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Taming His Brat

Page 9

by Piper Stone

  She did as suggested, taking a sip then a gulp of the drink. At least five other people were gawking at them as if they were wearing Martian costumes.

  “So, what did he use? His hand? No, as mouthy as you are, he woulda used maybe a brush or a paddle. He seems like the paddle kind of man. All hard and thuddy when it hits your ass, the force pushing you savagely into the bed, making your cry and swear to any God who will listen that you’re going to be a good little girl.”

  Cooper realized her mouth was wide open, the hand around her glass shaking. “Wait. Do you...” She was unable to finish.

  Angie chuckled and re-crossed her leg, swinging her arm over the back of the chair. “I have no problem being a well-spanked woman. I forgot to tell you that I’m kind of attached.”

  “Is that why you’ve been acting funny?”

  “Truth is, Mikey was and is my boss. We don’t flaunt our relationship or anything, but I thought it would bother you if I told you the scoop.”

  The scoop. Allowing a deep sigh, she brushed her hand through her hair. “Does he make you happy?”

  “He really does. We sparred at first, ‘cause you know my mouth, then he asked me out for coffee. Found we had a lot in common and I loved that he’s very controlling at work and during our time together. Mikey and I have only been dating for about five months, but he keeps me in line. Whew, he does. He has no issue whipping me in the middle of a parking lot. In fact, he keeps a brush in the glove compartment of his truck. Just in case.”

  “I don’t believe this. And you’ve been dating him for months?” The concept was... weird, but she was forced to admit, she was more than curious.

  “What’s not to believe? And I told you that half the men in this town, if not more, are into this. They believe all women should be obedient and not only in the bedroom. Learned the trait from their daddies and from their granddaddies. It’s an Amarillo heritage. You have to know that.”

  A cold shiver trickled down her spine and two or three additional people were looking, watching. Even two of the men had nodded in agreement to Angie’s statements. She was going to crawl under the table until the world stopped. “Domestic discipline? There’s such a thing?” Yes, she’d heard of the lifestyle. Why was she lying to herself or to her girlfriend for that matter? She’d searched the internet on countless occasions, reading blogs, gawking at vivid images of women being spanked. Oh. My. God. This was out of control. No, you’re out of control, a big brat, just like Rex told you. Great. Now her inner voice was chastising her.

  “Sugar, you’ve been out of town for far too long. I can see that twinkle in your eyes. You can’t fool me in the least. Besides, I know your daddy spanked you. I also know your daddy spanked your mama. I know this because I witnessed it once, well after we graduated.”

  “What? What did you say?” Being mortified was now turning into being humiliated. Again.

  “You don’t remember?” Angie asked, laughing. “Your parents were over for dinner one hot summer night and your mama got sassy. I wasn’t supposed to be looking, but I couldn’t help myself. Whew, baby, your father had an expression that would frost the balls on a bull. He took your mama by the hand into my parents’ bedroom. Let me tell you, we could all hear her wailing, even behind closed doors.”

  Now, she was shaking like a leaf. She guzzled a solid half of the drink, wishing she’d stayed in Georgetown. The men there had been far too conservative as well as hip on whatever level of equality was being touted to even consider spanking a woman. No, they were boring and dreadful, pretending to be kinky. The only kink the men she’d met there knew how to do was go down on a girl. And not with any talent either. “My mother was spanked.” Yet, she knew her BFF was right. Everything seemed to come rushing back into her mind. The closed doors, the hushed words. The secret drives. Even the brush she’d found in her father’s glove compartment. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

  “Don’t be silly. You knew that. Don’t lie to me. That’s what you’ve been craving your entire life. I remember all those discussions. I think you must have been born into this lifestyle. I don’t know. All I can tell you is that I’m much happier since Mike took over, imposing rules, spanking me almost daily. I might have a perpetual sore ass, but the reminder is damn good for me. Oops. There goes my mouth again. He hates when I cuss. He has a stack of the smallest Ivory soap bars at his house as well as mine just in case. I think he even carries a few in his truck too.”

  Cooper looked away, trying to recollect what mind she had left. Images swirled in her mind, crazy pictures of her mother being taken over her father’s knee. In fact, they’d had an argument since she’d returned. Then her parents had taken a drive. Oh, God. Maybe she had been born into the lifestyle. “Rex doesn’t like cursing either. He calls me a brat.”

  “And you curse like a sailor,” Angie mumbled, doing her best to hold back a laugh. “Your mood swings are all over the place. That drives even me nuts. My bet is that Rex won’t tolerate that kind of behavior. Brat suits you.”

  “Funny girl. So damn funny.” Her eyes opened wide and her laughter was easy. “Guess you’re right. He said he wants to tame me, if that’s possible.” Her mood swings had increased instead of decreased since returning home. Getting fired from her last job was no doubt the reason. The little white lie she was telling everyone was wearing thin. They laid off several people. I had nothing to do with their decision. Right. Liar, liar, pants on fire.

  “I’ve heard something similar from Mike. I really like how he handles me. I’m not gonna tell a lie,” Angie mused. “So, do you think Rex is serious about your relationship as well as the lifestyle? After only one day? Well, of course he is since he spanked you in that bar. A real man knows what he needs to do.”

  “Ugh, don’t remind me, but I think he is. I don’t know. It all seems so fast, but he’s amazing. Wonderful.” Another almost exasperated breath sound left her lips as the sweltering heat between her legs was making her itch.

  “I have a suggestion. Why don’t you test him? You know, push all those buttons a man has. You have a hot date tonight. Be the bad girl I know you can be.”

  Seeing the gleam in Angie’s eyes was enough to create spikes in her blood pressure. “To see if he’s serious? Really? I’ve pushed enough this week, thank you very much. I’m not really sure I’m into this spanking thing.”

  “Oh, come on. I know you want to. That way you know what you’re getting involved in. Might help you decide on whether to vie for that big time job opportunity.”

  Okay, so the idea wasn’t a bad one. Cooper groaned, a nervous tic suddenly appearing on the corner of her mouth.

  She snickered and took a sip of her drink. “I can tell by the sparkle in your eyes. You’re happy and that’s the best part about this. He figured you out.”

  “No, he did not!” Cooper insisted, fanning her face. Lying always made her hot under the collar. Sexy cowboy. Dominating cowboy. Oh, shut the hell up. The nagging in her mind was driving her bat shit crazy.

  “Sugar, think what you want, but I know you far too well.” Pointing her perfectly polished fingernail, Angie winked.

  “Okay. Yes, he did,” she whispered, savoring the stinging in her ass. Could she really enter into this kind of life? Take off that dress... She shuddered as the memory from one dark and rainy night tried to crowd in, to destroy what little happiness she’d found. No, damn it. The asshole wasn’t going to strip away anything else from her life or her humanity.

  “Did he make you stand in the corner naked yet?” Angie asked, the question as if she was asking about a Saturday night movie.

  Swallowing the nasty bile in her mouth, she leaned as far forward as it was humanly possible. “I’m not sure I can after... I mean I understood why he spanked me, but a lifestyle like this? I don’t know if I can do it.”

  “After...” Angie narrowed her eyes, nodding several times. “Oh. You haven’t told him what happened.”

  “No! And he doesn’t need to hear.”r />
  “Well, if that’s holding you back from what you want in life, then you need to tell him. No kidding around, honey. What you experienced a few months ago was traumatizing and very much a story Rex needs to learn so he can cope with your disorder.”

  “I don’t have a disorder!”

  “Are you having difficulty sleeping at night?”

  “Well, yes,” Cooper admitted.

  “Is your behavior akin to a bratty ass teenager?” Angie grinned.

  She resisted lifting her middle finger. “Okay, so maybe I’m not coping well.”

  “Rex can help if you trust him enough to be open with him.”

  “Yeah, but he’s got enough problems as it is.” When Angie seemed to clam up, her face pinching, Cooper gave her bestie a dirty look. “Oh, no. Don’t do that. You live here. You hear all the scuttlebutt regarding everybody in town. I know you do. What’s the deal with Rex?”

  “What do you think you know?” Angie was suddenly very quiet.

  “I think his father’s ranch is in trouble for one thing. A bill collector called today. I stole a glance at some bills and I know there are a lot of medical expenses.”

  She breathed out, lowering her voice. “It’s no secret that Rex’s dad has been fighting losing the ranch for several years. Times aren’t what they used to be for ranchers. You know that from your father’s business. He depends on ranchers to purchase feed and other items. You told me yourself that your father’s business as well as the horse farm isn’t doing very well.”

  “True, but I don’t think he has a risk of losing either one. Then again...” Cooper had no idea if her father was so bad off. He was very much the man of the house, ruling everything including the business.

  “Rex just got back into town. Let him get a handle on the change. My advice to you is go slow with him.”

  “I agree.” She bit her bottom lip, wiggling and wincing in her seat again.

  “See. You do like being a spanked woman.”

  “Tell me about your relationship with Mikey.” Plastering on a wicked grin, Cooper wasn’t ready to tell Angie about the cowboy’s dreams, or the fact he’d cut himself. She smiled as Angie started to talk, animated about all aspects of her man being the head of household. Sadly, all she could think about was finding the additional broken glass just before they left. The various cracks indicated pressure, as if he’d crushed it in his hand.

  What horrors was he hiding? What anger was he harboring?

  “I don’t think you should even apply for that job. Why risk fate? You might have found exactly what you’ve been looking for your entire life. Security. Protection. Love,” Angie stated, interrupting Cooper’s ugly thoughts.

  “I know, but if I pass up the chance, I might never have another opportunity. You know how the industry is.”

  “I do, but I also know that being alone and lonely are much worse than all the trinkets in the world and Rex is a keeper.”

  That he was.

  She made a promise to herself that she’d allow him to tell her whatever was going on in his life, but at this point, she just wanted to enjoy their time together. Even in a few days, she might find her answer about the job. They both deserved to find happiness in a sea of anguish and that’s what she was intent on doing. “You know what? I think we should have another drink. Then I think we should go shopping.”

  “Shopping? What exactly are you interested in finding, sugar?” Angie cooed.

  “Maybe a new dress for my dinner date tonight and um,” she said as she lowered her voice to a husky level, “a wooden hairbrush just in case.”

  “Girl, that’s more like it!”

  Why was she worried this wasn’t the best idea? Still, teasing him might garner some answers. Well, she did damn well playing the part of a brat. Why not?

  * * *

  Rex couldn’t take his eyes off the lovely girl. Although Cooper seemed out of sorts, she was glowing in her stunning red dress. “A new purchase?”

  “I treated myself,” Cooper answered, giving him a lust-filled gaze as she brushed her hand across the bodice.

  Even the candlelight highlighted her shimmering skin, her long eyelashes. He was hooked. “Does that mean you found a job?”

  “It’s Sunday. Not yet.”

  “Did you apply for any?” The look she gave him was interesting, as if he’d grabbed onto a secret. He realized that she was nearly broke and that finding a job was imperative.

  She frowned and fingered her wineglass. “I haven’t been back very long. I’m figuring out what companies I want to apply to. I have particular skills. And wishes. I’ll find something eventually.”

  “Then maybe buying new clothes isn’t the best thing to do.” He knew as soon as he made the suggestion she’d bristle. True to form, Cooper’s personality shot through, creating a brusque exterior. The brat was coming out again. She truly needed a firm hand.

  “What do you mean?”

  He shook off the slight attitude, knowing he had no real right to push her on any personal subject. “Nothing. I just want to make certain you’re all right with money. I’m sure you don’t like staying at your parents’ house.”

  “Yes, that’s true, but I need a little time to regroup after the last job. The work hours were brutal, and I was making shit for money. Plus, the assholes didn’t seem to care. I need to make certain wherever I land, they appreciate my assets.”

  Why did the word ‘princess’ come to his mind? “There’s that cursing again.” He tried to make his tone light but when she huffed, giving him a nasty look, he was taken aback. “Cooper, just not necessary. That’s all. We all want to be appreciated.”

  “Yes, we do, and you’re not my keeper!” she snapped then shook her head. “I’m sorry. You’re right about looking for a job and I have been. There just aren’t very many in my field, at least ones that will provide opportunities.”

  “I get it. Still, you have to start somewhere.”

  “I already started two years ago. I thought I’d found the perfect employer and they fucked me over. And what are you planning on doing? I mean, are you going to work at your father’s ranch or something else? This town doesn’t hold much promise. That’s for certain.”

  Rex exhaled, trying to hold back the hint of anger. She wasn’t asking anything that anyone else wouldn’t, and while the hardcourt press was her style, he wasn’t prepared for a full-blown argument tonight. Not after the long day of searching through his father’s things, finding hidden compartments full of unopened mail. “I don’t know yet. I care about the ranch, more than I thought, but I just don’t know what’s best, especially since my father is stubborn.”

  “Hmmm... Then please don’t chastise me. I worked very hard for two years, but then I was tossed out of two jobs and I almost never had a day off. I thought I was going somewhere with both companies.”

  He reached over, taking her hand. “I’m not chastising you. I’m the last person who should be. I’m just suggesting—”

  “I get it. I really do, but I don’t want to talk about my career or living with my parents or trying to be an adult. Can we have a nice dinner? Please?” she interrupted.

  “Sure.” Even her attitude had worsened in the few minutes they’d been sitting here. “What’s eating you?”

  “I don’t like people telling me what I can and can’t do.” The volume increasing, Cooper took a sip of her wine and looked out the window, her foot smacking against the table legs.

  He tapped his hand on the table. “Don’t make a scene and especially over nothing. I wasn’t prying. I wasn’t trying to cause you additional angst. I was just asking.”

  She took another gulp of her wine.

  He noticed her hand was shaking. What had changed in a few short hours? “You want to tell me what’s really going on?”



  “Yep, nothing,” she muttered. “Let’s order.”

  He’d thought long and hard about sharing things
with her, including aspects regarding his experience in the war, but not like this. Not until she was more... Hell, he wasn’t certain of what he was even thinking. She was off the rails tonight, her behavior bordering childish. “I think you and I should talk outside before we order dinner. That way, we can clear the air then enjoy. I want to get to know you more.”

  “Talk outside? Are you kidding me?”

  “No.” The restaurant was far too crowded, but he had no doubt other customers were overhearing. Even their waiter had a smirk on his face. “Privacy helps. Then you can unload whatever is going on. I’m a pretty good listener.” He’d learned all about relationships from his father, the father-son discussion including more than just sex. Learning his mother had accepted living a domestic discipline lifestyle was eye opening, but he’d shoved aside the concept all those years ago, finally making fun of him. This was modern day, after all. Equal rights for both parties. Maybe his father had been right. There was no way a household could maintain harmony with two people in charge.

  “I’m fine. I need more wine and I’ll be even better.” Cooper gave him a waning smile, her eyes flashing. She sat up in her seat, her eyes darting back and forth as if searching for their waiter.

  Count to five. Don’t get angry. One. Two. Three... “You’re not fine and I’m certainly not okay.” He tossed his napkin, jerked up from the table, and grabbed her hand. “Come on. Let’s have that discussion.” Oh, yeah. They’d created enough of a spectacle, people whispering, their expressions contrite. Lubbock was a big little town, everybody getting into everybody else’s business. Their fight would make several watercoolers the next day. As he took long strides heading for the exit, he was shocked that she didn’t try to get out of his hold. When he passed by the waiter, he made certain their table wouldn’t be cleared. Even the rather young man had a knowing smile on his face, as if applauding Rex’s decision. Still, Rex remained foggy, his mind racing through myriad complex thoughts as he led her into the parking lot.

  “I’m sorry. I have a lot on my mind. I don’t mean to take my anxiety out on you.” Her tone of voice didn’t sound very sorry to him.


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