A Taste of Country

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A Taste of Country Page 24

by Vicki Green

  “Ah. So good of you to join us, Destiny.” I see Caprice move her eyes to him and then to me, the look of fear and confusion in them. I snap back to his when he speaks again. “Oh, right. My lovely little wench doesn’t know of you.” He sighs loudly. “Too bad there’s not enough time to introduce you properly since I’ve grown tired of this game.” I try to be sly, looking back and forth from him around the room, trying to find something to fight with. “I tried so hard to end this before but you spoiled it for me.” A light from the fire in the fireplace reflects on something in his other hand, and I look down, seeing the big hunter’s knife in its grasp. The knife.

  I move my hand subconsciously over the scar that’s beneath my shirt. My heart is pounding harder as I turn the corner and walk into the room. My fear escalates when it hits me that Ditto is nowhere around. Fear surrounds me but anger radiates through me. “Then let’s end this.” His brows lift, his mouth changing into a sneer. I lunge at him, reaching for the knife. Pain sears through me, my hand grabbing my side over my scar. I scream out, stepping back quickly and fall to my knees. My hand shakes as I move it out in front of me, blood covering it. I look up and see a smile on his face then notice the knife is gone. Suddenly, I feel weak, lightheaded and my body falls down without warning. The lights come on, and I hear running footsteps approaching behind me. Trevor comes running into the room and stops dead, looking down at me. I try to shake my head to tell him not to try anything, but he looks up, a scowl showing on his face.

  “Ah. More friends and fun. Can this night be any better?” Mikael sneers.

  I follow Trevor’s movements as he walks around behind me then I lose sight of him. I struggle to move or turn my head the other way. When I finally manage to, it’s just in time to see Trevor pull his gun out and aim it at Mikael.

  “Time for you to go, asshole, and I don’t mean you walking out alive,” Trevor growls. Mikael laughs and then his face scrunches up as he presses the gun harder into Caprice’s head. She closes her eyes and winces. “Put the fucking gun down. Now!” Trevor yells.

  I need to do something. But can I move? I turn my head back the other way, and my left hand moves to see if I can push myself up. Instead, I feel something and look down. The knife is laying there, the blade covered in my blood. I push on the blade, turning it around until I clasp my hand around the handle. I’ll need to be quick.

  My eyes snap up and see Colby panting at the doorway, his eyes widen when they meet mine. I raise my head when I hear Ditto barking then everything happens quickly. Ditto leaps into the air, his mouth clenches down on Mikael’s arm. A shot is fired from Trevor’s direction as Mikael moves his arm, Ditto hanging from it, growling and snarling. The chair holding Caprice is pushed over in a thud. Another shot fired and adrenaline begins flowing through me, determination to end this here and now giving me the strength I need.

  I push myself up, hearing Colby screaming at me, and limp forward, my fist tightening around the knife. His eyes widen as my bloody hand pushes against his chest, feeling a hard cushion beneath his shirt. A bulletproof vest, just like they surmised he had on before. I look into his eyes and mock. “I hope you burn in hell.” I tilt my head. “But that’s not even good enough for you.” I ram the knife under the vest and into his stomach. The look of surprise filters from his eyes to his mouth as his lips part. He grabs my arm with his free hand, trying to push me back, but I twist the knife and push harder. He begins to fall to his knees, and I follow him, not wanting to let go, not wanting a chance for him to escape again. I hear Ditto’s growling but don’t remove my eyes from Mikael’s. I want to see the life leave them. I want to watch the end.

  His eyes flutter close. His hand relaxes on my arm as he slumps back onto his legs. My hand shakes on the handle of the knife as I follow him, digging it into his flesh more. A hand reaches around me, their fingers on Mikael’s throat. “He’s dead, darlin’. It’s finally over.” My eyes move up and see the blue of Colby’s eyes. I feel his hand wrap around my wrist, and I allow him to remove the knife from my hand. “It’s all over, baby. Let me help you.” I nod, my head shaking as bad as my body. The adrenaline I once had depletes, dizziness overtakes me as he tries to help me up. I start to fall and he grabs me, lowering me to the floor. I turn my head when I hear him speaking, my eyes looking into his worried ones as he talks into his phone. I move my eyes and see Trevor laying behind him, his body still. His eyes closed. My breathing sputters as pain jabs me in my side.

  “Trev….” I start to speak but am cut off by the taste of rust in my mouth.

  Colby’s hand is on my forehead, tears moving down his gorgeous face. I hate that I worry him all the time, my life turning his upside down. “Please, don’t try move or speak, my love,” he whispers as he kisses my cheek. A sob escapes his full wet lips, and my heart breaks. He deserved better than me, but I thank God I was allowed to have him for as long as I did. I hear sirens outside and wish they would hurry to help Trevor. I just pray he’s not dead. Colby’s face changes, anger taking hold. “Don’t you leave me, Shiloh. Don’t you give up.” I choke and cough, pain hit me again. I feel like the knife is still in me. “Fight, Shiloh! Fight for me! Fight for our baby!” His voice becomes louder and louder, but my focus starts to waver. The baby. I was gonna have our baby. My eyes close as heavy footsteps run into the room. “No! I won’t leave her!” Colby yells but soon the warmth of his body is gone from my side.

  * * * *

  “Shiloh. Can you hear me?”

  The snow has stopped as the heavens open. Beautiful colors of red, yellow and orange alight the sky over the white peaked mountains. I’ve never seen anything more gorgeous. A hand reaches down from the sky, the wind making sounds of someone calling my name. I reach up over my head, and I’m not afraid. I look down as I feel a small hand take mine and look into the blue eyes of a little boy. His eyes are so blue, and his hair is the same color of the man who stole my heart. I take his hand, smiling as he looks up at me, and then I look back up. My brows lower and my smile falls as the hand begins to move back up into the sky, away from me. Where is it going? “It’s not your time yet. Go back and live the life you were meant to.” The wind rings in my ears and my hair whips around me as I look back down and see the boy is gone. Did he go without me? I feel light as my body starts to move. I frown as the sky becomes further and further away, sad that I’ll miss the beauty. Then darkness surrounds me, and I close my eyes.

  My eyes open slowly. White everywhere in a very small room. My brows lower in confusion. I hear a throat clear and turn my head slightly, the strange feeling of plastic in my nose and my eyes wanting to close. So sleepy. I take a deep breath and feel the air fill me and relax.

  “Ah. You’re finally awake.” Dr. Grayson smiles, her eyes soften. “I was gettin’ a bit worried.” I wince as I swallow. My throat dry and sore. “I almost lost ya on the operatin’ table. I guess you’re stronger than I thought, thank goodness.” She stands from the chair and walks to me. “Don’t try to speak or move. I’m sure you’re very weak. I’ll go make arrangements to get a room for you. I need you to be monitored for a while, okay?” I nod slightly. “Good girl. Now. There’s someone pacin’ a hole in the waitin’ room floor. Mind if he comes and sits with ya?” The corner of my mouth lifts. She smiles. “I’ll go get him.” I watch her walk out of the room and let my eyes close.

  I awaken to soft beeping sounds. The room is dark and different than I remember. Warmth fills my hand at my side. I look down and smile as my heart swells with love at the most beautiful sight in the world. Colby’s head is laying on the mattress beside me, his hand covering mine. He’s sound asleep and I can only imagine he’s not slept since I’ve been here only I have no idea how long that’s been. Faded memories enter my mind. Mikael, Caprice and Trevor. My chin quivers at the thought that Trevor could be dead, trying to save my life as well as Caprices. I blink my unshed tears away but become anxious with all the thoughts swarming in my head. My hand twitches beneath his, and his ey
es flutter open, relief and love filling them. He raises his head, his smile undeniably showing how he feels.

  “Shiloh,” he whispers.

  Suddenly, he stands and puts his arms around me the best he can. His head nestles into my neck. I feel the wetness of his tears on my skin before the sounds of his soft crying. I lift my arm and wrap it around him, the other lodged underneath him. “God. I really thought I lost you this time. Thank you for not leavin’ me.” A sob escapes him again, and I try to tighten my hold, but I feel so weak. I look down and place a kiss on the side of his face, and he cries harder. My heart breaks. Not for what’s happened but for what I’ve put him through. His life was so good before I came here. He was untouched by the viciousness of the world. Of him. His head raises. Wetness covers his face. His mouth turns into a huge smile as he leans forward and kisses my dry lips. He moves back but only a breath away, his eyes searching mine. “Don’t ever leave me again,” he says with seriousness but his smile never falters.

  Tears brim in my eyes. “I won’t,” I whisper, my voice cracking.

  He sits back down in the chair, and my arm drops to my side. He places his other hand on top of mine. My eyes keep trying to close, they’re so heavy. “Sleep, darlin’. I’m not goin’ anywhere. Ever.” My mouth turns into a smile as I let my eyes finally close.

  Chapter Eighteen


  When Sandra finally came into the waiting room, I was about to scream and pull my hair out. I’ve been waiting for hours to hear any word about Shiloh, wonderin’ if she was dead or alive. When she came into the room, I about pounced on her. Okay, I did. But the look on her face was filled with relief and that made me even more anxious to go see my love. I followed her to a small recovery room, and she filled me in as we walked. I about fell against the wall when she told me she almost lost her, but I recovered quickly knowin’ she was just down the hall, and I was gettin’ closer to her. It’s like I could feel her presence, her warmth as we stopped at a door. I walked straight to her bed, sittin’ down in a chair there, and grasped her hand. Sandra told me the knife wound went directly over her old scar, and she repaired the scar tissue while she was in there, but the new injury was so much deeper than the last. All I could think of is that she’s here, she’s alive and by the grace of God, her nightmare is finally over.

  She never awakened but just being by her side made me feel alive again. All the worry left me as I held onto her hand. About an hour later Sandra walks in with two aides and I’m made to move away so they can lift her into a regular bed but I’m soon back at her side, her hand in mine, as I follow to a private room in ICU. After they get everything set up, machines around her switched on and the oxygen ring removed from her nose, I take my place in the chair by her bed. Not having slept in the last several hours, the anxiety of waiting for news, and the horrific battle prior, I rest my head on the mattress, my eyes not hesitatin’ to close.

  When she stirred my eyes opened, and finally I see her beautiful eyes that I never thought I’d get to see again. I can’t stop myself from buryin’ my face into her neck and did somethin’ I haven’t done in a long time. I cried. I know it was from the fact that she’s alive and in my arms but also from the fear we wouldn’t be here at this moment, and I’d never get to hold her again. I didn’t want to let her go but couldn’t wait to kiss her. Then she smiled, and my breathin’ stopped. I finally regain myself and sit back down and just stare at her. She looks so tired, so weak, but I know in my heart just how strong she is. I told her to go to sleep, and she didn’t waste any time doin’ just that. She has a lot of healin’ to do, much more than the last time. Time. We have the rest of our lives to be together now. Free. She’s finally free to finish her book and to be really happy, maybe for the first time in her life.

  By the time her eyes open again, it’s light outside. She yawns and turns her head to me. Her beautiful smile graces her lips and my heart. “Mornin’, darlin’.” She winces when she swallows, and I reach over and hit the nurse’s button on the railing. “I’m gonna see if you can have some water, baby. Hold tight.” She blinks, and her smile comes back. The door opens quickly, and Belinda walks in.

  “Hi, Colby.” She looks down at Shiloh and smiles. “What can I do for you, sweetheart?”

  “Is she allowed to have water? I think her throat is really dry,” I ask for her. Belinda looks at me.

  “Oh, not yet. But she can have some ice chips. I’ll get that for ya.” I nod and she walks behind me then checks on some tubes and machines then she looks back at Shiloh. “Are you in pain?”

  Shiloh looks up. “A little,” she whispers. Belinda nods and takes somethin’ from the pocket of her shirt. She starts to push a needle in the openin’ of her IV but Shiloh interrupts. “I don’t want to sleep,” she manages to say softly.

  “Oh, no worries, honey. This is just to help take away the pain. Nothin’ too heavy.” She continues to push the medicine in, and then she turns to Shiloh when she’s done. “Sleep is good for you right now and the baby.” Shit. I hadn’t thought to tell her the baby is okay. I was so much more concerned about her and I knew the baby was fine. Shiloh’s eyes light up, tears form in them immediately. “You need anythin’ else you just call me. I’m not far. I’ll be right back with your ice.” She pats Shiloh’s shoulder and as she nods, tears fall from her eyes.

  She looks at me as the door closes. “The baby,” she whispers, her chin quivering.

  I place my hand on the side of her sweet face, my other hand squeezing hers. “The baby is fine. Sandra said it was a close call durin’ surgery. He’s okay but she said he got a little upset.”

  “He?” She asks in a hoarse voice.

  My smile couldn’t be bigger. “Yes, he.” Her mouth turns up into a smile, her tears fallin’ readily now. I wipe some away with my thumb as I look into her tear filled eyes. “They did a sonogram after the surgery to make sure he was doin’ okay. Seems our boy is a little bit of a show off and displayed himself rather openly.” A sob mixed with a laugh leaves her beautiful lips. I move my hand up and rub her forehead with my thumb up into her hair. “God, I love the sound of your laugh. I’ve missed it. So much.”

  The door opens and the nurse is back, a smile on her face. She hands me a cup with some ice chips and sets a plastic mug down on the nightstand. I pick up a piece of ice and Shiloh’s eyes close as I slip it between her lips. I watch her swallow and her eyes open. “More?” She nods, and I give her another. The cup is almost half empty when she shakes her head at another one. I smile and set the cup down on the table and lean on the mattress, my hand still holdin’ hers.

  “Trevor. I saw him….” Her voice is a little clearer but tremblin’.

  I reach up and start my thumb movin’ across her forehead again, knowin’ she likes it, and it seems to soothe her. “He’s in critical condition, baby.” Her brows raise as her eyes widen. “He’s down the hall here. He was shot in the thigh and also his chest, right above his heart. He was in surgery much longer than you. Caprice is with him. She won’t leave his side.” I watch her throat constrict as she swallows.

  “He’s there because of me. He tried to help kill Mikael for me. To protect me.” Her eyes are wet again, and it breaks my heart.

  “I know, baby. He’s in good hands. You know he’d do anythin’ for you.” I smile as she nods.

  “I’d hate it if Mikael set out to do what he wanted. He wanted to kill me and didn’t succeed but he also wanted to kill those I love. Trevor’s one of the best people I know. He doesn’t deserve to die because of my past.” Her eyes search mine. “He’s always been there for me and he’s the closest family I’ve had.”

  “I know,” I whisper.

  “Do you think they’d let me see him?” She whispers back.

  “Not for a while, my love. You were hurt pretty bad and have to mend some. I’ll keep you updated, okay?” She nods, and a tear falls from her eye. She sniffles and I grab a tissue from the table, wiping under her eyes and then her face
. I smile and begin my rubbing again, her eyes growin’ heavy. “Sleep, darlin’. I’m never leavin’ your side.” Her eyes flutter open.

  “You need sleep too.” Her hand moves from underneath mine and she places it on my face. My eyes close briefly with her soft touch. “You look so tired. I don’t want to worry about you anymore.” She moves her hand back to the mattress, and I put mine around it again.

  “I wish I could lay beside you, hold you in my arms. I miss your beautiful face snugglin’ into my chest, the warmth of your arm across my stomach.” Her eyes close again and I continue my soothing strokes. “Don’t worry ‘bout me, darlin’. I’ll always be fine as long as I’m near you.” She swallows and her head droops. I hear her light breathin’ but continue rubbin’ her forehead. I wait for several minutes, makin’ sure she won’t wake, and then I move my hand away from her face and lay it on the mattress next to our hands. I rest my head on my arm, look at her once more, and then close my eyes.


  When I open my eyes again, the sun is shining through the window to my right. The room is different. I look around and see the machines that used to surround me from behind are gone. I feel like I’ve lost more time. I’m groggy and not quite alert. As I look around the room, I notice it’s much larger. A couch and a table with chairs are on the left. There’s a vase filled with roses sitting in the middle of the table. I take a deep breath, my hand moving to my side as pain hits briefly with my movement. Smelling the fragrance was worth it. I look down. The bed is much bigger. My eyes lift when the door opens, and the most beautiful thing in the world enters.


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