The American Military - A Narrative History
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Nam Il
Nanesemond Indians
Napier, Francis
Napoleon III
Napoleonic Wars
Narragansett Indians
Nashville, Battle of
Nassau landings
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Council for the Prevention of War
National Defense Act
National Defense Authorization Act
National Defense Education Act
National Guard (formation)
National Guard Association
National Liberation Front (NLF)
National Military Museum
National Security Act
National Security Council (NSC)
National Security League
National War Labor Board
Navajo Indians
Naval Academy
Naval Act
Naval Asylum School
naval aviation
Naval Construction Act
Naval Institute
Naval Militia Affairs Act
Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU)
Naval War College
Navy (establishment)
Navy Department
Navy Observatory
Negro Fort, see Fort Gadsden
Neptune Spear (Operation)
Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission
Neutrality Acts
Neutralize (Operation)
New Dawn (Operation)
New Deal
New Echota, Treaty of
New Look
New Model Army
New Orleans, Battle of
New Roman Empire
New York City riot
Newburgh conspiracy
Newport, Christopher
Nez Percé Indians
Ngo Dinh Diem
Nguyen Cao Ky
Nguyen Khanh
Nguyen Ngoc Loan
Nguyen Van Thieu
Niagara campaign
Niagara (Operation)
Nicholas, Samuel
Nicholls, Edward
Nicholson, Evelyn
Nimitz, Chester
9/11 attacks
Nine-Power Treaty
90 Division Gamble
Nixon, Richard
Nixon Doctrine
Non-Intercourse Act
Noriega, Manuel
North, Lord Frederick
North, Oliver
North American Aerospace Defense (NORAD)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
North Korean People's Army (NKPA)
North Point, Battle of
North Sea mine barrage
North Vietnamese Army (NVA)
Northern Alliance
nuclear freeze
Nunn, Sam
Nuremberg trials
Obama, Barack
O'Bannon, Presley
Occaneechee Indians
Odierno, Ray
Office of Price Administration
Office of Scientific Research and Development
Office of Strategic Services
Office of War Mobilization
Ogier, Herbert
Oglethorpe, James
Okinawa, Battle of
Olney, Richard
Olympic (Operation)
Omaha Beach
Omar, Mohammed
Onís, Don
Open Door Policy
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
Oregon Treaty
Organization of American States (OAS)
Oriskany, Battle of
Orlando, Vittorio
Ostend Manifesto
O'Sullivan, John
Otis, Elwell
Ottawa Indians
Overlord (Operation)
Pact of Paris
Paine, Thomas
Paiute Indians
Pakenham, Edward
Pakistan border
Pakistan Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)
Palmer, John McAuley
Palo Alto, Battle of
Pamunkey Indians
Panama Canal
Panama intervention
Panetta, Leon
Panmunjon talks
Panther, Wyandot
Paoli Massacre
Paredes y Arrillaga, Mariano
Paris, Peace of (1763)
Paris, Treaty of (1783)
Paris, Treaty of (1898)
Paris Peace Accords
Parker, Ely
Parker, John
Parker, Quanah
Partridge, Alden
Patrick, Mason
Patterson, David
Patterson, Robert
Patton, George
Payne's Landing, Treaty of
Pea Ridge, Battle of
peace policy
Pearl Harbor attack
Peleliu, Battle of
Pember, Phoebe Yates
Pemberton, John C.
Perkins, David
Perryville, Battle of
peninsula campaign
Pentagon construction
Pentagon Papers
“pentomic” division concept
People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN)
Pepperell, William
Pequot Indians
Perry, Matthew
Perry, Oliver Hazard
Pershing, John J.
Pétain, Henri-Philippe
Petersburg, siege of
petite guerre
Petraeus, David
Phantom Fury (Operation)
Philippine campaign
Philippine rebellion
Philippine Sea, Battle of the
Phillips, William
Phoenix program
Pickens, Andrew
Pickett, George
Pierce, Charles
Pierce, Franklin
Piestewa, Lori
Pike, Zebulon
Piledriver (Operation)
Pillow, Gideon
Pinckney, Thomas
Pinckney's Treaty
Pinkerton, Allan
Pitcairn, Thomas
Pitt, William
Plan 34 Alpha (Operation)
Platt Amendment
Plattsburgh, Battle of
Plattsburgh movement
Pleasonton, Alfred
Plymouth Plantation
Poindexter, John
Poinsett, Joel
Point Pleasant, Battle of
Pointblank (Operation)
Polaris program
Polk, James K.
Pope, John
Pork Chop Hill, Battle of
Porter, David
Porter, David Dixon
posse comitatus,
Posse Comitatus Act
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Potawatomi Indians
Potsdam Conference
Powell, Colin
Powell, James
Powell Doctrine
Powers, Gary
Pratt, Richard Henry
Preble, Edward
Prentiss, Benjamin
Prescott, William
Presidio of San Francisco
Preston, Thomas
Prévost, George
Price, Sterling
Princeton, Battle of
prisoners of war (POWs)
Proclamation Line (1763)
Procter, Henry
professional military education (PME)
Project 100,000
Project Solarium
Project Volunteer in Defense of the Nation (PROVIDE)
br /> Puerto Rico invasion
Puller, Lewis (Chesty)
Punchbowl, Battle of the
Punitive Expedition
Pusan perimeter
Putnam, Israel
Qaddafi, Muammar
Quartering Act
Quebec (settlement)
Quebec invasion
Queen Anne's War (War of Spanish Succession)
Queenston Heights, Battle of
Quitman, John
Rabaul, Battle of
Radford, Arthur
Rainbow Plan
Raleigh, Walter
Rall, Johann
Randolph, John
rangers (formation)
Rapid Deployment Force
Rawdon, Francis
Reagan, Ronald
Reconstruction Acts
Red Ball Express
Red Cloud
Red Cross
Red Dawn (Operation)
Red River campaign
Red River War
Red Scare
Red Stick War
Red Wings (Operation)
Reduction Acts
Reed, Walter
Reeves, Joseph
Reforger (Operation)
Reilly, Henry
Remarque, Erich Maria
Reno, Marcus
Republic of Korea Army (ROKA)
Resaca de la Palma, Battle of
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)
Restore Hope (Operation)
Retired Military Officers Association
Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA)
Reynolds, John
Riall, Phineas
Rice, Condoleezza
Rickenbacker, Eddie
Ridgway, Matthew
Ringgold, Samuel
Ripper (Operation)
River Raisin, Battle of the
Roanoke colony
Roberts, Charles
Robeson, George
Rochambeau, Comte de
Rockingham, Lord Charles Watson-Wentworth
Rodgers, John
Rodman, Thomas
Rogers, Robert
Rogers' Rangers, see rangers
Rolling Thunder (Operation)
Rome–Berlin Axis Agreement
Rommel, Erwin
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr.
Roosevelt Corollary
Root, Elihu
Rosebud, Battle of the
Rosecrans, William
Rosie the Riveter
Ross, John
Ross, Robert
ROTC Revitalization Act
Rough Riders
Royall, Kenneth
Rumsfeld, Donald
Rush–Bagot Agreement
Russell, John
Russian Revolution
Sackets Harbor, Battle of
Sacramento, Battle of
St. Augustine (settlement)
St. Clair, Arthur
St. James
St. Leger, Barry
Saint-Mihiel offensive
Salerno, Battle of
salutary neglect
Samoa annexation
Sampson, Deborah
Sampson, William
San Gabriel, Battle of
San Jacinto, Battle of
San Juan Hill, Battle of
San Pascual, Battle of
San Patricos
Sanchez, Ricardo
Sand Creek Massacre
Santa Anna, Antonio López de
Santa Fe (settlement)
Santa Fe Trail
Santiago Bay, Battle of
Saratoga, Battle of
Sauk and Fox Indians
Schlesinger, James
Schley, Winfield
Schofield, John
School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS)
School of Application for Cavalry and Infantry
Schuyler, Philip
Schwarzkopf, H. Norman
Scott, Hugh
Scott, Winfield
Sea Air Land Teams (SEALs)
Sea Power Doctrine
Second Front controversy
Segismundo, Cecilio
Seguín, Juan
Seicheprey, Battle of
Select Reserve Force (SRF)
Selective Service Act
Seminole Indians
Serbian expansion, see Yugoslav wars
Servicemen's Readjustment Act
Seven Days Battles
Seven Pines, Battle of
73 Easting, Battle of
Sevier, John
Seward, William
Shafter, William
Shalikashvili, John
Shaw, Robert Gould
Shawnee Indians
Shays, Daniel
Shays' Rebellion
Shelburne, Lord William Petty
Shelby, Isaac
Shelton, Hugh
Shelton, Merriell
Sheridan, Philip
Sherman, William T.
Shevardnadze, Eduard
Shiloh, Battle of
Shingle (Operation)
Shinseki, Eric
Shippen, Peggy
Shirley, William
shock and awe campaign
Short Bull
Shuckburgh, Richard
Shultz, George
Sibley, Henry
Sickles, Daniel
Sigsbee, Charles
Simcoe, John Graves
Simms, William Gilmore
Simon, Carl
Sims, William
Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP)
Sioux Indians
Sitting Bull
slave patrols
Sledge, Eugene
Slidell, John
Slim Buttes, Battle of
Sloat, John
Small, Elisha
Smith, Charles
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, Francis
Smith, Holland
Smith, Jacob Hurd
Smith, John
Smith, Kirby
Smith, Margaret Chase
Smith, Moses
Smith, O. P.
Smith, Samuel
Smyth, Alexander
Social Darwinism
Society of the Cincinnati
Soissons, Battle of
Solomon Islands campaign
Somers, Richard
Somervell, Brehon
Sons of Liberty
Soulé, Pierre
South Mountain, Battle of
Southeast Asia Command (SEAC)
Southern Command (SOUTHCOM)
Spaatz, Carl
Spanish–American War
Spanish influenza
Special Forces
Spencer, John Canfield
Spencer, Philip
Spotsylvania Courthouse, Battle of
Springfield Arsenal
Spruance, Raymond
“square” division concept
Stalemate II (Operation)
Stalin, Joseph
Standish, Myles
Stanton, Charles
Stanton, Edwin
Star Wars, see Strategic Defense Initiative
Star of the West (steamboat)
Stark, Harold Rainsford
Stark, John
Starlight (Operation)
Starry, Donn
Statue of Freedom
Status of Forces Agreement
Stephenson, Benjamin
Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm von
Stevens, Edward
ewart, Alexander
Stillman's Run, Battle of
Stilwell, Joseph
Stimson, Henry
Stockton, Robert
Stoddert, Benjamin
Stone, Bill (Oliver)
Stones River, Battle of
stop-loss program
Strategic Air Command (SAC)
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START)
strategic bombing
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
Strategic Hamlet Program
Stuart, J. E. B.
Sullivan, John
Sullivan, John L.
Sumatran intervention
Summerall, Charles
Sumner, Edwin
Sumter, Thomas
Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF)
Supreme War Council
Susquehannock Indians
Suzuki, Kantaro
Swanson, Claude
Sweeney, Charles
Sword Beach
Syngman Rhee
Szilárd, Leó
Taft, William Howard
Taiwan crisis
Takur Ghar, Battle of
Talladega, Battle of
Talleyrand, Charles-Maurice
Tallushatchee, Battle of
Tampico landing
Tanaka, Carolyn
Taney, Roger
Tarleton, Banastre
Taylor, Maxwell
Taylor, Zachary
Tehran Conference
Teller, Edward
Teller Amendment
Tenet, George
Tenskwatawa (The Prophet)
Tenure of Office Act
Terry, Alfred
Tet Offensive
Texas revolt
Thames, Battle of the
Thayer, Sylvanus
Third Reich
Thomas, George H.
Thoreau, Henry David
Thornburgh, Thomas
Thornton, Seth
thunder runs
Thunderbolt (Operation)
Thunderclap (Operation)
Thurman, Maxwell
Tibbets, Paul
Tidewater Wars
Tillman, Pat
Tippecanoe, Battle of
Titus, Calvin
Tojo, Hideki
Tokyo bombing
Tora Bora, Battle of
Torch (Operation)
total force policy
total war
Totten, Joseph
Tousard, Louis de
Tracy, Benjamin
Trafalgar, Battle of
Trail of Tears
Training and Doctrinal Command (TRADOC)
Trenchard, Hugh
Trent affair
Trenton, Battle of
“triangular” division concept
Tripoli Monument
Tripolitan War
Trist, Nicholas
Truman, Harry
Truman Doctrine
Truxtun, Thomas
Turner, Nat
Tuscarora Indians
Tuskegee Airmen
Twigg, David
Tyler, John
Tyler, Royall
U2 incident
Ultra, see cryptography
Uncle Sam
Uniform Militia Act
Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)
United Nations
United Service Organizations (USO)
United States Exploring Expedition
United States Military Academy
United States Military Philosophical Society
United States Sanitary Commission