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Gridlocked (Bounty County Series Book 3)

Page 11

by Maren Lee

  “Your dad show up last night?” Ryan asked. After spending a week together, Ryan pretty much knew everything Wesson was dealing with (minus the parts Molly told him not to tell anyone).

  “Nope. Even hid my rig around the block so he wouldn’t think I was home.” Wesson shrugged. “Nothin’. Hopefully that means he’s done.”

  “His P.O. should have put the fear of God into him.”

  “I’m hoping. Gonna stay at my place tonight. You home tonight, Smitty?”

  “Nope. I’ve got a thing.” Cryptic.

  “Gert around?”

  Smitty shook his head. “He’s on nights this month.”

  Yes. Home alone. Wesson had plans. And those plans required he have access to a bedroom prior to taking Molly out on date number three (it was still date two in his head, but she convinced his dick it was date number three).

  “Gotta go then, brothers. I’m out,” he declared abruptly as he began clearing his stuff out.

  “Three dates up?” Smitty laughed. His oldest friend knew all about his rules.

  “None of your business, Dick.” Wesson winked in a way that Richard “Smitty” Smith knew exactly what was going down tonight.

  “Make good choices!” Ryan called out after him.

  “Thanks, Gramps!” he shouted back.

  An empty house. Molly. Naked. Shit. He had to adjust his pants. Tonight was going to be epic.


  Wesson ran into Albertsons to grab air freshener, just in case his place smelled like dirty gym socks. Considering he hadn’t been home all week, there was a distinct possibility this was the case. He grabbed thirty bucks worth of candles, a box of magnum condoms, a bottle of lube, and a dozen roses.

  Commencing Operation Romance.

  He stepped out into the parking lot. The sun was shining. The birds were chirping. It’s a great day to get laid.

  “You narcing on me, son?”

  Fuck. His dad. Standing in front of him in a dirty Rick’s Autobody uniform. Way to kill my buzz.

  “Get the fuck away from me before I do something I regret, Randy,” Wesson snapped.

  “Regret the day you were born, boy. My parole officer was ready to send me back to the clink, you dirty little snitch.”

  “I’m a cop, Randy. What the fuck did you think I was going to do? Let you come over and harass Mom? No. I found out Rocky was your parole officer and I gave him a call.”

  “Was just trying to apologize, I told you that.”

  Wesson scoffed. “You don't apologize for being a shit husband and father for literally decades. And you sure as shit don’t apologize to your ex-wife for beating her so bad you put her in a fucking wheelchair for the rest of their life. I can’t wait for you to fuck up and head on back to prison.”

  “Shoulda taken you out with your mom.”


  “Jesus. Were you ever a good person? Thank god you were gone all the time so that I didn’t soak up your loving personality. The only times you were around, I was counting the minutes until you left again and stopped wailing on mom.”

  “Your mom asked for it. Class A bitch tried to ruin my life.”

  “Well you certainly got her back, didn’t you? News flash: your P.O. is gonna hear ‘bout this little encounter too.”

  Randy glared at him. “You fucking prick.”

  “Back atcha, Dad. Good talk. See you at the revocation hearing.”

  “Don’t fucking do it, Wesson. I’ll make your life hell.”

  “Hard to do that from behind bars.”

  “You’d be surprised what a man can do from behind bars.”

  Shit. Time to look a bit more closely at the Warden.

  “Like I said, see you at the revocation hearing.” Wesson turned on a heel and walked toward his rig.


  Molly exhaled.

  Tonight is the night.

  It was going to happen. Or, at least, if all went as planned, it would happen. She was excited. Nervous. But excited. She’d spent the day at work a nervous wreck. She tried to stay focused, but it was nearly impossible. She hadn’t been nearly as jittery when she took her Boards and that was a seriously high pressure situation.

  She practically imploded earlier when Wesson had called her and told her to pack an overnight bag. They were going out for dinner at Gino Lorenzo’s and then heading to his place. “My roommates won’t be in tonight. We’ll have the place to ourselves,” he’d said in his deep, sexy voice.

  Holy cow.

  She hadn’t been able to respond right away. The confirmation from Wesson that it was happening tonight took her by surprise. They’d only been dating for a few weeks, but it had already felt like months. She thought for sure he was going to push back using the three date rule. She felt like she was at least fifty percent done with one of her erotic romance novels and there had been no sex yet. Unforgivable. So the fact that she was asked - no, told - to pack an overnight bag (“Make sure you bring a toothbrush, baby” was the specific request, but Molly figured cat jammies and a clean pair of panties - maybe two - were also in order) turned her inside out.

  Holy cow.

  She’d pulled up to his place, gripping the steering wheel tight, and put the car in park. She took a deep breath and honked the horn. They were taking her car to the restaurant, he’d informed her. He’d had to park his truck at his mom’s house and didn’t want to take her on a date in the county vehicle. Wesson ran out and came up to the driver’s side door. She rolled down the window.

  “Sorry, baby. I know it’s not cool to ask to use your car for our date, but it’s better than driving around in a rig that smells like Ryan’s balls. Asshole works out in his uniform, did you know that?”

  Molly laughed. “It’s not a problem and I appreciate your consideration. I did not know that. Seems odd. And I don’t think I want to smell Ryan’s balls, either, so thank you, Wess,” she grinned.

  “All right, well hop out. I’m driving my lady. We’re going on a date. And then we’re coming back and seeing where the night takes us. You bring a toothbrush?” he asked.

  “I brought jammies and clean underwear too,” she gave a coy smile.

  Wesson groaned. “I don’t think you’re gonna need those jammies, but the clean underwear was a good idea, babe.” He winked.


  Molly was speechless. She slowly got out of the car and walked around front while Wesson got in the driver’s seat. She forced each step as she walked to the passenger side of the car, her legs were like Jello. He mind could only focus on one thing. One big, hard, girthy, veiny, naughty...thing.

  Jesus, Molly. You are thirty three years old and a darned professional. You can handle this. Pull yourself together!

  “You okay with what I just said?” Wesson asked, concerned as she slowly got into the car and buckled herself in.

  “Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m great with it,” she gave him a small smile.

  “Honey, you know we don’t have to do anything. I’m just happy to be with you,” he grabbed her left hand and brought it up to his lips.

  “No!” Molly shouted.

  “Sorry, babe.” He set her hand down slowly.

  “Shoot, no, it wasn't that, I just shouted out what my mind was thinking when I heard you say we didn't have to do anything. I want to do everything. But I don't know how it will play out.”

  “You’re an anxious little angel, aren't ya? Don't worry, Molls balls. It's whatever you want, okay?”

  Molls balls? She smiled. It’s Wesson. He’ll be careful. He’ll be gentle. He won’t go further than you want him to go.

  “I know,” she exhaled. “I’m just nervous,” she looked him in the eye. She wasn’t confident at all about tonight, but she knew Wesson would make it perfect. “I worry I’ll feel triggered and it’ll end up ruining our night.” There it was. Total honestly.

  “If you feel remotely triggered by anything I do, we’ll stop immediately. You�
�re safe with me.” He kissed her hand again.

  “I know. Thank you, Wesson. This has been the best few weeks of my life.”

  “Same, darlin’. Even though other parts of my life have been shit lately, you’ve been the sunshine keeping me going.”

  Molly melted. She was definitely falling for him. Hopefully he doesn’t break my heart. She didn’t know where that thought came from, but she was suddenly hoping for major long term relationship status with Wesson. Wesson would never break your heart on purpose.

  “Enough of the melon calling. Let’s go! Date three here we come!” Wesson yelled with a “whoop!”


  The food at Gino’s (or Lorenzo’s - the locals called it both names) was delicious, as always. Wesson had lasagna. Molly didn’t want to feel bloated if naked time was coming, so she had the antipasto salad. Mmmmm pepperoncinis.

  And now they were back in the car. It was the perfect Montana summer night. The windows were down and the cool breeze was in her hair and she was holding Wesson’s hand. Wesson was driving her home. To his home. To spend the night. Molly’s first adult sleepover at someone else’s house. Well, with a man, anyways. She’d had plenty of girls’ nights that ended in passing out on someone’s couch. This was different.

  Though she had been incredibly nervous, she was just...ready now. Calm. With her new favorite person. Nothing could ruin this evening. Nothing. She was ready. She was confident. She was scrubbed from head to toe and smelled delicious everywhere. She was ready to be devoured, achy to feel him inside of her.

  Soon. The monkey would be off her back. The cat out of the bag. Ha! Wesson would like that one. But she felt less relieved about that and more relieved because she wanted to cement her relationship with Wesson. She wanted to take it to the next level. You are seriously falling for him, Molly.

  The car stopped in front of his house. Molly looked out her window and then looked to Wesson. He gave her a sexy smile.


  “So ready.”

  “Yeah?” he questioned.

  “Yeah,” she smiled back and opened her door.

  “Wait, wait, wait!” he shouted as he jumped out of the driver’s side and ran around the front of the car. “I need to open the door for you. I need to be a gentleman. I’m wooing you.”

  Molly laughed. “You don’t need to woo me, Wess. I’m a sure thing!”

  “You deserve to be wooed.”

  Dang. For the millionth time tonight she melted. For a dude who often put his foot in his mouth and said the wrong thing at the wrong time, he was sure on point tonight.

  “Well, in that case,” she reached for her overnight bag in the back seat and threw it over her shoulder, “Woo me, Wesson,” she ordered, dramatically, and offered her hand to him.

  He took it and walked her to the front door, smiling at her as they walked up the sidewalk like they were in a black and white movie straight out of the 1950s but with way more nudity planned on the other side of his front door. At least, she hoped there was more nudity involved.

  Molly stopped on his front porch and took it all in. A streetlight flickered. A dog barked. A house a few doors down was having a get-together. Laughter escaped their back yard. She could hear the crickets chirping. Other than that, silence. The sounds of an Imminence summer. It was Molly’s favorite moment of the night. The moment in the twilight when the mountains went from deep purple to black. Montana. She took a deep breath. It had been a hot day, but the evening was cool. Crisp.

  “You having a moment, sweetheart?” he asked her as she stood on the front porch, looking around.

  Molly nodded her head. “I just love this town.” She shivered and Wesson wrapped his arms around her from behind.

  “You want to come inside and have a drink?” he asked.

  “That sounds nice,” Molly replied. Don’t drink! You’re just delaying him! Let’s get this show on the road! Molly’s vagina was apparently going to start doing the talking tonight. They walked inside. Wesson walked in behind her and locked the door. She swore she could hear every mechanism in the door lock. Her senses were completely heightened.

  “I picked up your favorite wine at the store this afternoon,” he said as they walked toward the kitchen.

  “You know my favorite wine?” she asked, her brow furrowed.

  “Seems like you always have a bottle of the Conundrum white blend in your fridge. Did I get it right?”

  Shoot. He really is trying to woo you.

  “You did get it right. I’m impressed, Wess,” she blushed.

  “Hey, I pay attention,” he argued.

  “I’m feeling slightly unworthy of all of this wooing, to be honest,” she shrugged.

  “No. No. No. You deserve way more. Way more than me, that’s for damn sure.”

  “Don’t say that. You’re perfect, Wesson.”

  He scoffed. “I am far from that, sweetheart.”

  “You stop. You’re perfect for me. I didn’t know it, but I am pretty sure I’ve been waiting all this time for you.”

  They stared into each other’s eyes. Something passed between them. An understanding? Was that the right word? It felt like a moment of understanding and freedom and love crackled through the air like radio waves. Love? Yeah. Love.

  “Uhhh,” Wesson interrupted the moment. “Mind if I run to my room real quick?” he asked.

  “Of course not!” she laughed nervously.

  “I’ll be right back. Please. Please do not go anywhere.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” she responded. He left the room. Molly had been at his place before. They’d had parties and she’d been invited. But she’d never had an opportunity to really look around. It was more than just a bachelor pad. It was more than just a flophouse for a bunch of hot cops. It had some style. The couch was nice. There were rugs on the floors and artwork on the walls. It was still masculine, but it wasn’t the stark, white walls and black furniture that she would have anticipated. The television was, of course, gigantic. But around the entertainment center were pictures of friends and family in nice frames. And there was Kobe Michael, lounging on the couch. She liked Wesson’s place. She was glad he had this to go home to every night.

  “Hey, kitty, kitty,” she cooed. Kobe Michael took one look at her and then laid his head back down and closed his eyes. “So much for impressing the cat,” Molly mumbled.

  Wesson walked back into the living room from his bedroom, his beer still in hand, and they locked eyes once again.

  Molly took a huge gulp of wine.

  Wesson took a swig of his beer as he walked toward her.

  Their eyes never once unlocked.

  She set her wine on the coffee table. Wesson set his beer next to it without once breaking eye contact.

  And then it happened. A rubber band snapped. Or something did. Because Molly suddenly found herself in Wesson’s arms, her arms wrapped around his neck, her hands in his hair, her mouth on his. His hands were on her ass. She was jumping up and wrapping her legs around his waist and he was carrying her to his room.

  It was dark. But it was lit by candles. Candles were everywhere. At least twenty candles surrounded a large bed with a strong, masculine headboard. Oh my god. He did this for you. It smelled like flowers and clean linen and birthday cake. The candles must be scented. She took a deep breath of the mixture.

  Holy crap.

  There were rose petals scattered all over the room.

  “Wesson,” she whispered. “Did you do this for me?”

  “I wanted this to be perfect for you. Sorry we’re not at a fancy hotel or fancy cabin in the woods.”

  She blew out a breath. “Stop. This is perfect. But this is a lot of pressure.”

  “Shhhhhh,” he whispered as he kissed her forehead. “There is absolutely zero pressure tonight. Swear to god. The second you want to stop, we’ll stop.”

  Molly nodded her head and smiled up at him. “Thank you, Wess.
This is so thoughtful and sweet.”

  Wesson shrugged. “Just want it to be a good memory for you. And me. I lost my virginity in the backseat of a car like a high school clique.” Molly assumed he meant cliché but she wasn’t about to interrupt this moment. “I want a good first time memory to share with you.”

  They walked toward the bed. Wesson grabbed a remote control on the nightstand and hit a button.


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