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Reigning Starr

Page 20

by Shan

  “It wasn’t my place to say shit. I got on that nigga ass about it but damn I didn’t wanna go behind his back. That Jonathan shit, I overheard Quad talking on the phone with him right before ya’ll went out. He set that shit up Starr, I don’t know why but he did. He set it up and tried to make Fatima look like she sent Jonathan.”

  “Man, I’m starting to think that both of ya’ll fools is crazy. I don’t wanna hear no more,” I pulled my pants on and grabbed my cell and purse. “Shit you out there taking pictures of him doing the shit. How I know you wasn’t in on it too?”

  “I went there to take the picture ‘cause it’s part of my plan to bring him down. Quad is the reason my brother is in the hospital. I just know he is. I could easily murk that nigga but instead I wanna see him suffer slowly. And the only way I know is to make him sit in a jail cell and rot to death. Everything he does I’m a be right there to catch and when Tron wakes up and confirms that Quad is the reason for him being there. I’m turning all this shit over to the police.”

  “Are you positive about that Croy shit?” I asked Neek.

  “Yep, don’t believe me I’ll show you the text messages he sent to me laughing about how he knew you could handle Croy with no problems.”

  After hearing that, “How can I help? I want in.”

  I dropped my purse on the bed and sat down.

  That was the beginning of the setup of Quadir Mitchell. He’s been playing me since day one and all along I thought I had somebody that truly loved me the way I needed to be loved. I could’ve died that night that I got into that car with Croy but all Quad cared about was manipulating me into a relationship with him. And for some fucked up reason he had Fatima’s brother Jonathan pretend to rob him; I bet he really was surprised when I pulled out my Berretta and sent Jonathan to an early grave.

  It seemed like ever since Neek told me that shit about Croy and Jonathan; more and more of Quad’s shadiness seemed to come out. Although, I’d fallen deep in love with Neek; my intentions were to truly kill him the night at the hospital when I discovered that Tron was really T-Rock. I loved him but I didn’t want him or Quad finding out what I did.

  Every day I thank God that the security guard popped up when he did because it would’ve been the worst mistake of my life. Neek didn’t know that I was the one that shot Tron and put him in that coma and ‘til this day he still doesn’t know. The little bit of information that he did get out Tron was that Quad planned the robbery on my dad and made everybody believe that the dope came from some cats out of Dallas.

  See people can say what they wanna say about me and the things that I’ve done but I’ve never done anything to anybody that wasn’t deserving of it. Quad got everything that he was asking for and I knew that everything that Neek and I had planned was worth every bit of the sweat; including me continuing to sleep with Quad knowing what the fuck he did.

  All those threatening phone calls I'd began receiving, the visit in the middle of night; was all a set-up. The only fucked up thing was that the fools shooters were supposed to aim high and not kill anyone. That’s why I was so eager to murk the, fools because they killed two innocent people and could’ve killed me.

  The craziness may have seemed unnecessary but we did it was because I knew once I told Quad about it he would begin to start doing shit and each time; Neek would be right there to catch it all on camera. Neek took the picture of him shooting the dude from the Cadillac and he took the ones of him ridding of Bubba’s body.

  I hated that Quad convinced me that Bubba was a snitch; even though I knew Quad was trash at the time he told me about it; I still allowed him to persuade me. Shit, Bubba did tell Bear and Tamar what I did so it made it so much easier for me to believe everything Quad said at that time. I just hated that I still let that fool manipulate me after I knew how he was. I’d lost a brother for no damn reason at all. Heaven or Hell; I just prayed that Bubba would forgive me for this shit.

  “What you over there thinking about?” Neek asked reaching for my hand.

  “Nothing, I’m just glad that this shit is over with,” I said rubbing my stomach.

  “Over? You know it ain’t over yet. We still got one more thing to take care of,” Neek said.

  “Yea, that’s gonna be sweet. The perfect little ending,” I sighed.

  Epilogue Starr

  1 year later

  I sat back on the porch of my home enjoying the night's breeze. The sun had just set which made this the perfect time to be out and enjoy the summer heat. I didn't think that I would like living in Germany but so far I was loving every minute of it. Neek decided eight months ago while we were living in West Virginia that he wanted to join the Armed Forces.

  I didn't agree with it at first being I was used to the fast life and the fast the money, but after remembering that I had a daughter to think about the idea sounded good. Neek and I got married at a court house in West Virginia so that after he joined the forces and got stationed; me and our daughter could go with him.

  What I didn't know was that he had to first go through boot camp, schooling, and training before he would be stationed anywhere. So for six months, I lived in West Virginia alone, and going through every emotion possible. Thankfully they allowed him to come home for the birth of our daughter Dominique, but he had to leave again only days after her birth.

  "Roll up!" my dad Herm said handing me a cigar and a sack of weed.

  "I guess that mean you finally got H.J. to sleep," I said with a huge smile.

  “Hell yea that lil’ dude is hell, now let me see that paper,” my dad reached for the local newspaper out of Atlanta and began to read aloud. “Quadir Mitchell was sentenced to life in prison after a jury of his peers returned a guilty verdict in the murders of Andrew “Bubba” Saunders, Tatron Mitchell, and Jonathan Lewis. The jury only took fifteen minutes before unanimously deciding that Quadir Mitchell was guilty on all charges. Detectives on the case have also informed the public that they are working with South Carolina police and looking into the apparent suicide of Quadir’s ex-girlfriend Fatima Lewis. After further investigation into her death, the apparent suicide note that was left did not match Lewis’ handwriting.”

  While my dad continued reading the paper, I couldn’t help but laugh at what got him here. The same person that told me how Quad set Bubba up to look like a snitch is the same person that successfully helped me bring my daddy home. Agent Tommy could find out anything and would do anything for money. For the right price he confiscated all the evidence the FEDs had against my dad, and he also gave me the location to where Bear was being hid. So you ask me, why did I choose to move to West Virginia? Dumb ass FEDs had Bear's big ass living in a predominately white neighborhood; like he wasn't going to stick out like a sore thumb.

  Little ol' me, eight months pregnant, broke into Bear's quiet, single family home while he peacefully slept. I thought about causing him as much pain and agony he caused me when he raped me but knew I had to rid of him quickly.

  "Bear! Bear!" I sang with one hand on my belly and another on my hammer.

  "Huh?" he sprang from the pillow looking around the dark room.

  "Hey Bear," I calmly said. "Told you, you were gonna have to see me one day."

  "Bitch, I got agents watching my house! Soon as they hear the shots they filing in," Bear boastfully stated.

  "Nigga, ain't nobody outside!" I screamed feeling very aggravated. Bear tried to reach towards the nightstand next to him when I let him have it.


  His damn near three hundred pound body fell against the head board. Just as quickly as it begun; it ended.

  "Yo, it's fucked up what Quad did. Muthafucka had a lot of people fooled. Crazy ‘cause Unc kept saying it was something about Quad he ain't trust. That's why he beat his ass that day he came to visit. Wish I would've put hands on his ass too!" my dad said with anger arising in his voice. He tossed the paper to the side and sat it down on the steps of the deck.

  "I ain't even trippi
ng. I hope that muthafucka’ put that postcard of my family photo on his wall," I laughed. "I made sure my ring was in clear view too."

  My dad shook his head, "You better than me ‘cause I would've put two in his head. Aye, nigga was slick as hell."

  "Not slick enough. Didn't he know about me daddy? I'm the star that reigns through the sky on a stormy night. Muthafuckas gonna learn about me. Better believe that!"

  "Always talking shit!"

  I looked up over my shoulder and spotted my husband Neek coming onto the patio. He was dressed in army fatigue, and since being in the service his once slender body was now an extra fifty pounds of pure muscle. Neek and I may have hooked up under odd circumstances and some may deem our relationship one of deceit but what I felt for him was true love. Love that I never thought I would feel again after the loss of Keylan. Love that I could’ve had with Quad but he decided he would rather slither in the grass and play crazy.

  Neek made me feel normal; he didn't look at me any differently because of who I was. He treated me as an equal and accepted me for my faults and because of that I loved him deeply. One day I would tell him the truth about Tron and my part in it but right now I wanted to keep the happy, calm, peace we shared.

  "Sup baby?" I greeted Neek.

  "Tired, where my dinner at?" Neek asked.

  Me and my dad both laughed knowing I couldn't cook for shit. Neek had been whining lately about being tired of eating out so I was very thankful when my dad and Stacey moved in with us. She has been cooking ever since and I haven't heard one complaint from Neek since.

  "Hey, I wanna thank you for allowing us into your home Neek. My assets are slowly coming back to me and I'm thinking we should be moving on our within the next month," my dad said passing Neek the blunt.

  "Ain't a problem at all. I'm just happy y'all decided to stay. I know that Starr a feel much better with having her family around."

  "Yes I will, “I smiled.

  “I can't believe ya’ll got me living over here in Germany. Stacey got a job and H.J. is happy. Man I appreciate everything you and Starr have done for me, I just don't know how I can ever---,"

  "Daddy, it's nothing. You know I'll do anything for the ones I love. Just think that Rodney got two more years to go and he will be able to join us," I shrugged.

  "I know. I can't believe Unc will be getting out soon. I've been missing him like crazy since I left that place,” my dad said and I watched as tears roamed down his face.

  He hardly ever cried and when he did it was because he was truly hurting. I leaned back in my chair and thought about my real dad soon coming home, I haven't visited him since leaving Atlanta but I wrote him once a week.

  Although, it had been hard to get used to the fact that Herm wasn't my dad and this stranger Rodney was; I finally came to terms with it. After thinking about it Rodney did what he felt was best and shit if he hadn't asked Herm to care for me; I could only imagine what life would’ve been like had my mama raised me.

  It will be nice to have my mama here clean and sober and living with us but I knew that wasn't happening. She loved her drug more than she loved her life, more than she loved me, and anybody else for that matter. Sadly I knew it was only a matter of time before those drugs killed her and I'm okay with that. It's the life she chose and ‘cause of that the only choice I have is to accept the fact that one day she will die.

  We sat on the balcony talking and having a good time. I really, really wanted to go to Miami with Brian and work in that shop with him but I knew that it wouldn't be possible. There is always the possibility that something would happen, Quad getting out or sending someone after me and then Brian would be at risk. I wasn't having that especially after what Bear did to him.

  Brian and I talked once a week and he is even coming to visit once he saves money. Even though I couldn't be with him in Miami I was glad that he had Rozalyn. I was also relieved to know that he wasn't going to give up on our friendship.

  I'm happy, I have a beautiful daughter, a wonderful husband, and my dad is free and clear from any charges. Life couldn't be any better. While, Germany may not be permanent being that Neek can be stationed anywhere at any time; it was home. My home and a home that I love every day I wake up and every day I go to bed.

  I won't apologize for anything that has transpired; I won't even wish to take anything back besides Bubba being killed and Brian being hurt. Everything that happened; happened for a reason and for now I'm happy with the outcome. With a smile on my face I grabbed my husband's hand and lead him inside the house.

  "Where my baby girl at?" Neek asked following me into our bedroom.

  "She's asleep," I said closing the door and locking it.

  "Mmgh, so I know what's on your mind," Neek licked his lips and picked me up from the floor. He carried me over to the bed and gently laid me across it.

  "I love you," I said pulling him onto me.

  "I love you too Starr," he smiled. "Aye, don't be getting all loud and shit. I’m tired of your pops looking at me crazy."

  I laughed, "Whatever. I don't be getting loud."

  “Can we start on our boy now?” Neek asked tugging at my shorts.

  “Umm, no. Dominique is enough and with H.J. around she’ll have somebody to play with,” I said unbuttoning Neek’s uniform.

  “What about when your pop’s get their own place?”

  “Then we’ll take her to visit as much as possible. Can we at least wait until she’s about two before we start thinking about more?”

  “Yea a’ight. On her second birthday, I’m going in,” Neek laughed.

  I wrapped both arms around his neck and stared into his eyes, I didn't think I would but I got the happy ending I was looking for.

  The End

  Thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it.

  Comments and questions are welcomed.

  Check out other books by Shan


  Rozalyn 2: Vengeance of the Heart.

  Available on and B&

  Books to Come by Shan

  When it Rains it Pours : An Anthology

  Rozalyn 3

  B.O.M.B. Records: Blood of My Blood

  About the Author

  Shantoinette Richardson but known as Shan is an up and coming Urban Fiction writer. A Louisiana native but raised in Dallas, Texas.

  Writing started off to Shan as just something to do to suppress the pain and hurt she felt growing up as a child to a mother that was addicted to crack and a father who seemed to move on with his life with a new family.

  At just 15 years old Shan gave birth to her first child; a baby boy. Being a teen mom didn't stop Shan from achieving her goals. She graduated high school early at only 16 years old and immediately enrolled into college. While taking care of a baby while still a baby herself and furthering her education Shan always found time to write.

  The more she wrote and older she became the more passionate she became about her work. She then realized she had a natural born gift and that one day the world will enjoy her craft.

  She is currently working on her second novel Rozalyn 2: Vengeance of the Heart, a short story titled The Crew, and a hood tale entitled Reigning Starr. Her first novel Rozalyn is available for purchase through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

  Now at 26 years old Shan feels like she has a lot left to accomplish. With goals of creating screen plays and even movie scripts she believes that there are no limits to what she can obtain in life.

  She dreams of filling up bookshelves with novels that people will go on to talk about for years and years.

  She holds and Associates of Applied Science in Paralegal Studies, and currently works as a Client Benefit Specialist.

  Shan is the single mother of 3 and will stop at nothing to see they have a life that she only dreamt of.

    Shan, Reigning Starr




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