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Enemy Mine (Unseen Enemy Book 3)

Page 9

by Marysol James

  She simply couldn’t get over how comfortable she felt with Chris’ body in some ways, and how disturbed she was by it in others. Even as she pressed up against it, knowing she was safe, she had the urge to do something risky. She had started to wonder what it would be like to taste his lips. What his naked chest would be like to touch. What it would feel like to sleep next to him in her bed.

  From Chris’ side, he was surprised by her every day: her trust in him and her strength astounded and humbled him. Sure, some nights he went back to his room so turned on he had to find a bit of relief on his own in the shower, but even that was OK. It was OK because he knew that they were moving closer to a kiss. Their first kiss.

  I’ll wait for that. It’ll be worth waiting for.

  One night in early March was when it finally happened, and it took them both by surprise. After all of Jenny's worry about her panicking, and all of Chris' preparation for making the kiss as unthreatening as he could, it happened in the most natural way possible. She simply looked up at him as they watched a movie and he glanced back down at her and she kissed him.

  Chris’ whole body responded immediately. He wrapped his arms around her, pulled her up to him. Closer, tighter. He ran his fingers through her hair and she clutched the front of his shirt. When his tongue traced her lips, she moaned deep in her throat and he loosened his grip, pulled back to see her eyes.


  She was gazing up at him, her blue eyes unfocused.

  “Baby? You doing OK?”

  She nodded. “I want to kiss you again.”

  “I want you to…”

  She didn’t need any more encouragement. She twisted, lifted herself and before he quite knew what was happening, she was in his lap, straddling him. He fought to stay in control as she sank down on him, pushed down on his cock.

  Oh, God, man. Don’t scare her now. But holy fuck, she feels good.

  Jenny took his face in her hands and kissed him again, wanting to lose herself in Chris. His strength, his heat, his taste. His lips were soft, so soft, but the rest of him was hard, all steel and bulky muscle, and she felt something inside of her respond fiercely to his maleness.

  His head was resting on the back of the sofa and he was totally relaxed under her. Sprawled out, loose and gentle. His hands were on her back, running up and down slowly. Soothing her, encouraging her. She felt totally in charge of the situation, safe and even a bit powerful. She was amazed how good it felt to have this huge man under her, his lethal hands touching her tenderly, his whole body hers for the taking and doing.

  Time stood still now, as she kissed him again and again. Jenny became bolder, her hands running over the muscles in his chest, her body resting on his more heavily. Chris became more gentle, letting her take the lead more and more, not wanting to take any of the control away from her.

  Suddenly, she broke away from him and they stared at each other. She looked stunned and shocked, and he felt a small bubble of fear start in his stomach.

  “Sweetheart?” He kept his voice low. “You OK?”

  She was frozen on top of him, and that was always a bad sign. Right away, he wrapped his arms around her again, holding her in place. The panic was rising in her now – he could feel it – and her body started to shake.

  “Oh, no,” she said. “No, no. I don’t want to panic…”

  But it was too late, and they both knew it. All they could do now was ride out the storm, wait for it to pass. She struggled against his grip, fighting to get away, and he clamped down, trapping her arms between them, holding her as close as he could. He whispered in her ear as she shook and cried, telling her over and over again that he had her, that he was there.

  The attack was a bad one, and he was worried when it went on for several minutes longer than the ones she’d had before. But eventually, her gasps and tears slowed and stopped, and Jenny went limp on him. She was silent, totally unmoving, and he pulled back a bit.

  She was out cold, and Chris didn’t have the first fucking clue what to do now. Should he carry her up to bed? Should he shift her off his lap on to the sofa? Should he leave her where she was?

  In the end, he turned his whole body – slowly, carefully – and stretched out on the sofa, the cushion under his head. Jenny lay on top of him, her cheek pressed in to his broad chest, his arms around her back. He tucked her head under his chin and waited for her to wake up. Time passed, though, and she stayed asleep, and Chris started to feel his own eyes close. He fought it, briefly, but exhaustion washed over him. He drifted off to sleep, the scent of her shining hair overwhelming his senses.


  Jenny woke up the next morning, feeling like something was very strange. She opened her eyes, blinked at the coffee table right in front of her.

  I’m in the living room?

  That was when she felt the steady rise and fall of breath under her and she realized that she was lying on top of Chris, and his arms were around her lower back. They were both fully clothed, but somehow that didn’t make the slightest bit of difference to her: she felt every inch of his body against hers, and he was huge and hot.

  Oh, God. I kissed him last night, then I lost it. I must have passed out from the panic attack – I remember barely being able to suck in a breath. Dammit.

  Slowly, she turned her head to look at Chris. He was still sleeping, and she propped up her chin on her hand and examined his face in the early morning light.

  Damn, he’s handsome.

  She knew Chris was good-looking, of course, but she’d never really looked at him. When she stared at him, she was always pulled in to his gray gaze, and she lost her train of thought when those hands touched her cheek or hair. She’d never seen him like this, his eyes closed, his face in repose, and she greedily drank him in.

  His eyelashes were blond, she saw now. His lips were full and slightly parted. His jaw was square and strong, and his cheekbones were curved and carved. The lines around his eyes were relaxed, but she preferred when he smiled at her and they appeared. Nothing sexier than eye-crinkles on a man, she’d come to appreciate.

  She lay there for a while, still and quiet, gazing at him, listening to him breathe. Her panic from the night before was long gone, and had moved far away from her. She felt safe and warm with him, and she’d give anything to be able to stay where she was for the whole rest of the day.

  Is that what it feels like to be loved?

  When his eyes opened, she smiled at him. He stared at her for a second, then he started.

  “Oh, my God… Jenny. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

  “It’s OK.” She touched his mouth, ran her finger over his lower lip. “I’m OK.”

  “You sure? You want to move away?”

  “No.” She lifted herself a bit. “I want to pick up where we left off last night.”

  Chris blinked. “You – you do?”

  She nodded. “Can I?”

  He grinned. “Hell, yes, you can.”

  She lowered her face to his, and he groaned aloud when she licked inside his mouth, teasing him with small thrusts of her tongue before nibbling on his lips. He gripped her lower back and hips, pulling her tight against him, wanting her as close as possible.

  Jenny felt that same power that she had experienced the night before: being on top of him gave her a sense of comfort and control that she hadn’t expected. Knowing that he was almost at her mercy – though in reality, he could flip and dominate her without batting an eyelash – was something that she needed. It was purely psychological, she knew… but somehow it was enough.

  For Chris, being pinned under Jenny’s warm curves was the closest thing to heaven he could imagine on earth. She was all breasts and ass and thighs, and she was everything he’d ever wanted in a woman. He just lay beneath her, kissing her over and over, wanting to never move again.

, she pulled back and he opened his eyes. She was pink and glowing in the sunrise, and he smiled.

  “You’re so gorgeous, baby,” he said, his voice rough. “I love seeing you like this.”

  She dropped her eyes, embarrassed. He gently lifted her chin, forced her to meet his eyes.

  “I mean it,” he said. “Seeing you so relaxed, so comfortable. It’s beautiful.”

  “Thanks.” She took a deep breath. “And I hate to say this, but I have to get to work.”

  “I know,” he said. “Me too.”

  But neither one of them moved right away; they stayed where they were for a few minutes more, just holding each other. It was the best start to the day that either one of them had experienced in a long, long time.

  Maybe the best start ever.


  “Kissing?” Kat squealed. “Oh, my God! I want to hear all about this!”

  Jenny blushed. “Well, what’s to hear? He… ummmm… he’s a great kisser?”

  “Good start,” Kat said. “So – when do you get his shirt off? I want to hear all about his body. I bet it’s amazing.”

  “Hush up over there,” Liv said. “Don’t objectify the hot boy.”

  “No, it is amazing,” Jenny said, taking them all by surprise. “I’ve seen it.”

  “Huh?” Emma said.

  Jenny explained about the morning she’d gone over to Chris’ apartment to ask for his help, and the other women blinked. They’d never heard this part of the story before.

  “So – when do you get his shirt off?” Liv said.

  “Now who’s objectifying the hot boy?” Kat asked.

  “Bah,” Liv scoffed.

  “I don’t know.” Jenny took a sip of wine. “Not for a little while… I think I’d better settle in to what we’ve already got going on.”

  “Yeah, and it sounds like what you’ve got is pretty awesome,” Kat said. “Lots of hot kissing on the sofa.”

  “And sleeping together,” Emma said gently.

  Jenny started. “What?”

  “Well, are you going to do that again?” Emma asked. “Are you going to ask him to move to your bed now?”

  “Oh, my God.” Jenny gasped. “I – I didn’t think about that. I mean, falling asleep together on the sofa last night was a total accident. I didn’t even fall asleep so much as pass out, right? But – it did feel good to wake up and find him there.”

  Liv grinned. “So…”

  “I don’t know.” Jenny gazed at Emma. “What do you think?”


  “Yeah. You, Doctor Cartwright.”

  “Yeah!” Kat said. “What do you think?”

  Emma was silent for a few seconds. “Well. I think that you slept on Chris’ body all through the night. That tells me that you trust him, Jenny. You know – every part of you, on every level knows – that you’re totally safe with him. I think you should take the next step… and I don’t mean taking off any clothes.”

  Kat sighed unhappily.

  “I mean sleeping together in pyjamas,” Emma said, shooting Kat a look. “Getting used to having a man’s body right there all night, when you’re vulnerable and unaware. I think that’s enough for getting on with, to be honest.”

  “Yeah,” Kat agreed. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  “So, lots of hot kissing with pj's on and then sleeping?” Liv said.

  “Actually, that sounds good to me.” Jenny blushed again.

  “What sounds better?” Liv said.

  Jenny paused. “Honestly? I love them both… the kissing is exciting and the sleeping together is calming.”

  Emma smiled. “That’s what I wanted to hear.” She took Jenny’s hand. “You’re doing just fine, sweetie. No. You’re doing great.”


  “Oh, yeah.” Emma raised her glass. “To you, Jenny… for remembering that a man’s body can be both exciting and safe.”


  Jenny drove home that night, nervous as hell about asking Chris to move to her bed. It felt so official, somehow, so blatant and bold. It would be like acknowledging that nudity and sex were within reach.

  Well, so what if they are? Definitely not now, and maybe not for a while… but why not start to talk to him about that? About making love?

  She pondered that as she drove, taking note of her body’s responses and reactions to the thought of Chris taking off her clothes. Chris naked, huge and hard under her fingers. Chris touching her breasts, stroking between her thighs. Chris inside her, moving gently at first, slowly, then harder and faster. And her body liked when she thought about all of that. It stayed loose and open; it didn’t tighten up or freeze.

  Jesus Christ, my pussy is actually pulsing a bit. I can feel myself getting wet. Thank God, I’m not totally broken, am I? I’m still able to get turned on. But can I have an orgasm? Can I let myself go that way?

  She thought about that for a few moments, then decided that was a discussion for a later time. Maybe weeks, maybe months. For now, all she needed to focus on was feeling secure with a man in her bed. That was a lot, she knew; it was more than enough for now.

  She unlocked the front door, took off her coat and boots. She wandered down the hall and was happy to see Chris in the kitchen. He turned when she walked in and his gray eyes sparked.

  “Hey,” he said. “How was it with the girls?”

  “Good. They say hi.”

  He nodded. “So… how are you? After last night and this morning?”

  “I’m great. You?”

  “Man, I had trouble concentrating at work today.” He grinned. “I kept thinking about you, baby, stretched out on me and kissing me, and I’d drop the tools I was holding. I thought King was going to throw me out the window.”

  She giggled. “Yeah, I know. I kept forgetting where I put stuff today… at one point I was looking for the salt on the shelf, and discovered that I’d stuck it in the freezer.”

  They looked at each other and burst in to laughter.

  “So.” He cocked his head at her. “Wanna go to the sofa? Round two? Or is it three now?”

  “Actually,” she said. “I was wondering if we could move somewhere else… to my bedroom.”

  Chris froze. “Your bedroom?”

  “Yes.” She took a deep breath. “I was hoping that you’d start to sleep with me. In pyjamas, I mean… but you’d stay in my bedroom. In my bed.”

  “Baby, are you sure?”


  “Then I’d love to.”

  “Great,” she said. “Starting tonight?”

  “Starting tonight.”


  Chris stepped out of the shower and toweled off quickly. He put on his boxers and a t-shirt, cleaned his teeth, then gazed at himself in the mirror for a few minutes. He was amazingly nervous about sleeping in Jenny’s bed, which wasn’t surprising. But he was also amazingly happy about it. Also not surprising, since he wanted to as close to her as possible, as often as possible.

  OK, man. You stay in control of yourself here… you do what she wants and you don’t go one inch farther, no matter what your body is begging for. Slow and easy. Oh, and enjoy it, right? Kissing her is supposed to feel good. Remember?

  He shut off the bathroom light in the guestroom and walked down the hallway. He paused in the door to Jenny’s bedroom and looked at her. She was in bed, under the covers, her long hair a bit damp from her shower. She looked scared and right away, all thoughts of his struggle to stay in control flew out of his head. All he saw was her, and that she needed him.

  “Can I come in?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  Chris sat on the edge of her bed and studied her face. “We don’t have to, Jenny. I can go back to my room if…”

  “No.” She sounded calm, even if she looked nervous. �
�I want this, Chris. I want you here.”

  “OK, then.” He climbed in to bed next to her, switched off the lamp on the bedside table. It took him a few seconds to realize that there was a small nightlight burning across the room.

  “Yeah,” she said. “I can’t – I can’t sleep in total darkness. Not since… since I was blindfolded.” She swallowed. “Is it going to bother you?”

  “No way.” He lay down a few feet away from her on his side, not touching her yet. “It’s fine.”

  She turned on her side to face him and they gazed at each other in the dim light. Slowly, she relaxed and that was when he reached for her. She moved in to his embrace smoothly, and within seconds she was on his chest, his arm around her. She sighed.

  “OK?” he said.

  “Yes.” She ran her fingers over his chest muscles. “Definitely OK.”

  They started slowly, their kisses tentative and gentle. Chris stayed on his back, waiting for her to move to him. After a few minutes, she lifted her upper body on to his and wrapped one leg around his strong thigh.

  Her kisses were hot and passionate now, and he pulled her closer. Her full breasts pressed in to him and he groaned as she rubbed herself against his hard body. She heard it and desire flared in her body, bright and hot.



  “Can you – take off your t-shirt?”

  He stopped cold. “I thought you didn’t want me to do that. Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  He sat up, holding her eyes. She watched his large hands reach behind him, yank off his shirt in one movement. And Jenny felt all her breath just get knocked right out of her body when she saw his chest again.


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