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Page 7

by Alaska Angelini

  “Princess Tessalyn?’ The voice was more demanding. More so, laced with impatience. I broke away, licking over the wounds. Marie panted and I pulled her up, sitting her on the edge of the bed as I lifted my hand, waving away the fog. It cleared enough for me to see the blonde who’d been here before.

  “Can I help you?”

  A suspicious glare was sent my way and I raised an eyebrow, waiting.

  “Aetas wishes to see you. He’ll be here shortly.”

  I glanced at Marie’s flushed face and shook my head. “There’s no need. I was just on my way out. I’ll go and see him.”

  The blonde’s lips parted and she appeared to go blank. Maybe my bluntness wasn’t allowed or heard of here, but I wasn’t staying in this room for a moment longer.

  “Just tell me where he is. I’ll find him.”

  “No.” She drew out the word. “You should stay and wait. If you leave, he will be upset. You don’t want that.” Before she could finished, the door opened and he walked in. I wanted to groan. His visits usually lasted hours and I couldn’t stand to think of staying here that long.

  The blonde spared me a glance before she rushed past him and left. Anger was clear in his expression as he stared at me. Instead of speaking, he turned to Marie.

  “Your presence has been greatly beneficial for Princess Tessalyn’s healing, but I do believe she’s not in need of your services anymore. If you’ll head down the stairs, Margo will be waiting for you. She’ll escort you out.”

  My mouth dropped open and I quickly shut it as I put myself between them.

  “I want her to stay.”

  Marie stood from the bed and I put my arm back so she couldn’t walk past. Aetas’ silence had her ducking beneath me and rushing to the door.

  “I want her to stay. Please. I need her with me.”

  The door shut, but he never took his eyes off of me. “Lesson number one. Be solely dependent upon yourself.”

  My jaw tightened in anger. I was already shaking from Marie’s blood. The combination wasn’t good for my temper. It was hard enough to control as it was. My vampire was still so new. It ruled me more than I did.

  “Is lesson number two more mind stuff? I want to see Marko again.”

  “Was speaking to him not enough for you?”

  The threat in his tone had me looking down. “I didn’t tell him I was alive. I never answered him.”

  “You didn’t have to,” he said, stepping forward. “He suspects enough. He sent a request this morning to see me. I denied it.”

  “He wanted to see you? And you said no?”

  Sadness had me tearing up while I took in his stoic expression.

  “I have nothing to say to him. Besides, I’m busy with you. He will have to wait.”

  The answer was exactly the reason why I knew I needed to hurry and heal. If I could learn, I could leave.

  “What do you want me to do? Just show me and I’ll do it.”

  A laugh left him and he grabbed my arm roughly, pulling me to the end of the bed. I hit the mattress hard at his push. It had been so unexpected that my palms shot up to defend myself.

  “Calm, I don’t want you that way. Even if I did, I wouldn’t have to take it. You’d give yourself to me willingly and never look back.”

  My head shook. “You’re wrong.”

  “You think so?’ Aetas’ smiled, but it was full of challenge. “Close your eyes. Don’t look at me. When you choose me, I don’t want there to be any blame that I somehow messed with your mind. You’re going to pick me all on your own.

  My lids lowered and a few seconds went by. The silence drew out and I blinked up at the ceiling. Was he going to do anything or not? I sat up, looking around the empty room. A knock sounded at the door and I rolled my eyes at his game.

  “Come in.” I stood, crossing my arms over my chest. One fell free almost immediately as I used the other to push against my racing heart. Breath wouldn’t come as I stared into the face I longed to see the most. Dark eyes met mine as he shut the door and I was torn on whether I was dreaming or not.

  “Jesus … it’s true. You’re alive.”

  Tears streamed down my cheek as I shook my head wildly. “Impossible. This isn’t real.”

  Marko didn’t listen as he raced in my direction. He gripped around my waist, pulling me into his body. It was so real that I started to wonder if Aetas had really left and Marko had come for me. He would if he suspected I was alive, wouldn’t he?

  My eyes stayed open, watching him as I battled whether this was an illusion. He felt real. He smelled real.

  “Wait,’ I breathed out.

  “I’ve waited long enough. God, I’ve missed you so much. I thought I lost you.” More he kissed, lying me on the bed as he pinned me under his large frame. I found myself kissing him back as the hardness of his cock rubbed against me, continuously.

  Pressure gripped one of my wrists, holding it above my head, and he jerked up the side of my dress. “I can’t believe I have you again.” His fingers made a path up my thigh and I couldn’t help but rock against him.

  “I’m going to take you home and we’re going to be happy. I’ll never let anyone hurt you again.”

  I paused, looking up into his face as he hovered above. Fingers rubbed the length of my wet slit and I cried out as he torturously eased one inside of me. Impatience had me gripping into his suit jacket and pulling him closer. Anything to get more.

  “You want me? You want me to fuck you? Let me hear you say it.”

  “Yes. Don’t stop,” I begged. “Please.”

  “You’re so hot and ready. You…”

  He tensed the smallest amount and something swept across his features that I couldn’t quite decipher. Regret? Confusion? It pulled me from the moment enough that I let the scene play out. This wasn’t the way things would play out if Marko truly found me, would it? My head slowly shook as I began to wiggle against him.

  “Aetas … if this is you…”

  I could tell something was happening. Something not right. Marko’s finger withdrew, only to push in deeper. He bit his bottom lip, withdrawing from me as he brought his other hand up to place against my mouth. Slowly, his head lowered until his forehead was pressed against mine.

  “Too tempting. Too much. Fuck.” Marko panted and I nearly screamed as the colors of his face began to warp. Aetas was suddenly before me and I couldn’t get over the horror I felt.

  “You…You…” My words came out muffled against his palm.

  “Shh,” he said, wiping the sweat from his face. “Marko is stronger than I thought. His thoughts aren’t right. They’re so much darker than I expected.”

  I sat up as he walked back a few steps.

  “I can’t believe what you just did.”

  “You said I couldn’t make you choose me. You did.”

  “You! Not him. Of course I would react that way to Marko.”

  Aetas didn’t seem to be listening as he paced. Worry began to cloud the violation I felt. His reaction to Marko wasn’t good. It left me worrying for his safety.

  “You mentioned his thoughts weren’t right. Are you saying you were truly him?”

  “I drank your blood. His blood,” he said, cutting his eyes up. “It was easy to take his form. What I didn’t prepare for was how much his blood had won over you, or his personality. His … feelings for you. They overshadowed mine which is rare. The depth of hatred and destruction goes beyond what I’ve felt in a long time. Not to mention … the amount of his love. His want.”

  “You didn’t want to stop.”

  Aetas glanced at me, but went back to staring at the ground. “No. I reacted the way he would have. I haven’t felt…” He started to walk abruptly to the door when he stopped and turned back toward me. “Lie down.”

  My head shook and I spun to the edge of the bed, only to freeze up as he was suddenly blocking my path. How had he done that? Just appeared? “Lay down,” he said, pushing my shoulder to the mattress. “I want to see s

  Colors were already changing in his face and his features were morphing back to Marko’s. I tried to scramble away, but he held tighter. I was suddenly pulled to the top of the bed while Aetas moved in to cover his body with mine. God, he looked just like Marko. He was Marko, even if he truly wasn’t. It was so disorienting.

  “Yes, this is better,” he said, closing his eyes and breathing me in deep. “Now, love me and then do something to anger me. I want to see how deep his powers run. I can’t do that unless I’m affected by what triggers me the most. That would be you.”

  “Love you?”

  “That’s right,” he said, lowering. “Love me, ma minette. Kiss me and tell me how much you miss me. Give yourself to me completely. Let me feel your devotion and loyalty to only me.”

  Pressure from his hand gripped my hip as he pushed harder between my legs. This wasn’t right. It may have been Marko before me, but Aetas wasn’t him.

  “I … can’t. Get off. There has to be a different way.”

  “You can,” he growled. “And you will, or this is the only version of Marko you’ll ever see again.”

  Vampires. It didn’t matter how nice they were at times, their motives were their own. How was I so quick to forget that none of us were good?

  “It’s not that easy. I know you’re not him. Besides, I don’t like you lying on me like this. You have no right.”

  A smile tugged at his mouth. “But I do. Here, let me help you forget what you can’t accept. Let me be everything you’ve always wanted. Let me be him, for real.”

  Marko/Aetas dove forward embedding his fangs in my neck. My scream was loud, dying out as an all too familiar poison pushed into me. But this one was different. More powerful than I could remember. Whether it was Aetas’ bite or Marko’s new one, I wasn’t sure. All I was certain of was the sensory overload that had me moaning and clawing into his back while he pushed his hard cock against me.

  “There you are,” he moaned into my mind. “You love my bite, don’t you?”

  Tugs on my vein were pronounced—greedy as he reached behind my back and pulled at the laces that held my dress together. When his hand came up to pull the material off of my shoulders, I tensed … but didn’t fight. I was past the point.

  “Marko.” Pleas poured free from deep within and I rocked impatiently as he lowered the dress on my chest even more. When my breasts burst free of the silk, there was no hesitation on his part. Marko’s tongue swirled around my hard nipple and he sucked it into his mouth. When his teeth tugged at the tip, I gasped, turning my head to the side. White curtains registered in my mind, throwing me off.

  Marko didn’t have curtains. I held to the thought, trying my hardest to ground myself. Somewhere in my brain, I knew things weren’t right.

  A gentle caress traced up my thigh, pulling my dress higher. Marko’s attention went to my other breast while he fondled and teased. Faster, I moved against him, desperate.

  “More. God, give me more.”

  “You want me to fuck you? Beg me, ma minette. Beg me and I’ll give you anything you desire. All you have to do is say the words. Say them. Fuck, just … love me. Talk to me. Talk more.”

  “Yes,” another voice said, breaking through. Another… Marko. “Please. Let us hear more. I just love listening to someone pretend to be me as they manipulate and attempt to fuck what’s mine.”

  The anger from the real Marko had both of us frozen as we stared at each other. Heat poured from my body and I couldn’t stop the shaking of my head. Aetas didn’t change to himself as he stayed in place, now, pinning me down. I wanted to run. To flee and get away from him and this place.

  “Tessa, speak. Who’s with you? Is it Aetas?”

  I stared at our leader, torn.

  “You gave your word to back me, Princess. Do you think Marko stands a chance if he tries to overthrow me? If you do, by all means, tell him it’s me and I’m keeping you against your will. He can show up and attempt to rescue you.” He paused. “But if you love him and you want him to live, you’ll close off your mind and hike up your skirt a little higher.”

  I bared my fangs, feeling my gift boil inside of me as it worked its way toward my throat to get free. Flashes of Sayer’s multiple rapes became all too real. I couldn’t go through something like that again.

  “That’s it. Get mad, mon chaton.”

  “Tessa! Answer right now. Who has you? Who is doing this to you?”

  Fog left my mouth in a constantly flow of darkness, so thick and toxic it was impenetrable. But Aetas had been ready. The shield he held around him blocked the substance from breaking though his walls. The laughter that left him only increased the sudden rage within. I tapped into my core, searching for something I didn’t even know. His words filtered through, speeding through my thoughts. I took your blood. Marko’s blood. If I had Marko’s blood and we were tied, surely I held his gifts, too?

  An odd emotion flashed over Marko’s face as Aetas thought something. Whether he was reading my thoughts or not, I didn’t have time to think about. I reached from within, projecting the burning sensation outward from my body with everything I had. Marko flew back at the energy burst, slamming into the far wall as a sound resembling thunder exploded around me. A translucent shield rippled along the room as it shook, holding in the energy. The blowback shook everything around me like a massive earthquake. Sound dissipated and my ears popped painfully. Seconds went by before the rocking finally stopped.

  “Oh … God.” I rose to my knees, placing my hand over my heart as I took in the damage around me. Did I kill our leader?

  The door burst opened and I jumped at the banging the force caused. Margo, the blonde, and a tall, thin man with muscular arms came rushing through. They took one look at Aetas’ true form crumbled on the floor and lowered defensively in stance. Their fangs came down while threatening sounds filled the room. Closer, they came, assessing me as they neared. The burning was still there. It singed my core, wanting to be released again.

  “She’s a traitor,” the blonde said, snarling. “She has to pay for what she’s done.”

  My head shook, but I couldn’t deny my actions. I’d meant to hurt Aetas. To kill him.

  The male broke from the two females and moved in from the side. I rose to my feet, slowly, holding my palms toward the two directions where they stood. I had no idea what exactly I was going to do, but the action meant something.

  “Lessons,” Aetas groaned, pushing to rise. “She’s of no threat.”

  We all spun to look in his direction as he smoothed down the dark shirt he was wearing. His eyes came to me and my head lowered in both fear and conflict. A part of me still wanted to fight because of what he’d tried to do, but my vampire seemed to know her place. Especially after what I did. He was my leader, regardless of what he’d done. The submission was there instinctively. And I was lucky. He could very well kill me for attacking him.

  “No threat?” The blonde yelled. “Her power rocked the entire building. You were … down.” There was a shock in her statement, as if she couldn’t believe what she was witnessing.

  Aetas only had eyes for me as he seem to stalk in my direction. My fear increased while I soaked in his every move.

  “Down … but not dead. Not even close. Leave us. We’re far from finished.”

  Chapter 10


  Even Marie arriving couldn’t stop my wrath for long. As she kneeled before me, nothing more than a zombie, it fed the fury harbored within. I read her memories, taking in each one she carried from Axis Headquarters. At least the ones she still had. I wasn’t sure what was real or what was planted. I didn’t trust anyone concerning Tessa anymore.

  “Hurry, we have to get her to Aetas.”

  Margo and I ran behind a vampire who held Tessa’s lifeless body in his arms. I knew she was dead. I’d had seen her truly pass through Marie’s eyes not long after they’d left the city. Over an hour they traveled and each minute Tessa was dead, felt li
ke forever.

  A dim light and what sounded like the news filled the cathedral as they practically flew through. They were going so fast, Marie could barely keep up. A tall man stood at the end, before a throne, waiting. He knew we were coming.

  “Master Aetas, Your Highness.” Margo slid to her knees, bowing her head as I lowered, hitting my knees hard. Anxiousness had me shaking. I was afraid of the power before me.

  “The Black Princess.” He came forward and I felt myself get closer to the marble floor. “How long?”

  “Fifty-three minutes.”

  “Too long,” he growled. “I cannot save her after her body’s been shut down for that length of time. She’s dead. How did this happen? Show me.”

  Margo stood, letting her head rise. Aetas’ hand was around her throat, pulling her toward him before Marie could prepare myself. My eyes went back to face the floor, not able to stomach being here. I wasn’t strong enough for this. The mantra kept repeating in my head.

  “The human.” Aetas let go, pulling my arm and jerking me from the ground. I didn’t want to look into his eyes, but I had little choice. I knew he wished to see what I held. And I allowed him. My eyes lifted and I was gone. Nothing existed in that time. Nothing but darkness. When I came to, loud shouting appeared somewhere in the distance and I was alone. Completely. Then … nothing. Nothing but the ride back to the underground city.

  “No! I refuse to believe that.”

  I let go of Marie’s connection watching as she, too, coward in my presence. Something had happened to her while she was there. Something that had left its mark.

  “Bufar, take Marie to her room and then return. Check to see if there’s word from Aetas yet on whether he’ll meet me.”

  “Got it right here,” Anastasia said, sweeping into the room.

  I rushed forward, taking the envelope from her. Breaking the seal had my pulse pounding. I took out the note, unfolding it as I walked to the far corner of the room.

  Dear Master Delacroix,

  I was surprised to receive your request to meet. I am aware what you wish to discuss, but I must tell you, you will coming for naught.

  Princess Tessalyn arrived too far gone. She had been dead for quite some time and although my powers are great, there was no way I was able to save her. I’m sorry for your loss. You were spared the pain of witnessing this and should be grateful for what Mistress Margo gifted you with. I fear in your unstable condition that you wouldn’t have been able to take the actual loss.


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