ass all day Justin. He won’t be forgetting it for quite a while.” Justin grins, looking over his shoulder at Charlie as he rubs his ass, flinching a bit. I need to take care of that, a smarting bottom is a good reminder to follow my instructions, but real pain isn’t something I want Charlie feeling. Reaching for the bedside table I pull ou
t a tube of aloe vera lotion. It won’t take all of the sting out of Charlie’s ass, but at least he’ll be able to sit. And tomorrow it’ll only be a pleasant reminder of his correction.

  “On your stomach Charlie. I need to put some lotion on that.”

  Leaning over Charlie’s red behind, I just can’t help myself.


  “Owe! Shit that one hurt!” Charlie turns and looks over his shoulder as I rub the cooling gel on his cherry red ass. “Do you think you’ll remember to keep the paperwork at the restaurant in order now?” Charlie grumbles a bit before finally nodding his head. He hates paperwork just as much as I do. But if he can keep it in some kind of order it’ll make both our lives easier.

  “Up. Shower first, then food. Let’s go! I’m starving.”


  Downstairs, Simon has food spread out all over the counter. It looks like he’s gone all out. Not just meatloaf, but mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, and hot, fluffy biscuits, that look homemade. We descend on the food like we haven’t eaten in years, not just a few hours ago. Simon smiles as we stuff our faces, cutting up meatloaf into small pieces, adding a scoop of the casserole to the plate.

  “Justin? Would you mind taking this to Molly, please? I fed her some wet dog food earlier, but with those pups nursing she needs to eat more frequently. She’s most likely starving. She trusts you, but remember to go slow. Okay?”

  Picking up the plate I walk into the mudroom. I want to see the puppies. Having to bury the other puppy had been sad, but Molly will be a good Mother to the rest of them. Moving slowly like Simon told me, I bring the plate forward.

  “Hey Molly! I bet you're hungry. Here you go.” Placing the plate near her so she doesn’t have to get up, I watch her wolf down the food. The plate is quickly cleaned, and Molly returns to cleaning her puppies. It looks like she’s getting nervous with me being around so I pick up the plate again, returning it to the kitchen. “That was quick.” Simon says looking over his shoulder at me.

  “I think she’s nervous. I didn’t want to stress her out so I just waited until she finished eating, and left.” “New Mother’s, even ones who’ve had puppies before, are nervous for a while. But just you wait. It won’t be too long before she’s grateful for the help with those puppies. They’ll get to be a lot of work, and she’ll be glad of a break.” Smiling, Simon puts the plate in the dishwasher.

  Sitting back down on my stool, I can’t help yawning. My jaw popping and eyes watering, I’m suddenly so tired. “I t hink we all need to go to bed. Talk about a food coma, that was so good all I want to do now is sleep.” David says, standing up and nudging Charlie as he holds up his head with his elbow on the table.

  “I’m in. Sleep, please,” Charlie yawns and stretches as he gets up from his stool. Walking up the stairs, I begin to feel afraid. I didn’t know where it was coming from, but I begin to walk slower and slower, till I stop all together. David turns around when he realizes I’m not coming.

  “Justin? What is it, baby? What’s wrong?” Charlie now turned around, concerned.

  “I don’t know. I…I’m afraid.” I can’t speak any louder than a whisper. Wrapping his arms around me, holding me tight David presses a kiss to my temple. “We aren’t going anywhere. You aren’t going anywhere. This is your home, and we’re your family. I need you to remember that, baby and I’ll tell you as many times as you need to hear it. I’ll tell you every day until you believe it. I love you.”

  I feel Charlie at my back again, throwing his arms around both of us. The feeling of being in a cocoon again, feeling the love coming from both of them, chases the fear away. Relief floods me, I need sleep, but were they going to sleep with me again? Like before? I didn’t know if I could handle sleeping alone tonight.

  “I… I don’t think I can sleep alone.” I whisper, fear starting to rise in my mind. “No, baby. We won’t do that to you. We’ll be here as long as you need us so you’ll have to kick us out when you’ve had enough. Come on, you get dibs on the first spot. We’ll just pile in around you again.”

  Smiling, I open the door to my bedroom. Walking towards the bed, thinking only of sleep I crawl up, flopping in the middle. “Come on, baby. You won’t be comfortable sleeping like that.” Laughing, David pulls me into a sitting position and pulls my shirt over my head. Letting me flop back down, he unbuttons my jeans, pulling them off too, leaving me in boxer briefs and socks. “Now, isn’t that better?” Smiling sleepily, I nod. Already falling asleep, I hear Charlie ask David if he’s going to help him get undressed too.

  “Smart ass. Get in bed. I love you, Charlie. And you too, baby.” I feel David’s lips on my forehead, as his arms wrap around me. Peaceful sleep is all I knew after that.

  ************* David Something’s wrong. I lurch up out of sleep, but can’t figure out what woke me. Then I hear it again. Justin’s crying, his breathing erratic. Leaning over him, not knowing if he’s still asleep or if he’s woken up scared, I lay my hand on Justin’s shoulder. He’s shaking, whimpering, and breaking my heart.

  “Justin? Baby, wake up!” I had to pull back quickly. When Justin came out of his nightmare, he came out swinging, crying out as he shoved himself up the bed.

  “No!” He’s still trapped in his dream, scared to death! I do the only thing I can think of. “Two! You will settle! Now!” It doesn’t seem to have any effect on him, he’s still trapped in his nightmare. I don’t want to put my hands on him until I’m sure he’s fully awake, it can just cause him more fear.

  Charlie was rolling over, reaching for Justin, but I stop him. “Turn on the light, but move slowly. He’s not awake yet, and he’s terrified.” Charlie did as he was told, and as the light comes on Justin seems to wake up, snapping out of whatever hell he’s been in. But now it’s almost worse. He begins sobbing and begging for us to forgive him.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up, I don’t know what happened…I’m…I’m so sorry.” Reaching over him, I grab his neck firmly, I look Justin right in the eye.

  “You did nothing wrong, Justin. I need you to settle. You did nothing wrong.” Pulling him into my chest, I wrap my arms around him and hold on tight. All of a sudden it’s like turning a switch. Justin goes from begging and sobbing to screaming and fighting. Shoving, slapping and hitting me as hard as he can against my chest given the small amount of space between us, but I don’t let go.

  “Let me go. I can’t take these mind games. I won’t do it. I can’t stand it. Just throw me back to the gutter already, you’ve gotten what you want. You broke me. Are you fucking proud of yourself?” The louder he gets the harder he shakes, sweat starting to run down his face as he fights against my hold on him.

  Suddenly, Charlie drapes himself across Justin’s back, his arms closing around both of us, rocking back and forth. Slowly at first, small movements back and forth, back and forth. The more we rock the less Justin fights, slowly calming down.

  We sat like that for a long while, just swaying back and forth, over and over. When it seems that Justin has calmed down, I gently stop the rocking, ready to start again if that’s what Justin needs, but I have to know where this outburst came from. Pulling away slightly, just enough to look in his eyes, I rest the palm of my hand on his cheek.

  “Where did you go, baby? I need to know what happened. You’re not in trouble, I just need to know how to help you.” “I don’t want to talk about it.” He’s reverted to whispering, a faraway look in his eyes, cause me to sigh. I don’t want to go there, but we need to start his healing process and now is a good time to start. Pulling Charlie and Justin along with me, I sit up against the headboard, snuggling them both in as close as possible against my chest.

  “I know you don’t, baby. But you nee d to get this out of you. The best way to do that, is to share it. When you do, it can lessen the hold those horrible feelings have on you. Letting go of the hurt, sharing, can lessen it. It won’t ever go away completely, but bottling those feelings up onl
y hurts you more, and remember we’ll never judge you. We want to help you, because we love you.”

  Laying there in silence, I don’t know if Justin will open up, but I know it has to be Justin’s choice to tell or not. Forcing him would only push him further away. Waiting patiently is not easy for me. I want to rush in and fix everything, but all I can do is wait and hope that Justin will open up.

  “I don’t know where to start.”

  “How about you tell us what you were dreaming. That’s what scared you tonight, so start there.”

  Rubbing up and down Justin’s arm, waiting for another fifteen minutes, I think that maybe Justin has fallen back to sleep. “I remember a hotel. I’d never been to one, and I didn’t know it was called a hotel for a very long time. Not until after I’d been put into foster care. I remember the elevator, and how it made me feel sick when it started moving. He was holding my hand, the pimp who owned me. Squeezing my hand so hard it hurt, he was slapping me hard across the face.

  “‘You do whatever this man tells you, do you hear me? You won’t like it if you don’t!’ He said that every time he left me with someone. He always threatened me. I hated what the men he left me with did, but I always knew it would end sooner or later. The pimp scared me more than anyone else ever had. I wouldn’t cross him, no matter what.

  “When the elevator doors opened up it was into a giant room, the penthouse suite. I’d never seen anything like it, but the only thing that really concerned me was the man sitting on an enormous couch. He wasn’t bad looking, older with white stripes in the dark hair over his ears. He didn’t stand up when we came into the room, just motioned with his hand for us to come closer, looking me up and down.

  “‘Strip him,’ He demanded as we stood in front of that giant couch, the pimp following his orders immediately until I stood naked in front of the man. He looked me up and down again, rubbing his crotch.


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