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MASON WILDER: Radical Rock Stars Next Generation Duet Book 2

Page 16

by Jenna Galicki

  Kendall shook her head to clear it and instantly regained her composure. “I’m so sorry. That was rude of me. I just had no idea.” She rubbed her throat as if helping herself to swallow, and then presented a warm smile to Tessa. “Your father and I used to be close. We go way back.”

  Tessa paused, clearly uncomfortable with Kendall’s reaction. “Which one?”

  “Angel. I’ve known him for a very long time. Since we were both young. Children, really.” Kendall looked back and forth between Mason and Tessa. “You two are a couple. That’s a lovely coincidence. Isn’t it?”

  “Not really,” Tessa answered. “We’ve known each other our entire lives.”

  “She’s the singer and bass player in Prodigy,” Mason boasted as he pulled Tessa a little closer.

  “You sing?” Kendall’s face went blank for a brief moment before she masked it. “I guess that’s no surprise considering the talent your father brandishes. I used to sing. That’s how Angel and I met.” She paused. “Your parents, the three of them . . . are they still together? As a couple?”

  Tessa glanced back at Mason again, and he could see her hackles rising. She was fiercely protective of her family. “Yes. They’re married.”

  Kendall almost laughed. “How is that possible?”

  “They had a civil ceremony before Lucas was born. It may not be legal in a court of law, but they’re married,” Tessa stressed.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Kendall touched Tessa’s arm. “I’m not mocking their ceremony. Not at all. I’m just a little surprised, that’s all. I can’t believe Jessi stuck it out.”

  Tessa stiffened and her jaw tightened. “What do you mean, stuck it out?”

  “Well, it was just very obvious how much Angel and Tommy loved each other. And Angel is gay. That’s why I’m so surprised about—”

  “Stop.” Tessa’s eyes darted to Mason and stayed there for a moment, looking for support, or apologizing for something she was about to say. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Both of my fathers love my mother, just as much as they love each other. There is no favoritism in my family.”

  Lucas came to his sister’s side, also ready to defend his family. “She’s right. I really don’t know why you think my fathers don’t love my mother, but you couldn’t be more wrong.”

  Mason watched the woman he loved and his best friend, ready to square off against his birth mother, and he began to think that introducing them was a bad idea. There was bad blood between Kendall and Tommy, Jessi, and Angel. He’d known that.

  Kendall’s eyes softened and she broke into a warm smile. “I’m so sorry. I think my big mouth got me into trouble again. I didn’t mean anything by it. I came here to meet my son’s girlfriend and his best friends. I have no business making assumptions.” She waved a hand in front of her, as if to wipe away the tension. “Let’s start over.”

  “That’s a good idea.” Mason squeezed Tessa’s shoulder, and she nodded at him.

  “Why don’t we sit down to dinner?” Tessa suggested. “I cooked a beautiful meal.”

  Kendall’s face brightened. “I told Mason that you shouldn’t have gone to the trouble. I would have been happy to take everyone out to dinner.”

  “No trouble at all,” Tessa replied, sincerely. “I love to cook.”

  On their way to the table, Mason ran his hand across his forehead and let out a breath. Tessa never let anyone judge her parents’ unconventional relationship, and had a hot temper when it came to family. And Lucas had an over-protective streak when it came to his sister. Five minutes in his apartment, and Kendall almost had it out with his girlfriend and his best friend.

  Sindy grabbed onto Mason’s arm and whispered, “Don’t sweat it. My family makes this look like a Hallmark Christmas Special.”

  “Such a beautiful table,” Kendall complimented. She offered to help in the kitchen, but Tessa wouldn’t hear of it. Usually, when Tessa cooked, the kitchen was her domain and no one else, with the exception of Angel, could set foot in there. Tonight she made an exception for Sindy, and Mason wondered if they were discussing Kendall’s comments about Angel, Tommy and Jessi.

  “I hope you like Cuban cuisine,” Tessa said as she and Sindy presented dish after dish, absent the usual rundown of ingredients.

  Kendall stared at everything, an impressed yet bewildered look on her face. “This is incredible.”

  “My papi taught me how to cook. I guess you know he’s a chef?”

  “Of course.” Kendall smiled and her eyes glazed over. “Papi? Is that what you call Angel?”

  Tessa nodded.

  “That’s adorable.” Kendall shook out her napkin and draped it across her lap. “Everything looks lovely, Tessa. What was this called again?” She pointed to a bowl. “It looks delicious.”

  “That’s picadillo,” Mason answered. “It’s beef with potatoes. Olives. Tomatoes.” He looked into the bowl to see what other ingredients he was missing and tried to remember the way Tessa described it in the past. “It’s flavored with sofrito.” Mason’s knowledge of Tessa’s culinary skills, garnered adoring eyes from the woman he loved.

  “My sister’s an amazing cook,” Lucas bragged.

  Kendall tasted the picadillo. “Mmm. It’s positively divine. Do you have any other brothers or sisters?” she asked Tessa.

  “No. It’s just me and Lucas.”

  “That’s splendid. You seem close. What about you, Sindy? Are you in the band, as well?”

  Sindy nodded. “I play guitar. Not nearly as good as Lucas, but I can hold my own.”

  Lucas wrapped an arm around Sindy. “Don’t be modest. You’re one of the best guitar players I know.” He planted a kiss on the side of her bright red hair and smiled. “And pretty damn cute, too.”

  Sindy smiled and nudged him with her shoulder.”

  “Young love,” Kendall said wistfully. “Tell me more about this band of yours, Mason. What’s the name of it?”


  Kendall rested her fork in her plate and sat back. “Prodigy. It’s perfect.”

  “Our first single went platinum, and our first album just went gold.”

  Kendall listened with her chin on her hand. “That’s an amazing story. Do you have a manager?”

  Mason put his arm around Tessa’s shoulder. “She’s our manager. She runs the show. She makes sure everyone brings their A-game. Keeps us in line. Writes all the lyrics. Scrutinizes—”

  “I’m not the band’s manager,” Tessa interrupted. “I just take a concerted effort and interest in making sure everything is done on point.”

  Kendall let out a joyful laugh. “You sound just like your father, love. Angel always had such wonderful business sense.” She scooted to the edge of her chair. “Tell me. Is Immortal Angel still together?”

  They all exchanged surprised glances with one another. Was Kendall really that out of touch that she didn’t know Immortal Angel was stronger now than they were a decade ago?

  Sindy was the first to answer. “How can you not know the answer to that? Immortal Angel is a legend. They’re still making music and touring the world.”

  Kendall was lost in thought for a moment, her eyes taking on a blank stare for a moment. “That doesn’t surprise me.” She exhaled a long sigh, then took a sip of water. “Do you live in the City, too, Tessa?”

  “No. The rest of us live in Lido Beach. I own a condo in a complex adjacent to Lucas and Sindy. The City’s too congested for me.”

  “It’s our one point of disagreement,” Mason confessed. “I love the non-stop action and the loud noise of Manhattan. Tessa loves the beach.”

  “I have to agree with Tessa,” Kendall said. “I don’t think I could live in the City. I much prefer the greenery of the boroughs, Brooklyn specifically.”

  “I visited it for the first time about a month ago,” Sindy offered. “I’m from Baltimore. Tessa took me to Williamsburg to get our tongues pierced. It was a really cool place.”

  “Pierced? In Willi
amsburg?” A small smile slowly lifted one side of her mouth. “Alyssa?”

  “Yeah.” Sindy nodded.

  “And Damien.” Memories reflected in Kendall’s far away gaze, but it was unclear whether they were good or bad. “Those two were something else. Neither of them had a filter. There’s something to be said about brutal honesty, but that’s ancient history. Are they still married?”

  “Of course.” Tessa answered. “I don’t know two people who are more suited for one another.” She placed her hand on Mason’s leg under the table. “Except me and Mason. We were destined to be together. I’ve known he was the one since I was five years old.”

  “That’s so romantic.” Kendall’s eyes glazed over. “I’m very happy for the both of you. You’re absolutely darling, Tessa.”

  Mason placed his arm on the back of Tessa’s chair and kissed her temple. “She sure is.”

  After dinner, Kendall and Sindy helped Tessa clear the table, refusing to heed Tessa’s insistence that they both stay seated. Mason watched them in the kitchen, too far away to hear what they were saying, but it appeared that Kendall was raving about the meal. He moved into the empty seat at the table next to Lucas. “She really seems to like Tessa,” he whispered to his best friend.

  “Yeah,” Lucas answered. “I was worried there for a minute when we first arrived. Her reaction was . . . I don’t know. Unsettling. Know what I mean?”

  “Yeah. I do.” It was the unspoken history with Tommy, Angel and Jessi that still left a big question mark in Mason’s head, but it was ancient history, and he was giving Kendall a chance.

  “How do you think your parents will react when you tell them that she’s back?” Lucas asked.

  Mason pressed his lips together and slowly shook his head, fearing that a big blow out would ensue. “Not sure, man. But I have to tell them. I just wanted to get to know her first, without their input. I wanted to hear what she had to say and make up my own mind.”

  “And?” Lucas asked.

  “I think she’s sincere. Whatever happened between her and our parents is in the past. I think she’s interested in my life.” He watched Kendall smile brightly and run her fingers down the length of Tessa’s hair. “And she wants to know the people I care about.”

  While they had dessert, Tessa spoke about the tour and what’s in store for Prodigy. Mason told stories about the bands he toured with in the past. Lucas recalled stories of their childhood. And Sindy talked about the first time she played with the band and how awestruck she’d been at playing with the great Mason Wilder, which really surprised Mason. He had known she was star-struck at meeting Immortal Angel, and, at times, still was. But he had no idea that she was rattled at meeting him. They talked about Aunt Mary and how much she meant to all of them. Kendall even joined the conversation by relaying a few stories about Aunt Mary, which filled Mason with equal amounts of heartache and happiness.

  After several hours, Kendall stood and smoothed down her pencil skirt. “I can’t believe how late it is already. I better get going. Thank you so much for having me over, Mason. And for introducing me to your friends, and your beautiful girlfriend.” She took Tessa’s hands. “It was such a pleasure meeting you. I hope to get to know you better before I go back to London.” She surprised Tessa with an excited hug. It caught Tessa off guard, and she didn’t have a chance to raise her arms to return the embrace. Her limbs were stuck at her sides sticking out like tree branches. Kendall pulled back and cupped Tessa’s face in her hands. “Such a beauty, with so much talent. Mason is a lucky man.”

  “Thank you, but I’m the lucky one,” Tessa replied. “Mason is every woman’s dream. And he picked me.”

  As if he had a choice. He couldn’t resist her if he tried.

  Kendall shook Lucas and Sindy’s hands, offering more comments about being happy to meet them, and then she turned to Mason. The hug that she freely offered Tessa didn’t extend to him. Kendall hesitated as she stepped closer, raising her arms cautiously and dropping her gaze for a moment. “Goodnight, Mason.” She gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and lightly ran her hand down his arm. He felt her warmth and her vulnerability, unsure if her own child wanted her affection. It tore Mason’s heart out. Maybe in the past she had been a bad mother, caring more about herself than her own son and caught up in the limelight as she tried to find fame. But she was here now and doing everything to make up for it. She wasn’t asking for anything in return except his time. He put his arms around her and hugged her with real affection.

  He heard her take a breath and felt her head lean into his. When she pulled back, a soft mist covered her eyes. “Goodnight, Mason.” Her smile reached the corners of her eyes, causing a few tiny wrinkles to form, the first he’d seen make an appearance. “Please ring me tomorrow if you’d like to meet again. Or the next day. No pressure.”

  He nodded, happy to see her again tomorrow. As soon as he closed the door behind her, he spun around. “So what’d you guys think of her? I think it went really well. Don’t you?”

  “She was wearing Valentino,” Tessa announced. “And she smelled of Dior. She was very refined.”

  “Yeah,” Lucas agreed. “She was classy. With manners.”

  “She was nice,” Sindy said. “I felt kind of bad for her, though.”

  Mason quirked an eyebrow. “How so?”

  “She obviously cares about you a lot. She loves you. But she seemed hesitant, as if she was worried that you won’t love her back. I can’t imagine what that feels like.”

  That’s the exact same thing Mason picked up from Kendall, and it tugged at his heart.

  Mason planned on telling the family tonight that Kendall had been in contact with him, but didn’t know exactly when. Since the entire Immortal Angel family was together in the great room of the Blade-Garcia mansion, it presented the perfect opportunity. He saw Tessa glance at his fingers as they pounded a beat into the arm of the couch. Usually, nothing got to him. That’s just how he rolled. He wasn’t one to get upset and fly off the handle. He had a calm demeanor and rarely got riled up. In that respect, he and Tessa couldn’t be more different.

  With the room at a decent decibel, after everyone had spent the last two hours emptying their lungs with stories and laughter, Mason decided it was time to bring up Kendall. He stood and raised his voice above everyone else’s. “I want to say something.” He waited for the family to quiet down before he looked directly at his father. “Kendall showed up at my apartment after the funeral.”

  He looked around the room at the unsettled reactions. His dad’s brows rose and the jovial smile fell from his lips. His mom closed her eyes for a moment and visibly deflated, her shoulders falling a good three inches from their usual height. Alyssa rolled her eyes and huffed. Damien didn’t react, but that wasn’t a surprise. The man had two facial expression – a scowl or an evil grin – so, it was almost impossible to tell what he was thinking. Angel pursed his lips together with concern and crossed his arms over his chest. Tommy’s bright eyes lost some of their light, and he glanced at Angel. But it was Jessi’s reaction that disturbed Mason the most. Her eyes narrowed into slits and her lips pressed tightly together. Her chest rose and fell, and she kept looking back and forth between Tommy and Angel.

  “What did she want?” Mason’s dad asked.

  “She was at the funeral, but stayed in the background because she said she knew she wasn’t welcome. Why would she think that, Dad?”

  “I invited her, Mase. Remember? There’s no reason for her to think she wasn’t welcome. She may not have seen Aunt Mary in twenty-five years, but she was her aunt. She was her family. It was her place to be there.” He paused and furrowed his brow. “Did you say she came to your apartment?”


  “How did she know where you live? I never told her.”

  “She said she saw me at the funeral and recognized me right away. She followed me home.”

  Mason’s mom quickly came to his side, her high heels clacking on the floor,
and rubbed her hand over his upper arm. “Are you OK? Did she upset you?”

  “No. I’m . . . I don’t know what I am, Mom. I guess, confused, mostly. She said she wanted to get to know me. She said she couldn’t go back to London without seeing me.” The quietude in the room disturbed him. This group of boisterous people, who always had an opinion and shared it freely, fell silent. The tension was unnerving. As he waited for them to say something, Tessa reached out, took Mason’s hand and squeezed it for support. She was always in his corner, always standing by his side, no matter what. “Why do all of you dislike her so much?” he asked.

  Angel spoke up. “We’re concerned about her intentions.”

  “Why? Is it because she had a drinking problem? Because she’s clean and sober now.” The remark caused several skeptical facial expressions from those around the room. “She refused alcohol,” Mason stressed, surprised he felt the need to defend Kendall. “Me and Lucas had a couple of beers at dinner. She had water.”

  Jessi’s head snapped in Lucas’ direction, eyes wide with alarm. “You met her?” He nodded, and she quickly turned toward Tessa, her voice raising an octave. “Did you?”

  Tessa shot an uneasy glance in Mason’s direction before answering her mother. “Yes. She seemed nice. Sincere in wanting to get to know Mason.”

  “What else did she say?” Mason’s dad asked, more serious than Mason had ever seen him.

  “She told me that she left because of a chance at a recording deal, which never panned out. That she turned her life around. She said she regrets a lot of things. That she’s changed. She said she wanted to get in touch with me, but felt like too much time had passed.” He looked at the faces around him, all staring back at him with concerned expressions. No one offered the slightest bit of joy at the chance of a reunion.

  Jessi was the most reactive. Her nostrils flared, and her expression changed many times. Anger, disbelief and something that looked like mild panic flashed across her face. Mostly, she looked as if there were a mountain of things she wanted to blurt out, but held her tongue.


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