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Their New Year's Resolution (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Marla Monroe

  Brent felt as if he’d won the lottery and his favorite football team had won the super bowl all on the same day and everything he’d ever wished for was now reality, a bounty of presents just waiting for him and his brother to unwrap. Erica was perfect for them and didn’t know it. Her strength of character and caring attitude about the community they lived in was only the tip of the iceberg of her appeal to them. If it took the rest of his life, Brent planned to make her theirs.

  Staring down at her gorgeous, voluptuous body, it hit him that she had everything she wanted in life. Her children, a home, and a career that fulfilled her. What could they possibly offer this amazing woman that would tempt her to risk so much to be a part of their lives?

  Who am I kidding but myself? We can’t give her anything that she couldn’t get on her own. I want her so much it’s tearing me up inside to know that I might not have a chance. Kent and I may never be able to convince her to take that risk.

  Even as he told himself to face facts and try not to get too involved this fast, he knew it was a losing battle. He’d already fallen in love with her. Watching her smile and knowing that he’d had some part in creating it was a high unlike anything he’d ever felt before. Looking over at his brother, he knew it was the same for him. Kent lay next to her nibbling on her neck even as he stroked one breast almost absently.

  “You are so beautiful, Erica. I don’t think I could ever tire of watching you,” he admitted.

  The blush that crept over her face, down her neck to even color her breasts was amazing. She had three wonderful children, yet she could blush like a virgin. It heated his blood to near boiling. Pleasuring her wouldn’t be a hardship in some ways, but boy would it be a challenge not to lower his pants and bury his dick deep inside her tight pussy. Even his balls felt as hard as ball bearings.

  “You and Kent are the ones who are beautiful,” she said with an almost shy smile. “You take my breath away every time I look at you.”

  Kent chuckled. “That’s only fair since you pretty much steal ours anytime we’re in the same room.”

  “Enough talk,” Brent said, his voice deepening with his desire. “Hold her brother. I’ve got to get my mouth on her pussy before I start drooling on myself.”

  He grinned as he lay between her legs when she giggled.

  “Drool on yourself? Somehow I can’t see you drooling over anything, Brent,” she said.

  “Oh, there’s drool,” he said in a soft voice just before he stroked his tongue up her slit.

  Her surprised gasp made him smile. He had to focus and tone down the smile so he could concentrate on her. It was pretty damn hard to ravish a hot, wet pussy when his lips where pressed against his teeth like some eerie clown. Brent lapped at her juices then circled her clit with just the tip of his tongue before flicking it several times.

  “Yes! Please, Brent. That feels so good,” she called out.

  He’d expected her hands in his hair but when he looked up it was obvious that that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. His brother had them shackled above her head as he tormented her shoulder, neck, and jaw. Her delicate skin already held the glow of pleasure and Kent was adding another layer of sensation by using his teeth on her to gently nip and bite. He kept one hand on her breast despite having moved his attention higher.

  It was all Brent could do not to spread her legs wider and unzip his jeans to free his cock. If nothing else, he wanted to jerk off as she exploded for them. He wasn’t sure what her thoughts were on something that basic and didn’t want to risk scaring her off. They could explore her likes and dislikes over time. Right now it was all about her. He stabbed her juicy pussy with his stiffened tongue and moaned at her near scream and the way she thrust her pelvis upward as if trying to force more of him inside of her.

  Over and over Brent taunted her clit with his tongue until her near frenzy of movements told him she was too close to deny now. He glanced up to find his brother watching him with a broad smile on his face. Kent’s eyes had darkened to a smoldering blue. Since they were twins, he was sure his looked the same. He nodded before returning to Erica’s amazing cunt. Her juices already coated his mouth and chin. He wanted more. He wanted it all.

  His brother sucked on one nipple while twisting and pulling on the other. Together they dragged her to the top then shoved her over with everything inside of them. Her body stiffened even as it almost levitated from the bed while she yelled out their names in a pleading voice.

  “God, you’re so beautiful, babe. I can’t get enough of that look. I bet it will be even more amazing when we get inside of you,” he said.

  “Can’t…breathe,” she said between pants, but she had a satisfied smile on her face that said she wasn’t complaining.

  “I want a taste, Brent. I know she’s sensitive, but I need to taste her.” Kent sat up, intent on moving down the bed.

  “Here,” Brent said, and reached up to pull Erica’s limp arm down so he could grasp her hand.

  She watched him as if she were in a dream and not really there. He was sure she was still floating on her high. He took her fingers and dragged them through her pussy juices while he watched the reaction on her face. She only seemed curious. Then he held her hand up to his brother and watched as Kent sucked first one then the other fingers with a look of rapture on his face. When Brent looked back at Erica, her eyes were closed but her expression was one of arousal once again. She enjoyed his twin sucking her juices from her fingers.

  “I think she needs a nap,” Kent said in an amused whisper.

  “She’s not the only one. I could use one myself,” he said with a soft chuckle. “Let’s give her a bath first. I don’t want her to feel sticky and uncomfortable later.”

  His brother nodded and climbed off the bed, adjusted himself then walked over to the bathroom. A moment later he heard the water splashing into the enormous tub they’d had installed when they’d bought the house. Though still quite large, it and the custom built shower had taken up some of the space in the bathroom.

  He sat up and removed his boots and socks then pulled his shirt off but left his jeans intact. Like Kent, he had to adjust his dick so he could walk a little more comfortably. As much as he’d loved making her climax, it had nearly killed him not to be right there with her while buried deep inside her.

  “Water’s ready,” Kent said.

  Brent nodded and picked their woman up to carry her to the bathroom. He loved her curves and the plush feel of her ass when he’d gripped her earlier. Once inside the bathroom, Brent lowered her into the tub that was slightly raised to make getting in and out easier. Erica stirred, her eyes flew open then she smiled sleepily and relaxed back against the tub.

  “Don’t drown, babe,” he chuckled when she slipped deeper into the water. “Hold her up, Kent. I think she’s too sleepy to pay attention.”

  Kent slipped around him to sit on the edge of the tub and wrapped a hand in her hair so that she wouldn’t go under. It didn’t take much to keep her above water and not hurt her.

  “Umm, that feels good. Do you do scalp massages, too?” she asked in an almost drunk groan.

  Kent chuckled and let go of her tresses to drag his fingers through her hair and massage the top of her head. He was easily able to keep her afloat while coaxing sexy little sounds from Erica’s throat. Brent’s cock seemed to grow even harder as he heard them. How the fuck was that even possible?

  “Okay. I think I have her clean enough. Let’s get her out of here before I lose control and join her. Those throaty little noises she’s making is about to send me over the edge,” he admitted.

  “Tell me about it. The front of my jeans are wet and it’s not from the damn bath either. I haven’t gotten this turned on since high school. I might explode if I don’t get some relief soon,” he said.

  He figured his brother was only half joking since he felt the same way. Erica came first then they could tend to themselves if need be. He wouldn’t take a chance that she’d get upset or offend
ed by them leaving her alone in their bed while they rubbed one off in the shower. He had no idea what her views on anything were and until they had explored those, he and his brother would just have to live with a little discomfort now and then.

  * * * *

  Erica snuggled down between the two warm bodies, enjoying the heat and wishing she didn’t have to get up. Her eyes flew wide as everything came back to her in a tornado of visuals and aftershocks of how good the twins had made her feel.

  “Oh, God! What time is it? I’ve got to go home. I need to be there when the kids get there.” Erica struggled to scramble out from under the covers but found she couldn’t because two sets of hands held her still.

  “Easy, Erica. It’s only nine. You just took a little nap,” Kent said.

  “We wouldn’t let you oversleep. We know it’s important for you to be there when the kids get home. We even brought your phone in her so if they needed you it would be where we could hear it,” Brent told her.

  Slowly Erica relaxed back against the mattress. She worked on controlling her breathing. She’d panicked when she’d thought she’d overslept, leaving her children up in the air like some floozy would do. She was a good mother. She didn’t act irresponsibly, yet here she was in bed with not one, but two men.

  “Hey. What are you thinking, baby,” Brent asked with a frown. “I can see the worry all over your face.”

  “This isn’t me. I don’t do crazy stuff like this. I don’t go sleeping around and having sex with two men. What’s wrong with me?” She started to sit up again, intent on getting dressed and going home. This had been a huge mistake.

  “Whoa, babe.” Brent sat up and pulled her over on his lap. “Where did this come from? You were fine earlier. Why are you so upset now?”

  “I–I don’t understand what’s happening to me. I can’t believe I forgot about my children and would have just left them out in the cold all alone. I can’t do this. I’m sorry.” Erica tried to pull out of Brent’s arms but he kept them secured loosely around her.

  “Erica. You didn’t forget about them. They’re all staying with friends. You made sure of that before you ever agreed to stay with us,” Kent reminded her. He caressed her cheek with one hand as he stared into her eyes. “We’d never let you oversleep when we know you need to see about the children, honey. They are just as important to us as you are.”

  “But what kind of example am I setting for them? I’m sleeping with two men. People will talk about us and soon it will affect the kids. I don’t want them to be bullied or ridiculed because of something I did,” she told them.

  Brent sighed and slowly released his hold on her. Erica scrambled out of the bed, careful not to step on delicate parts in the process. She turned a circle wondering where his clothes were. They weren’t on the floor by the bed or even at the end of the bed. Panic returned as she envisioned someone displaying them out in the yard and taking a picture for Instagram.

  “Here you go, baby. They’re right here.” Kent pulled on a pair of jeans without bothering with underwear as he indicated her neatly stacked clothes sitting on the dresser.

  Even as she dressed, her heart raced with anxiety. What if someone knew about them? It wasn’t like they’d done the deed, but she’d pretty much done everything except that. Would it get around the community that she’d been there alone with the two men? It was only a little after nine at night. Surely if she went home right now nothing would come of it.

  “I can almost hear your thoughts, Erica. Stop it. Stop winding yourself up to a full-blown meltdown over this. We’re all three consenting adults,” Kent said, watching as she dressed.

  “I know, but small towns aren’t very forgiving. I don’t know what I was thinking when I agreed to this. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to be a tease. I–It’s been a long time for me and I guess I was easily swayed. That’s no excuse, but it’s all I have.” Erica finished dressing by stepping into her shoes.

  When she started to walk out of the bedroom, Brent stopped her with his hands on her upper arms in a loose grip. The determination in his eyes was equally matched by the fear and sadness in his eyes. Erica knew she was hurting them, but she couldn’t help it. Her children came first, even before herself.

  “Please, Erica. Just think about it. Don’t throw this away before we’ve even had time to explore it. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before,” he said.

  Kent walked over and dropped a hand on Brent’s shoulder. “Let her go, man. She’s already made up her mind and she’s probably right anyway. Neither one of us would ever do anything to hurt her children, but we both know how small towns are. It was a fools dream to believe it might be different here.”

  It nearly broke her heart when Brent let go of her and took a step back. He didn’t look at her again, just stared down at his bare feet.

  “I’m sorry, Erica. I didn’t mean to pressure you. Kent’s right. We were pretending that it wouldn’t matter here and we could have our dream. We won’t bother you anymore,” he said.

  She hurried out of the bedroom and down to the first floor. There she looked around at their beautiful house that she’d helped to decorate and felt the first twinge of pain that forced its way past the sob she managed to hold in. She wasn’t going to bail on their Christmas party. She’d make sure it was taken care of without having to actually be there to finish up the preparations.

  As soon as she had her planner packed away in her bag, Erica walked outside into the biting cold night and climbed into her car. Oddly enough it wasn’t the temperature outside that had her teeth chattering but the bone chilling cold that settle deep into her bones as she headed down the drive.

  By the time she’d made it home, Erica was sure she would never be warm again. Even a hot shower didn’t chase it away. She told herself to get used to it. The empty feeling deep inside her soul wasn’t going anywhere soon. She’d wrenched that piece out by the roots and left a raw open hole that would need time to fill in. With the children gone for the evening, Erica figured she had plenty of time to figure out how to reassign her helpers so that the twin’s gala would still go on and everyone else got the same great service she demanded of herself and her staff.

  When she looked up from her planner and the work papers she’d scattered around the kitchen table, it was nearly midnight. She felt better about what she’d had to do, but not by much. Erica cleaned it all up and left a note for herself to call everyone and shift their work schedules in the morning. Then she double checked all the doors and windows before stripping and pulling on a man’s super large V-neck T-shirt along with a pair of panties and climbed into bed.

  Sleep wouldn’t come easily. All she could think about was how they’d made her feel so good—like a woman. It had been a long time since she’d felt that good about herself in a sexual kind of way. In fact, her sexual side had pretty much turned off once her ex had left. Until the last few months, Erica didn’t think she’d even thought about it at all.

  Something had been missing in her life, but she’d chalked it up to being a single mom with a career on the side. The missing part would be a husband by her side, helping and providing support. But maybe it had been more than that. Maybe she’d been missing sex as well. It was an intimate side of dating and exploring in any relationship that a lot of people skipped straight to, much like she had. Those type of relationships rarely worked out long term. If there wasn’t something already there in the first place. There had to be a spark or no amount of fanning would bring forth the flame.

  She might deny that there could be anything between them, but Erica couldn’t deny that there had been a spark from the very beginning.

  Hell! Who am I kidding? It was a bonfire that roared right through me the first time I saw them. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them long enough to hear what they were saying. I wanted them then, and I still want them now. What am I going to do?

  Chapter Sixteen

  The night of Brent and Kent’s Christmas party dawned cold
and clear. It would be perfect for the party as long as everyone bundled up to the nose when they went out. Sitting or standing around the bonfire wouldn’t be nearly as uncomfortable though. Her helpers had done a splendid job of finishing out her plans, and she’d concentrated on the other events in the area she’d agreed to help with.

  “Mom! What time are we leaving? I can’t find my good T-shirt,” Ricky called down from his room.

  “There is no such thing as a good T-shirt, Ricky. I told you a button down shirt. If I have to come up and find something, but you aren’t going to be happy with it. Make your choice and hurry up, son.” Erica sighed and finished brushing out Sissy’s hair.

  “Thanks, mom. I couldn’t get that one knot out. I use conditioner,” she said with a huff. “What more can I do?”

  Erica watched her little lady stride from the room to finish dressing. They were all three so different. Here she stood waiting for the three of them knowing that they all wanted to go but couldn’t seem to get ready on time to save their souls.

  Sissy had picked out her outfit the day before and had everything gathered and waiting ahead of time. She would plan it all then have something like an unforeseen knot in her hair or a broken nail slow her down, but the little angel would be perfectly dressed when she left her room.

  Ricky, bless his heart, always waited until the last minute to do anything. He wanted to go and wasn’t dragging his feet in the least, but never seemed to realize how long it took to shower and get dressed no matter how often she warned him. Now he was up there digging through his closet looking for something totally in appropriate that she’d either make him change or give in and let him wear.

  Aaron was the one that took the cake though. He would get up get ready way ahead of schedule then goof around and have to change clothes again because he got the ones he’d planned to wear dirty. Today was no different. Instead of his clothes getting dirty, he’d managed to get food in his hair. So this time he had to shower all over again.


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