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The Divine Apprentice (The Divine Series)

Page 11

by Allen J Johnston

  The more Kade walked, the louder it got. Stopping to look back at the cabin, he marveled at the distance. Shaking his head, he turned and continued toward the sound. It was not long before he was standing over the insect, which was silent now that he was actually over it. Kade bent and grasped the bug in his fingers. He studied it closely.

  “My you are an unusually loud bug. You are going to have to make that kind of noise somewhere else,” Kade said as he prepared to walk it further from the cabin.

  Kade had a code that he lived by. If it was not a threat or did not need to be killed for him to survive, it was wrong to take its life. Even something as small as this bug was not beneath his code. He paused as heavy breathing got his attention. His first thought was of the evil creature that should have been outside the barrier. He froze and listened closely.

  “Is that my dragon I hear?”

  Dropping the bug, Kade headed back toward the sound of breathing. The closer he got to the cabin, the louder it got. As he rounded the corner, the sound increased considerably. Rayden lifted his head quickly and stared at Kade.

  “Was that you making all that noise?” Kade asked, again shocked that his own voice was so loud. The dragon looked at him, as usual, not understanding a thing that was being said. As Kade turned to go back into the cabin, Rayden lazily laid his head back down and was sleeping in seconds.

  Making sure to remember to deactivate the trap at the door, Kade hurried into the den. He quickly walked over to the table and sat down, looking forward to finishing this lesson so he could move on to more powerful callings. He noticed the closed book and only hesitated a moment. He was starting to get used to how things worked. He deactivated the protection ward from around the book and opened it with more confidence now. Kade studied the calling just a little more and then moved to the center of the room. He rubbed his shoulders with his hands, trying to get the tension to release. As certain as he was that he could perform this calling perfectly, the memory of being deaf was still too fresh in his mind.

  Kade squared his shoulders and planted his feet. He closed his eyes to allow his mind to slow as he visualized the moves for the calling. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He opened his eyes and moved smoothly through every step, remembering to add the word at the end. The Divine moved though him and then out to do his bidding. This calling might be similar to the other in the performing of it, but the way it felt once cast was immensely different. Kade could feel that he had control over the active calling. The power flowed through him continuously, keeping it in place. He smiled to himself and closed his eyes, feeling every part of the calling. He willed it to end, and just like that, it was gone.

  Kade performed it again and it formed around him as it did before, but this time, as an afterthought, he included the dragon. He could easily feel that the dragon was now under the Silence Calling also. They were both cloaked, keeping them from being heard.

  Yes, this was a useful one, Kade thought. He nodded his head in appreciation of the new knowledge he now held. This would definitely come in handy.

  “Now, let’s see what else there is,” Kade said as he returned to the book.

  Zayle had a firm rule that no more than one calling was to be learned in a month. Callings that were learned in a short time were easily confused with each other. Unfortunately, Kade did not feel he had the luxury of this caution.

  Turning the pages, Kade was looking for something that stood out. Something amazing. FAR SEEING was an interesting one that got his attention. How exciting it would be to see things from far away, he thought and smiled. He read through the steps and quickly decided that all those moves were way too much for him to master in one day, or even a week. He envisioned himself standing by the window with his eyes floating out of his head. With my luck, that is exactly what would happen, he thought. He chuckled lightly and moved on.

  The next page was labeled TRANSPORT. He read the description for the calling and was almost tempted to learn it. Seeing far sounded like fun but being able to pop from place to place was even more tempting. There was a note at the bottom that he had to squint to read, but it was legible. It read: Caution. This is extremely dangerous and should be used only in the event of an emergency! There have been cases noted of finding Chosen half teleported into trees, rocks…etc. The note ended there. Kade looked at the wear on the page and took it as evidence that this calling had been practiced.

  He shivered and decided that this was way too dangerous for him but not before tracing the symbol at the top of the page with his finger. He followed its pattern with his eyes and found that he could almost read the name of this calling by focusing on the symbol. He looked at the number of moves needed and then over the warning one more time and quickly decided it was not for him. He shivered again and turned the page.

  The next calling was title SUSTINENCE. He pushed the chair back from the table, surprised at the amount of noise it made. He did not recall it being so loud before but quickly put that off to just not paying attention.

  This looks like something I can do, he thought as he read over the steps involved. It was actually pretty simple. There were only a few basic moves and then the word, FOOD in the ancient language. This had to be easy. He knew he could do this. What could go wrong? he asked himself. Just as he was focusing on the first step, Rayden gave a huff from the window that startled Kade.

  “OK, what is going on? That was way too loud. I can hear a bug over a hundred feet away and you almost sound like you are roaring even though you are just breathing.”

  Looking down at the book, he reflected on the last few hours. What was the first thing I heard that was too loud? he wondered. The insect. So, what happened just before that? Then he hit on what had to be the answer. So, that is where the Divine Power went. I did the Hear Calling twice and this is the consequence. Ahhhhh, Kade thought to himself, pleased he had worked it out. “Well, being able to hear that much better may be to our advantage, Rayden,” Kade said, grinning.

  He flipped back through the book to page 57 and read the calling again to make sure he did not miss anything. He read to the bottom, studying each note but there was nothing that stood out. He saw some scribbling in the margin and turned the book to read it. It read: This calling is temporary and will wear off in hours.

  “Well, I would most likely have just lost sleep with this calling, anyway,” Kade said. “But for now, I will enjoy it,” he said with a smile.

  The birds were chirping off in the distance, but Kade could hear them as clearly as if they were right outside his window. Closing his eyes, he could make out many sounds, even judging direction and distance accurately. The rustle of the grass along the edge of the forest was easily detectable. He smiled to himself, feeling like he had a special power.

  “Incredible. Not everything turns out bad,” Kade said as he opened his eyes.

  He returned his attention to the book on the table. He flipped through, deciding to work on the calling for food another time and continued looking for something more useful. If Zayle were here, he would skin him alive. The Master Chosen was adamant that only one calling be learned and practiced at a time until it was mastered. But, his master was not here and he needed to learn as much as he could. He recalled the fear he saw briefly in his masters eyes and knew he needed more than food. It was also clear that he was not going to stay here forever, so the more prepared he was when he left, the better. There had to be something that was more relevant.

  Scrutinizing each calling, he turned the pages slowly. His mind started to wander as thoughts of leaving drifted through his head. Where would I go? Should I seek out another Chosen? Yes, he thought. Yes, that might be a good starting place. I just have to figure out whom, and more importantly, if I can trust them.

  Kade returned his gaze to the book and started flipping pages once more. After just a few pages, his mind started to wander again. How will I defend myself? I need something for when I face that targoth, he thought as he balled his hands into
fists. It was not just an excuse to learn it, he said to himself, already knowing the calling that was luring him to it. His attempt to justify his decision might not be relevant right then, but he did not care. He cracked a smile and opened the book to the beginning and read the Lightning Calling. His heart started to pound at being able to command so much power. It was almost euphoric.

  “Well, I did learn the next calling Zayle had set for me. I should be able to pick one that I feel is important. Besides, I have no idea what he wanted me to study next,” Kade said to himself, afraid to look through the book for fear of finding another small note. He slouched in the chair and flipped through every page, hoping there was none. When he turned the last page, he sat up, feeling more justified in his decision. Turning back to the front of the book, he read through the Lightning Calling.

  “Well, after those others, this one doesn’t look so hard. Now, let’s see how this goes,” Kade said, feeling excitement growing in him as he visualized sending a searing bolt of lightning skyward. Or even better, at his fiercest enemy as he sent them crashing to the ground, easily defeated. Kade shook his head, realizing that he was daydreaming and refocused his mind back on his task.

  This does not look so hard, he thought again, hoping he was not just trying to rationalize his decision. He ignored the twinge of doubt he felt. Only thirteen movements, he thought as his smile wavered just a little. Taking a deep breath, he continued.

  The calling read: Open yourself up to the Divine Power and then complete the first ten movements. After the tenth, draw fully on the Divine and empower the calling. At this point, you should start to feel the power build around you in the air. You must remain focused at all cost as there will be no turning back after completing step ten. It is critical that the energy be controlled and released accordingly. If released too soon, or too late, the consequences can be deadly. At the twelfth movement, intone the word lighting in the ancient’s language. The thirteenth movement is simply thrusting your hand in the direction you want to cast the calling. You must release all of the energy on the final move or it will find its own way out, and this will cause severe injury, if not death.

  “Okay, maybe it is not easy,” Kade said, considering closing all books for the day.

  Staring at the calling for five long minutes, Kade struggled with the decision of whether to learn it or let it go. This was dangerous and anything could go wrong. It was very obvious this could end horribly, but Kade believed this calling would give him a better way to defend himself. The Fire Calling would serve in a pinch, but this calling was top of the line in stopping power.

  Before today, Kade had never learned anything new without Zayle standing over his shoulder, watching every move closely. The Master Chosen had a way to cut him off from the power if things were not going correctly. He had done it a few times when the power seemed to twitch wildly every time Kade had tried to draw on it. He struggled desperately to get it to conform to his will. It was like trying to control an eel that would slip from his grasp constantly and then try to turn on him. Kade recalled how Zayle used to become frustrated with his lack of control. The apprentice always feared he would be sent back into the world as a failure. But, fortunately for him, he started to show real talent a year ago.

  Pacing the room, he pondered what he was going to do. He stopped several times and focused on the calling only to shake his head and continue his pacing. Finally, he decided to leave the knowledge unlearned. Placing his hand on the book to close it, he hesitated.

  If not now, when? he asked himself.

  Kade slowly removed his hand from the book and returned to pacing around the room. He came back to the table and read over the calling again. His hands and arms twitched slightly as he read over the moves, envisioning every step in his head. Time slipped by as he stood focused on the book. The more he studied the calling, the more it did not appear so difficult. Soon, he was making the moves more deliberate. The Divine Power pulsed stronger in him each time he practiced.

  “I know I can do this,” Kade said with a smile, excited beyond words as visions of commanding such a powerful calling spurred him on. He completely lost track of time as he became determined to gain this new skill. He put his heart and mind into it with new-found confidence. Day turned to night, but Kade did not notice as his mind latched onto his studies.

  Leaning over the book slightly, he subconsciously drew on the Divine Power. He did not notice that he was actually leaving trails of power. The drawing in the air was faint. He had stopped seeing the trails of power many years ago as now it was as common as breathing. But, there it hung in the air. The image never stayed more than a few seconds before fading away. He used to be impressed with the way Zayle could write in the air with the very faint flashes of power to the point of distraction. Now, it was nothing.

  Kade practiced the moves over and over again, trying to imagine what it would feel like if he were to complete the calling to the end. A smile crept across his face as he started to believe he could actually summon this powerful bolt of lightning. To have a weapon like this at his command would be glorious. He would be formidable. He smiled again as the power called to him. He practiced the moves over and over in his mind while making slight movements. Time slipped by as his desire drove him on.

  Kade only took small breaks to answer the call of nature or to dine with his dragon. But, no matter what he was doing, his head was whirling as he saw the page of the book in his mind, beckoning for him to return. He would give in to that call and quickly return to the den.

  “This is not too difficult,” Kade said to himself. He had the first six moves memorized.

  He recalled how his master used to say, “When you can focus, you are the best learner I have ever had,” but then in the next breath he would comment on how easily Kade could be distracted when he was not interested in the lesson. This was definitely one of those times when Kade felt he was focused. He quickly scanned the page again. Feeling much more confident, he continued to add the next step in the lesson. He would work over and over, picturing the move in his head, making gestures a bit more fluid and pronounced. The eighth move came easily.

  Yes, that’s it! That’s it! Kade thought with more excitement. Continuing to block everything out, he focused more and more on the lesson. He leaned over the book, and just as quickly would stand back up again to practice the next move before it could slip from his mind. He would complete just the new step over and over until he was sure he had it and then perform all the moves learned thus far, adding the new one to the end.

  I know I can do this, he thought with fierce determination. Another move learned, Kade leaned over the book for the next. Hours slipped by and he added the next three moves to his memory. Eleven of the thirteen moves learned, he thought in excitement. The thirteenth move was simply a throwing motion to symbolize directing the power. That meant the twelfth step was all he had left to learn. Kade felt excitement surge through is body. His heart was pounding with exhilaration as he read over the last step he would have to perform.

  Steadying himself, he practiced the twelfth move over and over. This one was a bit more difficult. Several times he thought he had it only to find that when he got to the twelfth move in the sequence, he had forgotten a slight move here or had made too small a motion there. He went back to practicing just the twelfth step. When he felt confident that he had it learned, he would perform all the moves in sequence once more. As he closed in on the twelfth move, he would find that it slipped from his mind by the time he finished the eleventh. He ground his teeth in frustration.

  Kade planted his feet firmly and focused harder on this moment than he had at any other time he could recall. I am not going to get it wrong again, he thought in fierce determination as he performed each move with exaggerated deliberateness to match the move as he saw it in his head. The first move was quick and easily flowed into the second. Now, only a slight pause, as the third and fourth came with no difficulty. The fifth and sixth were a bit more creat
ive but gave him no trouble. He was so focused now that it would take a dragon’s roar to get his attention. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he glided through the seventh, moving like the most elegant dancer. The eighth move was a quick twist of his wrist and a crossing motion with his arms. The ninth was a bit tedious, but nonetheless, was performed easily. The first nine moves completed flawlessly, he focused on the next part of the calling, while trying to remember the twelfth move as he closed in on it. Now, I draw on the power, he thought with force and slid by the tenth move easily. Excited at completing the first ten moves, he forgot about the warning. He continued into the eleventh move like a full-fledged master of the art. Now, the twelfth move he thought in confidence as the power thrummed in him, causing his heart to beat wildly. The familiar roar in his head should have warned him, but he was too focused to realize his disastrous mistake. The air was alive with power.

  And, I channel the power out of my hand like this, Kade thought as his hand dramatically shot out toward the board with all the symbols drawn on it. He started to grin in triumph when a lightning bolt exploded from his hand with a deafening roar. It slammed into the front of the cabin, blowing the front wall to pieces and setting his home on fire.

  The jolt from the power caused Kade to stumble back, slamming him into the bookshelf before he could catch his balance. His jaw dropped as he gawked at the gaping hole in the wall. His ears rang furiously. Spots danced before his eyes from the brilliant flash, making it hard for him to see. He looked around the room in panic, as realization of what he had just done came crashing down on him. His chest constricted and his mind started racing.

  “NO!” Kade wailed. “This can’t be happening! Light in heaven!” he swore as he watched the fire start to spread.

  His mind careening out of control with panic, he tried to force himself to think of a calling that he could use to fix this. Water, he thought desperately. I need water and lots of it. Rain. And then he remembered the calling that he had so easily dismissed as useless. The dragon roared, making his ears ring even more as his heightened panic caused his heart to pound.


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