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Highland Dom

Page 2

by Marie Tuhart

  Holy crap, he paid attention. More than she realized. She set her burger down as her stomach turned over. She didn’t talk about her family, but something could have slipped out. She hadn’t monitored every conversation she had in his presence. What else did he know? But then again, she was the one who’d made the comment about him tying her to his bed and having his way with her.

  “Don’t stop eating.” He took another bite of his burger while watching her.

  With a sigh, she picked up her food and began eating again, wondering what else had he’d noticed.

  Cameron cursed silently as a wall came down between him and Kristen, cutting him off. He needed to watch his step with her. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her away, but she needed to understand he wasn’t going to pussy-foot around.

  He was a dominant. And if he was going to be her dominant, then she would learn quickly that he would make sure she took care of herself. No more skipping meals. And honesty. He had to have honesty.

  His ex, Julia, hadn’t been honest with him, and that had almost ended in tragedy because of Julia’s deceit. He pushed away thoughts of his former submissive. Last he had heard, she was doing great in Chicago, enjoying life with a new Dom, an old friend of hers.

  He looked across the table at Kristen. Her dark brown hair was pulled back away from her face, and her green eyes sparkled with curiosity as she polished off her hamburger. He allowed his gaze to wander from her face to her breasts.

  He remembered them as being nice and round from last summer when he’d seen her at the pool, but now they were hidden by her shirt and bra. How soft would her breasts feel? His fingers itched to find out. Not yet, he reminded himself. He couldn’t rush. He needed to take his time with her, so he forced his impatience away.

  Kristen wiped her hands and mouth on her napkin before pushing the box away from her. “I’m stuffed.”

  “There are still fries.” Cameron had already polished off his meal. He’d have to run an extra mile tomorrow to work it all off, but nothing beat Maxine’s burgers.

  “I’m full, Cameron.” She sat back in her chair, arms crossed over her chest as she glared at him.

  He shook his head. “You don’t eat enough.” He’d noticed that when she came to the house for meals with Skye.

  She frowned at him. “I eat all I need.” She stood up and began clearing the table. She took the mini cakes out of the oven only to put another batch in.

  “Are you going to bake all night?” he asked.

  “No. That’s the last batch.”

  “Good. How much time do we have?”

  “Twenty minutes.”

  “Sit back down.” He gestured to her chair and waited until she sat. “Why did you approach me six months ago, Kristen?”

  She closed her eyes then opened them. “Because Skye had mentioned you’d broken up with your girlfriend. I wanted to see if the spark between us was real or a figment of my imagination.” She rubbed her palm over her nose. “Plus, you were leaving for six months, so if I had made a fool of myself, we wouldn’t have to see each other on a daily basis.”

  Cameron let out a laugh. “Kristen, we’ve been seeing each other almost daily since you opened Cozy Corners. I was one of your first customers.”

  “Yes, you were.” She smiled at him.

  Damned if his cock didn’t leap to attention just as it had done since the very first day he ventured into her café. She had smiled at him when he had walked in the door. His libido had woken up, and he still wanted more.

  “How much do you really know about BDSM?”

  Her cheeks flushed, and she sat up a little straighter in her chair. “I’ve dabbled.”

  “Dabbled how?” Had she played at a club? Been in a full-time relationship?

  “A few times at a private club and some with my ex-fiancé.”

  Ex-fiancé? Was that the bad relationship Skye had mentioned four years ago? “One of the items I insist on is honesty. I need to know your history, your wants, your desires, and your fears if you want me to be your Dom.”

  “I do want you as my Dom, and I have limits.” She clasped her hands together.

  He hadn’t read her wrong; she was ready to take this step with him. “Hard or soft?”

  “Hard limits.”

  He nodded; she knew some of the terminology, so she wasn’t a total newbie. He liked that. “You can spell them out to me later.” He leaned forward.

  He had asked her for honesty, and he could do no less than return the favor. Maybe if he opened up to her, she’d open up to him. “To clear the air, my last girlfriend was actually my submissive. We parted company because she lied to me.”

  “I see.” She closed her mouth then opened it, only to fall silent.

  “You can ask me anything.” He couldn’t deal with lies anymore. After Julia’s lies, his confidence as a Dom had taken a hit. At thirty-six, he was getting too old to play games. Well, certain games.

  “Okay, I don’t see,” Kristen said. “But if she lied about something important, I can understand why you would break up.”

  “That’s why I need honesty in all things. About your life, how you feel when we’re playing, and when we’re not. If I do something that upsets you, tell me. I want to know everything, not just what you think is important. That is a hard limit for me. Can you be honest with me?”

  She sat back in her chair, her arms crossed over her ample breasts. “Will you explain about her?”

  “Yes, but not today.” He wasn’t fully ready to discuss Julia with her yet. But he would because he owed Kristen honesty as well.

  She nodded and blew out a breath. “I will be honest about my wants and needs,” she said. “About my time here in Grant, and my sexual history, but my life before Grant is off limits. I never really lived until I moved here.”

  Interesting. Cameron wondered what she didn’t want to discuss from her past. He could live with it for now. He’d get the full story out of her later. “I can live with that unless not sharing starts to impact our relationship.”


  He stared at her. Her eyes were clear and bright. She wasn’t frightened but not exactly open. But then, what did he expect? This was new for her, and she was distracted by work. They needed to spend some quality, quiet time together. “Let’s talk about schedules.”

  “Well, you know I work quite a bit.”

  “Yes, and in order for this to work, you’ll need to devote some time to us.”

  “I can cut back. What do you have in mind?” She sat back in her chair, starting to relax. It was a good sign.

  “Classes start next week, so my days will be filled with teaching. Can you take two week nights and the weekends off?” He was pushing her. While he wanted a submissive, he also needed someone who would express their wants and needs. Was he testing her? Maybe. He knew she worked some long hours with her café…too long.

  “Well…” She shook her head.

  “Kristen.” Cameron leaned forward, putting his elbows on the table. “This will only work if you put the time into it.”

  She glanced down at her lap, then back to him. “How is this going to work?” The timer beeped. Kristen stood up and took the cakes out of the oven.

  Cameron bit back an impatient sigh. He was moving too fast. He needed to give her time to get used to them being together, something he’d been thinking about for the last six months. She set the cakes on the cooling rack before resuming her seat.

  Cameron smiled. “We can make it work. Communication is the key. You need to tell me if I’m overwhelming you or pushing you too hard.”

  “I can do that.” There was a wary note in her voice. “Give me time to think and work out a schedule. I can have something by this weekend.”

  He nodded. “You said you dabbled and went to a club?” He wanted to know more about her experience.

  “Private club—well, sort of.” She puffed out a breath when he just stared at her waiting for her to continue. “Okay, here’s wh
at happened. I dabbled at nineteen with a boyfriend. Then there was my ex-fiancé who thought I was a deviant for wanting more than the missionary position. I’ve read a lot of books about the lifestyle, both fiction and non-fiction.”

  “Erotic romance?” He knew it was popular. Hell, his sister devoured them.

  Kristen nodded.

  “Romance is the fantasy with some truths in it.” He leaned forward. “Tell me about the private club. Was it actually a club or in someone’s house?”

  “The first one was at someone’s house. But another time, we went to a rented, industrial space.” A tremor swept through her, and all of Cameron’s instincts went on high alert.

  He reached across the table and put his hand over hers where it rested. Her gaze met his, and she gave a small smile. “I was very uncomfortable. Too dark, too noisy, too many people.”

  “Were there monitors?”

  “If there were, I never saw them. With the noise level, even if someone did scream out their safeword, no one would have heard them unless they were standing really, really close.”

  Cameron nodded. He’d seen parties like she described. “I’ve been to parties like that, and I’ve walked right out. I believe in the safe, sane, and consensual.” While Kristen had knowledge of the BDSM world, she didn’t have the complete experience. It sounded like the club she’d gone to was filled with wannabes instead of actual community members. “I want to show you my world—the safe, sane, and consensual BDSM world that I enjoy.”

  “I want to try with you.” Her voice had a hopeful tone to it.

  “I do, too.” And he did. “I want a relationship with you and kink will be a part of it.” When she didn’t say, anything he continued, “Since it’s Thursday, can you take tomorrow night off?”

  “Yes.” She turned her hand under his, and he entangled his fingers with hers. His blood sang when she didn’t pull away from him.

  “Tomorrow night I want you to come to my house for dinner.”

  She shifted in her seat. “Okay.”

  Cameron grinned. “Don’t look so apprehensive. I won’t do anything you don’t want to do.”

  The tension left her face. “Do you want me to bring anything?”

  “Just yourself.” He squeezed her hand before releasing it. “I need a piece of paper and a pen.”

  She jumped up, found what he wanted, and handed it to him.

  He quickly wrote down a couple of websites before handing her the paper. “I want you to look at those websites, and read up on what is there. I’ll pick you up tomorrow night at seven.”

  Cameron stood, and so did Kristen. “What should I wear?” she asked.

  “Whatever you want. This will be our first date.”

  Her eyes widened.

  She wasn’t expecting that from him. He had made his attraction to her clear, and now was the next step. Dating and kink.

  “Are jeans okay?” There was a slight tremor in her voice.

  “That’s fine.” He ran his finger over her cheek, pleased when she leaned into his touch. Cameron slipped his hand behind her neck, tugging Kristen forward. “I expect more of this.” His lips covered hers in a gentle but firm kiss.

  Her mouth was warm and soft against his. He was careful to nip and lick at her lips playfully, not to demand too much. Her body relaxed against his as he slipped an arm around her waist, holding her close.

  When her lips parted and her tongue touched his, Cameron couldn’t resist. He slipped his tongue inside her mouth, taking his time, tasting her sweetness before tangling with hers. He kept his touch firm on the back of her neck but not constraining.

  Kristen’s arms lifted and entwined around his neck as the kiss went on and on. His kiss grew hard, then back to soft. He nipped at her lips before taking her mouth again, their tongues tasting and playing with each other.

  He lifted his head, and she gulped in a big breath. He chuckled before dropping a kiss on her nose. “You taste so sweet. I want to gobble you up.” His lips slid over her cheek to her ear, nipping at the lobe.

  “Cameron.” Her fingers tangled in his hair.

  “Read the websites. Tomorrow night if you’re up for it, we’ll have some fun.” He bit her lobe again before stepping out of her embrace. He turned toward the back door. “Lock up behind me.”

  Cameron waited outside to hear the lock click. “Good girl. See you tomorrow,” he called out.

  A sense of pride filled him. She was an independent woman and didn’t need a man to make her feel whole, and yet she had allowed him to take control without a struggle. His nerves danced with excitement. Kristen was going to be the perfect sub.

  Chapter Three

  Another yawn escaped Kristen’s lips the next morning as she stood in the café’s kitchen. Cameron had done that to her. After their explosive kiss, she’d closed down the kitchen and gone up to her apartment. She had gone to bed late, and once there, she’d tossed and turned.

  She had fired up her computer, and she’d started at the top of the list Cameron had left for her. As she read each and every one of those explicit websites, her mind had reeled with questions and as well as a healthy dose of wariness. Some of the protocols and rules were so not her style.

  When she did finally fall asleep, she had dreamt about Cameron. Him tying her up, or flogging her, or…a wave of desire flooded her as she remembered those dreams made her wet and wanting. She covered her mouth as she yawned again. Thank goodness, there were no customers in the café.

  Kristen turned to Skye. “Hey, are you okay with opening tomorrow?”

  “Sure, I’ve done it before.” Skye squinted at her. “Did you have trouble sleeping last night?”

  “Sort of. I was restless.”

  “Did my brother have anything to do with that restlessness?”

  “Skye.” Kristen’s hands fluttered as her face flushed.

  “Oh come on.” Skye threw her a grin. “Cameron has liked you for a long time, but neither of you were ready for a relationship. But now…I think it’s great.”

  “Nothing is going on.” Not yet. But what would happen after tonight?

  “When are you seeing him again?”

  “Tonight.” Kristen’s head snapped up, and she stared at Skye. “You tricked me.”

  “Me?” Skye grinned.

  “Don’t get over excited. We’re just testing the waters.”

  “Well, I’m glad.” Skye sauntered away.

  Kristen retreated to the kitchen. What was she thinking? Cameron taught sexual health at the college. Would students and faculty think she was obsessed about sex? Would they think she was obsessed with BDSM? And what about the rest of Skye’s family think about her and Cameron being together? Oh hell, what would her customers say? Her stomach clenched; her ex-fiancé called her a freak. Would others think she’s a freak? Would they make snide comments behind her back? Her heart was beating so fast she could barely breathe.

  Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. She took her cell phone out of her pocket and sent a text to Cameron, telling him she’d changed her mind about tonight.

  Five minutes later, her phone rang.

  Cameron. “Hi.”

  “We’re still on for tonight, but there’s a slight change of plans.” His whiskey-smooth voice soothed her nerves.


  “No running, Kristen. We’re going to explore together, even if it means I have to kidnap you and keep you tied up.”

  “You wouldn’t.” Now why did his words send a shiver of anticipation rather than fear through her veins?

  “Don’t test me.”

  “What’s the change in plans?” Maybe dinner someplace public would be better.

  “Mom wants me at dinner tonight. I told her I had plans with you, and she said to bring you along.”

  “You told your mother about us?” Her voice rose, and she winced. Oh hell, she’d barely acknowledged to Skye that she was dating Cameron, and he had told his mother? This was going to hell in a hand basket.<
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  “Sweetheart, my family loves you. This will be like any other dinner at my folks’ house.”

  “But they know we’re seeing each other.”

  “Yes, so that means if I kiss you in the kitchen or grope you under the table, no one will care.”

  “Cameron, be serious.” Her stomach knotted. “What if they don’t approve?”

  “Is that what you’re worried about? Unbelievable.”

  Kristen’s spine stiffened. He didn’t understand. She wouldn’t be able to stand it if his family didn’t approve of their relationship; she’d had enough of other people’s disapproval in her life. Tears filled her eyes. “I’m sorry, Cameron. I…I can’t do this,” she whispered.

  “Ah, shit.” His voice grew low. “Kristen. Sweetheart. It will be okay. You have to know that. My parents are not going to disapprove.”

  “You can’t know that.”

  “I’ll pick you up at six thirty. No arguments. We’ll discuss this then.”


  “No buts, Kristen. See you tonight.”

  The line went dead, and she blew out a breath. Well, that was a colossal fuck up. Now Cameron was upset because of her. Why couldn’t she just tell him about her parents? She snorted. How could he understand the hell her parents had made of her life? He had a loving, stable family. Hers were bat-shit crazy.

  She put her phone away and glanced at the clock. Ten thirty. She’d better get to work. She had a lot of baking to do since she would be taking the night off.


  In his playroom, Cameron paced. Why would Kristen think his parents would object to them dating? Something wasn’t right. This was a big issue for Kristen, and they would work it out. He couldn’t iron out every issue between them in the first few hours of their relationship. He wanted to give her time to tell him without pressure from him. He shook his head. He’d get to the bottom of it later. Right now…he glanced around his private space.

  Even though he’d played at a club while in Scotland, he’d missed having his own room for private playtime. His brother, Alec, had taken care of his home while he’d been gone.

  Sometimes, Cameron wondered how he and his brothers had all become involved in BDSM. In his case, he’d always been curious, and sexual curiosity was just another rung on the ladder.


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