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Page 13

by Alaska Angelini

  “Enough!” I slammed my hand into the wall, then was taken off guard as Aetas’ hand shoved out in my direction and I flew back. The force was nothing short of being punched in the stomach by the most powerful man in the world. Air left me and I hit the wall, fighting to breathe as I landed.

  “I’ll take the real you over this version any day.”

  “So be it,” he ground out. “Welcome to Axis, Princess Tessalyn. Welcome to hell—a world of nightmares. A place you could have never imagined existing. You say you’re my future second. Get ready to prove it.”

  One minute I was fighting to stand, the next …. falling from the cement ceiling in the heart of the city. I was gone from her. Unable to protect the woman I loved from the one person who held our fate. And I’d never find my way back. Aetas would make sure of that. Tessa was on her own and there was nothing I could do about it.

  Chapter 17


  Through the darkness I stalked, lost from the mission the soldiers behind me held fast to. I broke from the group, eyeing the vampire crawling along the ceiling of the tunnel through the night vision. Even if I didn’t need it.

  Closer, he got, thinking he had us at his mercy. He was so wrong. I longed for his blood. Craved to drink it and take the substance into me. The need was increasing and it was driving me insane. I would never stoop so low as to be like one of them.

  Let it warp my mind and make me even more suicidal. I didn’t care. The need to constantly kill was all I could think of. It ruled me, just like Sayer’s essence within my body. I was numbing out to food, water … even my thoughts were dark. Where light had never been an issue, I found myself squinting in the brightness. Even though sunglasses. It warmed my skin more than it should have and that only told me one thing. Sayer’s blood was somehow taking over. Getting stronger within me. I didn’t understand it, but I didn’t care either. Nothing mattered but exterminating the race that ruined my life.

  “Moretti,” someone growled.

  I went faster, beginning to jog toward the creature. He seemed to notice something wasn’t right. He began to crawl away, trying to escape what he knew was coming. It only drove me at speeds no human should have seen me move at. I headed up the side of the tunnel, springing from my feet as I flew in his direction. The vampire tried to get away, but I grasped his leg, jerking him down as we rolled along the concrete. Blood perfumed the air, a mixture from us both. It had my mouth watering, even as I drew my fist back to connect with his face.

  I won’t be like them.

  Repeatedly, I tried to convince myself. Each strike to the vampire’s head was harder than the last. It bounced from the concrete in sickening thuds, making my adrenaline spike even more. I reached back, grabbing the large knife from my belt as I threw one more punch with my other hand. The first slice through his neck sent a release through me. A combination of victory and disappointment. I was glad he was going to die, but sad that he didn’t give me a better fight. That this would be over. He was one of the last who remained and had given us a hell of a search to begin with. This would end soon. At least until we made it to the city. The impending fight was one I was looking forward to, more by the day. Would Marko be waiting? I could almost guarantee it. He was smart. He’d give me the fight I needed. Possibly the death I longed for.


  I sawed through the vampire’s neck, severing his head.

  It’d been over a week since I had seen her ghostly apparition. I didn’t expect her to come back. She’d never been there to begin with. It had all been me. My mind, guilting me over what I had done. I should have been with the old her in heaven or hell. Wherever she resided. We were meant to be together as our old selves. I was starting to think that would never happen. Not while Sayer’s blood left me a supreme species in my race. I healed at an incredible rate. My body was thriving in this state. But not entirely. I needed blood. My instincts told me that. What happened if I kept prolonging the inevitable?

  “Moretti. He’s dead, man.”

  I let my fingers unweave from his long hair and stood. The aroma of the crimson essence I was covered in left my nerves skittering all over the place. A tightening was taking over my throat. Tingling for what it wanted coating it.

  “I’m done for tonight.” I couldn’t look at Johnson as I walked past. Or any of them as they parted to let me through. I was different than them in every way and I never felt more so as I headed toward the exit at a fast pace. Their whispers brushed over my exposed forearms, ones that were getting bulkier just like every other part of me, and it was no thanks to any training. All I did was hunt and sleep. I needed to forget everything. I was only happy when I was killing vampires and awake, I was haunted by images and thoughts that I wanted to forget.

  Light shone from above. I took off the night vision, letting it dangle around my neck as I surged up the ladder and pushed the manhole cover free. Where it should have been a great effort, it felt almost weightless. I broke into the town, breathing in deep as the humid air hung thickly around me. There wasn’t so much as a breeze. My shirt was soaking wet from the combination of sweat and blood. I could barely take in the discoloration of my arms from where I’d killed the vampire. Knowing I was covered with blood tortured me.

  “You okay?” Johnson’s head appeared through the hole and I glanced down nodding. Quickly, I wiped my arms on my pants to get rid of the evidence.

  “I’m good. Just needed a break. We’ve been down there for a few hours. We’re about done. Maybe one more raid and I think the underground will be safe. I don’t…” I stopped. I couldn’t tell him I didn’t physically feel their presence anymore. I didn’t want him to know how they almost called to me. Like family.

  Footsteps approached and he slapped my shoulder. “You’ve done great here. Each night we kill more than we ever have. And it’s all thanks to you. We haven’t lost a soldier on our team since you arrived. For that, we’re all grateful.”

  I nodded, staying quiet. I couldn’t help but let my gaze drift to where I’d seen Tessa’s ghost. It was pointless to even wonder if I would see her again. I wouldn’t and I was glad. For days her voice taunted me. I was just barely able to look at my gun again.

  “It’s still early. Some of the guys mentioned having a drink at a local bar and grill, you feel like going?”

  A part of me felt obligated, but I couldn’t force myself to try to be social. I’d never been, but I was even more distant now.

  “I think I’ll just walk to base and head home to get some sleep. You should go and have fun.”

  Uncertainly masked his features and I forced a grin. “I’ll be okay, really. Go. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I was already stepping back as he nodded. “Wipe the blood from your face before you go past the gate guard. They’ll know what’s up, but we wouldn’t want to scare the wives that might be passing through.”

  On instinct I brought my shoulder up, using my shirt to rub any remnants away. He gave the okay and I turned, giving a small wave. I didn’t look back as I headed toward the base. It wasn’t but a mile away. Cars passed and I got lost in my thoughts. In the cage of vicious memories I was trapped in, I didn’t even realize when I passed the area where Tessa had been. My past assaulted me with the bite of a million bullets, blowing me into scattered pieces.

  Why couldn’t I have died? Moments I felt as though I was meant to destroy what had broken me down, but then there were these lows. They suffocated the will from me. I hated this. I had no one. No family. No loved one that I could look at a future with, and I didn’t want one anymore. The old Tessa had been my soulmate. That soul was gone now, waiting for me until the time came where I finished God’s work. He’d saved me for a reason, I just had to keep reminding myself of that.

  “Hey man, you need a ride?”

  I glanced toward a car holding two men who were waiting in line to get on base.

  “No, I’m good. Thanks.”

  I continued to walk, pausing as they called out

  “Say, you wouldn’t happen to be Moretti, would you? Sergeant First Class Moretti?”

  My feet came to a stop as I gave them my full attention. “Who wants to know?”

  “I knew it,” the passenger said, nudging the driver.

  “Sir, everyone’s talking about you. Is it true you kill vampires with your bare hands?”

  A sigh left my mouth and I took a step back. “Y’all have a good night. Stay safe.”

  A knot formed in the pit of my stomach and I turned heading toward the entrance. It was already happening. Word was already getting around. It didn’t surprise me, but I wasn’t proud of it, either. I did what I needed to. The anger had to be released in some way. It worked.

  “Moretti.” The guard gestured with his head for me to enter.

  “Private. Have a great night. Keep up the good work.”

  This life was all I had known for so long. Even being inactive, it still felt natural to enter the environment. And I’d left this all for her. For a chance that went to shit. Fuck, I was cursed.

  The light behind me faded and I cut across a dark field, headed for Johnson’s. The weight of the seclusion made the itch return. Unease flared and the need to turn around and head below to the tunnels once again pulled at me. I had to stop thinking about her. If I didn’t, my mood would head even further south and that wasn’t a good thing. Just the thought made her presence seem so real. I looked over my shoulder, half expecting her to be there. Following me.

  “Come on, Moretti,” I whispered. “Keep walking. Don’t do this.”

  My pace increased and the field stretched out even further. I glanced behind me again, noticing I was about halfway. Movement in the shadows to my left had my gaze narrowing. No one was there, I could see even though I shouldn’t have been able to. Still, something had been different, hadn’t it?

  My attention focused ahead, even as I paid attention to my peripheral vision. Again, something blurred to stay even with me. I licked my lips, coming to a stop.

  “Alright, come out. Let me see you.”

  I wasn’t playing these fucking games. And even if I was imagining things, no one would see how bat-shit crazy I must have appeared.

  A good minute went by as I faced where I had thought I’d seen something. My head shook and the moment I went to turn to leave, the air picked up around me. Leaves blew, rustling in the distance and a form began to take shape. My breath caught at the size. It didn’t appear to be Tessa, but I wasn’t sure as it grew closer.

  “What do you want?”

  My hand came to the hilt of my knife as I waited. Clearer it became, rising to around my height as a man took shape. I had to blink repeatedly to search my mind to see if I knew this person. This … ghost. What the hell was happening to me?

  “Who are you?”

  An unnerving grin came to his face as he stared me up and down. Fuck … he was solid now. And a vampire. I knew that in my core. For so long I’d become immune to the fear, but there was no mistaking the way I was affected.

  “I’m your leader. My name is Aetas.”

  “My leader?” I repeated, nervously laughing. “I don’t fucking think so.”

  “I say you don’t have a choice in the way you think. I am the answer to every question you may have. And I say I’m your leader. You’ve killed enough of your own kind. You’ve had your revenge on Sayer. It’s time you stop and take your place.”

  The hard thump in my chest was followed by my pulse increasing. “What do you know about Sayer?”

  “I know it’s his blood you carry. I know he raped you multiple times while he made Tessa watch. I know everything. Like I said, I’m your leader.”

  Sweat poured down my face at my life being so exposed out loud.

  “You will let me turn you and you will take his place when you’re able.” His hand shot up as my mouth opened. “And before you try to deny me, take into account that, one, I don’t need your permission. And two, I’m the most powerful vampire in the world. What do you think that will say about you?” At my pause he continued. “You want revenge on Marko Delacroix? Think about this, Hunter. Infused with my blood, you will succeed me. The world could be in your hands. You’re a natural born leader. I need someone like you in my passing. You’d have complete control.”

  Temptation flared, along with nausea. I took a deep breath.

  “You’d be stupid to pass up this opportunity. It’s this, or death. Marko is looking for you. He will find you and he will kill you. I know this to be fact. You will die and we will still exist. You can’t kill us all. Even if we do retreat back into hiding, we will grow, again. We will flourish, just like we always do. This is never-ending. These wars have been happening for centuries. This is just another that will end with the same result. Do you think me such a bad leader that I would kill off the only source of our food by taking over completely? Population control on both ends, and we once again become myth. It’s how this works, so push your fears away. Let’s merge our blood. Let’s get you to where you belong.”

  Everything inside of me said I couldn’t outrun this vampire. And I sure couldn’t fight him off. My legs were shaking so badly that I could barely stand.

  “And if I refuse?”

  Aetas’ grin returned and he shrugged. “I could take you anyway. Force my blood on you. I’d break you down until you obeyed. But really, do you want to have to go that route? I think you enjoy leading. I’m offering you an entire city. And, I’m offering you to show up Marko. He wouldn’t stand a chance if I mix mine and Sayer’s blood.”

  “What’s your deal with Marko?” Suspicion was creeping in. Something wasn’t right with his proposal. Even though I knew I wouldn’t take it, I needed to know his motives.

  The young vampire studied me as he seemed to think. “Do you want to see something?”

  “Depends,” I said, stepping back.

  “Tough.” His palm surged toward my chest and my hand shot up defensively, but it was useless. My lungs locked up, preventing me from breathing. I was immediately sucked into a dark nothingness. It was an endless mass of pitch black and I spinning in the realm with no way to control what I was doing. My arms waved out and I yelled, fighting for stability. A light appeared in the distance and I was slingshotted toward it like a vacuum. The blinding sensation had my arms lifting to my eyes. Suddenly my feet hit a hard surface and an arm was gripping my bicep, bringing it back down.

  “Open your eyes.”

  Hesitantly I lowered the other, stiffening as I realized I was in a bedroom. A very nice, elegant one. A form was hidden under the blankets and I glanced up at him before turning back to it.

  “Who is that? Where am I?”

  My voice had the body stirring.

  “Why don’t you go see for yourself?”

  His hand dropped and my feet felt heavy as I edged around the side of the bed. A small hand peeking from the top of the covers had me slowing. I swallowed hard, reaching forward and gently tugging back the comforter. Dark hair followed the length of the forearm that was resting on it and I gasped, moving it down further.

  “Oh … God.” Heavy pants left me. I already knew and yet I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

  “She was dead when they finally got her to me. I brought her back to life. You could have her again. Your vampire could win her over. The power will be like an aphrodisiac to her. With the love you both once shared, it will lure her in like candy to a baby. She’ll love you and only you. Marko will be nothing but a name of the past.”

  The covers dropped below her chin as I stared in awe. How had I forgotten her beauty? Asleep, she almost looked like the old Tessa. There was a healthier glow to her now. More so than the last time I’d seen her. She was so pale, then. So…

  Flashes came back of her holding my uncle’s head. Bragging about what she’d done. I stumbled back, shaking my head. If Tessa was alive, then she had been the one who had come to me. She’d tried to get me to kill myself again. Evil.

>   “I don’t want this. Take me back or I’ll find my own way.”

  My voice had Tessa flying to a sitting position. Her eyes scanned the room, right past me as if she didn’t see me standing there.

  “Aetas?” She rose, still staring around the room. “I know you’re here, I can feel you. What did I say? Get out! You can’t be spying on me. I thought we already talked about this.”

  The younger vampire’s eyebrow rose as he looked at me. “I said I wasn’t leaving you a choice. You killed one my of my members and you’re going to replace him. You’re going to continue his line with Tessa.”

  “Like hell I am,” I yelled. “You’ll have to kill me first. Or ... perhaps I’ll help take care of it for you.” I grabbed the knife, stabbing it through my chest before he could make it to me. The pain had me crumbling to the ground, and then through it as I was snapped back into my body so fast that I woke up on the ground of the field, gasping. My hands shot to my chest, devoid of any injury. “Jesus,” I cried out, scrambling to my feet. As I scanned the area, I didn’t wait to see if anyone would make themselves known. I put everything I had into running and didn’t stop until I burst through Johnson’s front door.

  Delusion. Hallucination. I didn’t think so. It was too real. Too … frightening. And I couldn’t allow it to happen. If Aetas had plans for me to come to their side, he had another thing coming. I’d kill him or myself first. Either way, it wasn’t a bad thing.

  Chapter 18


  I couldn’t stop fuming as Aetas appeared at the foot of my bed with a smile on his face. He looked as though he knew something I didn’t. As if he had a secret. It pissed me off even more. We had left on bad terms the night before after his little lesson on reading minds had turned into him twisting mine. Again. He was suddenly on me, trying to get me to willingly kiss him. I couldn’t stand another moment of being close to him. He was getting scarier. Meaner. Regardless that I knew how bad this was turning out, I couldn’t back down from him. If I did, he’d walk all over me. He’d try to make me break my bonds to Marko and I wasn’t willing to risk it. To him this may have been a game, but this was my life. My future.


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