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The Summer Catch (Oyster Cove Series Book 5)

Page 10

by Jennifer Foor

  “That doesn’t make him marriage material.”

  “Who said anything about marriage?”

  My father whips the car into a parking spot and stops. “Do you think your actions won’t affect our lives?”

  Crossing my arms, I still refuse to look in his direction. “It’s not about you. It’s about me.”

  “How will you support the child?”

  “I figured you and mom would help until I finished school.”

  “Law school is no longer an option. Trust me. There’s no way you can study and have a baby, not to mention you’re going to have to support the child yourself.”

  I’m weeping as he says it. I get that he’s angry, but he’s basically leaving me no options. “Please don’t make me do this. I’ll figure it out. I’ll be a paralegal.”

  “All the time and money invested in your future and you’re going to give up and be a paralegal?”

  The tears are making my eyes sting. At this point no makeup remains. I can’t remember ever crying this much in my life. I’m not an emotional person. I’m a giver, not a taker. I treat others as I would want them to treat me. Right now I feel like everything my parents raised me to believe is being thrown out the window. They’re overreacting and being hypocrites. “You just expect me to have an abortion and forget it ever happened?”

  “Yeah. I do. Kadence, it’s a simple procedure. You’ll be fine. You’ll go to school in the fall and get through it.”

  “This isn’t some infection I can treat. There’s a baby growing inside of me.” I quickly pull my phone from my purse and go to the photograph of what my developing child looks like right now. “This is what you want me to get rid of, like trash? Look at the picture, Dad. It’s not some blob. There’s a living human being growing inside of me, and he or she may not have been created through a loving relationship, but it was an unforgettable moment in my life I’ll never forget. The father may not be up to your standards, but I have no doubt he’ll step up and be there to support me.”

  “You’re so naïve. Men who pick up women and sleep with them don’t have a moral compass. He’s only saying what you want to hear.”

  He’s the second person to tell me that.

  “No. You’re wrong. Caleb isn’t like that. In fact, the Wallace family owns several businesses on the island. They’re close and have a good dynamic.”

  “Are you trying to convince me, or yourself?”

  He’s right. He’s absolutely right.

  “It’s my body.”

  “You’re right. It’s your body, but I pay the bills. It’s also your future I’m looking out for. I’m telling you right now, if you choose to have this child I can’t support you. I won’t let you throw away everything you’ve worked so hard to have.”

  “So get rid of the baby, or be on my own?”

  We pull up to the house we’re renting and my dad shuts off the ignition and gets out. He doesn’t answer me. I guess he doesn’t have to. His decision is made.

  Mom comes out to the car when she notices I haven’t come back inside. She’s been crying, and from the looks of her face I’d say it’s more than I have. She sits in the driver’s side of the car and raises a tissue to her eyes. “Your dad said you talked.”

  “If that’s what you call it. He basically said I have to kill me baby.”

  “He would never use those terms, Kadence. You need to understand how he feels. It’s like you’re willing to throw your future down the drain. You don’t even have the father’s support.”

  “How do you know?”

  “How much can the boy support you, especially from here. You told us you weren’t in a relationship to start. The whole situation is bad for a baby to be brought into the world. There’s no way you can keep up with your studies. Law school isn’t like regular college. You can’t take your time and limit classes. It’s three years of solid hard work, long cases, internships, and barely any sleep. How can you do that with a child?”

  “I thought you’d help me.”

  “Kadence, your father and I still work. We don’t have the liberty of retiring yet.”

  “Mom, please don’t say I have to do this. Please don’t make me choose abortion.”

  “You don’t have to have an abortion. There are plenty of families who can’t have children.”

  “Adoption? You want me to carry my child and then give it to a stranger?”

  She almost snickers. “Well you trusted a stranger to make the child.”

  That’s the last straw for me. I get what they’re saying. I know it’s breaking my mom’s heart especially, but I’m not willing to give up. I have to keep fighting, even if it’s all alone. Before getting out of the car, I turn all my attention to my mother, looking her in the eyes to make sure she’s really listening to me. “I’m not giving up my baby. Life throws us curveballs. I’ll put law school on hold.”

  “You and I both know that’s probably not going to happen. You’re giving up so much.” She starts to bawl. “I can’t do this. You’re father is so upset he wants to head home. He’s arranging a ride to Salisbury airport where he’ll take a flight home. It’s probably for the best. You and I can sit down and figure this out.”

  “Are you even listening to me?”

  “You’re being irrational, Kadence. This isn’t something you can decide overnight.”

  “I’ve known for weeks, Mom. Weeks. I’ve had plenty of time to think about this.”

  “You need to calm down. Don’t raise your voice at me.”

  “Sorry, but you’re not hearing me. It’s my body, my baby, and you two can’t force me to make this kind of decision.”

  “Then I’m afraid we’re going to agree to disagree.”

  Dad is gone by morning. I spent most of the night on the deck, listening to them argue and knowing I’m the reason. Caleb tries to call me a dozen times. I know he thinks he can fix this, but it’s not true. Nothing can fix what I’ve done and how it will change my future.

  Mom doesn’t speak to me for two days. We go to the beach in silence, eat in silence, and even shop within conversation. Whenever we’re in public she scopes out the people around us, as if she’s going to somehow point out Caleb. As much as I find it entertaining, my heart aches for leading him on. His phone calls are starting to taper off, and I know eventually they’ll stop altogether.

  Dad shows up the following weekend, and after a heated discussion, Mom decides to go home, leaving me at the beach house alone to sulk in my depressed state.

  That first night alone I’m a mess. More than anything, I’m lost. It doesn’t help that neither of my parents are on speaking terms. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so deprived. They’re doing this so I do what they want, and I’m not going to allow it. I’m determined to fight until they realize this is my choice.

  I’ve been ordering delivery so I didn’t have to go out and risk seeing Caleb, but it’s getting old. Avoiding the diner, I find some food trucks and hope to grab something fast I can take with me. I no sooner walk up to the window when I spot the same girl that said those things to me. Her name is Evie, and she reminds me of Davina. She smiles when she sees me. “What can I get ya?”

  “I’ll have the chicken sandwich with the boardwalk fries and a lemonade.”

  I hand her a twenty and take my drink after she makes it. Then I walk over to where other people are waiting for their food. The kayak place is across the street, but there’s no one over there. Evie comes out to deliver my food. She gives me a once over. “Seen Caleb lately?”


  “Coop told me what happened. You really knocked up?”


  “How do you know it’s Caleb’s kid?”

  “He’s the only person I’ve been with. Trust me, I know, not that it matters. I don’t expect anything from him.”

  “Well that’s a shame, because Caleb would stand by you. He’s good with kids. You should see him with the little ones in his family.”

  All o
f a sudden I’ve lost my appetite. “Didn’t you tell me I couldn’t count on him?”

  “I say a lot of shit when I’m drunk.”

  “I have to go,” I say while grabbing the food I’m not going to eat and heading back to my parent’s car. My stomach turns as Evie watches me pull away. Caleb told his brother I was pregnant. Maybe he’s told his whole family. If he wasn’t going to be a part of the child’s life, why would he announce it to everyone?”

  My hands are shaking when I call his number. Expecting him to be angry, he picks up on the second ring. “Please tell me you’re still on the island.”

  “I am. My parents left, but I’m here.”

  “I need to see you. You’re wrong about me, Kadence. I can’t get you out of my mind. Let me come see you. Please.”

  I give him the address where I’m staying. Maybe I’m being desperate and stupid. Maybe this will only make matters worse, but at this point I don’t care anymore. I’m tired of being alone. I’m sick of feeling like everyone in the world hates me.

  Chapter 23


  I have another chance, and this time I’m going to prove I can change. I’ve been trying to reach her for days with no answer. To find out she’s been this close is tough, especially when I was desperate enough to drive around and hope I’d run into her.

  With her parents having gone home, we’ll be able to have privacy. I need to be alone with her; to convince her she’s wrong.

  Coop drops me off at the beach house. “Good luck, bro. I can tell she’s important to you.”

  “I know it’s crazy, but she is. I want this to work. From the first time I met her she’s been on my mind. This just gives me more reason to get to know her.”

  “Doesn’t she live in New York?”

  I nod. “Yeah.”

  “So you’d be willing the leave the island?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe. This is life changing. We’ve been fooling around for long enough. I’m getting tired of the same old thing. I’m going to be a dad.”

  “Good luck.”


  Coop pulls out of the driveway as I’m walking up to the door. Never in my life have I ever felt so nervous before. This is just some random chick. This is the mother of my child. I haven’t been able to get her out of my mind.

  Knocking twice, I wait for her to answer. As soon as the door opens, I’m pulling her into my arms. “I thought you were gone.”

  “I’m still here.”

  I take a step back and look into her sullen eyes. “So am I. I told you, I’m not going anywhere. I meant it.”

  “I’m scared. Everyone is against this. They say I’m ruining my life.”

  “You’re saving mine, Kadence.”

  Her lips part, but no words come out. “What?”

  “I can’t keep living the way I was. It’s time to grow up. Maybe it’s not the same way for you. I’m not asking for you to love me, but let me love my kid. Let’s do this. Me and you against the world.”

  “How? Where will we live?”

  I shrug like it’s not a big deal. “We’ll get a place together. I don’t know what I can afford in New York, but I make good money here and I’ve got a lot saved. I’m sure I can get a job on the water up there.”

  “You’d move for your unborn child?”

  “Damn straight. I was raised that way. Maybe you’re used to city boys.”

  “What if we find out we hate each other?”

  “What’s not to love about me?”

  “I’m difficult. I’m picky. I have rich taste.”

  “I’m not picky. I’m easy going, and I don’t care if you like nice things.”

  I reach down and touch her abdomen. “I bet you’ve been punishing yourself for the past several days.”

  “You’d be right.”

  “We’re in this together.”

  “What if you change your mind?”

  “What if you change yours? Shit happens. For now I’m excited about this. You know I think you’re beautiful. We have chemistry. My god, we’re magic in bed. It’s ass backwards, but it’s something to go on. If we can make a baby, we can make it work.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “I’m crazy about doing this with you, Kadence. What do you say? Can your baby daddy be your partner?”

  “My parents are going to hate you.”

  “Fuck them. I’m awesome.”


  “Okay what?”

  “Okay, let’s do this. Together. Let’s try to make this work.”

  I pull her back in my arms and kiss her sweet lips. “I don’t have to try with you, Kadence. That’s why I know you’re special. You feel right to me.”

  It’s true.

  Chapter 24


  From the moment he showed up at the door, Caleb hasn’t left my side. He held me when I cried, reassured me when I had doubts, and promised we could make this work. Having always relied on my parents, I’m still skeptical, but feel at ease knowing he cares enough to change his whole life for our child.

  For the next week we spend every waking second together. I don’t know how he did it, but he found someone to cover his kayak tours, so that he could take me all over the place.

  We met all of his family. That was a riot. They’re all so different, yet so much alike at the same time. I envy the fact that he has brothers and a sister, where I’m an only child.

  It took us two nights before we had sex again. Once it started, there was no stopping us. He was right about having chemistry. Intimacy with Caleb feels natural, and it’s not just because we created a life together.

  Late at night he holds me close and tells me all about his life. I feels good to get to know him. The more I discover, the harder the feelings are to deny. He’s literally like my knight in shining armor. He’s nothing fancy on the surface, but inside he’s everything I could need to get through this.

  Deciding to go home with me to meet my parents feels like it’s going to be a catastrophe, though he’s hell-bent on making it happen. At least now I have options. I’ve made the decision to defer my enrollment to law school. I made the call myself without clearing it with my parents. They’ll be furious once again.

  The plan is to let them know what I’ll be doing. Caleb is willing to find work in New York if we can work things out, if not, I plan on coming back to the island until we can have the baby and decide where we want to raise them.

  I’m not as scared as I was in the beginning. In the back of my mind I already know what they’re going to say. At first they’ll send me away. They pretend they’ve cut ties for the purpose of drawing me home.

  I’m taking a big leap of faith with Caleb, one they will probably never understand. It’s my choice. If it fails, I have options for returning to school. It doesn’t hurt to try. They can hate me for making what they feel is a bad decision, but in my heart I feel like I’m doing right by Caleb. The more we’re together, the more I know I’d be a fool to let him go. Maybe he’s changed. Maybe I’m the reason. For what it’s worth, I hope it’s true. I can’t remember ever feeling this appreciated before, and he’s the reason.

  We never make it to New York. The day I check out of the rental property, Buck Wallace comes to us with an affordable alternative with enough space for a growing baby. It’s a waterfront cottage outside of town. The place needs work, but it has three bedrooms and two baths. A friend of his got sick and had to go into a nursing home. Buck told him he’d take the property off his hands for a fair price. He wants it for an investment, but offered it to his son instead.

  I know Buck doesn’t want us to leave, and if I’m honest with myself I know this is where I want to be. I’ve felt at home since the first moment I came to the island. My parents will come around, and when they do we’ll be here. I think the most important thing for me is knowing everything will be all right. I’m having a child, not going to Mars. I’ll still go to Law School. I’ll still be a lawyer, but
I’m just not sure I want to do it right now. I think I worked so hard that I resent missing out.

  It took one week with Caleb to realize there was a void inside of me, and one week for that void to be filled with hope and love and even a little faith.

  If you’ve reached this point and the epilogue is missing, please do an update in the KINDLE or contact customer Service and have them push it through. You are not getting the full version of this book.

  There is supposed to be one more chapter and an epilogue. This should only happen if you preordered.

  Sorry if this occurs in your copy and I do hope you download the update for the real ending. Xoxo J4

  Want more from Jennifer Foor?

  Check out the first three chapters of Repossess now.

  Repossess– Written by Jennifer Foor

  Edited By Ellie Mclove / Lovenbooks

  Copyright © 2017 Jennifer Foor

  All Rights Reserved

  This book is a written act of fiction. Any places, characters, or similarities are purely coincidence. If certain places or characters are referenced it is for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. This book is not allowed to be offered for sale, discounted, or free on any sites not authorized by the author. This book may only be distributed by Jennifer Foor, the owner and Author of this series.

  Sharing this book is illegal, and doing so will grant you the guilt of forever being a douchebag to society. Don’t be THAT person everyone hates. Purchase a copy and feel good about your choices.

  Cast of characters:

  Main character: Raimey Tanner

  Brothers are:


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