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Awakening: A Timeless Series Novel, Book Four

Page 21

by Lisa Wiedmeier

  I stared at the marble floor, remembering my past conversations with Dex. Each clan had powers, all held together with their rings. They’d lose their powers if the rings weren’t charged through wearing them. But powers could be taken away…or given away, as in the Consilador’s case. Where did that leave the Servak powers then? The Servak ring hadn’t been worn in a long time.

  “Does he have the Servak powers?” I asked, unsure if they even knew the answer.

  “He doesn’t,” Jahlem replied. “But he still holds power over us.”


  “It’s because of your mother,” Darrien said. “When she fled to Qaysean, Marcus didn’t hesitate to kill her father. Marcus inherited his ring, although we managed to smuggle it out eventually. Yet Sahara didn’t wear it for many years. With our clan’s power drained, Marcus seized our weakness. He bound us to the Sarac, and if we attempt to desert him, he will destroy the last of our power, and the Servak will be no more.”

  My heart sank. Another clan on the brink of destruction.

  “There is some hope returning, however,” Jahlem piped up. “Marcus’s hold over the Servak is weakening.”


  “Yes. Since your marriage to Marcus, you’ve rescued the Servak, because you united yourself to him using the braid. Now you’re the Servak leader, keeper of our power.”

  “But Marcus still holds the Sarac, the Quaysaar, and the Consilador’s powers.” I argued.

  “He doesn’t hold the Quaysaar, only controls it like he did with the Servak, but again, his hold is weakening,” Jahlem said.

  “And you hold the Kvech and the Servak,” Darrien added. “The Kvech’s strength is easily equal to two clans. You are evenly matched.”

  “No, we’re not,” I whispered bitterly. “He’s been Timeless for centuries. He knows so much more about everything. I’m still a child in comparison. Even if we’re equal in powers, I’m no match for Marcus.”

  They lowered their heads, deep in thought. Every action taken, every word spoken, would have to be scrutinized to ensure I didn’t accidently give something away to Marcus. Then again, what did it matter? He could control me at will. He didn’t need all the clan’s powers when he had me at his fingertips.

  I stood and walked towards the balcony doors, pulling the torn curtains aside. Light snow was falling across the valley, covering it with a white blanket, and suffocating what lay beneath until the spring rains came. Was this what it would be like for me? I’d lie beneath the surface, but the rain would never come to set me free. I’d forever be trapped in this cold, lifeless void for all eternity…

  I had truly never had a choice. All my false hopes about being with Colt, then Callon. This was how I’d spend the rest of my life to keep my family, the Timeless race, and the human race free from Marcus. I had to. If he could control me, I couldn’t be around anyone else but him.

  “I want to rest,” I said quietly.

  The only reply I received was the sound of fading footsteps and a door clicking closed.

  I sighed and turned towards the ruins of my bed. I hadn’t gotten enough rest earlier. The heavy weight of sleep still tugged at my lashes. Maybe a nap would help clear my head. I dragged what was left of the mattress and comforter to the floor near the fire, and tossed my cashmere sweater to the side, leaving my tank top on. I curled up on the remnants of the navy blue bedding and closed my eyes. I forced myself to think of my sunshine, my Colt. His memory would be the only thing that could keep me sane, keep my light from being smothered by darkness.

  Flashing images of Colt, Callon, and Daniel danced before my eyes. The Colt I knew and loved before our lives had been turned upside down. The happy smiles, the warm embraces, the laughter that filled my heart. The quiet moments we’d had together, the glimpses into his heart. Memories of walks in fields of wildflowers, of a crown made of flowers.

  Callon’s hazel eyes flashed to the forefront, the intensity in them at times. The fierce protection, the safety and strength I’d always felt with him, the passion he’d locked away, but gave freely to me.

  Daniel’s sweet smile drifted by, his constant teasing and laughter. Long walks in Montana and his desire only to make me happy.

  I focused on Colt, Callon, and Daniel, who loved me, and I loved in return. I floated in these happier memories of my life until sleep captured me, and my mind fell silent.

  A shiver escaped me, and my lashes fluttered open. Darkness cloaked my room, but a different kind of unease drifted over me. The remnants of the fire flickered beside me, giving off just enough light to see a shadowy figure looming near the edge of my makeshift bed.

  I didn’t move, but instead lowered my lashes and watched it. Had Jahlem and Darrien returned? But why would they linger at the edge of my bed? Unless…

  The silhouette moved closer, and my heart began to race. Marcus was in my room, standing at the edge of my bed. I’d been a fool to send Jahlem and Darrien away; they were my only defense against this monster.

  He moved closer yet, his body coming into view. He was wearing only long silk sleep pants, his muscular chest revealed. Tattoos covered his chest, torso, and biceps, running over his shoulders, and I was sure they lined his back as well. A golden flicker of light ignited on his torso, and spread across his chest. My eyes opened wider as I realized these weren’t just tattoos, but symbols that seemed to be carved into his skin by this golden light. Had these been present before or had they only arrived since our marriage? Was it like what Darrien and Jahlem had said happened to me? Had our marriage jumpstarted different powers in Marcus?

  “You see me,” Marcus said, his voice low and dangerous. “You’re curious.”

  I didn’t reply, fearful I might set him off.

  His movements were careful as he drew closer. Each step was purposeful and precise, and he paused at my side. My heartbeat thudded in my ears, and I lay completely immobile, unsure whether this was my own fear or his doing.

  He sat on the edge of the mattress, his left arm coming to rest over my hip. He lifted his right hand, and brushed curls from my cheek. His fingers lingered on my neck. Another shiver raked me.

  “Your heart races, my angel,” he said. “You fear me, as you should.”

  I did fear him, feared what he was about to do, and what I wouldn’t be able to stop. He leaned in, his eyes darkening, and lingered above my lips.

  “You make no sense to me,” he whispered. “Yet I’m utterly drawn to you.”

  He settled on top of me, the weight of his chest pinning me in place. I struggled to free my arms from the blankets, and a wicked smile emerged on his lips.

  “Always the fighter,” he rumbled. “Always thinking she stands a chance.”

  He lifted up enough for me to free my arms and hands. I pushed against his chest, releasing a surge of power, only to be shoved back down in the mattress myself. My breath caught, but I wasn’t done fighting yet.

  The beast within me stirred, and I shoved harder against his chest, a fire igniting in my palms. A bellowing laugh left his lips, and I watched a golden dragon swirl to life across his shoulders. It moved down his chest, swallowing the flames. A moment later, his hands clamped around my wrists, pinning them above my head.

  “Oh angel,” he whispered, in a voice that terrified me, “you’re going to be so much more satisfying than your mother.”

  He crushed his lips to mine, forcing them open, twisting and turning, causing me to lose my breath. I tried to scream, but he swallowed the sound. He clamped one hand around both my wrists, and his free hand trailed down my arm. He stopped on my collarbone, his fingers tracing the hem of my tank.

  I fought against his hold again, but it only grew tighter. No matter which way I turned, I couldn’t knock him off. His free hand grasped my jaw firmly, digging into my skin. His thumb pressed on my lower lip, forcing my jaw open, giving his tongue more access.

  His free hand moved again, this time coming to rest on my hip, only to pull my tank up. Cold fing
ers traced my stomach and ran up to my ribs. A thumb skimmed just below my bra.

  Sheer panic spread through me as he then moved his hand to my pants, his fingers searching for the button. He jerked the waistband back and forth till the button snapped. Nausea rose in my stomach at the realization of what I’d have to endure to keep my family safe. I kicked my leg free and pounded it on his thigh as I fought to scream.

  All of a sudden, he stilled. He drew back, his breaths as heavy as mine. He lingered above me, blinking. His eyes then softened, and he released my wrists, removing his weight from me by leaning on his arms.

  “I’m sorry.” He sat up, facing the fire. “I can’t take what isn’t offered.”

  He rose, and I watched him walk towards the hall. With the click of the door closing, he was gone, just like that.

  The shock took a long while to wear off as I lay there shaking. Tears misted in my eyes. I’d been so close to having Marcus take the one precious gift I’d held on to tightly. I’d saved myself for my wedding night, but not for a man like this. It was supposed to have been for Callon. But none of that mattered now. Callon was gone. Marcus was my husband. And soon nothing would matter anymore. I’d never felt so violated in my entire life, and he hadn’t even…

  I rolled over towards the fire and tossed another log on. I didn’t want to think about it. I wasn’t going to get any more rest this night. I had no idea if Marcus would change his mind and return. I grabbed my sweater from the floor and put it on. Sleeping fully clothed would be a small defense, but it was something I could do. A tear trickled down my cheek. What had I gotten myself into?

  The morning couldn’t come soon enough. I’d shoved the mattress away from the fire and had been pacing for hours, waiting for Darrien or Jahlem to appear. I was terrified to leave the room, terrified of what lay beyond these walls, and frightened of what Marcus might do next.

  A knock came on my bedroom door, and the familiar click of it opening. Footsteps sounded, and I moved back into the corner, feeling like a trapped animal. I had no idea who’d entered.

  “Cheyenne?” Darrien’s gruff voice called out.

  I darted from the corner and threw myself into his arms. He stumbled back slightly, but held on. I’d never been happier to hear his voice, and see this brown-haired Tracker in my entire life.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  Another set of footsteps echoed in the hall and I looked up to see Jahlem’s auburn head appear. His caramel eyes focused in on me and he hurriedly shut the door. He quickly came to our side.

  “Cheyenne.” Jahlem’s hand rested on my back. “What’s wrong?”

  I buried my head in Darrien’s shoulder, my hold growing tighter at the memory.

  “Marcus came last night…” I mumbled into his sweater. “Please, please don’t ever leave me alone again.”

  Darrien’s hold grew stronger.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “We shouldn’t have left you.”

  “Did he touch you?” Jahlem asked. “Did he hurt you, Cheyenne?”

  I drew back from Darrien and looked at both of them.

  “He could have, but he stopped. I don’t know why, but I’m grateful he did.” I looked down. “But he might not next time.”

  “There won’t be a next time,” Jahlem promised, shaking his head. His eyes darkened and his fingers fisted at his side. I had no doubt he’d make good on his promise. But I should have been able to protect myself with all these powers at my fingertips, and yet I couldn’t. Marcus had proven that clearly.

  “Go change,” he added and glanced at Darrien, hesitating. “Marcus wants to see you.”

  “No,” I whispered and shook my head. After what took place last night I wasn’t ready to see him yet—if ever.

  Darrien moved closer, squeezing my hand. I didn’t have a choice. I turned away, shaking my head. Surely he wouldn’t try anything in public, would he?

  “We won’t leave you alone—ever,” Darrien said.

  I heard his words, but they brought little comfort. If Marcus wanted me alone, he’d make it happen. I headed towards the bathroom. I just needed to be strong.

  I changed and opened my bathroom door. Darrien and Jahlem stood stoic near the broken sofa. They didn’t need to say a word for me to feel how the tension in the room had changed. Darrien shifted, and I spotted Marcus standing behind them. My heart skipped a beat.

  “Cheyenne,” Marcus greeted me, stepping away from the fireplace. “I’ve been waiting on you.”

  My breath caught. He moved closer, cautiously.

  “I told Darrien and Jahlem they could leave, but they refused.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Obviously they’re taking this bodyguard thing too far.”

  “They just want to ensure my safety. They remained because I didn’t know you were here yet.” I said, trying to justify their actions.

  “Ah, fair enough then,” he replied and stopped beside me.

  His blue eyes were soft, caring, not unlike Matt’s. He reached out, but pulled back when I leaned away. I glanced over his shoulder at Darrien and Jahlem; both had their hands on their hips, ready to grab what appeared to be whips.

  Marcus’s eyes flashed hurt, but not anger.

  “I’m sorry, my angel. I should’ve known better. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

  He gestured towards the door.

  “Come, I have something I’d like to show you.”

  I didn’t immediately move. I waited for him to take the first step, and followed behind. Darrien and Jahlem flanked me as we headed down the hall. We paused at the top of the stairs; Marcus looked back, as if about to say something, but he seemed to change his mind.

  As we came to the bottom of the stairs, Marcus turned and headed into his sitting room, only to return quickly. He carried two winter coats. He held a dark blue one out for me, opening it to help me put it on. I swallowed nervously, but stepped closer, allowing him to assist. I buttoned it up and turned to face him.

  He reached out and took my hand before I had time to protest, leading us out the French doors and down the stone steps into the courtyard. The pathway had been cleared, making the walk easier, but already large piles of white were stacking up. The cloud cover had remained, but the snow had stopped its descent for now.

  We continued until we reached the stables. Two large Tresez stood guard in front of the entry. What were they guarding? I knew from my previous visit the Tresezes roamed near the stables, but I’d never seen them keep guard.

  The two Tresez parted, and Marcus slid the door opened. A long corridor filled with stalls lined the walls. A few horses stuck their heads over their doors and snorted, and then Conall stepped out of a lone stall near the middle. He remained near the door.

  His appearance hadn’t changed since the first time I’d met him. His chiseled face still held arrogance; the long scar running from his eye to his nose still didn’t improve his looks. His familiar dog tags jangled atop his black sweater.

  “Ah, little one,” he said coolly looking down at me. “Looks like you’ve come back for an extended stay.”

  I didn’t reply.

  “You have what I asked for?” Marcus questioned.

  Conall turned to his master. “Yes.” He gestured to the stall.

  Marcus tugged me forward, stopping at the stall door and glancing over the edge. A smile grew on his lips, and then he turned towards me.

  “A gift,” he said. “A gift for my angel.”

  He released my hand and opened the stall, ushering me in. I gasped as I saw what was before me, a badly mangled Tresez. Chunks of fur were missing from its hind legs, a large gash ran from the top of its ear to its neck. And its front paw was bent at a wrong angle. Its head lifted, and a bloodied but visible white strip of fur running from between his ears down to his neck appeared.


  I reached for Shad when Marcus grabbed my arm, yanking me back hard. I hit the sidewall, and gasped.

  “Traitors always pay the price,
my angel,” he whispered near my ear, pinning me in place. “There’s always a cost to one’s freedom.”

  I jerked away, and stepped back. His eyes that just a few moments ago held warmth had darkened. Vengeance, hatred, and fire pulsed through them now. Marcus had replaced the Matt I’d thought I’d seen earlier. Any remorse he’d shown in my room had been crushed and trampled. Why did his mood whiplash like this? Was the Consilador power on top of his own too much? Dex had told me that the clan’s rings protected the clan leaders from going mad with power, and Marcus had no rings for either the Quaysaar or the Consilador. Or was his pleasant side all a trick? A ploy to lure me in and get what he wanted?

  He stared at me for a long moment before he turned and walked out of the stable. Darrien and Jahlem moved towards me, but Conall stepped in their way.

  “Let her be,” Conall growled. “Let her see what she did to him.”

  Tears streamed down my cheeks as I stared at Shad. I’d done this to him, like I’d done this to Daniel. I’d tried to save Shad, but his knowing me just caused him pain and suffering. I dropped to my knees, cradling his head in my lap. I stroked his fur. “I’m so sorry, Shad,” I wept. “I’m so sorry.”

  He didn’t move, nor did his eyes open. His breaths were labored, and my heart broke for him. He might not have been a friend, but I’d never thought of him as my enemy, either, and I was so sick and tired of all the death. I’d managed to kill yet another Timeless. I was married to a walking time bomb, never knowing what would set him off. I sat still for a long time, holding Shad’s mangled head, praying for a miracle, but I knew none would come.

  “Why do you care?” Conall finally asked.

  I looked up; he’d moved inside the stall and was leaning against the wood. Gold-rimmed eyes studied me, filled with curiosity.

  “Because I do,” I whispered. “Because every life is worth saving.”

  “He was a wretched soul,” Conall sneered. “All he ever cared about was causing chaos, just to get back at his pathetic older brother. He’s a worthless piece of…”

  “Are you any different, Conall?” I asked. “Haven’t you done things in your life that you’ve regretted? Haven’t you been selfish?”


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