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Koontz, Dean R. - The Bad Place

Page 51

by The Bad Place(Lit)

Then she remembered that she was nude, and she went back for panties and

  a T-shirt.

  She wasn't afraid of Candy's disapproval or of Candy himself. In fact,

  she would welcome his violent attentions, for it would be the ultimate

  game of hunter and prey, hawk mouse, brother and sister. Candy was the

  only wild creature into whose mind she couldn't intrude; though wild, he

  was human and beyond the reach of her powers. If he tore out Verbina's

  throat, then her blood would get into him, and into her throat, and she

  would become a part of him in the only manner she ever could. Likewise,

  that was the only way he could get into her: by biting his way in, by

  chewing into her, the only way.

  On any other night, she would have called to him and let him see her

  nude, with the hope that her shamelessness would at last provoke him to

  violence. But she could not pursue her fondest desire right now, not

  when Frank was nearby and unpunished for what he had done to their poor

  puss, mantha When she had dressed, she returned to the hall, moved all

  through it in the gloom-still in complete touch with Darkle and Zi and

  the wild world-and stopped before the door to mother's room, into which

  Candy had moved upon her death. A thing line of light showed along the


  "Candy," she said.

  "Candy, are you there?"

  LIKE A MEMORY from wars past or a presentiment of a war to come, a

  searing flash of lightning and a shattering crash of thunder shook the

  night. The window in the study vibrated. It was the first thunder

  Bobby had heard since the faint and distant peal when they had come out

  of the motel, nearly an hour and a half ago. In spite of the thunder in

  the sky, rain was not yet falling. But though the storm was

  slow-moving, it was almost upon them. The pyrotech of a storm was an

  ideal backdrop to Fogarty's tale.

  "I was disappointed in Frank," Fogarty said, taking an old bottle of

  bourbon from his capacious desk drawer and filling his glass.

  "No fun at all. So normal. But two years later she was pregnant again!

  This time the delivery was every as entertaining as I'd expected Frank's

  to be. A baby boy again and she called him James. Her second virgin

  birth, she said, and she didn't mind at all that he was as much of a

  mess as she was. She said that was just proof that he, too, was favored

  by God and brought into the world without a need to wallow in the

  depravity of sex. I knew then that she was as mad as a hatter." Bobby

  knew he had to remain sober, and he was aware of the danger of too much

  bourbon after a night of too little sleep. But he had a hunch that he

  was burning it off as fast as he drank it, at least for now. He took

  another sip before he said,

  "You're not telling us that beefy hulk is hermaphroditic too?"

  "Oh, no," Fogarty said.

  "Worse than that." CANDY OPENED the door.

  "What do you want?"

  "He's here, in town, right now," she said.

  His eyes widened.

  "You mean Frank?"


  "WORSE," Bobby said numbly.

  He got up from the sofa long enough to put his glass on the desk. It

  was still three-quarters full, but he suddenly decided that even bourbon

  would not be an effective tranquilizer in this case.

  Julie seemed to reach the same conclusion, and put her glass aside too.

  "James-or Candy, if you wish-was born with four testes instead of two,

  but with no male organ. Now, at birth, male infants all carry their

  testes safely in their abdominal cavity, and the testes descend later,

  during infant maturation. But Candy's never descended and never could,

  because there was no scrotum for them to descend into. And for another

  thing, there's a strange excrescence of bone that would prevent their

  descent. So they've remained within his abdominal cavity. But I would

  guess they've functioned well, busily producing quite large amounts of

  testosterone, which is related to development of musculature and partly

  explains his formidable size."

  "So he's incapable of having sex," Bobby said.

  "With his testicles undescended and no organ for copulation, I'd say

  he's got a shot at being the most chaste man ever lived." Bobby had

  come to loathe the old man's laugh.

  "But four gonads, he's producing a flood of testosterone, and does more

  than help build muscles-doesn't it?" Fogarty nodded.

  "To put it in the language of a med journal: excess testosterone, over

  an extended period of time alters normal brain function, sometimes

  radically, and it's causative factor of socially unacceptable levels of

  aggressi To put it in layman's language: this guy is seriously stoked

  sexual tension he can't possibly release, he's rechanneledenergy into

  other outlets, mainly acts of incredible viole and he's as dangerous as

  any monster any moviemaker dreamed up." ALTHOUGH SHE HAD released the

  owl as the storm drewViolet still inhabited Darkle and Zitha, taking

  their fear a from them when the lightning flared and the thunder boo

  Even as she stood before Candy, at the door to his room, was listening

  to Fogarty tell the Dakotas about her brother's deformity. She knew

  about it already, of course, for within family their mother had referred

  to it was God's sign that Candy was the most special of all of them.

  Likewise, and in some way Violet had been aware that this deformity was

  related to great wildness in Candy, the thing that made him so po fully


  Now she stood before him, wanting to touch his huge a feel the sculpted

  muscles, but she restrained herself.

  "He' Fogarty's house." That surprised him.

  "Mother said Fogarty was an instrument of God. He brought us into the

  world, four virgin bi Why would he harbor Frank? Frank's on the dark

  side no

  "That's where he is," Violet said.

  "And a couple. His na BobbY. Hers is Julie."

  "Dakota," he whispered.


  At Fogarty's. Make him pay for Samantha, Candy. Bring him back here

  after you've killed him, and let us feed him the cats. He hated the

  cats, and he'll hate being part offorever." JULIE'S TEMPER, not always

  easily controlled, was dangerously near the flashpoint. As lightning

  shocked the night outside and thunder again protested, she counseled

  herself about the necessity for diplomacy.

  Nevertheless, she said,

  "You've known all these years that Candy is a vicious killer, and you've

  done nothing to alert anyone to the danger?"

  "Why should I?" Fogarty asked.

  "Haven't you ever heard of social responsibility?"

  "It's a nice phrase, but meaningless."

  "People have been brutally murdered because you let that man-"

  "People will always and forever be brutally murdered. His shit buried

  millions. Stalin, tory is full of brutal murder. Hitler murdered many

  millions more. Mao Tse-tung, more millions than anyone. They're all

  considered monsters now, but they had their admirers in their time,

  didn't they? And there're people even now who'll tell you Hitler and

  Stalin only did what they had i to do, that Mao was
just keeping the

  public order, disposing of ruffians. So many people admire those

  murderers who are bold about it and who cloak their bloodlust in noble

  causes like brotherhood and political reform and justice-and social

  responsibility. We're all meat, just meat, and in our hearts we know

  it, so we secretly applaud the men bold enough to treat us as what we

  are. Meat." By now she knew that he was a sociopath, with no

  conscience, no capacity for love, and no ability to empathize with other

  people. Not all of them were street hoodiumr even high-class, high-tech

  thieves like Tom Rasmussen, who had tried to kill Bobby last week. Some

  got to be doctorsr lawyers, TV ministers, politicians. None of them

  could be reasoned with, for they had no normal human feelings.

  He said,

  "Why should I tell anyone about Candy Pollard?

  I'm safe from him because his mother always called me God's instrument,

  told her wretched spawn I was to be respected. It's none of my

  business. He's covered his mother's murder to avoid having the police

  tramping through the house, told people she moved to a nice oceanside

  condo near San Diego. I don't think anybody believes that crazy bitch

  would suddenly lighten up and become a beach bunny, but nobody questio

  it because nobody wants to get involved. Everybody feels it' none of

  their business. Same with me. Whatever outrage Candy adds to the

  world's pain are negligible. At least, give his peculiar psychology and

  physiology, his outrages will be more imaginative than most.

  "Besides, when Candy was about eight, Roselle came to thank me for

  bringing her four into the world, and for keepin my own counsel, so that

  Satan was unaware of their blessed presence on earth. That's exactly

  how she put it! And as token of her appreciation, she gave me a

  suitcase full of mone enough to make early retirement possible. I

  couldn't figur where she'd gotten it. The money that Deeter and

  Elizabeth piled up in the thirties had long ago dwindled away. So she

  to explain that she'd never want for cash. That was the firs told me a

  little bit about Candy's ability, not much, but enough time I realized

  there was a genetic boon tied to the genetic did saster." Fogarty

  raised his glass of bourbon in a toast that they did not return. "To

  God's mysterious ways." LIKE THE ARCHANGEL come to declare the end of

  the worl in the Book of the Apocalypse, Candy arrived just as the

  heavens sundered and the rain began to fall in earnest, althoug this was

  not black rain as would be the deluge of Armageddon nor was it a storm

  of fire. Not yet. Not yet.

  He materialized in the darkness between two widely space street lamps,

  almost a block from the doctor's house, to be sur that the soft trumpets

  that unfailingly announced his arrive would not be audible to anyone in

  Fogarty's library. As he walked toward the house through the hammering

  rain, he believed that his power, provided by God, had now grown s

  enormous that nothing could prevent him from takingachieving anything he


  "IN SIXTY-SIX, the twins were born, and physically they were as normal

  as Frank," Fogarty said as rain suddenly splattered noisily against the


  "No fun in that. I couldn't believe it, really. Three out of four of

  the kids, perfectly healthy. I'd been expecting all sorts of cute

  twists-harelips at the- very least, misshapen skulls, cleft faces,

  withered limbs, or extra heads!" Bobby took Julie's hand. He needed

  the contact.

  He wanted to get out of there. He felt burnt out. Hadn't they heard


  But that was the problem: he didn't know what was left to hear, or how

  much of it might be crucial to finding a way of dealing with the


  "Of course, when Roselle brought me that suitcase full of money, I began

  to learn that the children were all freaks, mentally if not physically.

  And seven years ago, when Frank killed her, he came to me, as if I owed

  him something-understanding, shelter. He told me more about them than I

  wanted to know, too much. For the next two years, he'd periodically

  return here, just appear like a ghost that wanted to haunt me instead of

  a place. But he finally understood there was nothing for him here, and

  for five years he stayed out of my life. Until today, tonight." In his

  wingback chair, Frank moved. He shifted his body and tipped his head

  from the right to the left. Otherwise, he was no more alert than he had

  been since they had entered the room. The old man had said that Frank

  had come around a few times and had been talkative, but it couldn't be

  proved by his behavior during the past hour or so.

  Julie, who was the closest to Frank, frowned and leaned toward him,

  peering at the right side of his head.

  "Oh, my God." She spoke those three words in a bleak tone of voice that

  was as effective a refrigerant as anything used in an air conditioner.

  With a chill skittering up his spine, Bobby slid along the sofa,

  crowding her against the other end, and looked past her at the side of

  Frank's head. Wished he had not. Tried to look away. Couldn't.

  When Frank's head had been tilted to his right, almost lying against his

  shoulder, they had not been able to see that temple.

  After leaving Bobby at the office, still out of control, travelin

  against his will, Frank evidently had returned to one of those craters

  where the engineered insects shit out their diamond His flesh was lumpy

  all the way along his temple to his ja and in some places the rough

  gemstones that were the caus of the lumpiness poked through, gleaming,

  intimately melded with his tissue. For whatever reason, he had scooped

  up handful to bring with him, but when reconstituting himself he had

  made a mistake.

  Bobby wondered what treasures might be buried in the so gray matter

  within Frank's skull.

  "I saw that too," Fogarty said.

  "And look at the palm his right hand." Although Julie protested, Bobby

  pinched the sleeve Frank's jacket and pulled until he twisted the man's

  arm of the chair and revealed his palm. He had found the partial roac

  that had once been welded into his own shoe. At least it a peared to be

  the same one. It was sprouting from the meat part of Frank's hand,

  carapace gleaming, dead eyes staring u toward Frank's index finger.

  CANDY CIRCLED the house in the rain, passing a black cat sitting on a

  windowsill. It turned its head to glance at him, then put it face to

  the windowpane again.

  At the rear of the house, he stepped quietly onto the porch and tried

  the back door. It was locked.

  Vague blue light pulsed from his hand as he gripped the knob. The lock

  slipped, the door opened, and he stepped insid JULIE HAD heard and seen

  enough, too much.

  Eager to get away from Frank, she rose from the sofa an walked to the

  desk, where she considered her unfinished bourbon. But that was no

  answer. She was dreadfully tired, stru gling to repress her grief for

  Thomas, striving even hardermake some sense out of the grotesque family

y that F garty had revealed to them. She did not need the

  complicatio of any more bourbon, appealing as it might look there in the


  She said to the old man,

  "So what hope do we have of dealing with Candy?"


  "There must be a way."


  "There must be."

  "Why?" "Because he can't be allowed to win." Fogarty smiled.

  "Why not?"

  "Because he's the bad guy, dammit! And we're the good guys. Not

  perfect, maybe, not without flaws, but we're the good guys, all right.

  And that's why we have to win, because if we don't, then the whole game

  is meaningless." Fogarty leaned back in his chair.

  "My point exactly. It is all meaningless. We're not good, and we're

  not bad, we're just meat. We don't have souls, there's no hope of

  transcendence for a slab of meat, you wouldn't expect a hamburger to go

  to Heaven after someone ate it." She had never hated anyone as much as

  she hated Fogarty at that moment, partly because he was so smug and

  hateful, but partly because she recognized, in his arguments, something

  perilously close to the things she had said to Bobby in the motel, after

  she had learned about Thomas's death. She had said there was no point

  in having dreams, that they never came true, that death was always there

  watching even if you were lucky enough to grasp your personal brass

  ring. And loathing life, just because it led sooner or later to death

  ... well, that was the same as saying people were nothing but meat.


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