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Finding the Dragon (Dásreach Council Book 1)

Page 21

by Josette Reuel

“You know, I can always run in for more. Use the bottled water.” Kai picked up his bottle and drank about half and handed it to her. “I had some while I was still in town. You can use half of mine.”

  “Are you sure?” Al looked at him and when he nodded his head, she placed the flowers in the bottle and put them on the table. “Thanks.”

  “You are welcome, lass.” He pulled out the cards and shuffled them. “Now, let’s see, what should we play?”

  “The only card game I remember is Crazy Eights, my family used to play it all the time when I was little. Do you know that one?”

  “Um, no, not really, how do you play?” Kai asked. He started to move things around on the small table. “Um, I’m not sure we have room to play here.”

  “Why don’t we take all of this stuff to the kitchen counter? We can eat while I explain the game and then we can come back in here and play.” Al stood up and started gathering items to carry to the kitchen.

  “That’s a good idea, lass. I wonder if that refrigerator in the kitchen will still run. It would be nice to put any leftovers in there for tomorrow.” Kai said as he grabbed the duffel bag and Al’s flowers.

  They both sat everything down and began sorting things out. Al got out some bread and made them both a sandwich. Since they didn’t have any plates, she handed Kai’s directly to him and they both began to eat. Kai pulled out a bag of chips, opened them and ate a few. Al looked at the chips he pulled out and they were orange. She had never seen orange chips before.

  “What are those?” She asked as she finished the last of her ham and cheese.

  “Oh, they’re sweet potato crisps.” Kai moved the bag towards her so she could get some. “Try one.”

  “I’m not sure. I don’t really like sweet potatoes.” She hedged.

  “Come on. They’re really good.” She turned up her nose as he laughed at her. “What are you, chicken?” He teased.

  “No.” Al glared at him. He wasn’t budging, just stood there holding the bag out to her, daring her to try one. “Fine. I’ll eat one.”

  She reached into the bag and pulled out one chip. She placed the chip in her mouth, taking a small bite, and got ready to make a face and swallow quickly. However, when she chewed, it actually wasn’t bad. Al reached for another chip and ate it. She actually found that she liked them. So, she kept eating them.

  “I’m guessing you like them.” Kai said with a laugh. His blue eyes twinkled like sky blue sapphires.

  “I’m hungry.” Al said, not liking the ‘I told you so’ look on his face.

  “Alright, lass, but save me some, I’m hungry too.” He said as he reached over and grabbed some more out of the bag that she noticed she had taken from him.

  Al began to laugh.

  “Okay, so I like them. There are a few things that I have found I like more than I thought lately. So, you shouldn’t be surprised.”

  Al found that to be the truth. She enjoyed having Kai around, his company, his humor, everything. She even liked the protective way he hovered around her. She knew she could take care of herself, especially now that he had taught her some self-defense – she felt more confident – but it was nice to know that someone had her back. It was a great gift that he had given her and now he was giving her another, a wonderful date with a very sweet man.

  After they ate their fill of the chips, they began to clean up. Kai went over to check the refrigerator and found that it had been plugged in when he had started the generator and was cold although a bit musty smelling. Al helped him put the leftover water and food in the refrigerator, before grabbing her chocolate bar and another bottle of water. She curled up on the couch while Kai pulled the small table they had used earlier further in front of her. As she huddled down into her seat she shivered, the temperature had dropped a bit like Kai had said it would.

  “Would you like me to light the fire, lass?” He asked as he watched her.

  “Actually, I think that would be nice. I didn’t think it would be so cool in here.” Al replied.

  Kai looked at her, “Lass, I have to partially shift and… um…” He seemed uncomfortable about something, almost like he was afraid of her reaction. Al stopped and thought about what it could be, when it hit her like lightning.

  “Kai? Can you breathe fire?” She asked, intrigued.

  “Aye, lass.” He said as he looked at the wood in the fireplace.

  “That is so cool. It never dawned on me that as a dragon you would have all of the abilities that I’ve heard a dragon has.” She clapped her hands and bounced on the couch, excited to see him breath fire.

  “I wanted tonight to be normal, but I don’t know how to light a fire any other way.” He said and she could swear he was blushing. Was he embarrassed about not being able to do something? She wondered.

  “It’s okay. I would love to see you breathe fire.” Al gave him a huge smile, but he still looked unsure. She stood up and walked over to his side. “Kai, we have to look at reality here. You are not normal,” she did air quotes when she said normal, “and lucky for you, I find normal very highly overrated.” Kai laughed out loud.

  “Oh, lass, you surprise me at every turn.” He reached out and pulled her into his large arms and wrapped them around her tightly. Her head rested on his chest and she couldn’t help but to wrap her arms around his waist and cuddle into him. This man felt like home to her and it scared the hell out of her. But, it was getting harder and harder to pull away and put the distance between them that she was used to putting between her and others. He had somehow wiggled his large self right under her defenses and captured her admiration and even a bit of trust. When the silence became obvious, she stepped back and looked at him.

  “Okay, Drago, get to creatin’ fire. I’m waitin’.” She smirked at him as she went back to the couch. Not knowing what to expect, she figured it was best to have a bit of distance.

  “Alright then, lass, you asked for it. I have to do a partial shift and I will look a bit different. My face takes on a sharper look and I get fangs and claws. You ready?” Kai adjusted his stance as he looked at her.

  “Yep.” She popped.

  “Here goes.” Kai said as his facial features became sharper. Al looked at his hands and found claws just like he had said.

  “Show me your fangs?” She demanded as she strained to look up at his face from her seat.

  Kai looked like he was going to refuse until Al started to stand, then he came towards her and kneeled down to look her straight in the face. He grimaced and then opened his mouth in a big toothy smile. Al was mesmerized by how his teeth had changed. They all looked really sharp, but the biggest change was the two large fangs that hung down over his bottom lip when he tried to close his mouth back. She reached up and pulled his lip back from the fang. He reopened his mouth, so she could see it better. She ran her finger down the length of the huge canine tooth. She glanced up at his cheek bones and moved both hands to hold his face. She moved her fingers along his cheekbones, his jaw line, and his forehead before returning to hold him. Looking straight into the crystal blue eyes of the man her heart was determined to beat for, Al knew that it was only a matter of time.

  “This way or the other, you are gorgeous, Kai.” She said to him. His lip lifted in a sort of half smile.

  “So are you, lass.” His hands were next to her knees, bracing him on the couch in front of her. It would be so easy to pull him down to her. No. I can’t.

  “Kai, why don’t you light that fire and we’ll play cards.” She said as she pulled back and shuffled herself away from him and into the cushions of the couch.

  He looked at her a moment more, then got up and turned to the fireplace. Al watched as fire shot out from Kai and quickly caught the wood on fire. He then turned back to her, smacking his hands together like he had just done some hard work and was trying to get dirt off of them. It made her giggle and he grinned at her. His features now back to the Kai she had known the longest. The man.

  “Well, lass, how about
you tell me how to play Crazy Eights.” He said as he pulled his chair up to the table across from her.

  “Okay. Why don’t you be the dealer? Shuffle the cards, deal seven cards to both of us, then place one card face up and set the rest face down next to it.” Al said as she got more comfortable. Grateful that he didn’t seem to be pushing anything but what he had said he wanted them to have tonight – a normal date.

  She watched as Kai’s nimble fingers shuffled the cards like a pro. She was so glad that she hadn’t agreed to strip poker. She’d be naked before the room even warmed from the fire. She would lose that quickly to him.

  Before her mind could wander farther into an area she didn’t want to go, Al played her first move. She explained to Kai that they drew from the face down pile and then discarded in the face up pile. The discard had to either be the same suit or rank. They began to play until Kai threw down an eight of clubs.

  “Okay, what suit do you want it to be?” She asked him.

  “What are you talking about, lass?” He looked confused and Al began to laugh.

  “Oops.” She placed her hand over her mouth. “I guess I forgot to tell you why it’s called Crazy Eights.”

  “Aye, it appears so.” He crossed his arms over his broad chest. She giggled at his stern look.

  “Well, eights are wild. Meaning that you can place them down on any play and you then get to tell me what suit you want to play.” She giggled at his fake outrage.

  “Lass, I could have played that eight back when you made me draw from the deck until I could discard.” He tapped his foot on the floor.

  “Yep.” She grinned.

  “Why, you’re a cheater.” He sat forward and slapped his cards to the table.

  “No I’m not. I just forgot to tell you.” She said as she grinned and looked at the cards in her hand.

  “Let me see your cards.” He demanded.

  “No. Then you’ll know what I have. Quit being a baby and tell me the suit so we can continue to play.” Al struggled to not smile at him as she looked down at the other 3 eights from the deck.

  “Lass, you better show me those cards before I come over there to see them.” He growled.

  Al looked in all directions trying to decide what to do. She was giggling so hard that she couldn’t hold it back and was beginning to have trouble catching a breath.

  “Fine.” She said as she slapped her cards down on the table face up. She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed at him.

  “I knew it! You never planned to tell me about the eights until you had to play them. You have three of them. I bet you were hoping to get the fourth one too.” He looked her in the eyes. She bit her lip and tried to hold back the giggles but it was no use. She busted out laughing.

  “I guess I win.” She said as she jumped up and ran for the bathroom. Kai let out a booming laugh from behind her.

  Al giggled the whole time she was in the bathroom. After washing her hands in the stinky water, which was probably no cleaner than anything else in the cabin, she looked into the mirror. Her eyes were twinkling. Her mouth was curved into a genuinely happy smile. Even with everything that was happening, this man had made her the happiest she had been in a long time. Even without his good looks, she would find him attractive. The only sad part of today was that she didn’t know what was happening to Nat and Rogue. Her friends were out there somewhere with bad men after them. She only hoped that Kai’s friends were as strong and honorable as he was. She sighed at her reflection and turned to go out to face Kai.

  When she walked up to the table, she noticed that two of her eights were missing and she had two new cards in their place.

  “Where are my eights?” She asked the smirking dragon.

  “The suit is hearts.” He said as he motioned for her to take her turn.

  “Kai, where are my eights that I had?” She asked as she placed her hands on her hips.

  “Your cards are right there.” He gestured at the cards sitting in front of her seat.

  “Drago, you better cough up my eights.” She threatened. He looked her up and down, his gaze stopping at several locations on her body, before coming to rest on her face.

  “You didn’t play fair. So, the other 2 eights are back in the draw pile. I had 1 eight and now you have 1 eight.” He said with that heart stopping grin.

  “I see. But, you said the suit is hearts and I don’t have any and you know it.” She griped.

  “Not my problem. You said I got to pick and I picked. Now, you can use your last eight or you can draw. It’s your choice.” He said with no sympathy.

  Al sat for a few heartbeats. She wanted to laugh, but she wouldn’t let him know it. He had totally gotten her and no one would side with her if anyone had been here to take sides. She knew it and he knew it. She either played or quit and he would win by default.

  “Fine, I’ll draw.” She pulled the top card and it was a five of clubs. Dang it. She could either keep drawing or use the eight. She drew again, six of diamonds. The next draw gave her a four of spades, and the next a seven of clubs. She looked at the grinning man across from her. He had stacked the deck! She knew it.

  “What’s wrong, lass, can’t find a card to play?” He asked slyly.

  “No problem, I’m just going to play my eight here and make the suit clubs.” She replied.

  Kai reached over to the draw pile and pulled a card up, looked at it and put it down on the discard pile.

  “Hearts.” He said as an eight of hearts looked up at her.

  Damn the man. If she had pulled one more card, she would have gotten one of the eights back. Ugh. How did he know I wouldn’t draw that card?

  “Now who’s cheating?” She growled at him.

  “How am I cheating? You drew cards, you chose to stop, and now I pulled the eight.” Kai sat waiting for her to answer.

  “I’m so going to beat your ass.” She said as she grabbed up her remaining cards and started drawing until she finally pulled a heart. She had to have twenty cards in her hand.

  “Come on, lass, it’s just a game.” He soothingly said to her as he laid down his next card.

  “Easy for you to say, now that you’re winning.” Al tried to stay mad at him, but he gave her a really pathetic angelic look, batting his eyes and plumping out his lower lip. “Please.” As the sad little please came from his lips, she burst out laughing. She rolled on the couch until she couldn’t breathe.

  They continued to play the game until Kai won, then played two more hands, both of which Al won. During the games they chatted about her job and the things she liked to do. She confessed to her obsession with Norse mythology and Thor, which led to her love of thunderstorms. A discussion of her favorite books, led to her telling him a bit more about the Book Worms. How each woman in the group had a different personality, which was one of the reasons Al loved them so much. If she needed advice about what she should do, they all would help, but Nat was the mom of the group. Ariana usually provided the man candy. Rogue and Amelia provided a lot of laughs. Chelsea was a fellow lover of words. Debra, Anna, and Kat provided their own perspectives on books and life. Mia was a single mom and a nurse, so she provided the joys of children and any advice on health concerns, which always ended in “go see your doctor.” Bianca, Gretchen, and Jasmine were always busy, but stopped by when they could. Everyone shared funny images and book giveaways. It just seemed like each of them filled a spot in her world. A couple of other women were in the group, but they hardly ever posted, so she didn’t know them as well. In return Kai told her about his love of art and how he loved doing tattoos because he got to keep an eye out for possible mates while doing something creative. He talked about Scotland and how he missed it. Since becoming one of the Thirteen he was always busy with one thing or another in the United States. They stayed away from things that strayed too much into the Dásreach and the position they found themselves in, a silent agreement to gloss over the scary or paranormal sides of their current situation. Kai was determined
to keep them in normal zone and had often started to say something regarding mates or the Dásreach and would turn the conversation to something else.

  She was having so much fun she didn’t realize how much time had passed until her mouth cracked into a large yawn. Without her phone she had no idea of what time it was, but figured they should get some sleep. She stood and stretched.

  “Lass, you look tired, why don’t you head upstairs and sleep in the bed. I’ll sleep here on the sofa.” Kai offered.

  “Yeah, sleep would be good, but I can take the couch. I’m smaller than you and already spent a few hours on it.” She countered.

  “No lass, I would prefer it if I’m on the ground floor in case someone busts in while we’re sleeping. I’m a light sleeper and will wake quickly and can protect you while you come fully awake.” Kai said.

  She started to argue, but stopped herself before she said anything. He was right. With his abilities, he could fight off someone much easier than she could.

  “Okay. I’ll sleep upstairs, but I’m taking the blanket. It’s the only one and you have the fire.” She grabbed the blanket and started to head up the stairs, before stopping and coming back to where Kai still sat. She kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks for the lovely evening, Kai. I had a really nice time.” She said and then raced to the loft.

  “Me too, Alvena.” She heard him call from the first floor. “Good night, lass. I’ll see you in the morning. We’ll talk about what we should do next then.”

  “Good night, Kai. Until tomorrow.” She yelled back to him as she curled up on the bed.

  She punched the remaining pillow and wrapped up in the blanket. Before she could worry about anything, Al fell asleep remembering the smiling dragon as he had won that first game.

  Chapter 20

  Kai woke the next morning with a hard object poking into his side. When he tried to move off of it, he immediately found himself lying on the floor in front of the sofa. Alvena would have definitely fit better on the old, hard, and lumpy piece of furniture. He wasn’t sure how she had slept on it the previous afternoon. But, there was no way that he could have let her sleep in the more vulnerable position. It was his job to protect her and that was what he was going to do, even if that meant he was uncomfortable and stiff from sleeping on a way too small and too old sofa.


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