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Changing all the Rules

Page 4

by Fran Lee

She could see that Harry wasn’t home from bowling yet. He wouldn’t get home until after one. She bit her lip and hurried into the house, feeling guilty for cheating on her husband. There was no excuse for what she’d done tonight. She ignored the little voice in the back of her mind that screamed at her, “Yes there is an excuse, lamebrain, and you deserve better than Harry is giving you!” It was too dangerous to listen. Because Harry deserved better than she'd given him, too...

  She moved around the house mechanically, cleaning up the mess he’d left in the kitchen from the meal he’d fixed himself before leaving for the bowling alley, keeping her mind occupied to avoid thinking of the hurt in his eyes if he ever found out. She had to make certain he never did. Her thoughts returned to those last moments in Josh’s strong arms. How right it had felt.

  How damned wrong it had been!

  Krissa and Jim had come home at half past eleven, and the way her friend had grinned at her had made her blush. She and Josh had been casually sitting on the sofa, eating popcorn and pretending to watch the rented movie when Jim opened the front door, making unnecessarily loud noises, just in case. They’d all talked in a friendly, casual way for half an hour, and then Josh had walked her out to her car.

  “Jim is waiting for a play-by-play. You want me to tell him nothing happened?” Josh’s eyes held hers.

  “What do you mean, a ‘play-by-play’?” she’d asked breathlessly.

  “You know he’s had the hots for you since before he married Krissa? They did tell you they swap and do three-ways sometimes, didn’t they?” His lips brushed her temple, sending a shiver through her.

  “Yeah. Kris told me. I was pretty shocked.” Haley inhaled slowly.

  “I’m glad. If I thought you were hot for Jim, I think I would make my sister a widow…”

  Haley had drawn a shaky breath, not knowing exactly what she’d wanted to say. “You know, Josh,” she’d chewed her lower lip hesitantly for a long moment, “I don’t do stuff like this. I mean—I have never once in my ten years of being married ever done something so—so…” She’d faltered to a halt, her cheeks red in the moonlight.

  ”Are you trying to say goodbye?” he’d rasped, his eyes intense.

  She had nodded jerkily, and he had dragged her close, burying his face in her hair. He’d held her for a long time, before he loosened his grip and kissed her hungrily. “This doesn’t have to be goodbye, Hale. We can make this work. I don’t begrudge Harry a damned thing, but I can’t let you just walk away.”

  Josh had swallowed hard. He’d drawn a deep breath and said carefully, “I won’t tell Jim anything. Okay? Nothing happened. We had fun talking and watching old movies. That’s it. But please—please—please don’t say I can’t see you again. Because I’ve wanted this—you—for so fucking long. I don’t think I can keep breathing without seeing you just once more—just once?”

  And she had stared up into those gorgeous blue eyes and agreed to meet him—just one more time.

  She had promised to meet Josh on Sunday night. But instead of meeting at Krissa’s place, she would meet him at the hotel room he’d rented when he got into town. It was small, he’d said, but private. And they could spend some quality time without worrying about his sister and brother-in-law interrupting them.

  Yes, she had agreed to do that, but could she follow through with it?

  Chapter Four

  She was in bed by the time Harry got home, and she listened to him creeping quietly through the house, not wanting to wake her, believing her to have been asleep for hours. She shifted into a comfortable position and watched him undress, baring that beautiful body of his by the light of the half-closed bathroom door. He was so gorgeous. He still made her knees weak when she looked at him.

  His body flexed and rippled in the shadows as he stepped inside the bathroom, closed the door and brushed his teeth. She shifted. Her clit was throbbing. Shit! How the hell could she still be interested in sex after what she’d done with Josh? Had Josh released a beast from inside her mind and body? Her breathing began to change from calm and easy to rapid and ragged. Good Lord! Had three hours with Josh turned her into a raging nympho?

  She watched Harry as he moved furtively to avoid disturbing her. When he moved back into the bedroom and reached to pull his PJ’s out of the drawer, she sighed shakily and whispered softly, “Why do you wear those to bed? You used to sleep in the nude. And I loved feeling you next to me naked.” Had Haley Gregory just said that? And why was she not shocked at her own temerity?

  Harry jerked his head around to see Hale lying there watching him. He saw her eyes move down his body to rest on his cock, and he felt life flaring back into it. Shit! Was this his wife talking? Or had some doppelganger replaced her in their bed? He squared his shoulders and turned to where she could get a better look at his aroused state in the light from the bathroom. Shit! Let her look her fill. It was kind of exciting.

  “Sorry if I woke you.” His voice sounded gruff even to him.

  Hale smiled up at him and shook her head. “I was awake. Thinking about you.”

  Harry inhaled deeply. He watched as Hale threw back the covers and rolled up to sit cross-legged on the bed—and his breath caught in his throat. Sweet Jesus—she isn’t wearing panties! He stared at the pink, glistening pussy peeping out at him from under her sleep shirt, and he realized that…she’d shaved it!

  Fucking A!

  He dragged his eyes from that mouthwatering sight back to her face, and wondered what the hell had gotten into her. She never waited up for him. And she never went to bed without underwear—at least, not for the last eight years or so. He closed the drawer containing his PJ’s and walked hesitantly across the carpet to stand beside the bed.

  “You okay, Hale? You feeling all right?”

  Haley wet her lips and reached out to run a slender finger over his cock. “Harry, why do we only have sex on Saturday nights?” His cock jumped and stiffened into a steel pole. He watched her eyes soften as she let them devour his shaft. “God, Harry…I love the way you feel…”

  He stared down at her beautifully expressive face in the shadowy illumination from the bathroom. His voice was raspy in his dry throat as he fought to reply without croaking. “I thought that was the night we both agreed on a long time ago. Easier. Nothing to distract us…” He shrugged, knowing the exact reasoning behind the Saturday night thing.

  Hale sighed and suddenly dragged her sleep shirt off over her head, and his thoughts deserted him. How the fuck long had it been since she’d let him see her naked, no panties, no covering over that hot body of hers? Let him stare at her perfect, beautiful breasts? Then reality kicked in. She'd hated having her breasts mauled. Hated having him squeeze her nipples. Christ, he barely ever got to even touch them, and only on sex nights. He felt his mouth grow wet, and his jaw sagged.

  “You sure you didn’t take something, Hale?” Like Spanish fly? He braced his legs and waited for her to come to her senses and accuse him of trying to get down her pants or something!

  She rose from the bed and took one step to stand in front of him, and did something she hadn’t ever done to him before in the entire time he’d known her—she slid her hands over his chest and bent to lick his nipple! He almost whimpered. He clenched his fists to keep from grabbing her and hauling her into bed. “What makes you think I took drugs?” she whispered.

  “Because you’ve never acted like this before,” he breathed raggedly as she ran her fingertips over his other nipple, and then ran her tongue down the muscle of his shoulder. His voice was tight and it took every ounce of control he possessed to not pick her up, wrap those long slim legs around his naked hips, and fuck her where she stood.

  “What if I said I wanted you to make love to me, right here, right now?” she whispered. He couldn’t do more than stare dumbly. How many years had he dreamed of Haley saying that to him? He was stricken utterly speechless. She had to be on something!

  When Harry didn’t respond, didn’t move, she reached fo
r his cock again. Hale swallowed her disappointment as he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her a step away, and stared down into her face searchingly. Damn. She’d wanted to seduce him, and she’d only succeeded in disgusting him! Tears sprang to her eyes and she felt dirty somehow.

  She tried to shrug his hands off, and dislodged one of them, causing it to drag across her bare breast. She closed her eyes and shivered with reaction, and he swore violently, turning to pad back to his dresser and his damned PJ drawer.

  His voice was rough with frustration. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, Hale. Just let me go the fuck to bed. Okay?”

  As he dragged his PJ bottoms on, then reached for his top, she came out of her miserable stupor and hissed angrily, “Look, Harry, you may not want to make love to me, and you may hate licking pussy, but I’m about ready to fucking blow up here, and if you don’t take those pajamas back off, I swear I’m gonna take the scissors to them!”

  He stopped as if she’d just kicked him in the balls, and he swung his eyes to her angry face, looking totally dumbfounded. She shivered at the anger blazing in his eyes. “I don’t want to make love to you? Look, Hale, it’s you who hates me to ‘paw you’—isn’t that what you told me every time I tried to touch your breasts? And it isn’t me who only wants to have sex every Saturday—you were the one who made that goddamned rule! In fact, every goddamned thing about our sex life has been according to your own set of rules! You actually think I don’t want to throw you down right now and fuck you ’til I can’t think anymore? Because if you do, you’ve got another think coming!”

  His vehemence and anger made her take a step back, lifting her hands defensively. She backed up and her knees hit the edge of the bed, tumbling her back onto the mattress with a yelp of shock. And before she could think, Harry was there, hovering over her worriedly, his hands carefully holding her shoulders as he asked shakily, “You okay, baby? I’m sorry if I scared you, but…”

  Fear…anger…lust, all hit her at the same time and Hale reached up and grabbed him, tumbling him down on top of her on the bed. His hard, heavy mass of muscles pinned her deliciously to the mattress, and she twined her legs tightly around his hips. She had never wanted him more than she did right now, and damn the man, he wasn’t going to get away with telling her to go to hell! He was gonna make love to her properly, or she was gonna castrate the bastard!

  Harry was dumbfounded as he tried to shove up onto his hands. Hale was clamping his cock tight against her pussy, and he knew she’d go ballistic if he tried to fuck her now.

  Wouldn't she?

  What the hell was she saying to him? His mind was whirling. Her mouth was on his throat. She was raking her nails over his nipples. She was moving her pussy against his aching cock as if she’d love nothing more than have him fill her. He caught his breath and gasped hoarsely, “Are you telling me that…you’re mad at me because I won’t fuck you?”

  Hale ground her pussy against him. “Yes! So put up or get the hell out of my bedroom and make up the sofa!” She bit his shoulder, and a white-hot bolt of pure lust ran through him. She reached between them and circled his shaft, and whispered huskily, “Please make love to me—please…”

  Harry had trouble getting a breath—and then he did what he’d wanted to do for a long, long time. He reached between their fused bodies and cupped her breast with one shaking hand, while the other slid down to feel how wet she was. He whispered hoarsely, “I want you so damn badly, baby! I want to ride that sweet naked pussy of yours into the fucking floor! But first I want to suck these. Will you let me?”

  Haley blinked up into his shadowy face, highlighted softly on one side by the light from the bathroom, and she nodded wordlessly. She heard his groan of pleasure, felt him slip down her body a few inches, and felt his mouth take her nipple hungrily. The feel of his hot mouth on her nearly made her lose her ability to breathe! She whimpered with pleasure, arching up to give him full access, clutching his head to her breast. His other hand slipped back up to cup her other breast, holding it ready for his mouth until he shifted from one wet, puffy, swollen nipple to repeat his delicious assault on the other.

  It felt so good having his mouth on her, laving, licking, suckling so passionately. His large hands cupping her full breasts, his hoarse murmurs of pleasure making her hot. She cried out with the force of an orgasm that shook her to her core, just from his adoration of her nipples. She returned to sanity and gasped for breath as he continued his hungry exploration of each quivering breast with that hot, delicious mouth.

  She wrapped her thighs around his body and arched her pussy up to rub over his delicious abs. Harry ran both hands down from her breasts to her ass, cupping her cheeks and shifting until he was centered over her pussy, then he plunged in, clutching her ass to him as he buried his cock to its thick root.

  Haley gave a cry of delight and flexed her hips upward to meet every delicious thrust. Her breasts felt tight and swollen beneath his wildly devouring mouth as he rode her, and the three-minute thing was definitely out as she splintered into her second shuddering orgasm. He seemed to find even more staying power as he kept fucking her like he couldn’t get enough, until he lifted his mouth from her and gave a shout of release, exploding with wrenching, hot bursts of pleasure that bathed her pussy with hot cum.

  Haley clung to his trembling body, feeling the shudders of pleasure reverberate through him, hearing his ragged groan of release and thrilling to his obvious enjoyment of their lovemaking as she subsided from the most intense orgasm he had ever given her.

  He collapsed over her body and buried his face in the curve of her neck, her sweat-damp hair tickling his lips and nose as he fought for breath. “Sweet Jesus, Hale—that was so—hot!”

  Haley almost felt like purring with satisfaction as she wriggled beneath his hips, wanting to keep him buried inside her for awhile longer. “Mmm, you were absolutely marvelous, Harry,” she whispered huskily against his sweat-slick shoulder. “Don’t get off—please? Stay with me for a few minutes more?”

  Harry swallowed hard, and lifted his head to stare down into his wife’s flushed, beautiful face. He hadn’t seen that look in her eyes for—forever. What the hell had happened to her? Hell, he wasn’t complaining—he was overjoyed! He slipped a hand down between their wet chests to cup and fondle her breast almost reverently, and heard her little sigh of pleasure.

  “I love your breasts, baby. God, I love to suck your nipples, but you never—I mean…” he stopped, unable to finish.

  Hale kissed his chin, and smiled. “If I ever gave you the impression I didn’t want you to touch them, I’m sorry. I love your mouth on me. I love the feel of you sucking me. It drives me crazy.”

  “Mind if I get some quality time with these before you change your mind?” he whispered wickedly, sliding a couple of inches down her wet body to catch a nipple again for a long, luxuriant tug. He gave full, loving attention to one then shifted to the other, wanting to suck those luscious nipples until he died.

  Or maybe had already died, and this was heaven…

  His cock slid partially out of her, and she moaned in protest, reaching down to circle him and keep him inside her. “Isn’t there a way we can let you do that, without you pulling out?” Her voice was needy and breathy.

  Harry rolled onto his back, taking her with him, and she gasped as he sat up and again tugged a sweet, tight nipple into his mouth, with her sitting, holding his cock inside her tight pussy.

  “Oooh—that works nicely,” she murmured, flexing her pelvis as his cock grew solid and thick once more.

  Harry groaned and reached to part her folds and find her swollen nub. His fingers circled and teased gently, and Haley gave a garbled cry of pleasure and exploded with another orgasm, while he kept moving his fingers against her clit.

  Harry was beside himself with joy. Whatever the hell had happened to his frigid little wife, it was a miracle! She was like a different woman in his arms and in his bed. She…was…sensational! Had his prayers b
een answered at last? There would be no looking this gift horse in the mouth. He pumped his hips like a steam piston, wanting to burrow his way into her body and stay there until hell froze over. But when he couldn’t hold his climax off any longer, he gave a shout of exultation and surrendered helplessly to the shattering pleasure as she fell across his body and he stroked her back with trembling hands for some time as he returned from outer space.

  He fell asleep buried in her sweet, possessive little pussy—and he never wanted back out.

  Chapter Five

  Josh glanced at his watch for the hundredth time. Haley was late. He had told her he would be here at six, and it was past seven thirty. He swore softly, palming his cock as it rose again at the thought of her in his bed. With a hiss of frustration, he reached for his cell phone and dialed her number. Had something happened to change her mind? Or had Harry somehow found out about them and wasn’t letting her leave the house? It didn’t matter. He wasn’t going to let her go.

  Even if he had to take the beating of his life, he was not letting Haley go.

  The heady memory of her sweet tight cunt wrapped around his dick almost made him come in his jeans like a kid watching porno flicks. The thought of Harry Gregory fucking the woman he desperately needed set off a fire deep inside. Maybe the bastard was doing that to her right now. Riding that beautiful, writhing body as Haley screamed out in delight.

  He couldn't believe that might happen. Harry had ignored his woman for so damn long, she had been starved for sex. She had given herself to him in every way imaginable last Friday...had fucked him into the rug...into the mattress...into the shower tiles...had taken his thick cock into her mouth and drained him dry. She had left him drained and panting so often, he knew for a fact that her husband hadn't taken care of her for a damn long time.

  No...she must have let something slip to Harry, and he wouldn't allow her to come. The bastard had better not have hurt her...Josh would wipe the fucking floor with his bloody carcass if he'd hit or hurt Haley! He hit redial for the tenth time since 7:30.


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