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Reigning Starr

Page 15

by Shan

  Neek shrugged his shoulders and leaned against the cabinet looking at me. He stared at my stomach for a while but didn’t say anything. I swallowed up my sandwich and started downing my water. Neek finally opened up his mouth and started talking about his brother’s condition. I couldn’t believe that Tron has been in a coma all this time and I started to understand why Quad felt the way he felt; it didn’t seem like he was gonna ever wake up.

  “Can you make us another sandwich please?” I asked batting my eyes for affect.

  “You better be glad I’m high and still hungry,” Neek laughed.

  “Thank you,” I cooed.

  The next morning I woke up to the ringing of my cell phone. I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed it. It was Brian.

  "Hello," I answered worried being it was going on one o'clock in the morning.

  "Starr, it's Rozalyn," she said.

  Rozalyn? What the hell was she doing calling me from Brian's phone at that? This bitch is responsible for Keylan’s death and she got the nerve to be calling me.

  "Fuck are you calling my phone for? First your husband burst into my apartment and waves a gun in my face and now you calling me. What?" I said angrily. As much as I tried to forget what happened and be friends with this hoe again, I couldn't. I used to love her like a sister but now I hated her like my worst enemy.

  "I'm sitting in the Emergency room because some big muthafucka’ came and beat Brian down looking for you. He's hurt pretty bad," Rozalyn said.

  "Oh my God, what hospital? Quad get up they went after Brian," I said shaking him.

  "Huh?" Quad popped up looking around the room.

  "They got to Brian. I need you to take me to the hospital," I said. "Rozalyn, where---what hospital again?"

  "They brought him to Piedmont, I'm about to go and check on him. I'll give you a call if I find something out before you get here," Rozalyn said.

  "Okay. Thank you. I'm on my way," I hung up the cell phone and got up to get dressed.

  "Let me go check on him and I'll let you know how he doing," Quad suggested.

  "Nigga, is you crazy? Im going to check on my damn friend. The shit is already my fault why he is there. How would it look if I don't show my damn face?"

  "A'ight, a'ight. Let's go then," Quad yawned.

  A few minutes later we were out the door and on our way to Piedmont. I can't believe that Bear; and I know for sure that is was him without being told, had the nerves to go after Brian. Brian is as soft as cushion and wouldn't hurt a fly. He talked tough but wasn't at all. If Quad didn't find them hoe ass cowards soon, I couldn't promise that I would sit back and do nothing for much longer.


  Making it to the hospital and seeing Brian in the state he was in really angered me. My guards went up so high that I felt like I could hurt someone just because. He looked worse than I did after the battle I had with Croy a while ago. The doctors were even saying that he may lose vision in his right eye due to damages caused by the beating.

  From the description that I got from Rozalyn, it was proven to me that Bear did this mess to him. The way she described his tall football build to the T and the deep voice he carried; it had to be him.

  While at the hospital I decided to go and see Stacey and my little brother H.J. to get my mind off of Brian and Bear. I knew seeing them would make me think good thoughts and keep the evil rants dancing around in my head away. I just wish I could’ve pumped bullets into that fool Bear that night he raped me and prevented this from even happening. Brian didn’t deserve this shit and Bear needed to pay.

  “He’s so adorable,” I said kissing H.J. on the forehead.

  “He’s greedy is what he is,” Stacey laughed. “When is your little mama coming? So glad to know that H.J. will have a playmate.”

  “Man, I’m not due until December,” I smiled looking down at H.J. He was sleeping so peacefully without a care in the world.

  “A winter baby, that means that she will get double gifts every year,” Stacey said.

  “You right. I never even thought about that.”

  “I talked to Herm this morning and he cried like a little baby. I really hate that he couldn’t be here,” Stacey sighed.

  “Yea I know. I hate he can’t be here either. I was just thinking about that when you sent me the picture of H.J. Don’t worry though, he’s gonna come home soon and H.J. will never know that he was gone.”

  “You and Detrick sound so sure every time I talk to ya’ll. I wish I could be just as hopeful but--”

  “Stacey, believe me when I say that he ain’t doing no bid up there. I’m a make sure of that,” I said cutting Stacey off.

  “Starr, don’t go doing anything crazy. You have a baby on the way and you know Herman wouldn’t want you risking you or your child’s life for him.”

  “I’m not gonna do anything crazy. At least to me it’s not crazy,” I shrugged.

  After visiting with Stacey and my little brother I left their hospital room and wandered around the premises thinking of what I could do to make things up to Brian. He already wanted nothing to do with me because of my ways and the risk I put him through. Now here he is sitting in critical condition because of my shit.

  My life is so damn screwed up and it's taking everything to come crashing down for me to see that. I got ready to press the button for the elevator so that I could go outside and catch a breath of fresh air when I caught Quad's aunt Teresa leaving from someone's room. I'd remember the frequent visits Quad made up here and after talking to Neek last night; I knew it had to be Tron’s room that she was leaving and figured now would be a good time to pay my respects to her.

  "Teresa?" I said catching her before she could get on her cell phone. She turned to look at me and it took a moment before recognition set in.

  "Starr? Oh my God, look at you. You're glowing sweetie. I've been hearing so much about you and wondered when I would get the chance to see you again. What are you doing here? Is the baby okay?" she said in one breath. She pressed a finger against my stomach and instantly lit up.

  "No, I'm good. My friend was hurt and I'm just here seeing him. I've heard about your son, Tron right?"

  "Yes, Tatron Mitchell. God is so good Starr. My baby has sat in this coma for nearly seven months and the Lord has finally brought him back to me. I was getting ready to call Dominique and Quadir so they can get up here and sit with him while I go home to shower and change," she said tearfully.

  "Oh wow that's good news. I'm sure Quad and Neek will be happy to hear that. Quad was just here with me," I said.

  "Yes, he just left a few minutes ago and I swear to you, Tatron came through right after. Well look honey. It's nice talking with you and I can't wait to meet that little blessing you're carrying. I'm gonna go outside so that I can get some service and make this call. Service is so bad in here," she said poking at my stomach once more.

  "Yes ma'am it is. I'll see you soon," I said as she walked away. I walked passed Tron's room and did a quick double take when I saw his face.

  This just can't be. Tell me this shit is not happening to me. T-Rock? I thought as I watched him sit a cup down on his food tray. I looked around before walking into his room and shutting the door behind me.

  "Don't even fucking try it!" I said through gritted teeth as he reached for the nurse's call button. "Muthafuckin' T-Rock. Nigga, I thought I killed your ass."

  "Fuck is---is you---you doing in my room Starr? Fuck outta here," he stuttered.

  "I was coming to see how my lovely future cousin-in-law Tron was doing but then I see T-Rock and I'm like this can't be happening. Why didn't I put this shit together a long time ago when Quad came to me telling me about the little mishap that happened at his spot?" I said with an evil grin.

  "Yo--look, let's put this shit---let's just put it all behind us. You---got Herm shit back right?"

  "Oh yea we got it back, well some of it. But you know I can't just put shit like that in the past. You a thief. You stole from my daddy a
nd you had no shame about it and besides I'm carrying Quad's seed. What's that gonna look like if he finds out I'm responsible for putting you here?" I asked fiddling around with the IV cords.

  "He ain't gotta think nothing---Quad---he---know what is,” Tron stuttered. “Shit---he---he---”

  "Oh just shut the hell up. All that damn stuttering is getting on my nerves," I read the names of the medications that were dripping into the IV to see which ones could be deadly if it wasn't properly used. I know, I know, I'm supposed to be all about changing, preparing to be a mother, and all this bullshit but the first part of changing was leaving the past in the past. Right?

  "I ain't---I'm not gonna tell Quad you had nothing to do with it," Tron said.

  "Sorry T-Rock, Tron, whatever the hell your name is," I flicked the switch on the IV that would make it drip faster than the few drops it gave every so often. The bag said Duramorph, which I knew was a derivative of Morphine; a pain medication. Tron's face tightened and his eyes became loopy as the medicine began to penetrate his veins. "Bye."

  I got ready to exit the room when the door swung open and Neek's ass stepped in. I couldn't hide my disappointment as I harshly brushed passed him and tried to leave the room.

  "What you doing in here girl?" Neek asked with his gorgeous smile.

  "Just speaking," I continued walking out as if I hadn't just tried to kill Tron once again.

  "Tron! Tron!" I heard Neek yell from behind me.

  Damn, damn, damn! I thought.

  "What the fuck am I supposed to do now?" I mumbled rushing down the halls of the hospital. My head spent in confusion and fear that I'd fucked up even more so now. Neek had to know I was responsible for what just transpired with Tron.

  I looked over at a tray that were filled with bloody bandages, used needles, and empty vials of medicine that some reckless nurse left sitting outside of a patient’s room. Looking around to see if anyone was watching I snatched up two blue tourniquets that were sitting on the tray.

  Hurriedly I made my way to the elevator, pressed the down button, and waited for the doors to open. The best solution to this problem is to see what Neek knew, and if he knew anything damaging; handle him accordingly.

  For minutes I searched each floor of the parking garage for Neek's souped up Grand Marquis; finally spotting it on the fifth level. I waited, and waited for him to come out; almost contemplated going back up to handle him and get this shit over with but thought better of it.

  "Damn, do I really need to this shit? I'm about to be somebody's mama. Would I want my lil girl out here like this?" I mumbled to myself. "This shit ain't necessary, is it? Mean damn nigga can fuck everything up if I let him. Fuck him and Tron, T-Rock or whatever."

  After about an hour of me trying to talk myself into a better solution, Neek came bursting through the doors that led to the garage. His face with flushed with anger and sadness.

  Maybe that muthafucka Tron is dead. I thought.

  Soon as Neek passed me up, I followed behind him; walking lightly as possible so he wouldn't hear me trailing him. He reached in his pocket and pulled out his cell phone and that's when I sped up to get closer to him.

  "Ma'am, did you need some assistance getting to your car?" a voice from behind me said.

  I stopped on my heels and slowly turned around to see a security officer, "Ummm, I actually---no, I'm good."

  I turned back around to see Neek staring at me with confusion written all over his face. I clutched the tourniquets in my hand hoping that neither him or the security officer could see them. My palms were sweaty and throbbing from excitement and fear.

  "Hey Neek, I was trying to catch up with you, have you talked to Quad?" I asked.

  "No, I ain't talked to him. Why do I need to?" Neek asked with anger.

  "No, I just needed to talk to him. I can’t believe it took me so long to get up here to see Tron. Damn, I’m glad that he’s awake," I said and conspicuously placed my hand on my hip.

  “He was doing good but something happened. Soon as you left, he just--” Neek sighed. “Can’t believe this shit, my mama just called me and told me to get up here because he was awake He went back into that damn coma.”

  “Is he gonna be okay? What happened? Did you get to talk to him before he went out again?”

  Neek sighed again; he looked down at the ground for a few seconds then back up at me. He looked so damn angry and confused all at the same time. He knew what what's up and it was written all over his face and in the way he spoke to me. Fuck it. If he or Quad wanted to come at me sideways, I would deal with them the same way I would deal with any other nigga.

  T-Rock, Tron or whatever the fuck he likes to go by, violated the code when he went taking shit that didn't belong to him. He deserved everything I gave him but fortunately for him I didn't give it to him correct or otherwise he wouldn't have been still breathing.

  Me stealing from Bear is totally different than this situation; Bear was taking out my dad's mouth so he is on the same level as Tron. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. My actions were justified.

  I went back up to Brian’s room after talking with Neek; he didn’t suspect me like I thought at least he didn’t say he did. Shit he was all over the place and I knew Tron’s situation was affecting him mentally; he was just a complete mess. It took everything in me not to go back to Tron's room just to see what was going on with him. I know it was better for me to leave it alone but it was hard as hell.

  I rocked back and forth in my chair until Rozalyn, whom I completely forgot was in the room asked was I okay.

  "Do you know what you're having?" she asked.

  "A girl," I nonchalantly answered.

  "Awww, what you gonna name her?"

  "I don't know. Haven't really thought about it," I said and suddenly felt a wave of guilt.

  I haven't really thought about my child at all since I've been pregnant. I don't know what's gotten into me. When I went to Miami to be with Keylan; I was so enthused about changing my life and doing right. It just seemed since his death and me coming back to Atlanta; I just didn't give a fuck.

  It took people to send me on a guilt trip or for someone I cared about to get hurt in order for me to give a damn. I didn't like that and wondered if keeping this baby was the right thing for me right now. Quad was never around and had a baby coming with Fatima. My baby wouldn't matter right?

  It seemed as if it was right on time when I felt a fluttery type feeling in my lower abdomen. I giggled at the sensation being this was the first time I've ever felt a baby kick inside of me. My last pregnancy I never got that chance, but now here my baby is sending me love taps.

  "I just felt my baby kick," I said to Rozalyn deciding to talk to her until I figured out what I would do next.

  "Girl just wait until a couple of more months when they become more noticeable. The best feeling in the world," Rozalyn smiled as she spoke.

  "I bet ‘cause that just felt special to me," I said smiling at the thought. "How are your kids?"

  She shrugged her shoulders, "I guess they good. Tae has custody and it's been about six months since I last saw them."

  "Wait, what? Y'all not together anymore?"

  "Nope, we are separated and waiting for the divorce to be finalized. It's cool, I'm glad we not together anymore. Just wish I could see my boys," she sighed.

  "Damn, I didn't know. I just saw him recently he didn't even mention it," I said with a hint of sarcasm being when Tamar came he was swinging a gun and threatening lives.

  "Oh he was down here?" she asked raising a brow.

  "Yea, handling some business," I answered.

  "Yea, let me find out he still pushing weight," was all she said in response to that.

  We sat talking for a couple of hours until Quad popped up. I didn't know whether I should be scared and put my guards up or if I should just act normal.

  "You ready to go?" he asked.

  "Yea, I guess. I've been trying to call you," I lied.

  "My phone w
as dead so I left it at home to charge. Come on."

  I shrugged my shoulders and got up to leave. I told Rozalyn bye and to have Brian call me when he woke up. The whole ride home was awkward and nerve wrecking. Quad didn't say a word to me and I didn't speak either. I had this gut feeling that he knew what I'd done and was waiting for the right time to ask me.


  I'd gotten a call from my aunt Teresa last night right after I left the hospital saying that soon as I left; my cousin Tron had awakened from his coma after all this time. I was already driving around Fulton by then trying to see if anyone knew Bubba or his sister.

  I had to rid of him and Bear as soon as possible. They were causing too many problems and eventually would cost me too much money. Finally after a couple of hours of questioning Fulton's residents, a dope-fiend pointed me into the direction of Bubba's sister's place. She lived in a single family, nice little economic car sitting in the drive-way, along with toys scattered across the front lawn.

  Just as I was about to go in and talk to her; Neek called saying that Tron suffered a seizure and slipped back into a coma. The part that really fucked me up was when he said Starr was visiting him when it happened. He said that Tron was trying to tell him something but all he could get out of him was Herm’s name.

  If Tron said anything about Herm then that would explain why Starr was there. She knew something about what happened to my cousin and I needed to find out what it is, but instead of jumping the gun and jumping down Starr's throat; I decided to go and see Herm. I wasn't really sure what he could tell me or if he would tell me anything but I needed to see what he knew.

  Nervously I sat at the table waiting for Herm to come and join me. It wasn't easy getting this visit being I wasn't on the visitors list, but once I slipped a couple hundred dollars to the guard he made it happen.

  I looked up and spotted Herm coming my way along with a dark-skinned brother. Just then it dawned on me that the other guy had to be Starr's real father; she resembled him to the T. He was tall and bo-legged with a salt and peppered beard.


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