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Tess Awakening

Page 4

by Andres Mann

  “General, you are a very attractive man, but I cannot be one of your ladies, or your only lady, for that matter. I am an American officer and a prisoner. We are in the middle of a war, not exactly the best setting for romance.” Tess was running out of ideas.

  Amir was starting to enjoy her evasion. He appreciated her attempts at resistance. He never cared for passive women. He relished the challenge of the chase, as an accomplished hunter should. It made the conquest that much sweeter.

  “Tess, wars are transitory events. With the exception of the war that the Americans started in Afghanistan, nowadays they generally don’t last long. Why be enemies when we can be lovers? I am wealthy, powerful and a very passionate man. I can show you a world you never imagined. Instead of a dusty tent in the desert, you could live in a French Chateau. You could have your own plane in Paris and go to the Opera in Monte Carlo overlooking your own yacht moored in the Bay.”

  Tess stood up. “Is that what you promised to Kejal?”

  The General put his drink down. “She and her family are traitors! She should be grateful that she is still alive!”

  Tess pointed in the direction of his sister’s apartments. “She doesn’t look very grateful to be alive! What did you do to her?”

  Amir stared at her icily. “If she does not want to live, I can arrange for her death in less than one minute.”

  Tess fell silent. She knew that she was treading on dangerous territory.

  “Let’s go back to you,” Amir resumed. “Why do you risk your life to fulfill the ambitions of old and corrupt politicians? You are young, beautiful and a woman; why waste your life as a soldier when you could live a life of leisure?”

  Tess snapped. “General, about serving politicians — isn’t that exactly what you are doing? You are fighting to support a brutal dictator and a corrupt party. And how are you going to handle the simple fact that your nation just cannot win a war against the Coalition armies? Can you honestly say that you have a future?” Oops, she almost regretted her remarks. ‘I should let him talk. Buy time. Save my guys.’

  Amir sighed and took a sip of wine. “Tess, obviously you are not a student of history. No matter what atrocities are committed in war, only a few in roles of leadership actually pay for their crimes. Only a fraction of people at the very top was ever called to account. After the Second World War, the Nazis that were hanged were so few that it made a mockery of the millions they murdered. Many of the Nazi hierarchy, including the vicious people of the SS and Gestapo were jailed and eventually released. The Allies just could not hang them all. In Japan, they left the Emperor alone and only hanged General Yamashita and a few officers, whose guilt was questionable; most of the ruthless Samurai hierarchy that engineered countless massacres got away with murder. It will be the same here in Iraq.”

  “My grandfather was very shrewd. He realized that for the family to survive and prosper, it needs to get close enough to a regime to be useful, but not close enough to be identified with it. He understood the ephemeral nature of power and taught me well. I manage to be important to the regime, but not too important.”

  He sipped some wine. “Besides, the circumstances of this conflict are unusual. I am sure you understand that the Americans and the British are naively trying to win the minds if not the hearts of the Iraqis and the rest of the Arab world. They cannot afford the spectacle of humiliating and punishing countless Arab leaders, no matter what they have done. After all, you are not conquering, you are supposedly ‘liberating’ Iraq. Things will be back to normal very quickly; politicians will continue doing what they have always done, and the rest of us will go back to our business.” Tess reluctantly had to admit to herself that the man might have a point.

  The door opened, and a servant announced in Arabic that dinner was served. Amir rose and offered his hand. “Shall we?” Tess allowed the General to hold the dining chair as she sat. Taking his place at the table, Amir apologized for the spare victuals presented on the table. “The war has created shortages,” he explained.

  Actually, to Tess it looked like a feast. The General took a few minutes to point at several dishes and explain what they were. A veritable symphony of Middle Eastern delicacies: lamb, chicken, couscous, various grains mixed with several kinds of rice and vegetables. Tess felt hunger gnaw at her stomach, and under different circumstances would have lunged at the food in the best G.I. tradition. She immediately thought of her men, probably still rotting in that dirty hole of a prison and felt guilty.

  “General, are my men being fed?”

  Amir became irritated. “They are being taken care of! Now, eat something before you lose any more weight!” Sure, she thought — he wants me nice and plump, like Gretel in the fairy tale.

  They started to eat, a deafening silence standing between them like a concrete barrier. After a few bites Amir asked: “Tess, would you stay with me? I would give up all others for you.” Tess swallowed, took a sip of water and shook her head slightly.

  “No, General, I will not. I am not looking for a romantic attachment and we have already discussed the other issues. I would prefer to work together to take care of my men. If you help me, I am sure that my commanders would be grateful for your cooperation, and would take that into account when the reconstruction of your country begins. We do understand that the regime probably ordered you and others to do questionable things. You must know that the Coalition forces are approaching and that your troops don’t stand a chance. You can surrender for their sake, and I will be there to make sure that you are treated well.”

  Amir again waived his hand in a dismissive manner. “You are asking me to commit treason by not fighting a foreign invader on Iraqi soil. My soldiers will die if that is their only choice!”

  Tess made a last ditch attempt at reason. “General, there is no honor in dying for a lost cause. You will just cause a massacre of your own people.”

  Amir responded angrily: “My people don’t count. They are primitive, unthinking peasants, and they will die in place if I tell them to do so!” He stood up as if to deliver a lecture. “Don’t you understand what’s real in this world?” he added, “There are a few people that count, and the rest are here to do their bidding. You are one of the latter and I am offering you a chance to move up the ladder to where you belong. You are working under a delusion that democracy is the solution to all things. Have you considered that your own country, the United States of America is run by a plutocracy, people with money that appropriate 80% of the wealth and leave the rest of you with crumbs?” Why should you die for corrupt and greedy politicians, CEOs, and their corporations?

  Tess was not a statistician, and she was well aware of the power and influence of the moneyed class, but she didn’t feel particularly downtrodden. Just about everything she had done with her life was a result of her free will, of making her own decisions, aware of the implications of her actions.

  “Yes, there are still the haves and have not’s,” she responded. Nevertheless, the majority of people in my country still have an enviable lifestyle compared to the rest of the world. For the most part, our elites have risen through merit, not family connections.”

  Amir shook his head slowly, demonstrating contempt for such simplistic ideas. At the same time, he was enjoying her spirited responses. The more she resisted, the more aroused he became. This splendid tigress needs to be tamed, subdued and enjoyed. He knew he was the man to make this happen.

  “Tess, we can talk all day, and we will not agree on everything. Not important. What’s important is that I desire you and that you will want me once you experience who I am. I must have you!” Amir moved toward her. Tess stood up, took a couple of steps backward, and steeled herself.”

  “The only way you will have me is if you rape me. If you do that, you are not a man!”

  Amir laughed. “Rape? No, I will not do that. Women come to me! They beg to be with me! They offer their bodies to me because they need to experience pleasure like they never had before. I make t
hem cry with ecstasy. You will too — but I will not ravish you. You will want to come to me. That’s the only way I want you.”

  Chapter 6


  “How are you going to do that? I am not interested!”

  “You will be,” he said menacingly. He slapped his hands, and one of his officers walked in. “Bring in the prisoner” he commanded. Tess panicked.

  “What are you going to do?” She did not get a response. Within minutes, four guards came in pushing Sergeant Archie Powell, his hands tied behind him. He resisted, hitting the guards with his elbow, feet, and even his head. They stopped under a rope hanging from a hook in the ceiling and tethered him, arms behind him. Then they used a pulley to raise him off the floor. Archie let out a curse and spat on the closest guard. Two of them hit him with the butt of their rifles, knocking him out. Tess, horrified, ran toward the sergeant, but the General walked behind her and grabbed her shoulders. His grip was like steel, and she felt pain.

  “Who is your man, Tess?”

  Tess tried to free herself, only to encourage the General to increase his steely grip. He now held her against him and seemed to enjoy it. ‘Fine woman,’ Amir thought, ‘soft on the outside and firm on the inside. I will enjoy her very much.’

  Tess screamed: “He is a soldier, a sergeant, and he must be respected as such” The men laughed.

  “A sergeant, you say?” Amir noted, still holding her in front of him, “Are you sure? Are all American soldiers so heavy?” Archie’s clothes were in shreds, and his body showed evidence of a beating.

  “Please let him go,” she pleaded. “He is no threat to you!”

  Amir increased his painful grip on her arms and shoulders. “Why are you so worried about him; is he your lover?” Tess tried to break away, unsuccessfully.

  “No, he is not my lover! He is a soldier. Let him go!”

  Unimpressed, Amir let her go and nodded to the guards. One of them picked up a bucket and splashed the contents on Archie’s head, reviving him. Two of the others yanked on the pulley and raised the sergeant off the floor. He screamed. Tess’s heart felt like it had stopped.

  “Amir,” for the first time she called him by his first name, “I beg you, please don’t do this. For your sake, don’t put yourself in jeopardy when the Americans find you here. Don’t be a war criminal!”

  Amir smiled. “Do I detect some concern for me, beautiful one? Perhaps you like me a little, no?” Another nod; another yank of the rope.

  “Damn you!” Archie’s scream went right through Tess’s soul. She fought an urge to kill the General.

  “Amir, please, I ask again: Stop this! I will do whatever you want!”

  The sergeant heard her and started to shake his body in a vain attempt to free himself. “Major, don’t do anything. Tell him to go to hell! They haven’t even begun to hurt me!”

  Another nod from the General. One of the guards approached the prisoner with a wireless electric drill in hand. He started the tool, grabbed Archie’s hair to raise his head. He pointed at the drill and said with a grin “Made in USA.”

  Amir grabbed Tess again, making a show of smelling her perfume. “Where should we start, my beautiful? A small hole in his thigh? Perhaps though the eye?”

  Archie tried to kick his tormentors, to no avail. “Major, ignore them! After they get through with me, they will kill you!”

  Amir, still holding Tess, nuzzled her cheek from behind her. She could not stand it anymore. “General, stop this. I will go with you if you let him go.”

  Amir took another whiff of her hair and held up his hand, stopping the goon from inflicting any more damage on the sergeant. He spoke in her ear. “Are you sure my beauty? You want to come to come to me of your own free will?”

  “Yes, I will come to you!” she angrily responded.

  “Are you sure, of you own free will? Will you beg to have me?”

  Tess was desperate. “I beg you to take me,” she moaned through her tears.

  The General made another gesture to his men. “Take him down, and clean him up! Put him back with the others! Now go, go!” The men worked fast, dragging Archie Powell with them; his face was the picture of despair.

  Amir let Tess go, went back to the table, poured some wine in Tess’s glass and brought it to her. She collapsed on a chair, took the glass and downed its contents. She felt defeated, lost. Amir sat in his chair and lit a cigar. He remained silent until Tess composed herself. He blew a circle of smoke in the air.

  “Now, my dear, no more unpleasantness. Let’s celebrate our coming together. You will soon get used to it and even enjoy it. Now, if you would, please go to the apartments and prepare to receive me.” With a quick hand gesture, the General rang a small bell. Kejal appeared almost instantly. “The lady needs to freshen up and change; see to it,” he commanded. The woman took Tess by the hand, helped her get up from the chair, and gently put her arm around her waist to guide her out of the room. Tess felt like a helpless ghost.

  In the bedroom, the woman asked Tess to sit on a sofa. She returned with a warm washcloth and washed her tears away. “You must endure this. You must survive tonight. I will come later, and help you.” Kejal heard the General approach and disappeared like a whisper.

  Amir appeared wearing a magnificent robe, and then sat on a plush chair, crossing his legs. “Morgan.” He paused. “A masculine name, not at all suitable for you. We must find a name that fits you.” Another pause; “Now, if you please, I would like you to reveal yourself to me. Take your clothes off slowly.”

  Tess felt nauseous. Amir stared at her, patiently waiting for his wishes to be obeyed. This is the end of the charade, Tess thought to herself. I must be smart. There is more than me involved here. I must think straight.

  She rose, and slowly removed the slinky dress, letting it fall on the floor. She remained upright in her bra, panties, and high-heeled shoes. Amir smiled, obviously pleased with what he saw. A statuesque splendidly fit young woman; tight abdomen and legs that belonged in Hollywood. Exquisite lips, stunning green eyes framed by blonde hair. Allah is indeed great to bestow such a beauty on his humble servant.

  “Now take the rest of it off,” he commanded. Slowly, deliberately, Tess removed her bra, letting it fall to the floor. The sight of her perfect breasts and nipples was more than Amir could bear. He stood up and gently placed his hands on them, thrilling at the heavenly texture so unique to fine females. He started to tremble, his erection now visible. He planned to take her slowly, unhurriedly and assert his dominance by bringing her up to ecstasy against her will. He wanted to reduce her to a supplicant for more of what his manhood could provide, but he started to lose control. He must have her. Now! Tess appeared to be affected by the erotic moment and parted her lips in a sign of receptivity. Amir took one step back to remove his robe.

  In what seemed to be an instant, Tess flexed her body into what appeared to be a dance pirouette, swung her right leg up to her shoulder, and with a swift turn of her body planted the tip of her high-heel shoe in Amir’s temple. He crumpled to the floor, not knowing what hit him. Tess, expecting a counterattack, stepped back and adopted a martial arts posture. She waited a few seconds, but there was no movement. Cautiously, she moved closer to the collapsed body on the carpet. The General was still alive, but unconscious.

  Chapter 7

  Escape and Tragedy

  Almost on cue, Kejal appeared. ‘Obviously, privacy in any form is not the norm in this place,’ Tess thought, but she was happy to see the woman. As Tess tried to restore her beating heart to normalcy, Kejal began unpacking a bag. She spread a chador, the traditional head-to-toe dress of conservative Islamic women, across the bed; a pair of sturdy shoes next to it.

  “Hurry, you must wear this,” she urged. “We must leave now!” Tess did not need further encouragement. She put the gown back on and slipped the chador over her head.

  “We can just walk out the door?” she asked, almost incredulously. Kejal made sure that Tess was enti
rely concealed under the garment.

  “It is almost dark. Soon the guards will leave to eat. Only one guard will be left outside. We must go around him. He will think you are the cook going home. I always let her out of the gate when she is done here.”

  ‘Risky, but workable,’ Tess thought.

  Kejal continued her instructions. “If the guard suspects something, you will need to harm him.”

  “Oh, I think I have something that will harm him, all right,” Tess said while silently appreciating all the years of martial arts lessons.

  Kejal handed her a large kitchen knife. “When we leave the room, we will go to the left; the hallway should be deserted and at the end there is a door that opens to the outside. As usual they assume that a mere woman, even one that is an American officer, is no match for any of them, so there are no additional guards outside. Besides they don’t want people to think we are doing something in this building.” Tess did not want to know what that ‘something’ was.

  “Will you come with me? Together we can get back to the American lines. I will help you ….”

  “Thank you for your kindness Major,”

  “Please, call me Tess.”

  “Tess,” she said the name as others say the names of the saints. “I will go with you. The General will kill me when he finds I have helped you. I am not afraid of dying, but I must find my daughter soon before he orders her killed.”

  “If we get out of here, we will try to find her together,” Tess replied.

  “I would be grateful,” responded the woman. “When we go outside, act modest and humble. Remember, they think so little of women that we grow stronger under their eyes and someday vengeance will be ours. But for now, you must wear the chador. They will not suspect it is you. The garment will cover your hair and it is dark enough that unless you look directly at someone they will not be able to see your shining eyes.”


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