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Silver Lining

Page 18

by E. J. Shortall

  There’s a desk and chair in one corner, and two grey sofas adorned with large plain and patterned cushions rest near the fireplace. This space is amazing, and I can imagine myself up here on a cold winter night, curled up on a sofa with the fire lit, reading a book, probably Jane Eyre or some other great English classic.

  I’m pulled from my daydream when Craig leads me through to the master bedroom. Once again, I’m floored. The room is large and bright with elegant solid wooden furniture and a massive pine four poster bed without the canopy. Because we are at the top of the house, the ceilings are high with exposed wooden beams. It truly is exquisite.

  “So this is where we’ll be sleeping. What do you think?”

  “Craig, this place is… it’s…” I can’t seem to find the right words. Beautiful or stunning don’t really express what I feel.

  “It’s beautiful, huh?” Craig walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. “This was my grandparents’ place. When they passed away, it was left to Carly and me to do with as we pleased. Neither of us could bear to sell it, because it holds so many memories, so we just decided to keep it and use it as a holiday place.”

  I turn in his arms and look up at his beautiful face. “I love it. Thank you.” Not only for bringing me, but for sharing something of your past with me, I think to myself.

  One of his hands strokes along my back and moves around to play with a strand of hair that has escaped the clip on top of my head. “I wanted to bring you here. I knew you would love it.”

  We stand and gaze into each other’s eyes for a few moments before Craig smashes his mouth against mine, taking me by surprise. I soon melt into his embrace and part my lips to allow him the entrance he seeks.

  I circle my arms around Craig’s neck and melt into his body, enjoying his heat and firm chest rubbing against my increasingly sensitized breasts. A low hum of pleasure escapes from the back of my throat, and I find myself gently tugging on the hair at the nape of his neck in a silent request for more.

  “God, I’ve missed you,” Craig breaths into my mouth before continuing to make love to my mouth with his expert tongue. His hands drag down my back to rest on and massage the globes of my backside.

  “Craig, is that you up there?” a perky female voice shrieks from somewhere downstairs.

  Craig pulls back and sighs before resting his forehead against mine, breathing heavily. “Shit. Why now?” he murmurs pulling back completely. He doesn’t look at me, and I instantly become suspicious of who’s downstairs.

  “Come on, Pingu. There’s someone I want you to meet.” He grabs my hand and drags me back through the suite and down the stairs.

  Standing in the hallway near the front door is a woman with long dark, wavy hair. Her back is to us, and she appears to be looking through something on a side table.

  Craig clears his throat to grab her attention. “Carly, this is my girlfriend, Amber. Amber, this is Carly, my little sister.”

  Carly turns round to face us, and when she sees me, a huge beaming smile spreads across her face. She is a younger, female version of Craig, with the same dark hair, same deep green eyes and cute straight nose. But where Craig exudes power and authority, Carly looks sweet and innocent, and where Craig is tall and dominant, Carly is petite and demure, like her mum.

  She takes the few paces across the hall to us and immediately hugs me. “Hi,” I squeak, breathless from the tight bear hold she has me in. How is someone so small so strong?

  Carly takes a step back, but keeps her hands on my wrists, holding me at arm’s length. “He brought you. I’m so pleased. When I spoke to mum, and she said he was bringing his new girlfriend for the weekend, I thought she’d got her wires crossed somewhere. He’s never brought anyone else here.”

  I look over Carly’s shoulder at Craig with raised brows. He rolls his eyes and shrugs his shoulders. I can tell from the tilt of his lips and the crinkling of his eyes that he cares deeply for his younger sibling. It makes me think back to James and how he’s treated me over the years. We’ve never been close, far from it in fact. I really envy the close relationship this family seems to share.

  “What are you doing here, Car? I didn’t think you were using the place this weekend.”

  “I wasn’t going to. I was supposed to be going into Bath with some people from Uni, but that fell through. Then mum said you were coming down, so I thought I’d come and surprise you… Surprise! I presume you guys are upstairs? I’ll just take my old room at the back.” Without another word, she scoops up the large holdall sitting on the floor and meanders through the hall towards the rear of the house.

  “Sorry. I really had no idea she was coming. Do you want me to ask her to leave?” Craig asks gently.

  I shake my head. “God no. This is her house too, Craig. Besides, it will be nice to get to know her. Maybe I can squeeze some juicy tidbits of information about you out of her.” Walking over to him, I place both palms on his chest and rub small circles over his pecs.

  He growls and pulls me in to him, resting his hands on my lower back. “She better keep her mouth shut, or I’ll be kicking her arse out of here.” Laughing on his shoulder, I feel a sense of tranquillity settle over me that I’ve not felt in a long while. I know we have to talk about a lot of things and see where this thing between us is heading, but right here, right now, I feel happy and content.


  “So how come this place is stocked so full if no one lives here most of the time?” I watch Craig from my perch on one of the large high backed oak chairs at the dining table. He is pulling bits and pieces from the fridge to make us a light meal before we go to bed.

  “Joan and Harry watch over the place for us when we’re not here. Harry uses the barn down on the field for his carpentry business. I asked Joan to stock up for us, so we didn’t have to worry about grocery shopping. I was kind of hoping we wouldn’t have to set foot off the property all weekend.” He looks at me over his shoulder, his general expression impassive, but his eyes, oh they are perfectly readable and are telling me exactly why Craig doesn’t plan on leaving the property. I swallow loudly and have to resist the urge to fan my face from the look of pure heat he’s shooting my way.

  Our gazes are locked, and I swear Craig is telepathically telling me every naughty thing he plans to do to me over the course of the weekend. I’m suddenly way too hot, way too sexually frustrated. I just want to grab him, rip off his clothes, and demand he make love to me right here, right now on this table.

  “Oh food, great. I’m starving.” Carly saunters into the kitchen and hauls herself up to sit on the kitchen counter, swinging her legs in front of her. She looks between me and Craig a few times before asking, “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

  Our moment effectively broken, I shake my head and tell her it’s fine, although I could now do with a cold shower to try and cool off. Craig starts grumbling under his breath and turns back to continue gathering items for our meal.

  Carly jumps down off the counter and walks over to sit next to me at the table.

  “So… Amber, I’ve got to ask, what exactly is it that you see in brother dearest over there? I can’t remember the last time he had an actual girlfriend." She emphasises the word girlfriend with both hands raised to make air quotes. “Not since Al-”

  “Carly,” The threatening tone in Craig’s voice is unmistakable as he cuts her off.

  “What?” Carly turns her head to look at her brother, a look of confusion on her pretty face.

  “Just don’t,” he warns.

  I look from Carly to Craig and see a look pass between them. He seems to be warning her about something, and yet again, I’m left wondering what it is he’s keeping secret. I decide to let it go for now so we can enjoy our weekend, but he’s going to have to tell me something soon. Secrets scare me, and I won’t be able to trust him enough to share my heart with him if he doesn’t open up to me soon.

  “So what are you making us t
hen, Mr Masterchef?” I try and break the tension by bringing the focus back to food. Always a safe bet.

  Craig smirks at me. “Mr Masterchef, huh? You haven’t even tasted my culinary talents yet.”

  “No, and that’s because you get your mum to do it for you.” I pull my lips in to suppress a laugh when Craig glares at me.

  Carly snorts. “You didn’t… You got mum to cook for you for your new girlfriend? Smooth Craig, real smooth.”

  “If you two have finished taking the piss, I will explain that I asked mum to do her famous Sunday roast for us, because…” he trails off, obviously trying to think up the best excuse.

  “And it was wonderful, Craig. I really appreciated it, and it was lovely meeting your mum.” I take pity on him and leave it at that. It can’t be fun, having two women ganging up on him. Hysterical for us, but pretty unpleasant for him I guess.

  Craig decides to make us ham and cheese omelettes. “Because they’re quick,” was his reasoning. I’m pretty sure I know why he chose ’quick.’ Judging by the looks he’s giving me from across the table, we’ll be upstairs and naked real ’quick.’

  After we finish eating and cleaning up, Craig wishes Carly a goodnight, and then pretty much drags me up the stairs into the suite. As soon as we’re through the door, he attacks me, lips crushing mine, hands raking through my hair before gliding down my back to cup my backside. I return the passion full force, parting my lips to allow his frenzied kisses, and dragging my hands down his chest to the hem of his T-shirt, which I then tug upwards. Our lips part long enough for the T-shirt to slide over his head, and then we’re back mauling each other.

  By the time we stumble into the bedroom, we’re down to our underwear, the rest of our clothing having been strewn across the sitting area. We are a tangle of arms, legs and lips, and as we reach the edge of the bed, I fall back, knees over the edge, my arms lying loose above my head. A giggle escapes my lips until I look up into the intense stare of Craig’s deep green eyes that are burning with passion and desire.

  A moment passes where we just gaze at each other. When my gaze drops to his spectacular chest, Craig is all over me again. We roll around on the mattress, licking, touching and stroking each other, not leaving an inch of skin untouched.

  Heat crawls across my flesh when Craig sits back and unashamedly rakes his gaze up and down my body. “You really are beautiful,” he says in a low, husky voice. He then leans forward to kiss along my shoulder and up my neck before gently biting on my earlobe.

  “I missed you. I missed this.” He continues feathering kisses along my collarbone, down the centre of my chest, across my ribs, and down my belly where he circles my navel with his tongue. I’m overloaded with sensation and writhing on the bed in anticipation of his next move.

  Craig stretches out beside me, his elbow bent and chin resting in his palm. His free hand trails along my body, coming to rest over my lace covered breast and squeezes gently. He shifts position so he can snake his arms under my back to allow him access to unhook my bra. The straps caress the sensitive skin of my arms as the garment is slowly pulled from my body, leaving me feeling totally exposed to him.

  Running his nose down from my face to my chest, Craig breathes in deeply and closes his eyes as though savouring my fragrance. He sucks a nipple into his mouth and pinches the other, causing both to harden at the stinging pleasure. I whimper, gripping the sheets beneath us.

  “Oh God, Crai-” I break off as Craig abruptly releases my nipples and reaches over to the bedside table to turn on the lamp. I’m momentarily blinded by the sudden brightness and blink a few times to regain my vision. When I look down my body at Craig, he’s kneeling at my side, perfectly still other than the harsh rise and fall of his chest, and he’s staring at my chest.

  “Craig?” I question, wondering what’s wrong. He remains silent and reaches a hand over to my left breast to draw small circles on it with the tip of his finger. “What are you do-” Then it dawns on me. Oh shit, no. In the heat of our passion, I had totally forgotten about the now yellowing bruises left from David’s attack earlier in the week.

  “Is this what he did?” Craig eventually asks. “Are these marks because of what that fucking prick did to you?” I sense the anger radiating off him, and I’m afraid he’s going to lose it again. This was supposed to be a relaxing weekend of getting to know and enjoying each other. I can’t let what David did ruin that.

  “Craig, babe.” I reach up and place my palm against his cheek and turn his head to face me. His eyes are burning with fury, the pale flecks of his irises shining so brightly they threaten to consume the tranquil green. “Please, I’m begging you, let this go. I can’t let his actions hurt me or us anymore. I need this. I need you.”

  He remains silent and still for a couple of minutes, his internal struggle playing out across his features, as his eyes search mine. I don’t say or do anything other than gently stroke his cheek in a soothing gesture.

  Eventually, Craig lies back beside me and pulls me over to cradle against his chest. With a deep sigh, he places a kiss on top of my head. “I’m sorry, but seeing those marks… it just makes me so angry.”

  I shift so that I can look up at him. “I know, and I appreciate your concern for me. I really do, but I need to move past this, past him. He has always manipulated me, and if you can’t touch me, if you can’t stand the sight of my body because of what he’s done, then he’s still doing it. He’s still got the upper hand.”

  I’m suddenly flipped onto my back with Craig straddling my thighs. He has my hands pinned above my head, and his erection is pushing against my thigh through his underwear. “You think I can’t stand the sight of your body? You think I don’t want to touch you? Jesus Christ Amber, you’re all I see. You’re all I think about. You’re all I feel. Fuck.” He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

  “Those marks, they don’t scare me off, Amber. They make me want you more. They make me want to protect you, and cherish you, and hold you close so nothing bad can ever happen to you again.”

  “Then what are you waiting for. Make love to me, Craig,” I plead. I need him now more than ever.

  With an urgency I’ve not experienced from him before, he drops his lips to mine. He leaves me completely breathless as his unrelenting tongue explores every ridge of my mouth. I groan in pleasure and buck my hips in search of something only Craig can give, when he skims his hand down my body and underneath the elastic of my lacy knickers. His finger slips between my wet folds before moving up to circle around my clit.

  “You’re so slick. So beautifully wet. God, I want you, baby,” he breathes into my ear before plunging his finger deep inside my core. I cry out in pleasure and reach up with one hand to grab his shoulder, digging my nails into his skin as his movements increase.

  “Oh God, Craig… please… now. I need you now,” I scream. I feel the pressure building in my abdomen. All my muscles tighten, and when Craig presses his thumb against my clit, I’m done for. Millions of stars invade my vision. My breath catches, and my body stiffens as the sweet flood of ecstasy flows through my body.

  It takes a moment for my breathing to settle and for my heart rate to slow. When my eyes open, Craig is leaning over me with his eyes focused on me and a soft smile tugging at his lips. “You amaze me, every fucking time.” The tip of his erection nudges at my entrance, and only now do I notice that he’s removed the final barriers to our connection.

  I’m expecting hard and fast, hot and heavy fucking, so when Craig eases inside me slowly and gently pulls back before pushing forward again, I’m momentarily surprised. Keeping his eyes locked on mine, Craig continues with his steady rhythm of push and pull. The intensity of his eyes and the gentleness of his movements cause my heart to swell and a tear to escape my eye, slowly trickling down my cheek.

  Craig gently strokes the evidence of my emotion away with his thumb. “You feel so amazing, baby. I want to stay locked in here, inside you, for eternity. Please don’t ever doubt ho
w right you are for me,” Craig rasps before moving his head down to nuzzle into my neck. I begin to moan as sensations build within me again, and he speeds up his movements infinitesimally as I raise my hips, allowing him deeper penetration. When he hits that magical spot inside with a particularly powerful thrust, I’m screaming his name and falling into oblivion. My body shudders and crashes down into the waves of euphoria washing over me. Craig thrusts a couple more times before he groans loudly in my ear, his body jolting as he finds his release.

  I am once again fighting to bring my breathing back under control and to stop my body shaking; that was absolutely earth shattering, in an emotionally draining as well as physically satisfying way. Craig is still on top of me, his breathing laboured, his nose buried in the contour of my neck. I stroke my hand along the smooth skin of his back and up into his hair. He lifts his head from my shoulder and presses his forehead against mine. Hi eyes are closed, and I wonder what he’s thinking.


  Craig opens his eyes and moves to sit along the edge of the bed. An array of emotions washes across his features, making my heart swell and scaring the shit out of me at the same time. He remains still and quiet for a couple of minutes before getting up and reaching for his boxer shorts.

  “Why don’t you go and run a bath? There should be bath oils and stuff in the cupboard.”

  When he starts walking toward the door without saying another word, I begin to panic. He’s pulling away again. “Craig, don’t,” I beg and jump off the bed. Running across the room, I stop a few feet behind him. “What’s wrong? Did I do something?” I whisper, trying to hold back the tremor in my voice.

  “No Amber, you were… are wonderful. I’m fine. I’m just going down to the car to get our stuff. Go and run a bath, and I’ll be back in a minute,” he replies, his voice tight, and then he’s gone, walking away from me.


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