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Mastered by Mavericks [Doms of Destiny, Colorado 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Chloe Lang

  * * * *

  Nicole watched the dark smoke contaminating the blue Colorado sky.

  Reed brought the truck to a sudden stop, unable to go farther up West Street due to the blockade in the road. “Sawyer, there’s Jason.”

  “I see him.”

  So did Nicole. The sheriff was rushing to secure the area.

  She and her cowboys jumped out of the truck. They ran up to Sheriff Wolfe, who was dragging sawhorses into the road with the help of a few people. She recognized a couple of them. Dylan wore his signature sunglasses, dark suit, and black tie. If anyone looked like a government agent or spy, it was that man. Alexei, the former mob assassin turned good guy, was taking control of the crowd with only gestures and a few simple words. Impressive.

  “Jason, we need someone to protect Nicole so we can get to fighting the fire,” Reed said as they approached the sheriff.

  “Shit. Yes. You both are the only certified guys on the squad.” The sheriff motioned Dylan and Alexei closer.

  “I don’t need bodyguards,” she snapped. “I can be of use here.”

  “Not a chance,” Sawyer said. “We know that one Russian came to Destiny and messed with your car. Who knows how many more might be coming?”

  “There’s Dylan’s brother, Cam. Erica is with him.” Reed pointed to a large man standing next to his sister about ten feet away from them. Cam’s eyes never left Erica. “He can help, too. He’s an attorney here in Destiny and one of the best shots in the whole state.”

  “This is ridiculous. I don’t need an attorney or bodyguards or babysitters.” Nicole felt her heart racing. “Sawyer, you’re not in charge. I have experience in this kind of situation. I can help.”

  “Flowers, I am in charge here.” Jason shook his head. “You’ll be most helpful if you cooperate. We don’t know if the Russian we caught was working alone or not. I’m sure you’re very capable, but you don’t know anyone in Destiny besides Reed and Sawyer. It’s too big of a risk.”

  “You’re making a mistake, Sheriff. I know how to handle a crowd.”

  “I have a pretty good idea you do.” Jason’s steady gaze reminded her of her grandfather. The one thing she and the sheriff had in common was duty. “I would be frustrated, too, if I were in your shoes, but we must be very careful at this point. With all this excitement, you would be an easy target, Nicole.”

  She shrugged. “Don’t you need all the volunteers you can get on this? I’m a seasoned officer.”

  “We’re not going to lose you now, baby,” Sawyer said. “We just found you.”

  Her training disagreed with him, but her heart understood he was right. “Okay. I’ll stay put.”

  “It would be best to get your woman into an enclosed space that I can secure. We can take Erica with us, too,” Dylan said.

  Nicole shook her head and opened her jacket to reveal her holstered gun underneath. “I’m not helpless.”

  “Clearly not,” the sheriff said. “I’ve asked a couple of citizens to keep everyone in the park.” He turned to Dylan. “Use Father Dragon and the big pine tree by his statue as cover. That leaves only a few spaces you’ll have to keep your eyes on. She’ll be safe there.”

  “That statue in the park is an additional half block away from the fire. I won’t be able to see a thing from there. By these sawhorses, I can at least see what’s going on, and if I’m needed I can be of some help.” She folded her arms over her chest in defiance. “I let you guys win the war, but I demand to win this battle.”

  “Demand?” Reed’s eyebrows shot up.

  “We don’t have time for this,” Jason barked. “Either give in or don’t. We’ve got to get to the fire.” The sheriff didn’t wait to find out what they would decide but ran down the street toward the clinic.

  “Done. You can stay here, Nicole, but no closer.” Sawyer turned to Dylan, Alexei, and Cam. “Keep your eyes wide open. Your new client is precious to us.”

  Then he and Reed bolted the same direction Jason had run—to the fire.

  * * * *

  Reed and Sawyer finished putting on their firefighting gear. The entire two-story clinic was ablaze. Out of every window on its second floor the blackest smoke Reed had ever seen billowed out. Red and orange flames licked the broken glass of the first floor windows and doors.

  The Knight brothers, Eric and Scott, the acting EMTs on the scene, checked the lucky victims’ vitals. The survivors’ words couldn’t be heard over Destiny’s lone fire engine moan, Old Red’s siren.

  Jason came up to him and Sawyer. “Eight unaccounted for. Doc Ryder, two nurses, four patients—one of whom was the Russian Flowers wants to question, and Charlie.”

  Reed shook his head thinking of Nicole and glad she was safe back at the barricade with the three capable men around her. He wished it could be him, but he and Sawyer were needed here. Then his mind snapped to the last time he’d talked to Charlie Blake, Destiny’s favorite deputy sheriff. Charlie and the others were inside the burning clinic. Reed turned to Sawyer. “Let’s go.”

  * * * *

  Nicole was a total bundle of nerves. Her eyes hadn’t left Reed and Sawyer since they’d run down the street to the disaster. Even from this distance, she could see them, which made her feel a tiny bit better. Suddenly, she watched them run into the burning building. Her heart stopped.

  She felt an arm come around her shoulder.

  “It’s going to be okay,” a woman’s voice said. “Reed and Sawyer will be fine. You’ll see.”

  She turned to the blonde woman. “I hope you’re right. I just feel so helpless.”

  “I’ve been there. I know the feeling, and it sucks. But trust me, it’s going to be okay. Eric and Scott are volunteer EMTs. They’re helping with the fire, too. They’re my guys.” The kind lady, Nicole guessed to be in her mid-twenties, stood with a few of Destiny’s citizens that had been allowed closer to the action. The rest were on the northwest corner of the town’s park. Everyone, including her, was in shock at the destruction they were witnessing. “I’m Megan.”


  Megan smiled broadly. “Everyone in Destiny knows who you are, Nicole.”

  “They do.”

  “I’m still getting used to this town, but you’ll come to love it like I have.”

  “I’m only here for a week or two, Megan. No more.”

  “That’s what I thought when I came here.” The blonde squeezed her tight. “You might be surprised.”

  Even surrounded by other onlookers, she felt so alone. Her three newly appointed bodyguards had gone into action in a flash after her cowboys and Jason had left, stepping away into the background to remain inconspicuous. The three men weren’t quite invisible but close.

  Alexei stood twenty feet away in front of Blue’s Diner, constantly scanning the area for any trouble. She found it ironic that one of her protectors against the Russian mob was a former Russian mobster himself.

  Dylan was closest to her of the three. He stood about four feet to her right still wearing his dark sunglasses. Law enforcement was something she’d been around since childhood, but Strange was unlike anyone she’d ever known. His intensity was substantial.

  Dylan and Alexei clearly had experience in covert operations. Cam, not so much.

  Even though they were brothers, Cam and Dylan had completely different personalities. Dylan was a cool operator. Cam seemed almost manic and argumentative. Dylan’s tool of choice clearly was his gun. Standing across the street where Dylan had sent him and Erica, Cam held his tool of choice, his cell. He held it to his ear, but the majority of his focus clearly remained on Reed and Sawyer’s lovely sister as his eyes never left her. Being an attorney, maybe he was dealing with a big case. She wasn’t sure, but still felt Cam’s frame and height would intimidate just about anybody.

  Nicole looked back at the smoke above the clinic. She prayed silently, “Please God, let Reed and Sawyer be safe.”

  * * * *

  Sawyer knew fighting a fire was part sc
ience and part luck. Flames were consuming the walls of the clinic’s lobby, as he and Reed fought to contain the blaze.

  This disaster was the worst the Fire Squad had faced in town ever. Even though the risk had been high, he and Reed had gone into the burning structure because eight souls were still inside. Cody Stone had joined them, leaving the other volunteers to man the hoses and fight the fire from outside.

  Sawyer would bet this had been an act of arson, though he had no proof of it yet. If he was right, it meant Nicole, the woman of his dreams, needed protection from the Russians. It would be only a matter of time before they came for her. He regretted not going along with Dylan’s suggestion of pulling her into a secure room. Once done here, he would make sure to do whatever it took to keep her safe.

  “Guys, over here,” Reed yelled.

  * * * *

  Nicole could taste the acid from the fumes of the fire on her lips. She couldn’t imagine what Reed and Sawyer were dealing with inside the structure. She could see the flames coming out of the upper floor’s windows. She had to remind herself to keep breathing.

  More people were joining the rest of the onlookers, but most were silent as they gawked at the blaze. The few words uttered came from two silver-haired women a few feet in front of her.

  “My God, did everyone get out safe, Ethel?” one of the senior ladies said in a distinct British accent.

  “No word yet, Gretchen,” Ethel answered, looking at her cell’s screen.

  A couple of men rushed past her.

  “Where are you going?” she shouted to them, unable to not take charge, despite Wolfe’s earlier demand.

  “We’re volunteers, miss,” one of them yelled back over his shoulder. He knocked over one of the sawhorses, but didn’t stop.

  She glanced around for anyone suspicious looking, anyone with a gun barrel pointed her direction. When none was found, she moved to the downed sawhorse and sat it back up. Wolfe would have to understand her training had kicked into high gear during this emergency. She wasn’t going to be stupid though. Truthfully, she was glad that Dylan and Alexei were there with her, watching her back.

  She remained on the other side of the blockade, which granted her an extra six inches closer to the blaze. Turning around to face the fire, she had a much clearer view of what was happening at the clinic.

  Her heart wasn’t here. It was inside the burning building.

  Nicole hoped for everyone’s safety, but especially for Sawyer’s and Reed’s.

  * * * *

  With Reed’s mind on his task but also on Nicole, he entered the hallway, which looked like the throat of a fire-breathing dragon. Sawyer and Cody followed close behind. Together, they were able to clear a path to the rooms in the back. They didn’t have much time. There was no way the clinic would survive this. He looked into the first room. Paris, a young nurse at the clinic, was crouched on the floor. Her violet eyes were wide with fear.

  “You okay?” Reed asked her while Cody and Sawyer doused the area around the door with retardant foam.

  She nodded.

  “Where are the rest?”

  The nurse coughed and pointed down the hallway where the fire was even stronger.

  “I’m going to carry you out, understand?” Reed asked.

  Close to passing out, Paris nodded. He lifted her up over his shoulders in the traditional fireman’s carry.

  “I’ll get her out to the EMTs,” he told Cody and Sawyer, praying they’d find more survivors. “I’ll be back to help you with the others as fast as I can.”

  With a single nod, Sawyer went deeper into the monster’s belly with Cody.

  Reed carried Paris to safety.

  * * * *

  Filled with anxiety, Nicole turned to Ethel, one of the few who had moved closer to the barriers with her, “Any word yet?”

  Staring at her cellphone’s screen, Ethel shook her head.

  Gretchen frowned. “You think that you being the county judge would give you firsthand info.”

  “One would think, but not true in this kind of situation,” Ethel answered, nose down in her phone.

  Nicole balled up her fists. Not being a person who sat back and let things just happen, her insides were pushing her to act.

  Dylan stepped next to her. “I know that look, Flowers, but you’re staying here. You’re only half a block away now. You have a clear shot of everything going on at the fire. No closer. Or I can accompany you to the jail.” He faced her but his eyes were hidden behind his Aviators. “This isn’t your beat back in Chicago.”

  She thought about correcting him—telling him she no longer had a beat but instead a desk—but didn’t. The no-nonsense man wasn’t going to be persuaded to change his mind, of that she was sure.

  Then she saw one of the firemen come out of the building with a woman on his shoulders. Even from this distance, Nicole knew it was Reed. A little relief rolled through her.

  “Look,” a woman to the side of her said, pointing at the clinic. The flames, which had been seen from the upper floor windows, were now coming from the lower ones as well.

  Nicole gasped as Reed handed the woman over to the medical personal and headed back into the burning building to join Sawyer, who was still inside.

  * * * *

  Sawyer handed over the latest survivor they’d found—Katy, another nurse—to Eric to assess her injuries. Five had been rescued by him, Reed, and Cody already, but three more were yet to be found—Doc Ryder, Charlie, and the Russian. They had ten more rooms left to check, and those were all on the part of the top floor that was getting the worst of the blaze.

  He rushed back in to join Reed and Cody to continue their rescue operation.

  * * * *

  Nicole had seen Reed and Sawyer bring out more people from the blaze only to return back into the monster. Keeping her eyes fixed on the clinic, she was still aware of Gretchen and Ethel, who were handing out water to people near her by the sawhorses. Back in the park, she’d heard others were doing the same there for the bigger crowd. The local restaurateurs had brought the bottles for everyone since the temperature had risen several degrees due to the blaze.

  Her law enforcement training was in high gear. Though the bulk of her attention was on the fire, she was keeping a close watch out of the corner of her eyes at everything going on around her. No Russians yet. Two beautiful women stood on either side of a young Hispanic boy. One of the women had long auburn hair and the other had blonde.

  “Nicole, have you met Amber?” Ethel put her hand on the auburn-haired beauty. Clearly everyone, including the county judge, was trying to distract themselves from the tragedy, but failing miserably. “Or are you going by Kathy White these days, Amber?”

  “Just Amber, Judge.” The woman extended her hand to Nicole. “I haven’t had the pleasure.”

  Kathy White? The missing person on the report. Nicole felt her heart skip a beat.

  “I’m Nicole Flowers.” She took Amber’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “This is my sister Belle.” Amber motioned to the blonde woman. Then she put her arm around the boy. “And this handsome devil is Juan.”

  “Hi Juan,” Nicole said, giving him her best smile despite her current state of worry.

  “Are you the policewoman from Chicago who Mama Belle and everyone have been talking about?”

  “Juan, that’s rude.” Belle shook her head.

  “Sorry, Mama.”

  “To Miss Flowers, young man.”

  “Sorry, Miss Flowers.”

  “Nothing to be sorry about.” Glancing back at the fire every few seconds, Nicole leaned down in front of Juan until they were at eye level with each other. “I am from Chicago and I am a police officer.”

  He smiled broadly. “Magnifico. Do you like our town, Miss Flowers?”

  “Very much, Juan.”

  Gretchen turned to Amber and Belle. “I bet it was arson.”

  “Don’t go starting rumors until the official word is out,” Ethel scolded

  “You’ll see I’m right,” Gretchen answered.

  Arson? Nicole’s gut twisted into a knot of fresh worry for Reed and Sawyer.

  * * * *

  With Sawyer and Cody close behind, Reed inched his way forward through the haze of black into the final room they would be able to check. They should’ve already called it a loss and pulled back. This floor was going to give way to the bottom of the building any minute. Spotting three unmoving forms in the room, Reed held on to a sliver of hope but mostly expected the worst.

  “I got this one,” he said, moving to the unconscious person on his left. Charlie. He looked bad. Real bad.

  “Mine.” Sawyer took the one to the right. “This is Doc. He’s breathing.”

  Cody went to the Russian on the bed.

  Each of them hauled one of the men onto their shoulders and rushed out the room.

  A sudden explosion knocked them off their feet and the floor collapsed. Falling, Reed’s thoughts were of Nicole only and how much he wanted to hold her again.

  * * * *

  All the blood in Nicole’s veins turned to ice as an explosion at the clinic shook the ground under her feet. Sawyer and Reed are still in there!

  She fought back the tears, trying to convince herself those amazing men were safe and would be headed her way soon.

  Though the people around her were clearly in shock given their collective gasps and whispered questions to each other, she couldn’t move her attention away from the flame-engulfed structure.

  Sawyer and Reed had been wonderful to her. They’d made her feel alive, really alive, maybe for the first time in her life. They were incredible, loving men. Charming. Funny. Warm. She’d brought this hell to them by insisting on coming here to look into the error on the Missing Person’s Report. Had Nicole’s desire to try to clear her name and Henry’s brought her bad luck to Destiny somehow? God, if she could only take it back. But she couldn’t. She tried to calm her mind. Her cowboys had to be okay. They must. She wrung her hands, waiting for the official word to come. She’d already fallen for Sawyer and Reed hard. How would she survive without them? The answer was—she wouldn’t.


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