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Alien Romance: Awarded to the Alien: A SciFi (Science Fiction) Alien Romance (The Euthenian Battle Book 1)

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by Ashley L. Hunt

  A handful of guards were left behind to watch over the capital city and the palace. It seems everyone wants to be on Earth to see what is supposed to be a spectacular event.

  All the entertainment and what I’m sure will be over the top displays of all Earth has to offer will most likely be lost on me once I have my hands on my beautiful new bride. She is all my eyes will most likely see once she’s mine.

  My father, the king, sits on an overstuffed seat, covered in the leather the Earthling’s we allow to live in the desolate areas of our planet, The Euthenia Nebula, make out of the creatures’ hides they call bovines they brought with them. The meat is quite horrid, though, and it’s hard to know how they can ingest such a thing.

  A platter of crunchy, boiled red beetles, served in a mineral glaze made of the best soil our planet has to offer is on the table as the first course of our third meal of each twenty-eight-hour day. I pop one into my mouth and delight in the crunchy outside and oozing center.

  “Father, are you hungry?” I ask.

  His light blue eyes gaze out the window as the blue planet of Earth hangs in the bottom of the thick glass pane. He sighs. “To eat as we are only hours from our destination after hours upon hours of travel is not a thing which interests me, son.” His gaze turns to me. “Tell me how it is. Tell me how you’re not doubling over with spasms of nerves in your stomach. You are to marry an Earthling. One of the most despised creatures in existence.”

  “It is for our planet, Father. I will be king once you pass from this realm to the next. It’s a task I hold with the highest regards. I intend to unite our planet with Earth and any other planets which seek the peace and unequivocal balance which will come from galaxies who partner for the better of all.” My eyes move to look at the planet which is home to my awarded female.

  The hope in me wells up as I think about how smart she is and how she will help me to understand the minds of the people who seem to be insane at times.

  Who comes to someone’s planet and takes over? Who does that sort of thing?

  Our planet differs greatly from the one my bride has grown up on. Our oceans reflect yellow because of the two suns our planet orbits. From space, it appears more yellow than any other color. But in the desolate regions, the ones we’ve allowed the Earthlings to settle on, there are vast fields of purple grass.

  Those fields are visible as well, lending some streaks of purple to contrast the yellow oceans. A bit of red can be seen from the ancient red forests we have there. All in all, we have a lovely planet. Even though it’s smaller than Earth, we have utilized the resources of the planet to make use of the things it provides to the utmost efficiency.

  Everything runs on solar energy which costs no one a thing. Our buildings are made from a naturally occurring metal which replenishes itself with each rainy season.

  The whole planet gets incredibly saturated and the assorted material which combines to make the metal is pooled together beneath the surface, forming new metal for us to build and repair with.

  Our homes are made from thin but sturdy wood we call Bracha wood, it’s quite similar to what the Earth calls Bamboo. And whatever gets cut is immediately replanted to make sure we don’t deplete our source to build and repair our homes.

  The palace is the one exception as it’s made of the pearl-like stone which occurs naturally at the bottom of our largest ocean, the Stalwart Ocean which connects with the other three through a series of seas and wetlands.

  The palace shines all through the sunny days and moonlit nights. It’s like a beacon and its beauty is unsurpassed. Only in the capital are the streets paved with silver dust. The whole city sparkles; I hope my new bride finds it an amazing place to live. I do so want her to love it there.

  The people from Earth I’ve met have been decent and seem to want peace and happiness just as much as we do. I even met with a man when he first arrived. His military record was one of concern.

  The man from Earth had been in the military since he was ten years old. Growing up in an academy and becoming one of their top leaders had him a real threat. To add to that, he was an assassin. Not the kind of man we want as a settler due to the fact he had such vast knowledge of war and how to win it. So my father and I had him brought straight away to our palace upon his arrival.

  All Earthlings come through the capital to be documented and then taken on a flying-craft, much like a barge, to the settlement area we gave them. This particular man was a person of great interest and in danger of being sent back to Earth on the first vestal back there.

  Caleb Booth proved to be a very docile man, tired of war. He was seeking only peace and happiness. He wanted to start a family and live a quiet existence for the remainder of his life. So we allowed him to stay.

  He’s one of the reasons I decided to take the award the Earthlings gave to me. If a man of war could be so kind and genuine then there is true hope, we can all get along and not have to obliterate the Earthlings currently on our planet. Which, if they don’t stop coming into the cities and procreating like flies, is a thing my father plans on doing.

  My father gets up and comes to the table, picking up a fat beetle. He looks it over then places it on his tongue. After he swallows he smiles. “Your mother loved these things. I miss her more than you can imagine.”

  I clasp my father’s shoulder. “I pray my wife and I find the love you two shared. For it was one for the record books, Father. Her passing was devastation for our planet, but for you, I fear a death sentence.”

  The edges of his eyes droop with sorrow. “It has been a year since she passed and still I manage to live. I do not know how. My heart pines for her. To be with her is all I want. All I dream of. All there is for me.”

  My heart aches for him. To know a love so encompassing you yearn for death to find you so you may be together again being a thing I have no knowledge of.

  My father was once a tall, strong man who looks not one thing like me. I take after my mother where looks are concerned. His hair was once dark black but now is white as snow. His brown eyes are now so light they almost appear to be a shade of blue. His once tanned skin is pale and wrinkled.

  My mother’s passing seems to have nearly destroyed him as he stands as tall as he can while seeming to hunch a little. Not much, but enough I notice a difference and I’m sure others do as well. Though no one would utter a word of it.

  A picture of my awarded I pull from a pocket inside my golden cloak, a thing my father and I always wear when appearing in public.

  I gaze at the picture. My betrothed appears to be tall in stature. Her long, black hair hangs to the top of her rounded bottom in cascading waves. Her skin is creamy white and looks to be as smooth as silk. Sapphire eyes stare out at me from the photograph. It’s those eyes which stir something in my soul for her.

  Kataline is the daughter of a Senator on Earth. Although his DNA is part of her, she has been genetically altered using DNA from other, special Earthlings.

  The way her eyes sparkle has me thinking she must be one of the sweetest creatures. Kind, nurturing, and most likely one of the easiest females to get along with is what I think she must be like.

  My father, like many others, has an aversion to people from Earth. It’s true they can live like animals quite easily. The can turn practically anything into something they can use.

  Most see them as a lower brained creature. One who can’t find the easy way of living life. They tend to make their lives intentionally difficult.

  Their worst trait is over-populating every surface they live on. Like rodents, some people compare them to. I am not some people, though. I respect their aptitude for exploration.

  They were the first people to get on a rickety rocket ship some hundred years ago and seek out a new place for them to settle and make homes on. Unfortunately for thirteen of those planets, they took them over from the people who inhabited them since time began.

  I want to be the leader who learns how to handle the Earthlings in a way w
hich will teach them to coexist, rather than take over. It’s my goal to find a way to get through to the tenacious species of humankind.

  Marrying one and finding out how to do that with her is the first step in what will most likely be a long process. One that may even fall upon our children to take on.

  Our children, their adorable little faces flitter through my head. What will they really look like?

  With her great beauty, they’re bound to be the most precious, little things. The future is filled with mysteries. How many children will we have? How many males and how many females?

  The people of our planet can only have two children. It’s the way our bodies are made. My older brother died when he was a baby, so I’m an only child. But I am looking forward to seeing how my wife and I will have children.

  It’s been written in the contract she and I will sign that we will have all the children we are meant to. No contraception will be used. Our planet never had a need to develop it and I refuse to allow her to bring any with her.

  We do allow the Earthling settlers to use birth control methods, though. I do wish they’d use it more often as their numbers are growing too rapidly.

  The subject of children has me thinking of the wedding night which is less than twenty-four hours away. I wonder if she’s nervous. I wonder if she’s been schooled in the physical ways of coupling. Or maybe she’s innocent and they expect her to be taught.

  A number of females have been made as gifts to other planets. Most assume it’s a ploy to overtake even more planets. I’m not positive on that yet.

  I can see the leaders of Earth wanting to leave the women uneducated about the physical aspects of coupling. Each planet’s beings do things a little differently. If they were to train the women the way Earthlings couple or as they call it, having sexual intercourse, then most would have to retrain them anyway.

  It matters not to me, either way. She and I will find our way through that, I have no doubts. Her body and physical appearance already stir my groin and that’s really all anyone needs to couple.

  The planet grows larger in the window and the time is nearing. The nerves are beginning, but not in the way my father thinks. No, it’s excitement which has my stomach fluttering.

  The future is about to begin, and I cannot wait!



  Jasmine fills the surrounding air. It’s an aroma which brings me peace and I’ve instructed it to be piped into the large auditorium I’m being married in.

  It seems people have come from around the globe to witness the first ever marriage between an Earthling and a Euthenian. Not only that, I’m also the first genetically modified female to be married off. The first to be awarded.

  The other females will be in attendance. Other than my sister, I’ve never seen another one like us. It will be interesting to see how each of them reacts as they take a look at their futures and fates which will be similar to mine.

  Our leaders have had designers make my wedding dress. They came up with in my opinion a design which lacks much thought. Left on my own I do believe I could’ve designed something more unique.

  Alas, it was not up to me. Every noteworthy designer, decorator, culinary artist and entertainer has been utilized to show the Euthenian visitors how refined, cultured, talented, and clever we all are.

  Seeing as their civilization is eons older than ours, it will most likely be a thing they find low-brained and dim-witted. And here I am at the Apex of all that, wearing a flowing white dress which makes me look like an ancient Greek Goddess.

  By Earth standards, I look magnificent, but by the Euthenian standards, I highly doubt. My black hair has been elaborately braided, studded with real sapphires and tiny white flowers.

  My make-up has been done by yet another respected professional make-up artist. When I look at my reflection I’m reminded of some of the pictures I’ve seen in the history books of the Egyptian queen, Cleopatra.

  Deep black lines my eyes, making the blue in them pop. Red stains my rosebud lips and light pink, my cheeks. The door to my dressing room opens and in flounces my older sister, wearing a dress similar to mine, only in light blue instead of white.

  “Kataline, you look gorgeous!” Mataline coos at me as she air-kisses near my cheek.

  I reciprocate the intent of affection and smile. “You also look gorgeous, sister.”

  Her long, blonde locks are piled high upon her head, small tendrils trickle from the mass and curl around her tanned face. Her skin is dark compared to mine. She is in all ways quite the opposite of me. This was what was intended.

  Mataline was made to marry the common man she gave her virginity to. “Dane is so pissed he’s been given the task of a common usher. Father and his cronies never cease to point out his humble beginnings,” she whines.

  “I’m sorry about that. He is my brother-in-law and the father of my precious nieces and should be more than that in this giant wedding. Tell me, do the little darlings look completely adorable as my dainty flower girls?”

  “Rowe and Cindy look amazing. They’ll be floating down the aisle tossing white, magnolia petals along the trail you’ll be walking down.” She clasps her hands and smiles. “Are you ready for this?”

  “What choice do I have? Ready or not, this is happening. Tell me, have you seen Kerr?” My hands knot in my lap and I spin around once in my chair.

  “No, none of us will until the time comes, and he takes his place at the end of the aisle and waits for you.” Mataline giggles and throws her hands into the air. “It’s so romantic! Don’t you think, Sissy?”

  A harsh laugh comes from deep in my chest. “Romance has no place in this, Sister. This is a marriage arranged to keep the peace between us and Euthenia. I am but a pawn and I see nothing romantic about that.”

  A decanter of golden liquid sits amongst small crystal glasses. Mataline takes two and fills them. Handing one to me, she says, “Kataline, you drink this and settle that temperament of yours which has been known to work against you from time to time.”

  I sip, but her hand on the bottom of the glass makes me take in more and I drink it until the last drop of sweet liquor flows down my throat. In moments the calming effects warm my skin, flushing it a bit and my mind eases.

  Her eyebrow quirks up into an arch. “Better, Sister?”

  I nod and giggle a little. “Oh, Mataline! I’m about to be married and made into a princess of an alien planet! I have no idea what the man looks like who is to be my husband, my ruler, for the rest of my life! Quick, one more drink. My heart is pounding and my feet are itching to run my body away from here.”

  She fills my empty glass and hands it to me. “Try to think of this as an adventure, Sister. Remember when we were young and made up all types of adventures we took in the confines of our estate? This is the epic adventure, and this one is for real!” She spins around and laughs. “You’re about to go to another planet. Another word, Kataline! It’s amazing!”

  The door flies open and in comes our father. “It’s time, my darling!”

  My heart stops and I toss the drink down my throat. He holds a small, leather-covered box and opens the top. A simple band made of obsidian based titanium in black is in the box. “Am I to give that to my new husband?”

  He nods. “It’s been handcrafted by our top jeweler. The first of its kind. When the Dali Lama asks you to place your ring on Kerr’s finger, this is what you’ll be putting on it. It’s very nice, don’t you agree?”

  “It’s shiny and black, it’s a simple ring. I suppose it’s nice. Do you think he’ll like it, Father? That’s what really matters.” I look the ring over and think it looks very masculine and wonder if the man I’m about to marry is a masculine man.

  He is a royal. He could be scrawny and small. Perhaps that’s why he isn’t marrying a woman of his own kind. A dainty, gold band might be better suited if the man is not quite masculine.

  “It’s a thing of great beauty, he’s sure to love it.
Add the fact it comes from you and it’s a given.” My father touches my chin, making me look at him. “You look gorgeous, Kataline. Now let’s get your veil on and get you to him.” He turns to my sister. “Scoot! Get out there and follow those pretty little daughters of yours down the aisle. Then I’ll bring out your sister.”

  “Okay,” she says as she hurries out the door. With a quick look over her shoulder, she says, “I love you, Kataline. See you soon!”

  My father pulls the handmade lace veil over my head, covering my face. It's sheer enough to make out a few of my more prominent features, but demure enough to mute my face, keeping it a secret from my future husband until after we are married.

  My father leads me down the long hallway then to the top of the stairs. A long flight of stairs I must walk down then a long aisle before I can get to the end and my husband to be.


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