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The Divine Apprentice (The Divine Series)

Page 20

by Allen J Johnston

  Kade saw the intended target and his breath caught in his throat. A woman was holding her shaking arms above her head as though she were holding up an immense amount of weight. There was a shield surrounding her that glowed a soft green until it was hit, and then it would shimmer and fade. Her arms were shaking badly and her legs were wobbling dangerously. When the ground creature brought its massive fist down again, the woman let out a shriek as her legs gave way. She fell to her knees and it was all she could do to keep her hands raised over her head.

  Rayden, we must help her, Kade thought to his companion as terror flooded through him. If she could survive this next hit, she had no chance to survive the one that was sure to follow. Kade could feel the dragon straining to keep from charging in with its fierce battle cry. It wanted to rend and tear those creatures to pieces as nature intended for dragons to do.

  If the flying creature had taken the time to look around, it would have seen the dragon approaching, but it was too focused on its victim. Kade knew he had to come up with a plan fast or the dragon was going to decide for him. He forced his mind to ignore his racing heart as he decided to let the Fire Calling go for a more prudent one.

  I am going to use the Transparency Calling to keep us unseen. You take care of the flying creature and I will deal with the other. Be as quiet as possible so you can take them by surprise. Our timing has to be perfect, Kade thought as he watched the giant swing its massive club-like fists again.

  Kade forced himself to ignore the woman’s pitiful cry and completed the Transparency Calling. They faded from view. He turned his attention on the hunters who were soon to be the hunted…he hoped. Kade looked up, seeing the flying creature make another pass as it spit out a blast of heat that appeared to be a black flame. He quickly sent a reminder to Rayden that he was not to fly but to grab the creature from the air when it made a pass. There was no response. Rayden was too focused to take the brief moment he would need to respond.

  The bushes showed the dragon moving toward its prey. Kade felt his heart pounding hard as he prepared to call on the Divine and strike. He took just a fraction of a second before deciding which calling to use. There were really only two callings he could use to attack with. He could use the Fire Calling and maybe he would not be sensed by those who were tracking him, or he could use the Lightning Calling, which would be the obvious choice as it was most lethal.

  Kade glanced past the woman as something on the ground drew his eyes to it. There was an old woman lying in the clearing that no longer appeared to be alive. Kade felt anger start to grow as his lip curled ever so slightly. The Divine was flowing through him like a river raging out of control.

  The young woman had a faint, green light coming from her hands that was starting to fade. She tried to stand but fell to her knees. She was gritting her teeth hard as sweat beaded on her forehead. Her face was reddening from the exertion as she struggled with her last remaining strength. It was only going to be seconds until her shield would give way and she would collapse from exhaustion.

  Kade decided on the more powerful Lightning Calling. He quickly opened himself up to the Divine Power, but before he could start the moves, a young toddler came stumbling out the front door, arms raised to the young woman as if asking to be held. Tears were streaming down his face as he walked toward the woman.

  That was the very last straw for Kade. He completed each move of the calling faster and with more anger than he had ever done. Just as he finished, the woman collapsed under the onslaught and fell on her back with an explosive gasp. Kade let out a yell of fury and anger as he let the lightning bolt rip through the air to slam into the monster. The full force of the bolt crashed into the creature, causing its head to snap back violently. It stumbled and fell forward, landing just feet from the woman. She raised her head slightly as she looked at the beast, and then she fell unconscious.

  Kade knew they were far from done as he watched the clumsy horse-headed beast in the air turn and start to make another pass. It opened its mouth to spit out its black flame of death. Kade panicked as he started to conjure the Lightning Calling but realized with horror that he was not going to finish in time. He saw the faint black fire start to emerge from its mouth when something collided with it, dragging it to the ground. Its beady eyes bulged as Rayden clamped down hard on its neck. Kade stopped on the twelfth move of the calling, afraid that he might hit the dragon.

  The ground creature stirred and struggled to rise. Kade felt the power from the completed Lightning Calling start to swirl through his body, trying to find a way out. His heart raced as he remembered the warning about the calling. Fear flooded through him as he started to lose control of the Divine Power. Now, as the warning had said, the power was trying to find its own way out, no matter what that way was.

  To Kade’s dismay, the large bull-faced ground creature was still alive and looking to complete its mission. It glanced up to see the woman lying on the ground just within reach. It grinned as it raised its massive fists to complete its task. In an instant, Kade knew he was her only chance for survival. He felt the power raging through his body, knowing that he only had seconds before it exploded from him, killing him and the woman at the same time. He clenched his jaw hard and struggled to straighten his arm as he attempted to complete the last move. His head started to pound dangerously, but he ignored it. Panic threatened to take over, but he refocused his will as every muscle in his body convulsed. With all his strength and sheer determination, he brought his arm forward, ever so slowly, as he fought to keep the Divine under control. To say it was agony would be an understatement. He ground his teeth hard as he struggled against the forces waging war within him. His arm was shaking furiously as every muscle in his body pulsed from the power.

  Kade let out a wail as he fought furiously to force the Divine Power to do as he commanded. Bull-face started to bring its club-like fist down for its crushing blow. NO! Kade screamed with his mind as he held his breath and put every bit of his being into controlling, no, commanding the power out through his open hand. It hesitated slightly and then exploded from him with a deafening blast that sent out a shockwave that could be felt for hundreds of feet. The monster never completed its swing as the bolt tore into it, throwing it head over heels like a leaf caught in the wind. It was dead before it hit the ground.

  Kade fell back and screamed in agony. He looked down to see his arm smoking as red, angry blisters started to form instantly from his hand up to just past his elbow. All the hair had been singed off. His fingers started to swell and he knew it was only moments before his hand was going to be useless. The pain was almost too much to bear. He hugged his arm to himself as he rose and stumbled into the clearing toward the woman.

  Kade gritted his teeth to keep from passing out as he focused on the boy, who was trying to climb into his mother’s lap. She never moved. Kade let the Transparency Calling fade from himself while keeping the dragon cloaked. The boy looked up in surprise as tears streamed down from his big, brown eyes. Kade felt the urge to reach down with his good arm and pick the boy up while telling him that it was all going to be ok. He knelt down, and to his surprise, the boy started toward him, eager to be held. Kade hesitated only a moment. He let go of his burned arm and carefully scooped the boy up. The child wrapped his arms around Kade’s neck and held on as tightly as he could. Kade stood, trying to keep his injured hand from being touched. As soon as he was standing, the boy loosened his grip and turned to point at the woman.

  Kade paused, realizing that the clearing had gone quiet. It was too quiet. He started to turn when something hit the ground heavily just behind him, causing him to stumble. He used both hands to hold the boy and winced hard as pain shot up his arm from his injury. He clenched his jaw hard as a tear seeped out of the corner of his eye, waiting for the agony to lessen. He removed the Transparency Calling from the dragon to check it over for injuries. As soon as Rayden popped into view, the boy started to scream in fear. Kade tried to calm the child, but he was too fr
ightened of the dragon.

  There was blood coming from Rayden’s underside. Kade ducked down to inspect the dragon’s injuries. He inhaled sharply when he saw how much Rayden was bleeding. It looked like there was blood coming from everywhere. Rayden seemed to be moving well enough, but with this much blood there was a danger of the dragon bleeding out.

  “Lie down and turn over on your side,” Kade said. At first, Rayden only looked on as he struggled to understand. Kade closed his eyes and envisioned the dragon lying down. When he opened his eyes, the dragon was on its side. Kade set the boy down, having to pry his arms from around his neck. The child stood looking between Kade and the dragon. He held his arms out for Kade, his eyes pleading, terrified of the deadly creature. As much as Kade wished he could help the boy, right now the dragon was the priority.

  He turned to Rayden and started to perform the calling. He stopped as the pain from his hand shot up his arm, causing tears to well up in his eyes again. He squinted through his blurred vision and looked at his hand. It was already so swollen he was afraid it was going to be useless. It did not matter. It was going to work. He was going to make it work.

  Closing his eyes, Kade concentrated on breathing slow and easy. He had to block the pain or at least ignore it for just a few moments until he completed the calling. After a few seconds, he gritted his teeth hard and started the calling, forcing his swollen fingers to do his bidding. Fortunately, it was just a simple gesture but even this put him on the verge of screaming as he completed it. He placed his hands on the bloody chest of the dragon and let the healing power flow. To his immense satisfaction, he felt it immediately go to work.

  Kade squeezed his eyes shut tightly as he held his breath, waiting for the throbbing pain from his hands to subside. This one healing had to be good enough. It felt like it took forever, but the pain finally lessened.

  The sound of the boy’s crying broke through Kade’s haze of pain, getting his attention. He opened his eyes and saw the child standing over his mother, his shoulders slumped slightly. He was losing his breath as he was crying in sobs now. It was a cry of hopelessness. It was heart wrenching to see the boy reach down and shake his mother, trying to wake her but to no avail. The child looked up at him and Kade could see that the child’s eyes were rimmed with red. The tears were running freely down his cheeks.

  Kade walked over to him and held his good hand out. The boy eagerly walked over to Kade with his arms up, desperately wanting to be held. Kade picked him up and felt the small arms of this precious human wrap tightly around his neck once again. He could not explain why, but he felt a strong sense that somehow this was right. The boy took comfort in those strong arms as he laid his head against Kade’s shoulder and the sobbing slowly came to an end. Every few seconds, the boy would take a deep, shaky breath and let it out again.

  Kade heard a slight shuffling sound just behind him. Turning, he found the dragon on its feet, watching curiously. To his relief, Kade saw that the bleeding had stopped.

  He looked back at Horse-face as the dragon grabbed one of its legs in a bone crunching grip with its teeth and started dragging it off to feed. One of the creature’s wings was lying on the ground, completely torn away from the body. Kade saw the odd angle its neck was in and knew how it had died.

  Kade shifted the boy slightly to keep his injured arm from being touched. As he was situating the child, he moved over to look upon the old woman lying in a pool of blood. There was a deep gash in her chest. Kade knew, without a doubt, that this was what had caused her life to come to a cruel end. Because of how mangled the body was, he knew checking for vital signs would be futile.

  Kade turned and walked back to the young woman still lying on the ground, unconscious. He considered putting the boy down but knew the child would only start crying again. He shifted him as he considered what to do next.

  Rayden left his meal and moved over to Kade to sniff the boy. With blood all over his muzzle, he tilted his head from side to side, trying to understand what manner of creature Kade was holding. The apprentice went to shoo the dragon away for fear of scaring the boy when he noticed the child was taking slow, even breaths. He was relieved to see that the child was fast asleep.

  “It’s just a kid,” Kade said as he moved away from Rayden.

  The dragon turned and lumbered back to Horse-face. Rayden took a deep bite from the creature as he lay down to enjoy the half burnt meal. At least half of it was edible and the dragon was not going to let good food go to waste.

  Kade pondered what to do about the young woman. She was out of danger and still alive, so that was not a concern. But, moving her was out of the question. Looking at the cabin, he decided to find a place for the boy so he could better attend to her. Cringing, as pain shot up his arm at every move, he quickly found the room that was the child’s and proceeded to lay him down. Well…at least that was the plan until the boy latched on reflexively every time Kade tried to unwind his arms. He even got as close as laying the child down flat, but before he could retract his arm, the child would start to whimper. Kade sighed to himself and clutched the boy to his chest as he headed for the door.

  He returned to the young woman and looked upon her once more. He considered moving her, but after checking his useless arm and then the sleeping boy, he quickly discarded the thought. It was hopeless and his pain was not getting any better.

  “Hello,” Kade said as he knelt down and gently shook the young woman. She did not respond. “I will be right back,” he said as he carefully stood and went into the cabin.

  Kade found a pail of water and a square piece of fabric. After wetting the cloth, he returned to the young woman and knelt next to her. He gently wiped the blood off a small cut on her forehead and removed a smudge from her cheek. Just as he finished cleaning her face, she stirred. Kade watched as her eyes fluttered open. He was amazed at the beautiful, deep, blue eyes, and for the first time, noticed the clear, soft skin, the silky, blond hair and the sensuous, full lips. Kade felt an odd sensation build in his chest that he had never experienced. He had seen women before, but he had never felt like this.

  The young woman raised her head and looked directly into Kade’s eyes. For a split second, the pain had lessened, and he began to feel a bit lightheaded. It took him a moment to realize that she had asked him a question and was asking for the second time. He forced his eyes away from her so he could concentrate on what she was saying. He felt like a complete idiot and he could not even say why. The pain returned and he winced.

  “Are you daft?” she asked in irritation. “I said, who…are…you?”

  “Me? Oh. My name is Kade,” he said, unable to shake the feeling of being a bumbling fool.

  “You helped me?” she asked, indicating Bull-face as she struggled to a sitting position.

  “Yes. I did not think it was fair for those monsters to pick on a girl,” Kade said with as much of a smile as he could muster while looked into her deep, blue eyes. He felt his thoughts quickly begin to scramble and looked away. He started to open his mouth to say something but could not figure out what he was going to say. He closed his mouth quickly to avoid doing a fish imitation.

  She looked about twenty years old. Her hair was light blonde and barely came to her shoulders. Kade watched how her mouth moved as she spoke. He realized that she was asking him another question and forced himself to concentrate on her words.

  “I’m sorry. What did you say?” Kade asked, doing his best to regain his composure. He wanted to be seen as her hero, and so far, she was only seeing a buffoon.

  “I said, how did you come by my cabin?” she asked, obviously becoming impatient. She rolled onto her hands and knees, getting ready to stand.

  “We were on our way east when we saw the flying beast making passes at your cabin,” Kade said as he looked back at her and noticed a puzzled expression.

  “We?” she asked and jumped as the dragon lumbered back into the clearing. She inhaled sharply as her eyes went wide. She let out a scream a
s she quickly rocked back and raised her hands in an attempt to bring up her shield. Kade mentally chastised himself for being a fool.

  “The dragon is my friend,” Kade said in a rush to the woman, who failed in her efforts to raise her defenses. He had to force her to look him in the eye and hold her by the wrist to keep her from fleeing. She was on the verge of full panic but he persisted, holding her firmly, calling to her over and over. She slowly stopped struggling as his words started to make sense. Breathing heavy, as if she had run several miles without stopping, she looked back and forth between the two of them as if not believing what she was seeing.

  “He…is your friend?” she asked incredulously. Kade could feel the pulse in her wrist pounding hard and fast. He ground his teeth as he tried to ignore the pain that lanced through his mind. “A dragon? Since when do dragons make friends with humans?” she asked as she tried to regain much of her lost composer. There was a fair amount of suspicion in her voice, also. Kade could see she was still not fully recovered. It was almost as if she were still waking from a dream. He blamed it on the large lump on the back of her head. She must have taken a fall at some point.

  “It was an accident. I will explain later. Right now, we need to get you inside and get you cleaned up,” Kade said as he continued to feel her pulse with his one hand while still struggling to keep a grip on the boy with the other. She started to reach for the boy and froze when her eyes took in his injury. Kade turned slightly as if to hide it. She forced her wobbly legs to work and reached for his damaged arm.

  “Let me see it,” she said as she gave her head a light shake in an attempt to clear her mind. It was obvious she was not going to accept no for an answer as she pushed his hand off her wrist. He resisted because he did not want her to see him as a cripple or maybe a charity case. And pity was never anything he would accept. It would only mean that he was weak. Kade hesitated and then, reluctantly, turned for her to get a good look. She continued to cast several quick glances at the dragon, never turning her back to it, but soon her focus was completely on his arm.


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