Blue Angel
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Reissner, Alexander. Berlin 1675–1945. London: Oswald Wolff, 1984.
Remarque, Erich Maria. Arch of Triumph (trans. Walter Sorell and Denver Lindley). London: Hutchinson Library Services, 1946.
Renoir, Jean. My Life and My Films. New York: Atheneum, 1974.
Robinson, Edward G., with Leonard Spiegelgass. All My Yesterdays. New York: Hawthorn, 1973.
Roters, Eberhard. Berlin 1910–1933. New York: Rizzoli, 1982.
Samuels, Charles Thomas. Encountering Directors. New York: Putnam, 1972.
Sarris, Andrew. The Films of Josef von Sternberg. New York: Museum of Modern Art/Doubleday, 1966.
Schulberg, Budd. Moving Pictures: Memories of a Hollywood Prince. New York: Stein and Day, 1981.
Seydel, Renate (arranged by Bernd Meier). Marlene Dietrich, eine Chronik ihres Lebens in Bildern und Dokumenten. Munich: Nymphenburger, 1984.
Silver, Charles. Marlene Dietrich. New York: Pyramid, 1974.
Spanier, Ginette. It Isn’t All Mink. New York: Random House, 1960.
Spoto, Donald. The Dark Side of Genius: The Life of Alfred Hitchcock. Boston: Little, Brown, 1983.
———. Falling in Love Again: Marlene Dietrich (A Photoessay). Boston: Little, Brown, 1985.
———. Lenya: A Life. Boston: Little, Brown, 1989.
Stine, Whitney. The Hurrell Style: 50 Years of Photographing Hollywood. New York: John Day, 1976.
Sudendorf, Werner, ed. Marlene Dietrich: Dokumente, Essays, Filme (2 vols.). Munich: Carl Haner, 1977.
Swindell, Larry. The Last Hero: A Biography of Gary Cooper. New York: Doubleday, 1980.
Thomas, Danny, with Bill Davidson. Make Room for Danny. New York: Putnam, 1991.
Todd, Richard. Caught in the Act. London: Hutchinson, 1986.
Trewin, J. C. Robert Donat: A Biography. London: Heinemann, 1968.
von Sternberg, Josef. The Blue Angel. London: Lorrimer, 1968.
———. Fun in a Chinese Laundry. New York: Macmillan, 1965.
———. Morocco/Shanghai Express. London: Lorrimer, 1973.
Walker, Alexander. Dietrich. New York: Harper and Row, 1984.
Wayne, Jane Ellen. Cooper’s Women. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1988.
Wayne, Pilar, with Alex Thorleifson. John Wayne—My Life with the Duke. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987.
Weinberg, Herman G. Josef von Sternberg. New York: Dutton, 1967.
Westmore, Frank, and Muriel Davidson. The Westmores of Hollywood. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1976.
Wilding, Michael. The Wilding Way. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1982.
Willett, John. The Weimar Years: A Culture Cut Short. London: Thames and Hudson, 1984.
Yablonsky, Lewis. George Raft. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974.
Zuckmayer, Carl. A Part of Myself. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1966.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below
Aherne, Brian
Albers, Hans
Allen, Rupert
Améry, Jean
Anderson, Robert
Andor, Lotte
Arch of Triumph (Remarque)
Argentina, Imperio
Arlen, Harold
Around the World in 80 Days
Arthur, Jean
Atwill, Lionel
Aumont, Jean-Pierre
Bacharach, Burt
Ballard, Lucien
Banton, Travis
Barney, Natalie
Beaton, Cecil
Benkhoff, Fita
Berber, Anita
Bergere, Ouida
Bergman, Ingrid
Bergner, Elisabeth
Bernard, Raymond
Bernhardt, Curtis, (Kurt)
Birdwell, Russell
Black Fox, The
Blair, Leonard
Blonde Venus
Blue Angel, The
Blum, Ralph
Blumenthal, Ike
Bohnen, Michael
Boleslawski, Richard
Bolger, Ray
Borzage, Frank
Bouché, René
Bow, Clara
Bowie, David
Boyer, Charles
Braddock, Bessie
Brahm, Otto
Brandt, Harry
Brandt, Willy
Bré, Robert
Brecht, Bertolt
Bréquand, Marguerite
Brook, Clive
Brooks, Geraldine
Brown, George
Brown, Jessmer
Brynner, Yul
Buchwald, Art
Burnett, Murray
Byerley, Vivian
Cabaret, German
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The
Cabot, Bruce
Café Istanbul (radio show)
Camp, Arthur
Carné, Marcel
Carroll, Madeleine
Channing, Carol
Chaplin, Charles
Charell, Eric
Chevalier, Maurice
Clair, René
Clavet, Anthony
Clift, Montgomery
Clooney, Rosemary
Cocteau, Jean
Cohen, Alexander H.
Cohen, Emanuel
Cohn, Harry
Colpet, Max
Colman, Ronald
Columbia Pictures
Combs, Frederick
Cook, Whitfield
Cooper, Gary
Cooper, Wilkie
Coppel, Alec
Coward, Noël
Cowslow, Sam
Crawford, Cheryl
Crawford, Joan
Daniel, Franz
Daniels, Bebe
Darewski, Hermann
Darnell, Linda
Darvis, Lili
Davis, Bette
Davis, Joe
De Acosta, Mercedes
De Bakey, Dr. Michael
Dee, Frances
Dekker, Albert
De Putti, Lya
De Sica, Vittorio
Destry Rides Again
Deutches Theater (Berlin)
Devers, Gen. Jacob
Devil Is a Woman, The
Dickinson, Angie
Dieterle, William
Dietrich, Elisabeth
Dietrich, Louis Erich Otto
Dietrich, Marlene (Maria Magdalene)
Academy Awards ceremony (1951)
documentary on
films: Angel
The Black Fox
Blonde Venus
The Blue Angel
Destry Rides Again
The Devil Is a Woman
The Flame of New Orleans
Follow the Boys
A Foreign Affair
The Garden of Allah
Golden Earrings
I Loved a Soldier
Judgment at Nuremberg
Just a Gigolo
Knight Without Armour
The Lady Is Willing
Martin Roumagnac
The Monte Carlo Story
No Highway
Paris When It Sizzles
Rancho Notorious
The Scarlet Empress
Seven Sinners
Shanghai Express
silent movies
Song of Songs
The Spoilers
Stage Fright
Touch of Evil
Witness for the Prosecution
Germany tour (1960)
Legion of Honor
Medal of Freedom
one-woman show
Ringling Brothers Circus benefit
U.S. citizenship
USO tours
See also Sieber (Goodman Riva), Maria (daughter); Sieber, Rudolf Emilian (husband)
Dietrich, Wilhelmina Elisabeth Josephine Fesling
Di Frasso, Countess Dorothy
Donat, Robert
Dos Passos, John
Douglas, Kirk
Douglas, Melvyn
Dreier, Hans
Durante, Jimmy
Durieux, Tilla
Duvivier, Julien
Eddington, Harry
Edward VIII (Duke of Windsor)
Engel, Fritz
Engstead, John
Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.
“Falling in Love Again”
Feldman, Charles
Felsing, Conrad, family
Ferrer, Mel
Feyder, Jacques
Fisher, Eddie
Flame of New Orleans, The
Fleming, Sir Alexander
Fleming, Victor
Flesch, Carl
Follow the Boys
Foreign Affair, A
Forst, Willi
Freeman, Stan
Freund, Karl
Frischauer, Willi
Frome, Milton
Furthman, Jules
Gabin, Jean
Gable, Clark
Gabor, Zsa Zsa
Gammack, Gordon
Garbo, Greta
Garden of Allah, The
Garland, Judy
Garmes, Lee
Garnett, Tay
Gavin, Maj. Gen. James M.
Gaynor, Janet
Gelhorn, Martha
Georg, Stefan
Gibbs, Georgia
Gilbert, John
Gish, Lillian
Glass, Bertha
Glazer, Benjamin
Goddard, Paulette
Goebbels, Joseph
Golden Earrings
Goodman, Dean
Göring, Hermann
Grable, Betty
Grant, Cary
Greiner, Fritz
Griffith, D. W.
Grosz, George
Haack, Käte
Hall, Bernard
Halliday, John
Hammett, Dashiell
Harding, Ann
Harris, Radie
Hard, Karl
Harvey, Lilian
Hathaway, Henry
Hayworth, Rita
Head, Edith
Hedren, Tippi
Held, Berthold
Hellman, Lillian
Hemingway, Ernest
Hemingway, Mary Welsh
Hemmings, David
Hesterberg, Trude
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hitchcock, Alma Reville
Hitler, Adolf
Holländer, Friedrich (Frederick)
Holzer, Harry
Hope, Bob
Horne, Lena
Horowitz, Vladimir
Hotchner, A. E.
Howard, Jean
Huber, Gerda
Hugenberg, Alfred
Hurrell, George
I Loved a Soldier
Jacoby, George
Jaffe, Sam
Jaffe, William B.
Jannings, Emil
Jaray, Hans
Jessner, Leopold
Jhering, Herbert
Johnson, Van
Jones, Grover
Jones, Jennifer
Judgment at Nuremberg
Just a Gigolo
Kabaret der Komiker (Berlin)
Kaiser, Georg
Kästner, Erich
Kelly, Grace
Kennedy, Joseph P.
Kennedy, Robert
Kerr, Alfred
King, Hetty
Kirkwood, James
Knight Without Armour
Korda, Alexander
Kortner, Fritz
Kosleck, Martin
Kramer, Stanley
Krasna, Norman
Kreuder, Peter
Künneke, Evelyn
Lacombe, Georges
Lady Is Willing, The
Lamour, Dorothy
Land, Robert
Lang, Fritz
Laughton, Charles
Lauren, S. K.
Leander, Zarah
Le Baron, William
Le Gallienne
Leigh, Vivien
Leisen, Mitchell
Lennartz, Elisabeth
Leppmann, Franz
Liebman, Robert
Lindbergh kidnapping
Lion, Margaret
Lloyd, Harold
Lodge, John
Logan, Joshua
Lombard, Carole
Lorant, Stefan
Lorre, Peter
Losch, Tilly
Louis, Jean
Lubitsch, Ernst
Lund, John
McCleery, Lt. Col. Albert
McCrea, Joel
MacDonald, Jeanette
McGeary, Eleanor
McLaglen, Victor
MacMurray, Fred
Mamoulian, Rouben
Manley, Nellie
Mann, Abby
Marais, Jean
Marcus, Elli
Margaret, Princess
Markle, Fletcher
Marks (Royce), Riza
Marlene (documentary)
Marshall, George
Marshall, Herbert
Martin, Mary
Martin Roumagnac
Massary, Fritzi
Matul, Tamara
Mauban, Maria
May, Joe
May, Mia
Mayberry, Lynne
Meehan, John
Menjou, Adolphe
Menzendick, Ingrid
Merkel, Una
Milland, Ray
Millard, Oscar
Miller, Ann
Miller, Mitch
Milner, Victor
Molnár, Ferenc
Monte Carlo Story, The
Moore, Dickie
Mosheim, Grete
Müller, Renate
Murnau, F. W.
Nabokov, Vladimir
Neher, Carola
Neville-Willing, Maj. Donald
No Highway
Oberon, Merle
Oldfield, Col. Barney
Onassis, Aristotle
One Touch of Venus
Paramount Studios
Paris When It Sizzles
Parker, Dorothy
Parks, Gen. Floyd L.
Pasternak, Joe
Patton, Gen. George S.
Pauling, Albert
Pelletier, Marc
Perl, Max
Petrie, Ursula
Philbin, Mary
Piaf, Edith
Piatigorsky, Gregor
Pinza, Ezio
Pommer, Erich
Ponedel, Dot
Poole, Abram
Porter, Cole
Power, Tyrone
Prévert, Jacques
Purviance, Edna
Raft, George
Rainier, Prince
Rancho Notorious
Rathbone, Basil
Reed, Rex
“Regular Man, A”
Reinhardt, Max (Goldmann)
Reitz, Robert
Remarque, Erich Maria
Renoir, Dido
Renoir, Jean
Rey, Florian
Richee, Robert
Riefenstahl, Leni
Righter, Carroll
Rittau, Günther
Riva, William
Robert, Eugen
Robinson, Ed
ward G.
Romero, Cesar
Roos, Bo
Ross, Lillian
Rubin, Daniel N.
Russell, Rosalind
Salten, Felix
Sargeant, Winthrop
Scarlet Empress, The
Scarpitta, S. C.
Schell, Maximilian
Schiffer, Marcellus
Schildkraut, Joseph
Schneeberger, Hans
Schulberg, B. P.
Schulberg, Budd
Schwitters, Kurt
Scott, Randolph
Scribner, Charles, Sr.
“See What the Boys in the Back Room Will Have”
Seidman, Paul-Emile
Selznick, David O.
Seven Sinners
Sieber (Goodman Riva), Maria
Sieber, Rudolf Emilian
Shanghai Express
Sherriff, R. C.
Shields, Ella
Sim, Alistair
Sinatra, Frank
Sinclair, Joshua
Siodmak, Robert
Skipworth, Alison
Snyder, Jack
Song of Songs
Soyka, Johnny
Soyka, Mady
Spanier, Ginette
Spoilers, The
Spoliansky, Mischa
Stage Fright
Sternaux, Ludwig
Sternheim, Carl
Stevens, Marti
Stewart, James
Stradling, Harry
Streicher, Julius
Stroock, Bianca
Stroock, James
Sturges, Preston
Swanson, Gloria
Sym, Igo
Taradash, Daniel
Tauber, Richard
Taylor, Elizabeth
Templehof Studios
Ter-Arutunian, Rouben
Thielscher, Guido
Thielscher Girls
Thomas, Danny
Tilley, Vesta (Lady de Frece)
Todd, Mike
Todd, Richard
Touch of Evil
Tourneur, Maurice
Trundy, Natalie
Tucholsky, Kurt
Tugend, Harry
Universal Studios
Universe Film Company (UFA, Universum Film Aktien Gesellschaft)
Valetti, Rosa
Vallone, Raf
Van Druten, John
Veidt, Conrad
Velez, Lupe
Viertel, Salka
Vollmöller, Karl
Von Cziffra, Geza
Von Losch, Eduard
Von Meyerinck, Hubert
Von Sternberg, Josef
films: Blonde Venus
The Blue Angel
The Devil Is a Woman
The Scarlet Empress
Shanghai Express
Von Sternberg, Nicholas
Von Stroheim, Erich
Von Twardowsky, Hans
Waldoff, Claire
Wallace, Richard
Walsh, Kay
Walsh, Raoul
Walton, William
Warner Studios
Wayne, John
Wayne, Pilar
Webb, Clifton
Weill, Kurt
Weinberg, Herman
Welles, Orson
Wellman, William
West, Mae
Westmore, Wally
“What Am I Bid for My Apple?”
White, Peter
Wiene, Robert
Wilder, Billy
Wilding, Michael
Williams, Whitney
Witness for the Prosecution
Wong, Anna May
Wyman, Jane